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The purpose of atmospheric correction is to produce more accurate surface reflectance and to potentially improve the extraction of surface parameters from satellite images. To achieve this goal the influences of the atmosphere, solar illumination, sensor viewing geometry and terrain information have to be taken into account. Although a lot of information from satellite imagery can be extracted without atmospheric correction, the physically based approach offers advantages, especially when dealing with multitemporal data and/or when a comparison of data provided by different sensors is required. The use of atmospheric correction models is limited by the need to supply data related to the condition of the atmosphere at the time of imaging. Such data are not always available and the cost of their collection is considerable, hence atmospheric correction is performed with the use of standard atmospheric profiles. The use of these profiles results in a loss of accuracy. Therefore, site-dependent databases of atmospheric parameters are needed to calibrate and to adjust atmospheric correction methods for local level applications. In this article, the methodology and results of the project Adjustment of Atmospheric Correction Methods for Local Studies: Application in ASTER (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer) (ATMOSAT) for the area of Crete are presented. ATMOSAT aimed at comparing several atmospheric correction methods for the area of Crete, as well as investigating the effects of atmospheric correction on land cover classification and change detection. Databases of spatio-temporal distributions of all required input parameters (atmospheric humidity, aerosols, spectral signatures, land cover and elevation) were developed and four atmospheric correction methods were applied and compared. The baseline for this comparison is the spatial distribution of surface reflectance, emitted radiance and brightness temperature as derived by ASTER Higher Level Products (HLPs). The comparison showed that a simple image based method, which was adjusted for the study area, provided satisfactory results for visible, near infrared and short-wave infrared spectral areas; therefore it can be used for local level applications. Finally, the effects of atmospheric correction on land cover classification and change detection were assessed using a time series of ASTER multispectral images acquired in 2000, 2002, 2004 and 2006. Results are in agreement with past studies, indicating that for this type of application, where a common radiometric scale is assumed among the multitemporal images, atmospheric correction should be taken into consideration in pre-processing.  相似文献   

The present study evaluates the fusion of DEMs from the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) instrument and the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM). The study area consists of high elevation glaciers draining through the rough topography of the Bhutan Himalayas. It turns out that the ASTER-derived and SRTM3 DEMs have similar accuracy over the study area, but the SRTM3 DEM contains less gross errors. However, for rough topography large sections of the SRTM3 DEM contain no data. We therefore compile a combined SRTM3-ASTER DEM. From this final composite-master DEM, we produce repeat ASTER orthoimages from which we evaluate the DEM quality and derive glacier surface velocities through image matching. The glacier tongues north of the Himalayan main ridge, which enter the Tibet plateau, show maximum surface velocities in the order of 100-200 m year−1. In contrast, the ice within the glacier tongues south of the main ridge flows with a few tens of meters per year. These findings have a number of implications, among others for glacier dynamics, glacier response to climate change, glacier lake development, or glacial erosion. The study indicates that space-based remote sensing can provide new insights into the magnitude of selected surface processes and feedback mechanisms that govern mountain geodynamics.  相似文献   

Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) reflectance and emissivity data were used to discriminate nonphotosynthetic vegetation (NPV) from exposed soils, to produce a topsoil texture image, and to relate sand fraction estimates with elevation data in an agricultural area of central Brazil. The results show that the combination of the shortwave infrared (SWIR) bands 5 and 6 (hydroxyl absorption band) and thermal infrared (TIR) bands 10 and 14 (quartz reststrahlen feature) discriminated dark red clayey soils and bright sandy soils from NPV (crop litter), respectively. The ratio of the bands 10 and 14 was correlated with laboratory measured total sand fraction. When applied to the image and associated with topography, a predominance of sandy soil surfaces at lower elevations and clayey soil surfaces at higher elevations was observed. Areas presenting the largest sand fraction values, identified from ASTER band 10/14 emissivity ratio, were coincident with land degradation processes.  相似文献   

Olive oil mill wastes (OOMW) constitute a major pollution factor in olive-growing regions and an important problem to be solved for the agricultural industry. Olive oil mill wastes are normally deposited in tanks, or directly into the soil or even on adjacent torrents, rivers, and lakes, posing a high risk of environmental pollution in regard to public health. This study aims to develop integrated satellite remote sensing, geographical information systems (GIS), and ground spectroscopy methodologies to detect and monitor OOMW disposal areas on the island of Crete, Greece in the Southeastern Mediterranean. More than 1000 disposal tanks were mapped through an extended global positioning system (GPS) survey that took place throughout the island. Satellite images of both high (IKONOS) and medium (Landsat 8 OLI (Operational Land Imager)) resolution were preprocessed and analysed by applying geometric, radiometric, and atmospheric corrections. A library with a spectral signature of OOMW including both different time periods and satellite sensors was developed. At the same time, ground spectroscopy campaigns were carried out and a complementary spectral signature library was developed. The narrow band reflectance of ground measurements was recalculated using the relative response filters of the corresponding satellite sensors. Both libraries were compared for their accuracy through statistical approaches and the optimum spectral range for detecting OOMW areas was estimated. Subsequently, further auxiliary image-processing techniques such as image fusion, linear spectral unmixing (LSU), false-colour composites (FCCs), image classification, and principal component analysis (PCA) were applied to satellite images to enhance OOMW patterns, and an innovative OOMW detection index for Landsat 8 was developed. In addition, several vegetation indices were applied and compared in regard to their efficiency in detecting waste ponds. Finally an integrated, semi-automatic methodology was developed in the GIS environment employing classification algorithms for the detection of waste ponds. This study highlights the potential of satellite remote sensing, GIS, and ground spectroscopy in the semi–automatic detection of OOMW disposal areas in the context of the Mediterranean landscape.  相似文献   

