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In this article we outline the need for a consistent method of quoting synthetic aperture radar (SAR) resolution given the influence of speckle upon SAR images. Standard measures of resolution depend upon the separability of point targets; however, this is not a useful analogy in the context of SAR. We contend that quoting resolution for a 3–4-look product may be unrealistic given the influence of speckle. Our approach considers the separability of targets that differ in intensity by a known contrast ratio, with a ratio of 2, that is, 3 dB difference, used as the threshold value. It is demonstrated that 12 looks represents a more realistic estimate of the capabilities of the system and should be used to quote an equivalent spatial resolution (ESR) when describing potential instrument performance.  相似文献   

Mountain pine beetle red attack damage has been successfully detected and mapped using single-date high spatial resolution (< 4 m) satellite multi-spectral data. Forest managers; however, need to monitor locations for changes in beetle populations over time. Specifically, counts of individual trees attacked in successive years provide an indication of beetle population growth and dynamics. Surveys are typically used to estimate the ratio of green (current) attack trees to red (previous) attack trees or G:R. In this study, we estimate average stand-level G:R using a time-series of QuickBird multi-spectral and panchromatic satellite data, combined with field data for three forested stands near Merritt, British Columbia, Canada. Using a ratio of QuickBird red to green wavelengths (Red-Green Index or RGI), the change in RGI (ΔRGI) in successive image pairs is used to estimate red attack damage in 2004, 2005, and 2006, with true positive accuracies ranging from 89 to 93%. To overcome issues associated with differing viewing geometry and illumination angles that impair tracking of individual trees through time, segments are generated from the QuickBird multi-spectral data to identify small groups of trees. These segments then serve as the vehicle for monitoring changes in red attack damage over time. A local maxima filter is applied to the panchromatic data to estimate stem counts, thereby allowing an indication of the total stand population at risk of attack. By combining the red attack damage estimates with the local maxima stem counts, predictions are made of the number of attacked trees in a given year. Backcasting the current year's red attack damaged trees as the previous year's green attack facilitates the estimation of an average stand G:R. In this study area, these retrospective G:R values closely match those generated from field surveys. The results of this study indicate that a monitoring program using a time series of high spatial resolution remotely sensed data (multi-spectral and panchromatic) over select sample locations, could be used to estimate G:R over large areas, facilitating landscape level management strategies and/or providing a mechanism for assessing the efficacy of previously implemented strategies.  相似文献   

目的 卫星图像往往目标、背景复杂而且带有噪声,因此使用人工选取的特征进行卫星图像的分类就变得十分困难。提出一种新的使用卷积神经网络进行卫星图像分类的方案。使用卷积神经网络可以提取卫星图像的高层特征,进而提高卫星图像分类的识别率。方法 首先,提出一个包含六类图像的新的卫星图像数据集来解决卷积神经网络的有标签训练样本不足的问题。其次,使用了一种直接训练卷积神经网络模型和3种预训练卷积神经网络模型来进行卫星图像分类。直接训练模型直接在文章提出的数据集上进行训练,预训练模型先在ILSVRC(the ImageNet large scale visual recognition challenge)-2012数据集上进行预训练,然后在提出的卫星图像数据集上进行微调训练。完成微调的模型用于卫星图像分类。结果 提出的微调预训练卷积神经网络深层模型具有最高的分类正确率。在提出的数据集上,深层卷积神经网络模型达到了99.50%的识别率。在数据集UC Merced Land Use上,深层卷积神经网络模型达到了96.44%的识别率。结论 本文提出的数据集具有一般性和代表性,使用的深层卷积神经网络模型具有很强的特征提取能力和分类能力,且是一种端到端的分类模型,不需要堆叠其他模型或分类器。在高分辨卫星图像的分类上,本文模型和对比模型相比取得了更有说服力的结果。  相似文献   

