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The remote sensing of Earth surface changes is an active research field aimed at the development of methods and data products needed by scientists, resource managers, and policymakers. Fire is a major cause of surface change and occurs in most vegetation zones across the world. The identification and delineation of fire-affected areas, also known as burned areas or fire scars, may be considered a change detection problem. Remote sensing algorithms developed to map fire-affected areas are difficult to implement reliably over large areas because of variations in both the surface state and those imposed by the sensing system. The availability of robustly calibrated, atmospherically corrected, cloud-screened, geolocated data provided by the latest generation of moderate resolution remote sensing systems allows for major advances in satellite mapping of fire-affected area. This paper describes an algorithm developed to map fire-affected areas at a global scale using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) surface reflectance time series data. The algorithm is developed from the recently published Bi-Directional Reflectance Model-Based Expectation change detection approach and maps at 500 m the location and approximate day of burning. Improvements made to the algorithm for systematic global implementation are presented and the algorithm performance is demonstrated for southern African, Australian, South American, and Boreal fire regimes. The algorithm does not use training data but rather applies a wavelength independent threshold and spectral constraints defined by the noise characteristics of the reflectance data and knowledge of the spectral behavior of burned vegetation and spectrally confusing changes that are not associated with burning. Temporal constraints are applied capitalizing on the spectral persistence of fire-affected areas. Differences between mapped fire-affected areas and cumulative MODIS active fire detections are illustrated and discussed for each fire regime. The results reveal a coherent spatio-temporal mapping of fire-affected area and indicate that the algorithm shows potential for global application.  相似文献   

Real-time flood mapping with an automatic flood-detection technique is important in emergency response efforts. However, current mapping technology still has limitations in accurately expressing information on flood areas such as inundation depth and extent. For this reason, the authors attempt to improve a floodwater detection method with a simple algorithm for a better discrimination capacity to discern flood areas from turbid floodwater, mixed vegetation areas, snow, and clouds. The purpose of this study was to estimate a flood area based on the spatial distribution of a nationwide flood from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) time series images (8-day composites, MOD09A1, 500-m resolution) and a digital elevation model (DEM). The results showed the superiority of the developed method in providing instant, accurate flood mapping by using two algorithms, which modified land surface water index from MODIS image and eight-direction tracking algorithm based on DEM data.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to monitor and model land surface phenology over the past ten years in the South American Bermejo River basin using the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) product. In order to do this, we evaluated the characteristics of the satellite data and information available on the study area's ecosystem to choose the best model to capture the temporal dynamics of NDVI in local vegetation (sufficiently complex to provide a good fit and simple enough so that each parameter has an immediate ecological meaning). An ecological interpretation of model parameters was provided. Different land surfaces showed distinct fluctuations over time in NDVI values, and this information was used to improve object-oriented classification. A decision tree classification was developed to identify spatial patterns of NDVI functional form and the fluctuations that these patterns presented from 2000 to 2010. We integrated inter-annual information in a final map that distinguishes stable areas from changing sites. Assuming that large inter-annual spatial-scale fluctuations were related to climatic events, we established how vegetated land surfaces within the study area responded to these. Our study was designed to emphasize the interpretation of the spatial and temporal scales of land surface phenology.  相似文献   

