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Terrestrial biosphere carbon dynamics are the most uncertain elements of the global carbon budget. Carbon stocks estimated using spatially extensive remote sensing are crucial in reducing this uncertainty, and using these stocks as initial conditions to biosphere models can improve carbon flux predictions beyond the site level. Yet remote-sensing data are not always consistently available for large regions, so methods assessing carbon uncertainty using data sources in one location may not be transferable to another. This study assesses the use of multiple-source data from lidar, radar, imaging spectroscopy, and national forest inventories to derive forest structure and composition necessary to initialise the Ecosystem Demography model (ED2), and hence evaluate short-term carbon flux uncertainty over Harvard Forest, Massachusetts. ED2 was initialized using forest structure and composition derived from lidar and national forest inventories, radar and national forest inventories, lidar and imaging spectroscopy, and radar and imaging spectroscopy resulting in net ecosystem productivity uncertainty of 26.3%, 41.9%, 19.6%, and 20.2%, respectively, compared to ground-based forest inventory initializations. This study uniquely offers a multitude of methods to estimate forest ecosystem state, with resulting carbon uncertainties, transferable to regions with potentially different data availability. Furthermore, in preparation for satellite radar, lidar, and imaging spectrometer, this study highlights the importance of combining techniques deriving forest structure and composition at different scales, binding regional to potentially global carbon-fluxes with remote sensing, reducing this uncertainty source in global climate models.  相似文献   

Ecosystem models can be used to estimate potential net primary production (pNPP) using GIS data, and remote sensing input of actual forest leaf area to such models can provide estimates of current actual net primary production (aNPP) . Comparisons of pNPP and aNPP for a given site or regional landscape can be used to identify forest stands for different management treatments, and may provide new information on wildlife habitat, forest diversity and growth characteristics. Leaf area estimates may be obtained from satellite imagery through correlation with physiologically-based vegetation indices such as the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). However, in areas with high Leaf Area Index (LAI), vegetation indices usually saturate at leaf areas greater than about 4. In predominantly deciduous (hardwood) and mixedwood stands remote sensing estimates may be influenced by understory and other factors. We examined digital Landsat TM imagery and GIS data in the Fundy Model Forest of southeastern New Brunswick to determine relations to forest leaf area index within different stand structures or covertypes. The image data were stratified using GIS covertype information prior to development of LAI predictive equations using spectral reflectance, and the prediction of LAI from Landsat TM imagery was improved with reference to estimates of stem density which are standard forest inventory information contained in GIS databases. Actual stand LAI was compared to assumed maximum LAI values for several species and sites using an ecosystem process model (BIOME-BGC) which relies on climate, soils and topographic information also obtained from the GIS. Subsequent comparison of pNPP and aNPP revealed that even disturbed sites in this environment can reach close to maximum site potential. Specific sites with suboptimal species composition were identified. A future refinement of this approach is to classify the imagery independently of the GIS, which assumes a homogeneous covertype for each polygon in the system, and thus improve still further the aNPP estimates through higher covertype and LAI estimation accuracy.  相似文献   

The use of airborne laser scanning systems (lidar) to describe forest structure has increased dramatically since height profiling experiments nearly 30 years ago. The analyses in most studies employ a suite of frequency-based metrics calculated from the lidar height data, which are systematically eliminated from a full model using stepwise multiple linear regression. The resulting models often include highly correlated predictors with little physical justification for model formulation. We propose a method to aggregate discrete lidar height and intensity measurements into larger footprints to create “pseudo-waves”. Specifically, the returns are first sorted into height bins, sliced into narrow discrete elements, and finally smoothed using a spline function. The resulting “pseudo-waves” have many of the same characteristics of traditional waveform lidar data. We compared our method to a traditional frequency-based method to estimate tree height, canopy structure, stem density, and stand biomass in coniferous and deciduous stands in northern Wisconsin (USA). We found that the pseudo-wave approach had strong correlations for nearly all tree measurements including height (cross validated adjusted R2 (R2cv) = 0.82, RMSEcv = 2.09 m), mean stem diameter (R2cv = 0.64, RMSEcv = 6.15 cm), total aboveground biomass (R2cv = 0.74, RMSEcv = 74.03 kg ha− 1), and canopy coverage (R2cv = 0.79, RMSEcv = 5%). Moreover, the type of wave (derived from height and intensity or from height alone) had little effect on model formulation and fit. When wave-based and frequency-based models were compared, fit and mean square error were comparable, leading us to conclude that the pseudo-wave approach is a viable alternative because it has 1) an increased breadth of available metrics; 2) the potential to establish new meaningful metrics that capture unique patterns within the waves; 3) the ability to explain metric selection based on the physical structure of forests; and 4) lower correlation among independent variables.  相似文献   