Efficiently representing and recognizing the semantic classes of the subregions of large-scale high spatial resolution (HSR) remote-sensing images are challenging and critical problems. Most of the existing scene classification methods concentrate on the feature coding approach with handcrafted low-level features or the low-level unsupervised feature learning approaches, which essentially prevent them from better recognizing the semantic categories of the scene due to their limited mid-level feature representation ability. In this article, to overcome the inadequate mid-level representation, a patch-based spatial-spectral hierarchical convolutional sparse auto-encoder (HCSAE) algorithm, based on deep learning, is proposed for HSR remote-sensing imagery scene classification. The HCSAE framework uses an unsupervised hierarchical network based on a sparse auto-encoder (SAE) model. In contrast to the single-level SAE, the HCSAE framework utilizes the significant features from the single-level algorithm in a feedforward and full connection approach to the maximum extent, which adequately represents the scene semantics in the high level of the HCSAE. To ensure robust feature learning and extraction during the SAE feature extraction procedure, a ‘dropout’ strategy is also introduced. The experimental results using the UC Merced data set with 21 classes and a Google Earth data set with 12 classes demonstrate that the proposed HCSAE framework can provide better accuracy than the traditional scene classification methods and the single-level convolutional sparse auto-encoder (CSAE) algorithm.  相似文献   

A method for the combined correction of atmospheric and topographic effects has been developed. It accounts for horizontally varying atmospheric conditions and also includes the height dependence of the atmospheric radiance and transmittance functions to simulate the simplified properties of a threedimensional atmosphere. A Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is used to obtain information about surface elevation, slope, and orientation. Based on the Lambertian assumption the surface reflectance in rugged terrain is calculated. The method is restricted to high spatial resolution satellite sensors like Landsat TM and SPOT HRV, since some simplifying assumptions are being made to reduce the required image processing time. The possibilities and limitations of the method are critically discussed.  相似文献   

The spatial resolution determines the number of data and amount of information in a remotely sensed image of a given scene. The 'optimal' spatial resolution may be defined as that which maximizes the information per pixel, and this maximum is realized when the semivariance at a lag of one pixel (the average squared difference between neighbouring pixels) is maximized. For mapping, a spatial resolution should be chosen that is much finer than the 'optimal' spatial resolution as defined above. Airborne MSS images in both red and near-infrared wavelengths for three different dates and two sites were investigated to determine a spatial resolution suitable for mapping spatial variation in agricultural fields in the U.K. The spatial resolution most appropriate for mapping the spatial variation in the images was between 0.5 m and 3 m.  相似文献   

We present a technique to remove spatially varying haze contamination for high spatial resolution satellite imagery. This technique comprises three steps: haze detection, haze perfection and haze removal. Background Suppressed Haze Thickness Index (BSHTI) in haze detection is used to indicate relative haze thickness. ‘Fill sink’ and ‘flatten peak’ routines in haze perfection are applied to correct some spurious background effects. Virtual Cloud Point (VCP) method based on BSHTI is used in haze removal. Case study using two QuickBird images (hazy and clear) of Shenyang City in China proves the effectiveness of this technique except for those regions where haze is too thick. Comparison of the overlapped region between hazy and clear images using 76 paired polygon samples shows that squared correlation coefficient of each band between the two images becomes larger than 0.7. The advantages of this technique are that aerosol transparent bands are not needed and the technique is suitable for urban remote sensing.  相似文献   

改进的标记分水岭遥感影像分割方法*   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在Meyer算法的基础上,提出一种改进的标记分水岭遥感影像分割方法,该方法针对高空间分辨率遥感影像的特点,依据梯度影像的分布特征自动提取合适的标记影像。浸没过程中,非标记像素按照梯度值由小到大进行处理,并使用正反两个队列记录当前处理的像素。实验证明,将该算法用于高分辨率遥感影像分割,不仅获得高质量的分割结果,而且具有极高的运行效率与空间利用效率。  相似文献   

