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The benthic seabeds and seagrass ecosystems, in particular the vulnerable Posidonia oceanica (PO), are increasingly threatened by climate change and other anthropogenic pressures. Along the 8000 km coastline of Italy, they are often poorly mapped and monitored to properly evaluate their health status. Thus to support these monitoring needs, the improved capabilities of the Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) Earth Observation (EO) satellite system were tested for PO mapping by coupling its atmospherically corrected multispectral data with near-synchronous sea truth information. Two different approaches for the necessary atmospheric correction were exploited focusing on the Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) and adjacency noise effects, which typically occur at land–sea interfaces. The general achievements demonstrated the effectiveness of High Resolution (HR) spectral responses captured by OLI sensor, for monitoring seagrass and sea beds in the optically complex Tyrrhenian shallow waters, with performance level dependent on the type of applied atmospheric pre-processing. The distribution of the PO leaf area index (LAI) on different substrates has been most effectively modelled using on purpose developed spectral indices. They were based on the coastal and blue-green OLI bands, atmospherically corrected using a recently introduced method for AOD retrieval, based on the Short Wave Infrared (SWIR) reflectance. The alternative correction method including a less effective AOD assessment but the removal of adjacency effects has proven its efficacy for improving the thematic discriminability of the seabed types characterized by different PO cover–substrate combinations.  相似文献   

Leaf area index (LAI) has been associated with vegetation productivity and evapotranspiration in mathematical models. At a regional level LAI can be estimated with enough accuracy through spectral vegetation indices (SVIs), derived from remote sensing imagery. However, there are few studies showing LAI–SVI relationships in subtropical regions. The aim of this work was to examine the relationship between LAI and SVIs in a subtropical rural watershed (in Piracicaba, State of Sa?o Paulo, Brazil), for different land covers, and to use the best relationship to generate a LAI map for the watershed. LAI was measured with a LAI-2000 instrument in 32 plots on the field in areas of sugar cane, pasture, corn, eucalypt, and riparian forest. The SVIs studied were Simple Ratio (SR), Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), and Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI), calculated from Landsat-7 ETM+ data. The results showed LAI values ranging from 0.47 to 4.48. LAI–SVI relationships were similar for all vegetation types, and the potential model gave the best fit. It was observed that LAI–NDVI correlation (r 2=0.72) was not statistically different from LAI–SR correlation (r 2=0.70). The worst correlation was obtained by LAI–SAVI (r 2=0.56). A map was generated for the study area using the LAI–NDVI relationship. This was the first LAI map for the region.  相似文献   

In this study, the response of vegetation indices (VIs) to the seasonal patterns and spatial distribution of the major vegetation types encountered in the Brazilian Cerrado was investigated. The Cerrado represents the second largest biome in South America and is the most severely threatened biome as a result of rapid land conversions. Our goal was to assess the capability of VIs to effectively monitor the Cerrado and to discriminate among the major types of Cerrado vegetation. A full hydrologic year (1995) of composited AVHRR, local area coverage (LAC) data was converted to Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI) values. Temporal extracts were then made over the major Cerrado vegetation communities. Both the NDVI and SAVI temporal profiles corresponded well to the phenological patterns of the natural and converted vegetation formations and depicted three major categories encompassing the savanna formations and pasture sites, the forested areas, and the agricultural crops. Secondary differences in the NDVI and SAVI temporal responses were found to be related to their unique interactions with sun-sensor viewing geometries. An assessment of the functional behaviour of the VIs confirmed SAVI responds primarily to NIR variations, while the NDVI showed a strong dependence on the red reflectance. Based on these results, we expect operational use of the MODIS Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) to provide improved discrimination and monitoring capability of the significant Cerrado vegetation types.  相似文献   

Satellite technology provides a steadily improving capability to monitor surface land use and vegetation. However, the increasing number of satellite sensors has led to a variety of spectral indices which may be used to characterize vegetation. A basis is developed for comparing results from different sensors using instrument calibration coefficients, and the derived radiances are related to reflectances, principal component variables such as greenness, and spectral vegetation indices.  相似文献   