Accurate landscape-scale maps of forests and associated disturbances are critical to augment studies on biodiversity, ecosystem services, and the carbon cycle, especially in terms of understanding how the spatial and temporal complexities of damage sustained from disturbances influence forest structure and function. Vegetation change tracker (VCT) is a highly automated algorithm that exploits the spectral-temporal properties of summer Landsat time series stacks (LTSSs) to generate spatially explicit maps of forest and recent forest disturbances. VCT performs well in contiguous forest landscapes with closed or nearly closed canopies, but often incorrectly classifies large patches of land as forest or forest disturbance in the complex and spatially heterogeneous environments that typify fragmented forest landscapes. We introduce an improved version of VCT (dubbed VCTw) that incorporates a nonforest mask derived from snow-covered winter Landsat time series stacks (LTSSw) and compare it with VCT across nearly 25 million ha of land in the Lake Superior (Canada, USA) and Lake Michigan (USA) drainage basins.Accuracy assessments relying on 87 primary sampling units (PSUs) and 2640 secondary sampling units (SSUs) indicated that VCT performed with an overall accuracy of 86.3%. For persisting forest, the commission error was 14.7% and the omission error was 4.3%. Commission and omission errors for the two forest disturbance classes fluctuated around 50%. VCTw produced a statistically significant increase in overall accuracy to 91.2% and denoted about 1.115 million ha less forest (− .371 million ha disturbed and − 0.744 million ha persisting). For persisting forest, the commission error decreased to 9.3% and the omission error was relatively unchanged at 5.0%. Commission errors decreased considerably to near 22% and omission errors remained near 50% in both forest disturbance classes.Dividing the assessments into three geographic strata demonstrated that the most dramatic improvement occurred across the southern half of the Lake Michigan basin, which contains a highly fragmented agricultural landscape and relatively sparse deciduous forest, although substantial improvements occurred in other geographic strata containing little agricultural land, abundant wetlands, and extensive coniferous forest. Unlike VCT, VCTw also generally corresponded well with field-based estimates of forest cover in each stratum. Snow-covered winter imagery appears to be a valuable resource for improving automated disturbance mapping accuracy. About 34% of the world's forests receive sufficient snowfall to cover the ground and are potentially suitable for VCTw; other season-based techniques may be worth pursuing for the remaining 66%.  相似文献   

Land surface temperature (LST) is an important indicator for climate variability and can be sensed remotely by satellites with a high temporal resolution on a broad spatial scale. In this research, Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) LST is used to derive a 13 year time series on the Upper Mekong Basin (UMB), belonging to the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, to analyse the spatial pattern and temporal development of LST. The data set shows the regular annual curve of surface temperatures with maximum values in summer and minimum values in winter. Average temperatures in the southern parts of the basin are higher than in the northern part. Spatial gradients between maximum and minimum LST as well as gradients between daytime and night-time LST are much lower in the southern parts than in the northern parts, which are characterized by a strong topography. The pixel-wise variability of monthly means was found to be in the range of ±4°C for most pixels in the daytime scenes, whereas the night-time scenes show a lower variability with most pixels in the range of ±1°C. The variability of LST in the northern areas clearly exceeds that in the southern areas. Some inter-annual variations occur, mainly during summer: in some years a two-peak distribution is found, which is explained by the generally low number of observations in the respective months. A primary challenge of optical satellite data in the UMB is cloud contamination in the summer months, where peak rainfall occurs. In the Mekong Highlands for instance, the average number of available daytime observations of MODIS LST in July is one observation per month only. It can be assumed that climate statistics calculated from such data is biased. In this context, two gap-filling algorithms were applied to two test areas for the year 2002 and results are discussed in the article. Another issue with MODIS LST data are day-to-day differences in the acquisition time. A temporal homogenization was applied to selected LST data, converting them to one fixed acquisition time. The converted data were compared to the original data set. No significant influence could be found.  相似文献   

The study demonstrates the superiority of fuzzy based methods for non-stationary, non-linear time series. Study is based on unequal length fuzzy sets and uses IF-THEN based fuzzy rules to capture the trend prevailing in the series. The proposed model not only predicts the value but can also identify the transition points where the series may change its shape and is ready to include subject expert’s opinion to forecast. The series is tested on three different types of data: enrolment for Alabama university, sales volume of a chemical company and Gross domestic capital of India: the growth curve. The model is tested on both kind of series: with and without outliers. The proposed model provides an improved prediction with lesser MAPE (mean average percentage error) for all the series tested.  相似文献   