Many large countries, including Canada, rely on earth observation as a practical and cost-effective means of monitoring their vast inland ecosystems. A potentially efficient approach is one that detects vegetation changes over a hierarchy of spatial scales ranging from coarse to fine. This paper presents a Change Screening Analysis Technique (Change-SAT) designed as a coarse filter to identify the location and timing of large (>5-10 km2) forest cover changes caused by anthropogenic and natural disturbances at an annual, continental scale. The method uses change metrics derived from 1-km multi-temporal SPOT VEGETATION and NOAA AVHRR imagery (reflectance, temperature, and texture information) and ancillary spatial variables (proximity to active fires, roads, and forest tenures) in combination with logistic regression and decision tree classifiers. Major forest changes of interest include wildfires, insect defoliation, forest harvesting, and flooding. Change-SAT was tested for 1998-2000 using an independent sample of change and no-change sites over Canada. Overall accuracy was 94% and commission error, especially critical for large-area change applications, was less than 1%. Regions identified as having major or widespread changes could be targeted for more detailed investigation and mapping using field visits, aerial survey, or fine resolution EO methods, such as those being applied under Canadian monitoring programs. This multi-resolution approach could be used as part of a forest monitoring system to report on carbon stocks and forest stewardship.  相似文献   

This study evaluated high spatial resolution colour‐infrared (CIR) (2.44?m) and pansharpened CIR imagery (0.61?m) for detecting citrus (Citrus spp.) orchards affected by sooty mould (Capnodium citri), an indicator of insect infestation of a citrus grove. These resolutions were chosen because they are equivalent to the spatial resolution of multispectral and pansharpened QuickBird imagery. Citrus groves north‐west of Mission, Texas, USA, were assessed. CIR photography and image processing software were used to develop the images. Sooty mould‐affected areas were readily detected on the CIR and pansharpened CIR images. The latter provided better detail, increasing image interpretation accuracy. Findings of this study support the theory that high spatial resolution satellite imagery may be used to detect sooty mould‐affected citrus orchards.  相似文献   

Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping provides critical information to land and resource managers by incorporating information on climate, physiography, surficial material, soil, and vegetation structure. The main objective of this research was to determine the capacity of high spatial resolution satellite image data to discriminate vegetation structural stages in riparian and adjacent forested ecosystems as defined using the British Columbia Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping (TEM) scheme. A high spatial resolution QuickBird image, captured in June 2005, and coincident field data covering the riparian area of Lost Shoe Creek and adjacent forests on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, was used in this analysis. Semi-variograms were calculated to assess the separability of vegetation structural stages and assess which spatial scales were most appropriate for calculation of grey-level co-occurrence texture measures to maximize structural class separation. The degree of spatial autocorrelation showed that most vegetation structural types in the TEM scheme could be differentiated and that window sizes of 3 × 3 pixels and 11 × 11 pixels were most appropriate for image texture calculations. Using these window sizes, the texture analysis showed that co-occurrence contrast, dissimilarity, and homogeneity texture measures, based on the bands in the visible part of the spectrum, provided the most significant statistical differentiation between vegetation structural classes. Subsequently, an object-oriented classification algorithm was applied to spectral and textural transformations of the QuickBird image data to map the vegetation structural classes. Using both spectral and textural image bands yielded the highest classification accuracy (overall accuracy = 78.95%). The inclusion of image texture increased the classification accuracies of vegetation structure by 2-19%. The results show that information on vegetation structure can be mapped effectively from high spatial resolution satellite image data, providing an additional tool to ongoing aerial photograph interpretation.  相似文献   

