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Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping provides critical information to land and resource managers by incorporating information on climate, physiography, surficial material, soil, and vegetation structure. The main objective of this research was to determine the capacity of high spatial resolution satellite image data to discriminate vegetation structural stages in riparian and adjacent forested ecosystems as defined using the British Columbia Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping (TEM) scheme. A high spatial resolution QuickBird image, captured in June 2005, and coincident field data covering the riparian area of Lost Shoe Creek and adjacent forests on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, was used in this analysis. Semi-variograms were calculated to assess the separability of vegetation structural stages and assess which spatial scales were most appropriate for calculation of grey-level co-occurrence texture measures to maximize structural class separation. The degree of spatial autocorrelation showed that most vegetation structural types in the TEM scheme could be differentiated and that window sizes of 3 × 3 pixels and 11 × 11 pixels were most appropriate for image texture calculations. Using these window sizes, the texture analysis showed that co-occurrence contrast, dissimilarity, and homogeneity texture measures, based on the bands in the visible part of the spectrum, provided the most significant statistical differentiation between vegetation structural classes. Subsequently, an object-oriented classification algorithm was applied to spectral and textural transformations of the QuickBird image data to map the vegetation structural classes. Using both spectral and textural image bands yielded the highest classification accuracy (overall accuracy = 78.95%). The inclusion of image texture increased the classification accuracies of vegetation structure by 2-19%. The results show that information on vegetation structure can be mapped effectively from high spatial resolution satellite image data, providing an additional tool to ongoing aerial photograph interpretation.  相似文献   

Remote sensing based biomass estimates in Arctic areas are usually produced using coarse spatial resolution satellite imagery, which is incapable of capturing the fragmented nature of tundra vegetation communities. We mapped aboveground biomass using field sampling and very high spatial resolution (VHSR) satellite images (QuickBird, WorldView-2 and WorldView-3) in four different Arctic tundra or peatland sites with low vegetation located in Russia, Canada, and Finland. We compared site-specific and cross-site empirical regressions. First, we classified species into plant functional types and estimated biomass using easy, non-destructive field measurements (cover, height). Second, we used the cover/height-based biomass as the response variable and used combinations of single bands and vegetation indices in predicting total biomass. We found that plant functional type biomass could be predicted reasonably well in most cases using cover and height as the explanatory variables (adjusted R2 0.21–0.92), and there was considerable variation in the model fit when the total biomass was predicted with satellite spectra (adjusted R2 0.33–0.75). There were dissimilarities between cross-site and site-specific regression estimates in satellite spectra based regressions suggesting that the same regression should be used only in areas with similar kinds of vegetation. We discuss the considerable variation in biomass and plant functional type composition within and between different Arctic landscapes and how well this variation can be reproduced using VHSR satellite images. Overall, the usage of VHSR images creates new possibilities but to utilize them to full potential requires similarly more detailed in-situ data related to biomass inventories and other ecosystem change studies and modelling.  相似文献   

Very high resolution airborne video data were used to assess the optimal spatial resolution for mapping the land cover types occurring in the tropical savannas of northern Australia. Canopy cover and principal component images were extracted for four vegetation communities and investigated separately. Analysis of average variance in conjunction with a proposed visual analysis method proved more successful in establishing the optimal resolution than analysis of spatial autocorrelation using semivariograms. The optimal resolution was found to be dependent on the structure of the vegetation community as well as the image component under investigation. A resolution of between 20 and 27 m is optimal for all instances examined.  相似文献   

Mountain pine beetle red attack damage has been successfully detected and mapped using single-date high spatial resolution (< 4 m) satellite multi-spectral data. Forest managers; however, need to monitor locations for changes in beetle populations over time. Specifically, counts of individual trees attacked in successive years provide an indication of beetle population growth and dynamics. Surveys are typically used to estimate the ratio of green (current) attack trees to red (previous) attack trees or G:R. In this study, we estimate average stand-level G:R using a time-series of QuickBird multi-spectral and panchromatic satellite data, combined with field data for three forested stands near Merritt, British Columbia, Canada. Using a ratio of QuickBird red to green wavelengths (Red-Green Index or RGI), the change in RGI (ΔRGI) in successive image pairs is used to estimate red attack damage in 2004, 2005, and 2006, with true positive accuracies ranging from 89 to 93%. To overcome issues associated with differing viewing geometry and illumination angles that impair tracking of individual trees through time, segments are generated from the QuickBird multi-spectral data to identify small groups of trees. These segments then serve as the vehicle for monitoring changes in red attack damage over time. A local maxima filter is applied to the panchromatic data to estimate stem counts, thereby allowing an indication of the total stand population at risk of attack. By combining the red attack damage estimates with the local maxima stem counts, predictions are made of the number of attacked trees in a given year. Backcasting the current year's red attack damaged trees as the previous year's green attack facilitates the estimation of an average stand G:R. In this study area, these retrospective G:R values closely match those generated from field surveys. The results of this study indicate that a monitoring program using a time series of high spatial resolution remotely sensed data (multi-spectral and panchromatic) over select sample locations, could be used to estimate G:R over large areas, facilitating landscape level management strategies and/or providing a mechanism for assessing the efficacy of previously implemented strategies.  相似文献   