Agriculture in Brazilian Amazonia is going through a period of intensification. Crop mapping is important in understanding the way this intensification is occurring and the impact it is having. Two successive classifications based on MODIS (MODerate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer)-TERRA/EVI (Enhanced Vegetation Index) time series are applied (1) to map agricultural areas and (2) to identify five crop classes. These classes represent agricultural practices involving three commercial crops (soybean, maize and cotton) planted in single or double cropping systems. Both classifications are based on five steps: (1) analysis of the MODIS/EVI time series, (2) application of a smoothing algorithm, (3) application of a feature selection/extraction process to reduce the data set dimensionality, (4) application of a classifier and (5) application of a post-classification treatment. The first classification detected 95% of the agricultural areas (5 617 250 ha during the 2006–2007 harvest) and correlation coefficients with agricultural statistics exceeded 0.98 for the three crop classes at municipality level. The second classification (overall accuracy?=?74% and kappa index?=?0.675) allowed us to obtain the spatial variability mapping of agricultural practices in the state of Mato Grosso. A total of 30% of the total planted area was cultivated through double cropping systems, especially along the BR163 highway and in the Parecis plateau region.  相似文献   

Cross-scalar satellite phenology from ground, Landsat, and MODIS data   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Phenological records constructed from global mapping satellite platforms (e.g. AVHRR and MODIS) hold the potential to be valuable tools for monitoring vegetation response to global climate change. However, most satellite phenology products are not validated, and field checking coarse scale (≥ 500 m) data with confidence is a difficult endeavor. In this research, we compare phenology from Landsat (field scale, 30 m) to MODIS (500 m), and compare datasets derived from each instrument. Landsat and MODIS yield similar estimates of the start of greenness (r2 = 0.60), although we find that a high degree of spatial phenological variability within coarser-scale MODIS pixels may be the cause of the remaining uncertainty. In addition, spatial variability is smoothed in MODIS, a potential source of error when comparing in situ or climate data to satellite phenology. We show that our method for deriving phenology from satellite data generates spatially coherent interannual phenology departures in MODIS data. We test these estimates from 2000 to 2005 against long-term records from Harvard Forest (Massachusetts) and Hubbard Brook (New Hampshire) Experimental Forests. MODIS successfully predicts 86% of the variance at Harvard forest and 70% of the variance at Hubbard Brook; the more extreme topography of the later is inferred to be a significant source of error. In both analyses, the satellite estimate is significantly dampened from the ground-based observations, suggesting systematic error (slopes of 0.56 and 0.63, respectively). The satellite data effectively estimates interannual phenology at two relatively simple deciduous forest sites and is internally consistent, even with changing spatial scale. We propose that continued analyses of interannual phenology will be an effective tool for monitoring native forest responses to global-scale climate variability.  相似文献   

Leaf area index (LAI) products retrieved from observations acquired on one occasion have obvious discontinuity in the time series owing to cloud coverage and other factors, and the accuracy may not meet the needs of many applications. Effectively utilizing data assimilation techniques to retrieve biophysical parameters from the time series of remote-sensing data has attracted special interest. The data assimilation technique is based on a reasonable consideration of dynamic change rules of biophysical parameters and time series observational quantities, thereby improving the quality of retrieved profiles. In this article, a variational assimilation procedure for retrieving LAI from the time series of remote-sensing data is developed. The procedure is based on the formulation of an objective function. A dynamic model is constructed based on the climatology from multi-year Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) LAI data to evolve LAI in time, and a radiative transfer model is coupled with the dynamic model to simulate a time series of surface reflectances. A shuffled complex evolution method (developed at the University of Arizona; SCE-UA) optimization algorithm is then used to minimize the objective function and estimate the dynamic model states and the parameters of the coupled model from the MODIS reflectance data with a higher quality in a given time window. The variational assimilation method is applied to the MODIS surface reflectance data for the whole of 2008 at the Heihe river basin to produce regional LAI mapping results. The ground LAI data measured in situ are used to develop algorithms to estimate LAI from Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) surface reflectance, and ASTER LAI maps are produced for each ASTER scene using the algorithms developed. Then the ASTER LAI maps are aggregated to compare with the new LAI products. It is found that the variational assimilation method is able to produce temporal continuous LAI products and that accuracy has been improved over the MODIS LAI standard product.  相似文献   