Remote sensing estimation of impervious surfaces is significant in monitoring urban development and determining the overall environmental health of a watershed, and has therefore recently attracted increasing interest. The main objective of this study was to develop a general approach to estimating and mapping impervious surfaces by using medium spatial resolution satellite imagery. We have applied spectral mixture analysis (SMA) to Earth Observing 1 (EO‐1) Advanced Land Imager (ALI) (multispectral) and Hyperion (hyperspectral) imagery in Marion County, Indiana, USA, to calculate the fraction images of vegetation, soil, high albedo and low albedo. The effectiveness of the two images was compared according to three criteria: (1) high‐quality fraction images for the urban landscape, (2) relatively low error, and (3) the distinction among typical land use and land cover (LULC) types in the study area. The fraction images were further used to estimate and map impervious surfaces. The accuracy of the estimated impervious surface was checked against Digital Orthophoto Quarter Quadrangle (DOQQ) images. The results indicate that both ALI and Hyperion sensors were effective in deriving the fraction images with SMA and in computing impervious surfaces. The SMA results for both ALI and Hyperion images using four endmembers were excellent, with a mean root mean square error (RMSE) less than 0.04 in both cases. The ALI‐derived impervious surface image yielded an RMSE of 15.3%, and the Hyperion‐derived impervious surface image yielded an RMSE of 17.5%. However, the Hyperion image was more powerful in discerning low‐albedo surface materials, which has been a major obstacle for impervious surface estimation with medium resolution multispectral images. A sensitivity analysis of the mapping of impervious surfaces using different scenarios of Hyperion band combinations suggests that the improvement in mapping accuracy in general and the better ability in discriminating low‐albedo surfaces came mainly from additional bands in the mid‐infrared region.  相似文献   

Scale computation for multi-scale image segmentation is an important research area in geographic object-based image analysis (GEOBIA). For the highly spectral heterogeneity of high spatial resolution remotely sensed imagery (HSRRSI), and the changing sizes of geographic features and their spatially distributive patterns, it is difficult to build a global or local-scale calculation parameter model to effectively guide multi-scale segmentation parameters setting in large-scale regions. Usually, the segmentation parameters are used to measure the heterogeneous and homogenous adjacent pixels in spatial and spectral spaces simultaneously. It has been proved that the adaptive acquiring parameter of scale plays a key role in gaining precise segmentation results, and later it deeply influences the automatic recognition and post-processing of the physical image parcels (PIPs). However, in most cases, scale computation techniques still fail to guide segmentation to produce appropriate or repeatable results which should meet the practical production standard of GIS data based on GEOBIA. These techniques have not been summarized and classified and there is no review focusing on scale computation for HSRRSI multi-scale segmentation. We provide an overview of the state-of-the-art segmentation scale computation techniques which are mainly based on the spectral statistics and geometric characteristics, etc. Moreover, the pedigree of segmentation scale has been first time proposed, and the overall performance of each category is analysed. Especially, the methods of local variance, semivariance, and synthetic semivariance are presented. Then, the scale object selection (SOS) algorithm, spectral angle algorithm, and the RMAS (ratio of mean difference to neighbours (ABS) to standard deviation) are discussed at spectral domain. In addition, miscellaneous scale computation approaches are recognized as the important researching aspect. In order to clearly describe the scale computation on multi-scale image segmentation, we have proposed the new conceptions of semantic image object (SIO), PIP, particular scale of interest, symbiotic scale, etc. At last, the trends of scale computation for HSRRSI multi-scale segmentation also have been presented.  相似文献   


The pan-sharpening scheme combines high-resolution panchromatic imagery (HRPI) data and low-resolution multispectral imagery (LRMI) data to get a single merged high-resolution multispectral image (HRMI). The pan-sharpened image has extensive information that will promote the efficiency of image analysis methods. Pan-sharpening technique is considered as a pixel-level fusion scheme utilized for enhancing LRMI using HRPI while keeping LRMI spectral information. In this article, an efficient optimized integrated adaptive principal component analysis (APCA) and high-pass modulation (HPM) pan-sharpening method is proposed to get excellent spatial resolution within fused image with minimal spectral distortion. The proposed method is adjusted with multi-objective optimizationto determine the optimal window size and σfor the Gaussian low-pass filter (GLPF) and gain factor utilized for adding the high-pass details extracted from the HRPI to the LRMI principlecomponent of maximum correlation. Optimization results show that if the spatial resolution ratio of HRPI to LRMI is 0.50, then a GLPF of 5 × 5 window size and σ = 1.640 yields HRMI with low spectral distortion and high spatial quality. If the HRPI/LRMI spatial resolution ratio is 0.25, then a GLPF of 7 × 7 window size and σ = 1.686 yields HRMI with low spectral distortion and high spatial quality. Simulation tests demonstrated that the proposed optimized APCA–HPM fusion scheme gives adjustment between spectral quality and spatial quality and has small computational and memory complexity.  相似文献   