Exotic plant invasion is a major environmental and ecological concern and is a particular issue for Mediterranean-type ecosystems. Early detection of invasive plants is crucial for effective weed management. Several studies have explored hyperspectral imagery for mapping invasive plants with promising results. However, only a few extensive or comparative studies about image processing techniques for invasive plant detection have been reported, and even fewer studies have involved very high spatial and spectral resolution imagery. The primary goal of this study was to investigate the utility of very high spatial (0.5 m) and spectral (4 nm) resolution imagery and several classification approaches for detecting tamarisk (Tamarix spp.) infestations, the most problematic invasive plant species in the riparian habitats of southern California.Hierarchical clustering was a particularly effective and efficient statistical method for identifying wavebands and spectral transforms having the greatest discriminatory power. Products resulting from the classification of airborne hyperspectral image data varied by scene, input data type, classifier, and minimum patch size. Overall accuracy of image classification accuracy of products co-varied with commission error rates, such that products having strong agreement with reference data also had a high number of false detections. Integrating the findings from qualitative map analysis, areal proportion statistics, and object-based accuracy assessment indicates that the parallelepiped classifier with several narrow wavebands selected through hierarchical clustering yielded the most accurate and reliable tamarisk classification products.  相似文献   

Agricultural field boundary information is important and often required for the geosciences and the agricultural sector. In this paper, a novel method is developed to extract sub-boundaries within the permanent boundaries of agricultural land parcels from high-resolution optical satellite imagery using an improved cluster-based snake model. The method takes the advantage of the results of an automatic fuzzy c-means (FCM) clustering and edge detection to compute external forces for an improved gradient vector flow (GVF) snake model. The GVF snake algorithm is improved by using an automatic seeding model based on clustering results and image moment functions. To seed the improved GVF algorithm, an ellipse is automatically delineated for each cluster within agricultural parcel by utilizing image moment functions (in particular silhouette moments). The GVF snake model is then implemented for each seed, one seed at a time. Active contours tend to have curve shapes rather than straight lines due to their structure that consists of several connected nodes within each contour. Therefore, the final accurate results are obtained after performing a three-stage line simplification operation.

The experiments of the method were conducted on 20 test fields in a study area located near to the town of Karacabey, Turkey, using the 4-m resolution IKONOS multispectral (xs) image, the 2.44-m resolution QuickBird xs image, and the 0.61-m resolution QuickBird pan-sharpened (PS) image. Experimental results demonstrate that using both the clustering and edge detection results as external forces for the improved GVF snake model increases the accuracy of the results. In addition, the developed method showed a fairly good performance in extracting sub-boundaries for the fields comprising crops with an inherent high inner heterogeneity, such as rice and corn. The method can potentially be applied in the extraction of within-field sub-boundaries from high-resolution satellite imagery in agricultural areas.  相似文献   

A method for the combined correction of atmospheric and topographic effects has been developed. It accounts for horizontally varying atmospheric conditions and also includes the height dependence of the atmospheric radiance and transmittance functions to simulate the simplified properties of a threedimensional atmosphere. A Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is used to obtain information about surface elevation, slope, and orientation. Based on the Lambertian assumption the surface reflectance in rugged terrain is calculated. The method is restricted to high spatial resolution satellite sensors like Landsat TM and SPOT HRV, since some simplifying assumptions are being made to reduce the required image processing time. The possibilities and limitations of the method are critically discussed.  相似文献   