Wheat is one of the most important crops in Hungary, which represents approximately 20% of the entire agricultural area of the country, and about 40% of cereals. A robust yield method has been improved for estimating and forecasting wheat yield in Hungary in the period of 2003–2015 using normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) derived from the data of the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer. Estimation was made at the end of June – it is generally the beginning of harvest of winter wheat in Hungary – while the forecasts were performed 1–7 weeks earlier. General yield unified robust reference index (GYURRI) vegetation index was calculated each year using different curve-fitting methods to the NDVI time series. The correlation between GYURRI and country level yield data gave correlation coefficient (r) of 0.985 for the examined 13 years in the case of estimation. Simulating a quasi-operative yield estimation process, 10 years’ (2006–2015) yield data was estimated. The differences between the estimated and actual yield data provided by the Hungarian Central Statistical Office were less than 5%, the average difference was 2.5%. In the case of forecasting, these average differences calculated approximately 2 and 4 weeks before the beginning of harvest season were 4.5% and 6.8%, respectively. We also tested the yield estimation procedure for smaller areas, for the 19 counties (Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics-3 level) of Hungary. We found that, the relationship between GYURRI and the county level yield data had r of 0.894 for the years 2003–2014, and by simulating the quasi-operative forecast for 2015, the resulting 19 county average yield values differed from the actual yield as much as 8.7% in average.  相似文献   

A representative subset of a stratified random sample of LACIE (Large Area Crop Inventory Experiment) segments which are 5 nmi x6 nmi in size were ground truthed and were used to derive field size, length, and width distributions for winter wheat, spring wheat, corn, soybeans, water, and “all crops” for areas in nine states in the U. S. Great Plains and one state in the Corn Belt. Field sizes for spring wheat and soybeans appeared log-normally distributed whereas the other crops and “all crops” did not fit the log-normal distribution well. The modal field size was near 10 acres for most crops studied. Winter wheat, spring wheat, and corn were found to have field width modes near 90 m and soybeans had a mode at 200 m. About 25% of all fields were found to be more narrow than 100 m. Field length modes were found at 400, 800, and 1600 m (I mi) due to the section line road system in the agricultural midwest and the homesteading of 160-acre farms (800 m x 800 m). Based on these field size distributions and a simple theoretical model it was estimated that fields of corn, soybeans, winter wheat, and spring wheat have Landsat MSS pixels which are on the average 40% pure (i.e., 40% of all pixels contain a single generic class), and that this will increase to 75% at the thematic mapper resolution.  相似文献   

Landsat imagery with a 30 m spatial resolution is well suited for characterizing landscape-level forest structure and dynamics. While Landsat images have advantageous spatial and spectral characteristics for describing vegetation properties, the Landsat sensor's revisit rate, or the temporal resolution of the data, is 16 days. When considering that cloud cover may impact any given acquisition, this lengthy revisit rate often results in a dearth of imagery for a desired time interval (e.g., month, growing season, or year) especially for areas at higher latitudes with shorter growing seasons. In contrast, MODIS (MODerate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) has a high temporal resolution, covering the Earth up to multiple times per day, and depending on the spectral characteristics of interest, MODIS data have spatial resolutions of 250 m, 500 m, and 1000 m. By combining Landsat and MODIS data, we are able to capitalize on the spatial detail of Landsat and the temporal regularity of MODIS acquisitions. In this research, we apply and demonstrate a data fusion approach (Spatial and Temporal Adaptive Reflectance Fusion Model, STARFM) at a mainly coniferous study area in central British Columbia, Canada. Reflectance data for selected MODIS channels, all of which were resampled to 500 m, and Landsat (at 30 m) were combined to produce 18 synthetic Landsat images encompassing the 2001 growing season (May to October). We compared, on a channel-by-channel basis, the surface reflectance values (stratified by broad land cover types) of four real Landsat images with the corresponding closest date of synthetic Landsat imagery, and found no significant difference between real (observed) and synthetic (predicted) reflectance values (mean difference in reflectance: mixed forest x? = 0.086, σ = 0.088, broadleaf x? = 0.019, σ = 0.079, coniferous x? = 0.039, σ = 0.093). Similarly, a pixel based analysis shows that predicted and observed reflectance values for the four Landsat dates were closely related (mean r2 = 0.76 for the NIR band; r2 = 0.54 for the red band; p < 0.01). Investigating the trend in NDVI values in synthetic Landsat values over a growing season revealed that phenological patterns were well captured; however, when seasonal differences lead to a change in land cover (i.e., disturbance, snow cover), the algorithm used to generate the synthetic Landsat images was, as expected, less effective at predicting reflectance.  相似文献   