MODIS primary production products (MOD17) are the first regular, near-real-time data sets for repeated monitoring of vegetation primary production on vegetated land at 1-km resolution at an 8-day interval. But both the inconsistent spatial resolution between the gridded meteorological data and MODIS pixels, and the cloud-contaminated MODIS FPAR/LAI (MOD15A2) retrievals can introduce considerable errors to Collection4 primary production (denoted as C4 MOD17) results. Here, we aim to rectify these problems through reprocessing key inputs to MODIS primary vegetation productivity algorithm, resulting in improved Collection5 MOD17 (here denoted as C5 MOD17) estimates. This was accomplished by spatial interpolation of the coarse resolution meteorological data input and with temporal filling of cloud-contaminated MOD15A2 data. Furthermore, we modified the Biome Parameter Look-Up Table (BPLUT) based on recent synthesized NPP data and some observed GPP derived from some flux tower measurements to keep up with the improvements in upstream inputs. Because MOD17 is one of the down-stream MODIS land products, the performance of the algorithm can be largely influenced by the uncertainties from upstream inputs, such as land cover, FPAR/LAI, the meteorological data, and algorithm itself. MODIS GPP fits well with GPP derived from 12 flux towers over North America. Globally, the 3-year MOD17 NPP is comparable to the Ecosystem Model-Data Intercomparison (EMDI) NPP data set, and global total MODIS GPP and NPP are inversely related to the observed atmospheric CO2 growth rates, and MEI index, indicating MOD17 are reliable products. From 2001 to 2003, mean global total GPP and NPP estimated by MODIS are 109.29 Pg C/year and 56.02 Pg C/year, respectively. Based on this research, the improved global MODIS primary production data set is now ready for monitoring ecological conditions, natural resources and environmental changes.  相似文献   

A capability to remotely measure the vertical and spatial distribution of forest structure is required for more accurate modeling of energy, carbon, water, and climate over regional, continental, and global scales. We examined the potential of using a multi-angle spectral sensor to predict forest vertical structure as measured by an airborne lidar system. Data were acquired from AirMISR (Airborne Multi-Angle Imaging Spectrometer) and airborne LVIS (Laser Vegetation Imaging Sensor) for a 7000 ha study site near Howland Maine, consisting of small plantations, multi-generation clearings and large natural forest stands. The LVIS data set provided a relatively direct measure of forest vertical structure at a fine scale (20 m diameter footprints). Multivariate linear regression and neural network models were developed to predict the LVIS forest energy height measures from 28 AirMISR multi-angle spectral radiance values. The best model accurately predicted the maximum canopy height (as measured from LVIS) using AirMISR data (rmse = 0.92 m, R2 = 0.89). The models developed in this study achieved high accuracies over a study site with an elaborate patchwork of forest communities with exceptional diversity in forest structure. We conclude that models using MISR-like data are capable of accurately predicting the vertical structure of forest canopies.  相似文献   