We present a technique to remove spatially varying haze contamination for high spatial resolution satellite imagery. This technique comprises three steps: haze detection, haze perfection and haze removal. Background Suppressed Haze Thickness Index (BSHTI) in haze detection is used to indicate relative haze thickness. ‘Fill sink’ and ‘flatten peak’ routines in haze perfection are applied to correct some spurious background effects. Virtual Cloud Point (VCP) method based on BSHTI is used in haze removal. Case study using two QuickBird images (hazy and clear) of Shenyang City in China proves the effectiveness of this technique except for those regions where haze is too thick. Comparison of the overlapped region between hazy and clear images using 76 paired polygon samples shows that squared correlation coefficient of each band between the two images becomes larger than 0.7. The advantages of this technique are that aerosol transparent bands are not needed and the technique is suitable for urban remote sensing.  相似文献   

We evaluated the performance of airborne HyperSpecTIR (HST) images for detecting and classifying the invasive riparian vegetation saltcedar along the Muddy River in Clark County, Nevada. HyperSpecTIR image reflectance spectra (227 bands, 450–2450 nm) were acquired for the following four vegetation covers: invasive saltcedar, native honey mesquite, grassland patches and crops. We compared five feature reduction approaches: band selection based on Jeffreys–Matusita distance, principal component analysis (PCA), minimum noise fraction (MNF), segmented principal component transform (SPCT) and segmented minimum noise fraction (SMNF). In addition, maximum likelihood (ML) and two spectral angle mapper (SAM) classifiers were applied to all extracted bands or features. Classification accuracies were compared among all classification approaches. Although the overall accuracy of maximal likelihood classifiers generally surpassed that of SAM classifiers, the highest overall accuracy was achieved by a SMNF-SAM combination with adjusted angular thresholds for classes. We concluded that high spectral and spatial resolution imagery can be used to detect and classify invasive saltcedar in this arid area.  相似文献   

Surface features such as furrows are here detected using high spatial resolution images such as those provided by IKONOS (pixel size 1 m?×?1 m in panchromatic mode) and WorldView-1 instruments (pixel size 0.5 m?×?0.5 m), through a new detection methodology based on image analysis. This methodology includes four different steps. First, segmentation of the whole image is performed in order to label each agricultural field individually. Then, for each field, mathematical morphological processes are applied (erosion followed by functional geodesic reconstruction) in order to enhance the image contrast. Then, an automatic thresholding process is applied to construct a binary image of the furrows or other features in the field. In order to reduce the noise due to the overlap between the classes of furrow and background, the a priori information that furrows are straight lines exhibiting regular patterns is introduced. The Hough transform is applied to detect straight lines (represented in polar coordinates) and furrow directions as accumulations on the angle axis in the Hough space. The proposed method was applied on a WorldView-1 image acquired over the Lokna catchment within the Plava watershed in Russia (around 180 km2) and validated against ground truth observations.  相似文献   

Feature-based methods have been developed in the past decades for the registration of optical satellite images. However, it is still a challenging problem to handle well the registration between medium and high spatial resolution images due to the large difference of the spatial structural features and local details for the same objects. In this study, an automated co-registration technique is proposed that integrates an improved SIFT (I-SIFT) and a novel matching strategy called spatial consistency constraints (SCC) to cope with the large difference in spatial resolutions between the image pair. Three constraints on angle, distance, and ratio are introduced to re the initial matching features obtained by I-SIFT. Three groups of experiments were conducted to validate the effectiveness of the proposed method. The experiments used high resolution multispectral and panoramic SPOT 5/6 images and Landsat 5/8 orthorectification images. Experimental results show that the registration error lies in about 1 pixel of high-resolution images and demonstrate that the proposed I-SIFT-SCC approach is suitable for fine registration of optical satellite images from medium spatial resolution to high spatial resolution with resolution ratio up to 6.  相似文献   

Plantation inventory and management require a range of fine-scale remote-sensing data. Remote-sensing images with high spatial and spectral resolution are an efficient source of such information. This article presents an approach to the extraction and counting of oil palm trees from high spatial resolution airborne imagery data. Counting oil palm trees is a crucial problem in specific agricultural areas, especially in Malaysia. The proposed scheme comprises six major parts: (1) discrimination of oil palms from non-oil palms using spectral analysis, (2) texture analysis, (3) edge enhancement, (4) segmentation process, (5) morphological analysis and (6) blob analysis. The average accuracy obtained was 95%, which indicates that high spatial resolution airborne imagery data with an appropriate assessment technique have the potential to provide us with vital information for oil palm plantation management. Information on the number of oil palm trees is crucial to the ability of plantation management to assess the value of the plantation and to monitor its production.  相似文献   