Improvement in remote sensing techniques in spatial/spectral resolution strengthens their applicability for urban environmental study. Unfortunately, high spatial resolution imagery also increases internal variability in land cover units and can cause a ‘salt-and-pepper’ effect, resulting in decreased accuracy using pixel-based classification results. Region-based classification techniques, using an image object (IO) rather than a pixel as a classification unit, appear to hold promise as a method for overcoming this problem. Using IKONOS high spatial resolution imagery, we examined whether the IO technique could significantly improve classification accuracy compared to the pixel-based method when applied to urban land cover mapping in Tampa Bay, FL, USA. We further compared the performance of an artificial neural network (ANN) and a minimum distance classifier (MDC) in urban detailed land cover classification and evaluated whether the classification accuracy was affected by the number of extracted IO features. Our analysis methods included IKONOS image data calibration, data fusion with the pansharpening (PS) process, Hue–Intensity–Saturation (HIS) transferred indices and textural feature extraction, and feature selection using a stepwise discriminant analysis (SDA). The classification results were evaluated with visually interpreted data from high-resolution (0.3 m) digital aerial photographs. Our results indicate a statistically significant difference in classification accuracy between pixel- and object-based techniques; ANN outperforms MDC as an object-based classifier; and the use of more features (27 vs. 9 features) increases the IO classification accuracy, although the increase is statistically significant for the MDC but not for the ANN.  相似文献   

Tropical forest deforestation is a major concern at global, regional, and local scales. Recent advances have demonstrated the feasibility of using coarse spatial resolution remote sensing imagery to assess tropical forest over large areas. To date, few methods have been developed for the estimation of change over large areas. A change detection method based on a combination of NOAAAVHRR, Landsat TM, and SPOT-HRV data is evaluated on a study site in Vietnam, Southeast Asia. Changes detected with fine spatial resolution imagery are related to AVHRR-derived forest class proportions and fragmentation patterns.  相似文献   

Impervious surfaces are important environmental indicators and are related to many environmental issues, such as water quality, stream health and the urban heat island effect. Therefore, detailed impervious surface information is crucial for urban planning and environment management. To extract impervious surfaces from remote sensing imagery, many algorithms and techniques have been developed. However, there are still debates over the strengths and limitations of linear versus nonlinear algorithms in handling mixed pixels in the urban landscapes. In the meantime, although many previous studies have compared various techniques, few comparisons were made between linear and nonlinear techniques. The objective of this study is to compare the performance between nonlinear and linear methods for impervious surface extraction from medium spatial resolution imagery. A linear spectral mixture analysis (LSMA) and a fuzzy classifier were applied to three Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) images acquired on 5 April 2004, 16 June 2001 and 3 October 2000, which covered Marion County, Indiana, United States. An aerial photo of Marion County with a spatial resolution of 0.14 m was used for validation of estimation results. Six impervious surface maps were yielded, and an accuracy assessment was performed. The root mean square error (RMSE), the mean average error (MAE), and the coefficient of determination (R 2) were calculated to indicate the accuracy of impervious surface maps. The results show that the fuzzy classification outperformed LSMA in impervious surface estimation in all seasons. For the June image, LSMA yielded a result with an RMSE of 13.2%, while the fuzzy classifier yielded an RMSE of 12.4%. For the April image, LSMA yielded an accuracy of 21.1% and the fuzzy classifier yielded 17.0%. For the October image, LSMA yielded a result with an RMSE of 19.8%, but the fuzzy classifier yielded an RMSE of 17.5%. Moreover, a subset image of the commercial, high-density and low-density residential areas was selected in order to compare the effectiveness of the developed algorithms for estimating impervious surfaces of different land use types. The result shows that the fuzzy classification was more effective than LSMA in both high-density and low-density residential areas. These areas prevailed with mixed pixels in the medium resolution imagery, such as ASTER. The results from the tested commercial area had a very high RMSE value due to the prevalence of shade in the area. It is suggested that the fuzzy classifier based on the nonlinear assumption can handle mixed pixels more effectively than LSMA.  相似文献   