Understanding a disturbance regime such as gap dynamics requires that we study its spatial and temporal characteristics. However, it is still difficult to observe and measure canopy gaps extensively in both space and time using field measurements or bi-dimensional remote sensing images, particularly in open and patchy boreal forests. In this study, we investigated the feasibility of using small footprint lidar to map boreal canopy gaps of sizes ranging from a few square meters to several hectares. Two co-registered canopy height models (CHMs) of optimal resolution were created from lidar datasets acquired respectively in 1998 and 2003. Canopy gaps were automatically delineated using an object-based technique with an accuracy of 96%. Further, combinatorics was applied on the two CHMs and the delineated gaps to provide information on the area of old and new gaps, gap expansions, new random gap openings, gap closure due to lateral growth of adjacent vegetation or due to vertical growth of regeneration. The results obtained establish lidar as an excellent tool for rapidly acquiring detailed and spatially extensive short-term dynamics of canopy gaps.  相似文献   

Accurate forest carbon accounting forms a basis for promoting the development of ecosystem service markets including forest carbon sinks. However, carbon assessments over large forest areas are challenging. Difficulties are compounded by the lack of adequate field observations especially in mountainous regions. In this study, we describe the development of a two-phase sampling framework to evaluate regional aboveground carbon density (ACD) of subalpine temperate forests in northwestern China that includes integrating ground plots, airborne lidar metrics, and Landsat images. During the first phase, an accurate, lidar-derived, ACD inventory network of a representative forested zone (Dayekou Basin) was established on the basis of a modified allometric model by adding crown coverage (CC) as a supplementary variable; cross-validated R2 was 0.88 and root mean square error (RMSE) was 14.7 Mg C ha?1. The outcomes of this step enabled the extension of quasi-field plots required for the representative carbon evaluations and the amplification of the range of observed values. Further integration of lidar measures and optical Landsat data by using the partial least squares regression (PLSR) method was conducted in the subsequent phase. The final model developed for broad-scale estimates explained 76% of the variance in forest ACD and produced a mean bias error of 27.9 Mg C ha?1. Aboveground carbon stocks for the whole ecoregion averaged 77.2 Mg ha?1, which generated an uncertainty of 13%. Visual patterns revealed a systematic overestimation for low ACD values and an underestimation in those regions with high carbon density. Potential errors in our carbon estimates could be associated with the saturation of optical signals, accuracy of land-cover map, and effects of topographic conditions. Overall, the double-sampling method demonstrated promising means for carbon accounting over large areas in a spatially-explicit manner and provided a good first approximation of carbon quantities for the forests in the ecoregion. Our study illustrated the potential for the use of lidar sampling in facilitating scaling of field surveys to a larger spatial extent than ground-based practices by supplying accurate biophysical measurements (e.g. heights).  相似文献   

The current paper describes the development and testing of a procedure which can use widely available remotely sensed and ancillary data to assess large-scale patterns of forest productivity in Italy. To reach this objective a straightforward model (C-Fix) was applied which is based on the relationship between photosynthetically active radiation absorbed by plant canopies and relevant gross primary productivity (GPP). The original C-Fix methodology was improved by using more abundant ancillary information and more efficient techniques for NDVI data processing. In particular, two extraction methods were applied to NDVI data, derived from two sensors (NOAA-AVHRR and SPOT-VGT) to feed C-Fix. The accuracy of the model outputs was assessed through comparison with annual and monthly values of forest GPP derived from eight eddy covariance flux towers. The results obtained indicated the superiority of SPOT-VGT over NOAA-AVHRR data and a higher efficiency of the more advanced NDVI extraction method. Globally, the procedure was proved to be of easy and objective implementation and allowed the evaluation of mean productivity levels of existing forests on the national scale.  相似文献   