In this paper we evaluate the potential of ENVISAT–Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS) fused images for land-cover mapping and vegetation status assessment in heterogeneous landscapes. A series of MERIS fused images (15 spectral bands; 25 m pixel size) is created using the linear mixing model and a Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) image acquired over the Netherlands. First, the fused images are classified to produce a map of the eight main land-cover types of the Netherlands. Subsequently, the maps are validated using the Dutch land-cover/land-use database as a reference. Then, the fused image with the highest overall classification accuracy is selected as the best fused image. Finally, the best fused image is used to compute three vegetation indices: the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and two indices specifically designed to monitor vegetation status using MERIS data: the MERIS terrestrial chlorophyll index (MTCI) and the MERIS global vegetation index (MGVI).

Results indicate that the selected data fusion approach is able to downscale MERIS data to a Landsat-like spatial resolution. The spectral information in the fused images originates fully from MERIS and is not influenced by the TM data. Classification results for the TM and for the best fused image are similar and, when comparing spectrally similar images (i.e. TM with no short-wave infrared bands), the results of the fused image outperform those of TM. With respect to the vegetation indices, a good correlation was found between the NDVI computed from TM and from the best fused image (in spite of the spectral differences between these two sensors). In addition, results show the potential of using MERIS vegetation indices computed from fused images to monitor individual fields. This is not possible using the original MERIS full resolution image. Therefore, we conclude that MERIS–TM fused images are very useful to map heterogeneous landscapes.  相似文献   

The leaf area index (LAI) of fast-growing Eucalyptus plantations is highly dynamic both seasonally and inter-annually, and is spatially variable depending on pedo-climatic conditions. LAI is very important in determining the carbon and water balance of a stand, but is difficult to measure during a complete stand rotation and at large scales. Remote-sensing methods allowing the retrieval of LAI time series with accuracy and precision are therefore necessary. Here, we tested two methods for LAI estimation from MODIS 250m resolution red and near-infrared (NIR) reflectance time series. The first method involved the inversion of a coupled model of leaf reflectance and transmittance (PROSPECT4), soil reflectance (SOILSPECT) and canopy radiative transfer (4SAIL2). Model parameters other than the LAI were either fixed to measured constant values, or allowed to vary seasonally and/or with stand age according to trends observed in field measurements. The LAI was assumed to vary throughout the rotation following a series of alternately increasing and decreasing sigmoid curves. The parameters of each sigmoid curve that allowed the best fit of simulated canopy reflectance to MODIS red and NIR reflectance data were obtained by minimization techniques. The second method was based on a linear relationship between the LAI and values of the GEneralized Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (GESAVI), which was calibrated using destructive LAI measurements made at two seasons, on Eucalyptus stands of different ages and productivity levels. The ability of each approach to reproduce field-measured LAI values was assessed, and uncertainty on results and parameter sensitivities were examined. Both methods offered a good fit between measured and estimated LAI (R2 = 0.80 and R2 = 0.62 for model inversion and GESAVI-based methods, respectively), but the GESAVI-based method overestimated the LAI at young ages.  相似文献   