Detailed geographic information is a key factor in decision making processes during refugee relief operations. The forthcoming commercial very high spatial resolution (VHSR) satellite sensors will be capable of acquiring multispectral (MS) images at spatial resolutions of 1m (panchromatic) and 4m (multispectral) of refugee camps and their environment. This work demonstrates how refugee camp environment, area and population can be analysed using a VHSR MS satellite sensor image from the Russian KVR-1000 sensor. This image, with a spatial resolution of 3.3m, was used to study Thailand's Site 2 refugee camps, which were established to accommodate Khmer refugees on the Thai-Kampuchean border. At the time of image acquisition, the total population of Site 2's five refugee camps was close to 143000. The VHSR MS image was found to be suitable for mapping the refugee camp environment and area. A statistically significant linear relationship between camp area and population was determined. Accordingly, the study suggests that VHSR MS images in general may be useful for refugee camp planning and management and points toward the utilization of forthcoming commercial VHSR MS satellite sensor images in humanitarian relief operations.  相似文献   

We evaluated the performance of airborne HyperSpecTIR (HST) images for detecting and classifying the invasive riparian vegetation saltcedar along the Muddy River in Clark County, Nevada. HyperSpecTIR image reflectance spectra (227 bands, 450–2450 nm) were acquired for the following four vegetation covers: invasive saltcedar, native honey mesquite, grassland patches and crops. We compared five feature reduction approaches: band selection based on Jeffreys–Matusita distance, principal component analysis (PCA), minimum noise fraction (MNF), segmented principal component transform (SPCT) and segmented minimum noise fraction (SMNF). In addition, maximum likelihood (ML) and two spectral angle mapper (SAM) classifiers were applied to all extracted bands or features. Classification accuracies were compared among all classification approaches. Although the overall accuracy of maximal likelihood classifiers generally surpassed that of SAM classifiers, the highest overall accuracy was achieved by a SMNF-SAM combination with adjusted angular thresholds for classes. We concluded that high spectral and spatial resolution imagery can be used to detect and classify invasive saltcedar in this arid area.  相似文献   

Agricultural field boundary information is important and often required for the geosciences and the agricultural sector. In this paper, a novel method is developed to extract sub-boundaries within the permanent boundaries of agricultural land parcels from high-resolution optical satellite imagery using an improved cluster-based snake model. The method takes the advantage of the results of an automatic fuzzy c-means (FCM) clustering and edge detection to compute external forces for an improved gradient vector flow (GVF) snake model. The GVF snake algorithm is improved by using an automatic seeding model based on clustering results and image moment functions. To seed the improved GVF algorithm, an ellipse is automatically delineated for each cluster within agricultural parcel by utilizing image moment functions (in particular silhouette moments). The GVF snake model is then implemented for each seed, one seed at a time. Active contours tend to have curve shapes rather than straight lines due to their structure that consists of several connected nodes within each contour. Therefore, the final accurate results are obtained after performing a three-stage line simplification operation.

The experiments of the method were conducted on 20 test fields in a study area located near to the town of Karacabey, Turkey, using the 4-m resolution IKONOS multispectral (xs) image, the 2.44-m resolution QuickBird xs image, and the 0.61-m resolution QuickBird pan-sharpened (PS) image. Experimental results demonstrate that using both the clustering and edge detection results as external forces for the improved GVF snake model increases the accuracy of the results. In addition, the developed method showed a fairly good performance in extracting sub-boundaries for the fields comprising crops with an inherent high inner heterogeneity, such as rice and corn. The method can potentially be applied in the extraction of within-field sub-boundaries from high-resolution satellite imagery in agricultural areas.  相似文献   

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