Net ecosystem exchange (NEE) of CO2 between the atmosphere and forest ecosystems is determined by gross primary production (GPP) of vegetation and ecosystem respiration. CO2 flux measurements at individual CO2 eddy flux sites provide valuable information on the seasonal dynamics of GPP. In this paper, we developed and validated the satellite-based Vegetation Photosynthesis Model (VPM), using site-specific CO2 flux and climate data from a temperate deciduous broadleaf forest at Harvard Forest, Massachusetts, USA. The VPM model is built upon the conceptual partitioning of photosynthetically active vegetation and non-photosynthetic vegetation (NPV) within the leaf and canopy. It estimates GPP, using satellite-derived Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI), Land Surface Water Index (LSWI), air temperature and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). Multi-year (1998-2001) data analyses have shown that EVI had a stronger linear relationship with GPP than did the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). Two simulations of the VPM model were conducted, using vegetation indices from the VEGETATION (VGT) sensor onboard the SPOT-4 satellite and the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor onboard the Terra satellite. The predicted GPP values agreed reasonably well with observed GPP of the deciduous broadleaf forest at Harvard Forest, Massachusetts. This study highlighted the biophysical performance of improved vegetation indices in relation to GPP and demonstrated the potential of the VPM model for scaling-up of GPP of deciduous broadleaf forests.  相似文献   

Large-footprint waveform light detection and ranging (lidar) data have been widely used in above-ground forest biomass estimation. Waveform metrics derived from basic statistics (e.g. percentile of energy) of the lidar waveform, such as canopy height and height of median energy, have been applied to biomass estimation in numerous studies. In this study, a set of metrics based on Gaussian decomposition (GD) results were developed and evaluated for forest above-ground biomass estimation using NASA’s laser vegetation imaging sensor (LVIS) data. The GD metrics were designed to explicitly incorporate lidar intensity and vertical structures of canopy layers for biomass estimation. The proposed GD metrics used information related to the above-ground height of each Gaussian centroid and the Gaussian area index (GAI), where GAI is the area covered by a Gaussian function. Two types of novel GD metrics were developed: (1) percentile-height GAI metrics expressing the GAI summation of a subset of Gaussian centroids located within a certain percentile height range; and (2) height-weighted GAI metrics, a summation of GAIs of a waveform weighted by the corresponding heights of their Gaussian centroids. A biomass regression model was built by eight newly developed GD metrics using GAI information and five pre-existing GD-derived metrics that have not previously been used for biomass estimation. The performance of the regression model was then compared to another regression model using 12 previously published metrics (non-GD metrics). The Random Forests (RF) regression algorithm was employed for predicting biomass. The RF out-of-bag results indicated that above-ground biomass estimations using GD metrics achieved significantly better results than those derived from non-GD metrics for deciduous plots (19% lower root mean square error (RMSE), 25% higher coefficient of determination (R2), and marginally better results in coniferous plots (4% lower RSME, 6% higher R2). The combination of GD and non-GD metrics achieved comparable biomass estimation results to the model using exclusively GD metrics. GD metrics also showed strong correlation with forest attributes such as mean diameter at breast height (DBH) and stem density. This study contributes to the usage of GD results for accurate estimation of forest above-ground biomass in large-footprint lidar waveform data in temperate deciduous forests, because temperate deciduous forests have been proved challenging in regard to lidar-derived biomass estimations.  相似文献   

Quantifying forest structure is important for sustainable forest management, as it relates to a wide variety of ecosystem processes and services. Lidar data have proven particularly useful for measuring or estimating a suite of forest structural attributes such as canopy height, basal area, and LAI. However, the potential of this technology to characterize forest succession remains largely untested. The objective of this study was to evaluate the use of lidar data for characterizing forest successional stages across a structurally diverse, mixed-species forest in Northern Idaho. We used a variety of lidar-derived metrics in conjunction with an algorithmic modeling procedure (Random Forests) to classify six stages of three-dimensional forest development and achieved an overall accuracy > 95%. The algorithmic model presented herein developed ecologically meaningful classifications based upon lidar metrics quantifying mean vegetation height and canopy cover, among others. This study highlights the utility of lidar data for accurately classifying forest succession in complex, mixed coniferous forests; but further research should be conducted to classify forest successional stages across different forests types. The techniques presented herein can be easily applied to other areas. Furthermore, the final classification map represents a significant advancement for forest succession modeling and wildlife habitat assessment.  相似文献   

Full-waveform small-footprint laser scanning and airborne hyperspectral image data of a forest area in Germany were fused to get a detailed characterization of forest reflective properties and structure. Combining active laser scanning data with passive hyperspectral data increases the information content without adding much redundancy.