改进的标记分水岭遥感影像分割方法*   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在Meyer算法的基础上,提出一种改进的标记分水岭遥感影像分割方法,该方法针对高空间分辨率遥感影像的特点,依据梯度影像的分布特征自动提取合适的标记影像。浸没过程中,非标记像素按照梯度值由小到大进行处理,并使用正反两个队列记录当前处理的像素。实验证明,将该算法用于高分辨率遥感影像分割,不仅获得高质量的分割结果,而且具有极高的运行效率与空间利用效率。  相似文献   

Building detection in high spatial resolution optical remote sensing images is important for city planning, navigation, population estimation and many other applications. Although many methods have been proposed, building detection is still a challenging problem due to complex scenes and small or arbitrarily orientated buildings. Moreover, most algorithms detect rotated buildings with horizontal bounding boxes leading to many background pixels being preserved in the final detection, which is not beneficial for post-processing. To address these problems, we present the U-Rotation Detection Network (U-RDN), which can effectively detect buildings with arbitrarily orientated detection bounding boxes. First, the U-Rotation Region Proposal Network (U-RRPN) is proposed to generate rotated proposals through rotated anchors. Then, a Rotation Fast-Region Convolutional Neural Network (RFast-RCNN) is performed, which extracts fixed-size features from rotated proposals and utilizes them to obtain fine-detections. For extracting fixed-size features from rotated proposals, we propose Auto Mask Region-Of-Interest Align (AM-ROI Align). The AM-ROI Align not only reduces abundant noise but also preserves the proper information of an object in ROI. Experimental results using the public building dataset, SpaceNet, show that our method can detect buildings with skewed bounding boxes and has a state-of-the-art performance compared with other algorithms.  相似文献   

Tree crown size is a critical biophysical parameter that influences carbon, water and energy exchanges between forest ecosystems and the atmosphere. This study explores the potential of using spatial information of high resolution optical imagery in estimating mean tree crown diameter on a stand basis with an Ikonos image in the Blackwood Division of Duke Forest and its surrounding areas. The theory is based on the disc scene model that the ratio of image variances at two spatial resolutions is determined by the scene structure only. The mean tree crown diameter of a stand on the ground was estimated with a circular sampling plot made in the middle of the stand. The stands were then delineated in the panchromatic band of the Ikonos image. The relationship between mean tree crown diameter with image variance at a single spatial resolution, the ratio of image variances at two spatial resolutions, and the difference of image variances at two spatial resolutions were studied for conifer and hardwood stands, respectively. It was found that the ratio of image variances at 2 m and 3 m spatial resolutions best estimate conifer tree crown diameter (R 2 = 0.7282). Though the image variance at a single resolution and the difference of image variances at two spatial resolutions are also significantly correlated to conifer tree crown diameter, the R 2 is lower. Due to the continuity in canopy structure, the approach does not work well for hardwood stands.  相似文献   

This study used geographic object-based image analysis (GEOBIA) with very high spatial resolution (VHR) aerial imagery (0.3 m spatial resolution) to classify vegetation, channel and bare mud classes in a salt marsh. Three classification issues were investigated in the context of segmentation scale: (1) a comparison of single- and multi-scale GEOBIA using spectral bands, (2) the relative benefit of incorporating texture derived from the grey-level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) in classifying the salt marsh features in single- and multi-scale GEOBIA and (3) the effect of quantization level of GLCM texture in the context of multi-scale GEOBIA. The single-scale GEOBIA experiments indicated that the optimal segmentation was both class and scale dependent. Therefore, the single-scale approach produced an only moderately accurate classification for all marsh classes. A multi-scale approach, however, facilitated the use of multiple scales that allowed the delineation of individual classes with increased between-class and reduced within-class spectral variation. With only spectral bands used, the multi-scale approach outperformed the single-scale GEOBIA with an overall accuracy of 82% vs. 76% (Kappa of 0.71 vs. 0.62). The study demonstrates the potential importance of ancillary data, GLCM texture, to compensate for limited between-class spectral discrimination. For example, gains in classification accuracies ranged from 3% to 12% when the GLCM mean texture was included in the multi-scale GEOBIA. The multi-scale classification overall accuracy varied with quantization level of the GLCM texture matrix. A quantization level of 2 reduced misclassifications of channel and bare mud and generated a statistically higher classification than higher quantization levels. Overall, the multi-scale GEOBIA produced the highest classification accuracy. The multi-scale GEOBIA is expected to be a useful methodology for creating a seamless spatial database of marsh landscape features to be used for further geographic information system (GIS) analyses.  相似文献   