Vegetation indices are valuable in many fields of geosciences. Conventional, visible-near infrared, indices are often limited by the effects of atmosphere, background soil conditions, and saturation at high levels of vegetation. In this study, we will establish the theoretical basis for our new passive microwave vegetation indices (MVIs) based on data from the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR-E) on the Aqua satellite. Through the analysis of numerical simulations by surface emission model, the Advanced Integral Equation Model (AIEM), we found that bare soil surface emissivities at different frequencies can be characterized by a linear function with parameters that are dependent on the pair of frequencies used. This makes it possible to minimize the surface emission signal and maximize the vegetation signal when using multi-frequency radiometer measurements. Using a radiative transfer model (ωτ model), a linear relationship between the brightness temperatures observed at two adjacent radiometer frequencies can be derived. The intercept and slope of this linear function depend only on vegetation properties and can be used as vegetation indices. These can be derived from the dual-frequency and dual-polarization satellite measurements under assumption that there is no significant impact of the polarization dependence on the vegetation signals. To demonstrate the potential of the new microwave vegetation indices, we compared them with the Normalized Difference of Vegetation Index (NDVI) derived using MODIS the optical sensor at continental and global scales. The major purpose of this paper is to describe the concept and techniques involved in these newly developed MVIs and explore the general relationships between these MVIs and NDVI. In this first investigation, the information content of NDVI and MVIs, both are qualitative indices, was compared by examining its response in global pattern and to seasonal vegetation phenology. The results indicate that the MVIs can provide significant new information since the microwave measurements are sensitive not only to the leafy part of vegetation properties but also to the properties of the overall vegetation canopy when the microwave sensor can “see” through it. In combination with conventional optical sensor derived vegetation indices, they provide a possible complementary dataset for monitoring global short vegetation and seasonal phenology from space.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with the relevance of spectral and textural indices to surficial deposits identification and mapping. The study area is located in the Cochabamba valley in central Bolivia. Potential of SPOT‐4, Landsat‐7 and Radarsat‐1 data were compared for surficial deposits mapping. Different spectral indices including NDVI (normalized difference vegetation index) and TSAVI (transformed soil adjusted vegetation index) and textural features (mean, standard deviation, angular second moment, entropy, etc.) were extracted from these datasets and used in the mapping process. The results showed that indices exhibit different level of sensitivities according to surficial deposit types. A discriminant analysis was conducted to extract the most significant indices, which were then used in a three‐step linear combination mathematical model to map surficial deposits. We achieved an overall classification rate of 74% using spectral data of land use map in step 1. By adding information on vegetation and soils obtained from evaluation of spectral indices, this rate was improved to 82% during step 2. Finally, it was further slightly improved to 83% by adding textural data in the final step.  相似文献   

The relationships between satellite-derived vegetation indices (VIs) and soil moisture are complicated because of the time lag of the vegetation response to soil moisture. In this study, we used a distributed lag regression model to evaluate the lag responses of VIs to soil moisture for grasslands and shrublands at Soil Climate Analysis Network sites in the central and western United States. We examined the relationships between Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)-derived VIs and soil moisture measurements. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) showed significant lag responses to soil moisture. The lag length varies from 8 to 56 days for NDVI and from 16 to 56 days for NDWI. However, the lag response of NDVI and NDWI to soil moisture varied among the sites. Our study suggests that the lag effect needs to be taken into consideration when the VIs are used to estimate soil moisture.  相似文献   


Two approaches could be utilized to derive the vegetation health indices from recently launched Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) sensor with the goal to maintain the consistency with the long-term Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) vegetation health products. One approach is to convert VIIRS Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)/brightness temperature (BT) to AVHRR, as the first version. The other is to derive long-term pixel-based VIIRS climatology without converting at NDVI/BT level. The second version of products, derived from the new VIIRS pseudo long-term climatology as presented in this article, can trace the signature of the long-term AVHRR vegetation health products quite well, in terms of histogram, correlation coefficients, time series, and so on. The extended products with higher resolutions also perform as expected, indicating that the constructed long-term high-resolution climatology is reasonable. The third version of the products, based on VIIRS real long-term climatology, still needs many years to develop.  相似文献   