The small-footprint light detection and ranging (lidar) waveforms on the area of each 5 m × 5 m HyMap pixel were combined into quasi-large-footprint waveforms of 0.5 m vertical resolution by calculating the mean laser intensity in each voxel. As exemplary applications for this data set, we present the estimation of crown base heights and the ease of displaying vertical and horizontal slices through the three-dimensional data set.

As a consequence of the identical geometry of the voxel bases and the hyperspectral image, they could be joined as a multi-band image. The combined spectra are well suited for interpretations of pixel content. In a test classification of tree species and age classes, the joint image performed better than the hyperspectral image alone and also better than the hyperspectral image combined with lidar percentile images.  相似文献   

Conversion of native forests to agriculture and urban land leads to fragmentation of forested landscapes with significant consequences for habitat conservation and forest productivity. When quantifying land-cover patterns from airborne or spaceborne sensors, the interconnectedness of fragmented landscapes may vary depending on the spatial resolution of the sensor and the extent at which the landscape is being observed. This scale dependence can significantly affect calculation of remote sensing vegetation indices, such as the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and its subsequent use to predict biophysical parameters such as the fraction of photosynthetically active radiation intercepted by forest canopies (fPAR). This means that simulated above-ground net primary productivity (NPPA) using canopy radiation interception models such as 3-PG (Physiological Principles for Predicting Growth), coupled with remote sensing observations, can yield different results in fragmented landscapes depending on the spatial resolution of the remotely sensed data.We compared the amount of forest fragmentation in 1?km SPOT-4 VEGETATION pixels using a simultaneously acquired 20?m SPOT-4 multispectral (XS) image. We then predicted NPPA for New Zealand native forest ecosystems using the 3-PG model with satellite-derived estimates of the fPAR obtained from the SPOT-4 VEGETATION sensor, using NDVI values with and without correction for fragmentation. We examined three methods to correct for sub-pixel fragmentation effects on NPPA. These included: (1) a simple conversion between the broad 1?km scale NDVI values and the XS NDVI values; (2) utilization of contextural information from XS NDVI pixels to derive a single coefficient to adjust the 1?km NDVI values; and (3) calculation of the degree of fragmentation within each VEGETATION 1?km pixel and reduce NDVI by an empirically derived amount based on the proportional areal coverage of forest in each pixel. Our results indicate that predicted NPPA derived from uncorrected 1?km VEGETATION pixels was significantly higher than estimates using adjusted NDVI values; all three methods reduced the predicted NPPA. In areas of the landscape with a large degree of forest fragmentation (such as forest boundaries) predictions of NPPA indicate that the fragmentation effect has implications for spatially extensive estimates of carbon uptake by forests.  相似文献   

Assessing the contribution of Moso bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens) forest to forest ecosystem carbon storage requires accurate estimation of gross primary production (GPP). Based on measurements of light-use efficiency (LUE), defined as the ratio of measured GPP to photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), from the eddy covariance flux tower, the linear regression model and partial least squares regression model were used for estimation of LUE using the Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) reflectance data. GPP estimates were then calculated by the product of LUE estimates and PAR (named the LUE-PAR model), which was compared with GPP from the GPP algorithm designed for the MODIS sensor aboard the Aqua and Terra platforms (MOD17A2 model) and the EC-LUE model. The results revealed the PLS model performed better than the linear regression model in LUE estimation but had lager uncertainties in high and low LUE values. GPP estimates driven by a MODIS-based radiation product with high spatial resolution was more accurate than those driven by Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA) radiation product from the NASA’s Global Modelling and Assimilation Office data set. The LUE-PAR model had the highest accuracy than the other two LUE models. The GPP values derived from the EC-LUE model driven by photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) from MERRA and maximum LUE from the EC data were overestimated due to the overestimation in MERRA radiation product. The GPP values derived from the MOD17A2 model driven by PAR from the MERRA and maximum LUE from the biome properties look-up table were underestimated due to underestimation in the maximum LUE of Moso bamboo forest. This study implied that the LUE-PAR model driven by LUE estimates from the PLS model and PAR from MERRA is a superior approach in improving GPP simulations, and PAR products with high spatial resolution and accurate species-specific maximum LUE are necessary for the LUE models in estimating GPP at regional scale.  相似文献   