Although the combined use of Landsat and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) time-series data in land-cover classification has been widely adopted, the majority of such use of Landsat and MODIS data is done at the pixel level or feature input level in land-cover classification. We propose in this research a new method to make integrated use of different satellite data by adaptively weighted decision-level fusion. Training and validation samples were collected independently. Training samples were obtained from 329 regions and validation samples from 439 randomly distributed single-point positions. A Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier was applied to the Landsat 8 data for classification and probability estimation. A Random Forests (RF) classifier was applied to the MODIS time-series data for probability estimation. Weight values were computed based on decision credibility, and reliability values were computed based on data quality. Three decision fusion procedures were performed. In the first procedure, decisions obtained from a Landsat 8 pixel and its corresponding MODIS pixel were fused for improvements (FUSION1). In the second, decisions obtained from the spatial neighbours of the Landsat 8 pixel were added to FUSION1 (FUSION2). In the third, decision fusion only among the Landsat 8 pixel and its spatial neighbours was performed (FUSION3) for comparison. Overall accuracies for the results with Landsat data only, FUSION1, FUSION2, and FUSION3 are 74.0%, 79.3%, 80.6%, and 75.6%, respectively. As a comparison, we also experimented on the use of Landsat and MODIS data by concatenating their features directly. Two classifiers, SVM and RF, were trained and validated on the concatenated features. The overall accuracies were 72.9% and 75.4%, respectively. Results show that the proposed method can utilize information selectively, so that considerable improvements can be obtained and fewer errors introduced. Moreover, it can be easily extended to handle more than two types of data source.  相似文献   

Retrieval from remote sensing of separate temporal dynamics for the understorey layer in tropical savannahs would be beneficial for monitoring fuel loads, biomass for livestock, interrelationships between trees and grasses, and modelling of savannah systems. In this study, we combined unmixing of fractional cover with normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and the short wave infrared ratio (SWIR32) with time series decomposition of the NDVI to attempt to fully resolve the dynamics of the herbaceous understorey in the Australian tropical savannah based on the fractions of photosynthetic herbaceous vegetation (FPVH) and non-photosynthetic vegetation (FNPV), from the woody overstorey, represented by the fraction of photosynthetic vegetation in the tree canopy (FPVW). Evaluation of FPVH against field data gave moderate relationships between predicted and observed values (R2 between 0.5 and 0.6); since semivariogram metrics of representativeness indicated that field sites were relatively unrepresentative of variation at the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer MODIS) pixel scale. Both FPVW and FPVH produced strong linear relationships (root mean square error < 0.1 units) with high-resolution Orbview 3 cover fractions classified from tasselled cap transformations. However, FNPVH (non-photosynthetic herbaceous cover fraction) retrievals at southern arid locations produced an evaluation relationship with a greater deviation from the 1:1 line than for northern locations. This suggested that there may be limitations on the NDVI–SWIR32 unmixing approach in more sparsely vegetated savanna. Maps of average annual maximum FPVH, FNPVH, and total herbaceous cover fraction could be used as indicators of savannah productivity and landscape health. However, close examination of the limitations of the NDVI–SWIR32 response may be required for application of this method in other global savannahs.  相似文献   

Understory fires in Amazon forests alter forest structure, species composition, and the likelihood of future disturbance. The annual extent of fire-damaged forest in Amazonia remains uncertain due to difficulties in separating burning from other types of forest damage in satellite data. We developed a new approach, the Burn Damage and Recovery (BDR) algorithm, to identify fire-related canopy damages using spatial and spectral information from multi-year time series of satellite data. The BDR approach identifies understory fires in intact and logged Amazon forests based on the reduction and recovery of live canopy cover in the years following fire damages and the size and shape of individual understory burn scars. The BDR algorithm was applied to time series of Landsat (1997-2004) and MODIS (2000-2005) data covering one Landsat scene (path/row 226/068) in southern Amazonia and the results were compared to field observations, image-derived burn scars, and independent data on selective logging and deforestation. Landsat resolution was essential for detection of burn scars < 50 ha, yet these small burns contributed only 12% of all burned forest detected during 1997-2002. MODIS data were suitable for mapping medium (50-500 ha) and large (> 500 ha) burn scars that accounted for the majority of all fire-damaged forests in this study. Therefore, moderate resolution satellite data may be suitable to provide estimates of the extent of fire-damaged Amazon forest at a regional scale. In the study region, Landsat-based understory fire damages in 1999 (1508 km2) were an order of magnitude higher than during the 1997-1998 El Niño event (124 km2 and 39 km2, respectively), suggesting a different link between climate and understory fires than previously reported for other Amazon regions. The results in this study illustrate the potential to address critical questions concerning climate and fire risk in Amazon forests by applying the BDR algorithm over larger areas and longer image time series.  相似文献   