Regional mapping of gross light-use efficiency using MODIS spectral indices   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Direct estimation of photosynthetic light-use efficiency (LUE) from space would be of significant benefit to LUE-based models which use inputs from remote sensing to estimate terrestrial productivity. The Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI) has shown promise in tracking LUE at the leaf- to small canopy levels, but its use at regional to global scales still remains a challenge. In this study, we used different formulations of PRI calculated from the MODIS ocean band centered at 531 nm and a set of alternative reference bands at 488, 551, and 678 nm to explore the relationship between PRI and LUE where LUE was measured at eight eddy covariance flux towers located in the boreal forest of Saskatchewan, Canada. The magnitude and variability of LUE was significantly lower at the times when useful MODIS ocean band images were available (i.e. around midday under clear-sky conditions) relative to the rest of the growing season. PRI678 (reference band at 678 nm) showed the strongest relationship (r2 = 0.70) with LUE90a (i.e. 90-minute mean LUE calculated using Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation, APAR), but only when all sites were combined. Overall, the relationships between the MODIS PRIs and LUE90a were always stronger for observations closer to the backscatter direction and there were no significant differences in the strength of the correlations whether LUE was calculated based on incident PAR or on APAR. Predictions of ecosystem photosynthesis at the time of the MODIS overpasses were significantly improved by multiplying either PAR or APAR by MODIS PRI (r2 improved from 0.09 to 0.44 and 0.54 depending on the PRI formulation).We used our PRI-LUE model to create a regional LUE90a map for the three cover types covering 47,500 km2 around the flux sites. The MODIS PRI-derived LUE90a map appeared to capture more realistic spatial heterogeneity of LUE across the landscape compared to a daily LUE map derived using the look-up table in the MODIS GPP (MOD17) algorithm. While our LUE map is only a snapshot of minimum regional LUE90a values, with appropriate gap-filling methods it could be used to improve regional-scale monitoring of GPP. Moreover, the strong relationship between midday and daily LUE on clear days (r2 = 0.93) indicates that instantaneous MODIS observations of LUE90a could be used to estimate daily LUE. Finally, pixel shadow fraction from the 5-Scale geometric-optical model was closely related to both MODIS PRI and tower-derived LUE suggesting that differences in stand leaf area and in diffuse illumination among flux sites play a role in the relationship we observed between LUE and MODIS PRI.  相似文献   

A great number of spectral vegetation indices (VIs) have been developed to estimate biophysical parameters of vegetation. Traditional techniques for evaluating the performance of VIs are regression-based statistics, such as the coefficient of determination and root mean square error. These statistics, however, are not capable of quantifying the detailed relationship between VIs and biophysical parameters because the sensitivity of a VI is usually a function of the biophysical parameter instead of a constant. To better quantify this relationship, we developed a “sensitivity function” for measuring the sensitivity of a VI to biophysical parameters. The sensitivity function is defined as the first derivative of the regression function, divided by the standard error of the dependent variable prediction. The function elucidates the change in sensitivity over the range of the biophysical parameter. The Student's t- or z-statistic can be used to test the significance of VI sensitivity. Additionally, we developed a “relative sensitivity function” that compares the sensitivities of two VIs when the biophysical parameters are unavailable.  相似文献   

Vegetation mapping of plant communities at fine spatial scales is increasingly supported by remote sensing technology. However, combining ecological ground truth information and remote sensing datasets for mapping approaches is complicated by the complexity of ecological datasets. In this study, we present a new approach that uses high spatial resolution hyperspectral datasets to map vegetation units of a semiarid rangeland in Central Namibia. Field vegetation surveys provide the input to the workflow presented in this study. The collected data were classified by hierarchical cluster analysis into seven vegetation units that reflect different ecological states occurring in the study area. Spectral indices covering vegetation and soil characteristics were calculated from hyperspectral remote sensing imagery and used as environmental variables in a constrained ordination by applying redundancy analysis (RDA). The resulting statistical relationships between vegetation data and spectral indices were transferred into images of ordination axes, which were subsequently used in a supervised fuzzy c-means classification approach relying on a k-NN distance metric. Membership images for each vegetation unit as well as a confusion image of the classification result allowed a sound ecological interpretation of the resulting hard classification map. Classification results were validated with two independent reference datasets. For an internal and external validation dataset, overall accuracy reached 98% and 64% with kappa values of 0.98 and 0.53, respectively. Critical steps during the mapping workflow were highlighted and compared with similar mapping approaches.  相似文献   