In this paper is investigated a methodology implementing an object-based approach to digital image classification using spectral and spatial attributes in a multiple-stage classifier structured as a binary tree. It is a well-established fact that object-based image classification is particularly appropriate when dealing with high spatial resolution image data. Following this approach, the image is initially segmented into objects that carry informational value. Next, spectral and spatial attributes are extracted from every object in the scene, and implemented into a classifier to produce a thematic map. As the combined number of spectral and spatial variables may become large compared to the number of available training samples, a reduction in the data dimensionality may be required whenever parametric classifiers are used, in order to mitigate the effects of the Hughes phenomenon. To this end the sequential feature selection (SFS) procedure is applied in a multiple-stage classifier structured as a binary tree. The advantage of a binary tree classifier lies in the fact that only one pair of classes is considered at each stage (node), allowing for an optimal selection of features. This proposed approach was tested using Quickbird image data covering an urban scene. The results are compared against results yielded by the traditional single-stage Gaussian maximum likelihood classifier. The results suggest the proposed methodology is adequate in the classification of high spatial resolution image data.  相似文献   

In using traditional digital classification algorithms, a researcher typically encounters serious issues in identifying urban land cover classes employing high resolution data. A normal approach is to use spectral information alone and ignore spatial information and a group of pixels that need to be considered together as an object. We used QuickBird image data over a central region in the city of Phoenix, Arizona to examine if an object-based classifier can accurately identify urban classes. To demonstrate if spectral information alone is practical in urban classification, we used spectra of the selected classes from randomly selected points to examine if they can be effectively discriminated. The overall accuracy based on spectral information alone reached only about 63.33%. We employed five different classification procedures with the object-based paradigm that separates spatially and spectrally similar pixels at different scales. The classifiers to assign land covers to segmented objects used in the study include membership functions and the nearest neighbor classifier. The object-based classifier achieved a high overall accuracy (90.40%), whereas the most commonly used decision rule, namely maximum likelihood classifier, produced a lower overall accuracy (67.60%). This study demonstrates that the object-based classifier is a significantly better approach than the classical per-pixel classifiers. Further, this study reviews application of different parameters for segmentation and classification, combined use of composite and original bands, selection of different scale levels, and choice of classifiers. Strengths and weaknesses of the object-based prototype are presented and we provide suggestions to avoid or minimize uncertainties and limitations associated with the approach.  相似文献   

A significant proportion of high spatial resolution imagery in urban areas can be affected by shadows. Considerable research has been conducted to investigate shadow detection and removal in remotely sensed imagery. Few studies, however, have evaluated how applications of these shadow detection and restoration methods can help eliminate the shadow problem in land cover classification of high spatial resolution images in urban settings. This paper presents a comparison study of three methods for land cover classification of shaded areas from high spatial resolution imagery in an urban environment. Method 1 combines spectral information in shaded areas with spatial information for shadow classification. Method 2 applies a shadow restoration technique, the linear-correlation correction method to create a “shadow-free” image before the classification. Method 3 uses multisource data fusion to aid in classification of shadows. The results indicated that Method 3 achieved the best accuracy, with overall accuracy of 88%. It provides a significantly better means for shadow classification than the other two methods. The overall accuracy for Method 1 was 81.5%, slightly but not significantly higher than the 80.5% from Method 2. All of the three methods applied an object-based classification procedure, which was critical as it provides an effective way to address the problems of radiometric difference and spatial misregistration associated with multisource data fusion (Method 3), and to incorporate thematic spatial information (Method 1).  相似文献   

This article compares the performance of three algorithms representative of published methods for tree crown detection and delineation from high spatial resolution imagery, and demonstrates a standardized accuracy assessment framework. The algorithms – watershed segmentation, region growing and valley-following – were tested on softwood and hardwood sites using Emerge natural colour vertical aerial imagery with 60 cm ground sampled distance and QuickBird panchromatic imagery with an 11? look angle. The evaluation considered both plot-level and individual tree crown detection and delineation results. The study shows that while all three methods reasonably delineate crowns in the softwood stand on the Emerge image, region growing provided the highest accuracies, with producer's and user's accuracy for tree detection reaching 70% and root mean square error for crown diameter estimation of 15%. Crown detection accuracies were lower on the QuickBird image. No algorithm proved accurate for the hardwood stand on either image set (both producer's and user's accuracies < 30%).  相似文献   

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