Release of an annual global terrestrial net primary production (NPP) data layer has begun in association with the Moderate Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor, a component of the NASA Earth Observing System. The task of validating this product will be complicated by the mismatch in scale between ground-based NPP measurements and the coarse resolution (1?km) of the NPP product. In this paper we describe three relevant approaches to scaling NPP from the plot level to the approximately 25-km2 footprint of the sensor, and discuss issues associated with operational comparisons to the MODIS NPP product. All approaches revealed considerable spatial heterogeneity in NPP at scales less than the resolution of the MODIS NPP product. The effort to characterize uncertainty in the validation data layers indicated the importance of treating the combination of classification error, sampling error, and measurement error. Generally, the optimal procedure for scaling NPP to a MODIS footprint will depend on local vegetation type, the scale of spatial heterogeneity, and available resources. In all approaches, high resolution remote sensing can play a critical role in characterizing land cover and relevant biophysical variables.  相似文献   

In Mediterranean-type ecosystems (MTEs), fire disturbance influences the distribution of most plant communities, and altered fire regimes may be more important than climate factors in shaping future MTE vegetation dynamics. Models that simulate the high-frequency fire and post-fire response strategies characteristic of these regions will be important tools for evaluating potential landscape change scenarios. However, few existing models have been designed to simulate these properties over long time frames and broad spatial scales. We refined a landscape disturbance and succession (LANDIS) model to operate on an annual time step and to simulate altered fire regimes in a southern California Mediterranean landscape. After developing a comprehensive set of spatial and non-spatial variables and parameters, we calibrated the model to simulate very high fire frequencies and evaluated the simulations under several parameter scenarios representing hypotheses about system dynamics. The goal was to ensure that observed model behavior would simulate the specified fire regime parameters, and that the predictions were reasonable based on current understanding of community dynamics in the region. After calibration, the two dominant plant functional types responded realistically to different fire regime scenarios. Therefore, this model offers a new alternative for simulating altered fire regimes in MTE landscapes.  相似文献   

胶粒的布朗运动是研究胶体其他性质的基础,由于胶粒很小,无法凭肉眼或用一般显微镜进行观察;文章介绍用VB6.0编程模拟胶粒的布朗运动以及单个胶粒的运动轨迹,使学生对胶粒的布朗运动有一个形象、直观的认识。  相似文献   

This work presents the simulation of a two-phase flash separator, one of the processes of an industrial natural gas liquefaction plant. The model simulated was developed using the bond graph methodology, and MATLAB and 20-sim software were used to obtain the dynamic behavior of the flash. MATLAB was used to determine the input conditions of the separator as they were not provided by the plant information, and 20-sim was used to simulate the bond graph model. The simulation results were validated using real operating conditions of the plant. The paper shows how this two widely used computer programs can help in the understanding of the behavior of real process.  相似文献   

M. Ceraolo  G. Lutzemberger 《Software》2019,49(7):1114-1130
Simulation of multi-engineering systems typically requires many issues to be solved, which are to be addressed by developing appropriate modeling and simulation programming techniques. In the last years, the authors have participated in several studies in which they analyzed in detail electrified railway systems and simulated them using Modelica language. After a few years of study, despite the huge complexity of these systems, it has appeared evident that Modelica language is very well suited and able to effectively solve the typical issues they present. While specific railway system simulations have already been discussed in specific papers, whose focus was on application and actual results, in this paper, the authors show how to use Modelica language to solve specific modeling issues through suitable programming techniques. Moreover, the issues to be solved and the conceived techniques may be interpreted in a general way and to be applied also in different engineering domains. Finally, this paper briefly recalls the principal results obtained in previous specific papers, in which these techniques were fully implemented.  相似文献   

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