This article introduces a mathematical model for photogrammetric processing of linear array stereo images acquired by high-resolution satellite imaging systems such as IKONOS. The experimental result of the generation of simulated IKONOS stereo images based on photogrammetric principles, IKONOS imaging geometry and a set of georeferenced aerial images is presented. An accuracy analysis of ground points derived from the simulated IKONOS stereo images is performed. The impact of the number of GCPs (ground control points), distribution of GCPs, and image measurement errors on the ground point accuracy is investigated. It is concluded that an accuracy of ground coordinates from 2 m to 3 m is attainable with GCPs, and 5 m to 12 m without GCPs. Two data sets of HRSC (high resolution stereo camera) and MOMS (modular opto-electronic multispectral stereo-scanner)-2P are also utilized to test the model and system. The presented data processing method is a key to the generation of mapping products such as digital terrain models (DEM) and digitial shorelines from high-resolution satellite images.  相似文献   

A great number of spectral vegetation indices (SVIs) have been developed to estimate key biophysical parameters such as leaf area index (LAI). Considerable interest is often given to the local optimization, performance analysis and sensitivity of each spectral band and SVI for LAI estimation given that several confounding factors are present. In this regard, inclusion of shortwave infrared (SWIR) reflectance in traditionally near-infrared (NIR)-red (R)-based SVIs has played a great role for local optimization and increased sensitivity of SVIs to LAI. This study presents the enhanced and normalized sensitivity functions for evaluating (1) the sensitivity of each spectral band and SVI to LAI and (2) the generic performance analysis of empirical model to estimate LAI based on the SVIs. Several alternatives for three-band (NIR-R-SWIR) SVI modifications have been recommended and proven to be simplistic and unbiased way of local optimization.  相似文献   

Multi-temporal satellite imagery can provide valuable information on the patterns of vegetation growth over large spatial extents and long time periods, but corresponding ground-referenced biomass information is often difficult to acquire, especially at an annual scale. In this study, we test the relationship between annual biomass estimated using shrub growth rings and metrics of seasonal growth derived from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) spectral vegetation indices (SVIs) for a small area of southern California chaparral to evaluate the potential for mapping biomass at larger spatial extents. These SVIs are related to the fraction of photosynthetically active radiation absorbed by the plant canopy, which varies throughout the growing season and is correlated with net primary productivity. The site had most recently burned in 2002, and annual biomass accumulation measurements were available from years 5 to 11 post-fire. We tested the metrics of seasonal growth using six SVIs: normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), enhanced vegetation index (EVI), soil adjusted vegetation index (SAVI), normalized difference water index (NDWI), normalized difference infrared index 6 (NDII6), and vegetation atmospherically resistant index (VARI). Several of the seasonal growth metrics/SVI combinations exhibit a very strong relationship with annual biomass, and all SVIs show a strong relationship with annual biomass (R2 for base value time series metric ranging from 0.45 to 0.89). Although additional research is required to determine which of these metrics and SVIs are the most promising over larger spatial extents, this approach shows potential for mapping early post-fire biomass accumulation in chaparral at regional scales.  相似文献   

Optimal sampling design for collecting ground data is critical in order to accurately map vegetation cover using remotely sensed data. Traditional simple random sampling often leads to a duplication of information and to a larger sample than is required. An optimal sampling grid spacing based on regionalized variable theory can greatly reduce the number of sample plots needed given a precision level for a study area. However, this method requires a set of ground data that exists or can be obtained via a pilot survey in order to derive a semivariogram for measuring the spatial variability of the variable of interest. In this study, we first developed a method to estimate the semivariogram of a ground or primary variable—vegetation cover from remotely sensed data instead of ground data—and then used it for determining optimal grid spacing for sampling the primary variable. The method developed can avoid the need for a pilot survey to obtain a ground dataset that has a good spatial distribution of plots and can be used to calculate the unbiased semivariogram of the ground variable when unbiased historical data are not available. This can reduce the total cost of collection of ground data. The accuracy of mapping vegetation cover based on this approach was compared to that generated with simple random sampling. A simple sensitivity analysis was conducted. The results show that this new method is very promising for determining optimal sampling grid spacing for estimating regional averages. When it is applied to determining sampling grid spacing for local estimation, a high correlation between vegetation cover and spectral variables is required.  相似文献   