The timing of spring river-ice breakup, a major annual event for physical, biological, and human systems on Arctic rivers, has been used to infer regional climate variations over the past century or more. Most observations of ice breakup are recorded as point data taken from selected ground-based stations. It is unknown whether these point observations are fully representative of breakup patterns elsewhere along the course of a river. Here, daily time series of moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) and advanced very high resolution radiometer (AVHRR) satellite images are used to remotely sense spatial and temporal patterns in ice breakup along 1600-3300 km lengths of the Lena, Ob', Yenisey, and Mackenzie Rivers. The first day of predominantly ice-free water is visually identified and mapped for ten years (1992-1993, 1995-1998, and 2000-2003), with a mean precision of ±1.75 days. The derived breakup dates show high correlation with ground-based observations, although a slight trend towards earlier satellite-derived dates can be traced to differences in the way ice breakup date is defined. Large ice jams are often observed, particularly at confluences, although smaller ice jams may not be visible due to the limited spatial resolution of the imagery used. At the watershed scale, spatial patterns in breakup seem to be primarily governed by latitude, timing of the spring flood wave, and location of confluences with major tributaries. Interestingly, channel-scale factors such as slope, width, and radius of curvature, which are known to influence ice breakup at the reach scale, do not appear to be major factors at the scale observed here. The degree of similarity between interannual trends in breakup date at distant points along a river is generally high, which supports the use of point-scale data to infer regional climate variations. This similarity does not hold true for the Mackenzie River, where substantial spatial differences in breakup trends are observed. A new variable, spatially integrated breakup date (di), uses weighted spatial averaging to provide a more encompassing measure of breakup timing. The Ob' and Yenisey Rivers show similar trends in spatially integrated breakup date from year to year. In contrast, the Mackenzie and Lena show a remarkably consistent negative correlation, here attributed to sea surface temperature anomalies associated with the Pacific Decadal Oscillation Index.  相似文献   


In the Bist Doab tract of the Punjab, occurrence of ground water is controlled by geological and geomorphological features. In this study an attempt has been made to analyse different landforms and geomorphological features and to evaluate their ground water potential. The geomorphological units identified include linear ridge, structural hills, alluvial fans, piedmont plain, alluvial plain, sand dunes, flood plain, seasonal rivulets and braided river channels. The palaeochannels, ox-bows and meander scars have prominent shallow aquifers of good quality with excellent yield. The low lying alluvial plain is cropped extensively due to more moisture and/or shallow aquifers. Flood plains are potential sites for artificial recharge. Tapping off the flood plain for ground water can be easy and cheap. The run-off and recharge zones have been identified from satellite data.  相似文献   

Snow cover information is an essential parameter for a wide variety of scientific studies and management applications, especially in snowmelt runoff modelling. Until now NOAA and IRS data were widely and effectively used for snow‐covered area (SCA) estimation in several Himalayan basins. The suit of snow cover products produced from MODIS data had not previously been used in SCA estimation and snowmelt runoff modelling in any Himalayan basin. The present study was conducted with the aim of assessing the accuracy of MODIS, NOAA and IRS data in snow cover mapping under Himalayan conditions. The total SCA was estimated using these three datasets for 15 dates spread over 4 years. The results were compared with ground‐based estimation of snow cover. A good agreement was observed between satellite‐based estimation and ground‐based estimation. The influence of aspect in SCA estimation was analysed for the three satellite datasets and it was observed that MODIS produced better results. Snow mapping accuracy with respect to elevation was tested and it was observed that at higher elevation MODIS sensed more snow and proved better at mapping snow under mountain shadow conditions. At lower elevation, IRS proved better in mapping patchy snow cover due to higher spatial resolution. The temporal resolution of MODIS and NOAA data is better than IRS data, which means that the chances of getting cloud‐free scenes is higher. In addition, MODIS has an automated snow‐mapping algorithm, which reduces the time and errors incorporated during processing satellite data manually. Considering all these factors, it was concluded that MODIS data could be effectively used for SCA estimation under Himalayan conditions, which is a vital parameter for snowmelt runoff estimation.  相似文献   

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