Mangrove forests in the western Waitemata Harbour, Auckland, New Zealand were mapped into lush and stunted categories from SPOT HRV and Landsat TM images at 10, 20 and 30m using the maximum likelihood method. It was found that the TM-generated results were the most accurate at 95% for lush mangroves and 87.5% for stunted mangroves. Their corresponding accuracy levels were lowered to 77.5% and 67.5% in the 20m SPOT XS-derived results. Both percentages were improved to 80 after the PAN band was incorporated in the classification at 10m. These results suggest that a high spectral resolution is more important in accurately mapping mangroves in a temperate zone than a fine spatial resolution because it enhances the interpretability of non-mangrove vegetation and thus increases its confusion with mangroves.  相似文献   


The fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (FPAR) by the vegetation canopy (FPARcanopy) is an important parameter for vegetation productivity estimation using remote-sensing data. FPARcanopy is widely estimated using many different spectral vegetation indices (VIs), especially the simple ratio vegetation index (SR) and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI). However, there have been few studies into which VIs are most suitable for this estimation or into their sensitivities to the leaf area index and the observation geometry of remote-sensing data, which are very important for the accurate estimation of FPARcanopy based on the plant growth stage and satellite imagery. In this study, nine main VIs calculated from field-measured spectra were evaluated and it was found that the SR and NDVI underestimated and overestimated FPARcanopy, respectively. It was also found that the enhanced vegetation index produced lesser errors and a higher agreement than other broadband VIs used to estimate FPARcanopy. Among all the selected VIs, the photochemical reflectance index (PRI) turned out to have the lowest root mean square error of 0.17. The SR produced the highest errors (about 0.37) and lowest index of agreement (about 0.50) compared to the measured values of FPARcanopy. Except for carotenoid reflectance index (CRI), FPARcanopy estimated by VIs are evidently sensitive to the leaf area index (LAI), especially for FPARcanopy (SR), which are also most sensitive to solar zenith angles (SZA). SR, CRI, PRI, and EVI have remarked variations with view zenith angles. Our study shows that FPARcanopy can be simply and accurately estimated using the most suitable VIs – i.e. EVI and PRI – with broadband and hyperspectral remote-sensing data, respectively, and that the nadir reflectance or nadir bidirectional reflectance distribution function adjusted reflectance should be used to calculate these VIs.  相似文献   

This article examines the possibility of exploiting ground reflectance in the near-infrared (NIR) for monitoring grassland phytomass on a temporal basis. Three new spectral vegetation indices (infrared slope index, ISI; normalized infrared difference index, NIDI; and normalized difference structural index, NDSI), which are based on the reflectance values in the H25 (863–881 nm) and the H18 (745–751 nm) Chris Proba (mode 5) bands, are proposed. Ground measurements of hyperspectral reflectance and phytomass were made at six grassland sites in the Italian and Austrian mountains using a hand-held spectroradiometer. At full canopy cover, strong saturation was observed for many traditional vegetation indices (normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), modified simple ratio (MSR), enhanced vegetation index (EVI), enhanced vegetation index 2 (EVI 2), renormalized difference vegetation index (RDVI), wide dynamic range vegetation index (WDRVI)). Conversely, ISI and NDSI were linearly related to grassland phytomass with negligible inter-annual variability. The relationships between both ISI and NDSI and phytomass were however site specific. The WinSail model indicated that this was mostly due to grassland species composition and background reflectance. Further studies are needed to confirm the usefulness of these indices (e.g. using multispectral specific sensors) for monitoring vegetation structural biophysical variables in other ecosystem types and to test these relationships with aircraft and satellite sensors data. For grassland ecosystems, we conclude that ISI and NDSI hold great promise for non-destructively monitoring the temporal variability of grassland phytomass.  相似文献   

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