In the Central Amazônia (Brazil), the Solimões River and the Negro River (“Rio Negro”) merge to form the Amazonas, the largest river in the world. Analysis of a digital elevation model produced by the Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) in that region reveals the relicts of a large ancient drainage system hidden by the tropical rain forest. Interpretation of this unreported terrain feature in the context of the regional geological framework indicates that the present lower course of the Rio Negro results from a mega fluvial capture driven by an active tectonic regime prevailing in the Amazonian basin. The diversion of the Rio Negro was controlled by pre-existing NW-SE structural features, in which the arrangement of fault blocks compelled the river to funnel down into a strait. Partially blocked by this natural barrier, the Rio Negro widens upstream, assuming a lake-like appearance (up to 20 km-wide). Free space availability and low energy favored the deposition of sediments to form the Anavilhanas Archipelago, the largest group of freshwater islands on the world, refuge of a diversified fauna and flora.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates and compares the performance of two approaches for locating an agent in a mobile agent environment. The first approach dynamically creates a chain of forwarders to locate a moving agent, whereas the second one relies on a centralized server to perform this task. Based on a Markov chain analysis, we compute the performance of each scheme (time to reach an agent, number of forwarders) and compare them first with simulations and second with experimental results obtained by using ProActive, a Java library. Depending on the system parameters we identify the best scheme and observe that over a LAN the server yields the best performance, whereas the forwarders yield the best performance over a MAN.  相似文献   

Primary Health Care (PHC) in Crete is in a state of rapid development. The strategy for introducing PHC involves an orientation towards the population and the creation of possibilities for evaluation. A case records system, "Egino", was installed in the University of Heraklion and at the Health Centre in Spili in 1988, and was further developed according to local needs during 1989, when also a Greek version of the statistical system, "DoIt", was installed. The main reasons for establishing a computerized medical information system were (i) to assess the health needs in Crete, (ii) to monitor activities of the primary health care organizations, and (iii) to introduce epidemiological research into primary health care in Greece. The information system was based on specially assigned patient numbers containing several pieces of information about the individual; the system was developed at the Dalby Health Sciences Centre in Sweden. Each month, data were extracted in Spili Health Centre, and these data were regularly used to present incidence and prevalence indices. Some of the data extracted were reported to the health authorities in Greece. "EginO" and "DoIt" gave possibilities to evaluate health services by following the morbidity, while also making it possible to describe and analyse health needs in the population of Spili and other primary health care catchment areas in Greece.  相似文献   

Work on water stress detection at tree and orchard levels using a high-spatial airborne thermal sensor is presented, showing its connection with yield and some fruit quality indicators in olive and peach commercial orchards under different irrigation regimes. Two airborne campaigns were conducted with the Airborne Hyperspectral Scanner (AHS) over olive and peach orchards located in Córdoba, southern Spain. The AHS sensor was flown at three different times on 25 July 2004 and 16 July 2005, collecting 2 m spatial resolution imagery in 80 spectral bands in the 0.43-12.5 μm spectral range. Thermal bands were assessed for the retrieval of land surface temperature using the split-window algorithm and TES (Temperature-Emissivity-Separation) method, separating pure crowns from shadows and sunlit soil pixels using the reflectance bands. Stem water potential and stomatal conductance were measured on selected trees at the time of airborne flights over the orchards. Tree fruit yield and quality parameters such as oil, weight and water content (for the olive trees), and fruit volume and weight (for the peach trees) were obtained at harvest and through laboratory analysis. Relationships between airborne-estimated crown temperature minus air temperature and stem water potential yielded r2 = 0.5 (12:30 GMT) at the olive tree level, and r2 = 0.81 (9:00 GMT) at the treatment level in peach trees. These results demonstrate that water stress can be detected at the crown level even under the usual water management conditions of commercial orchards. Regressions of yield and fruit quality against remote sensing estimates of crown temperature as an indicator of water stress, yielded r2 = 0.95 (olive fruit water content) and r2 = 0.94 (peach fruit mean diameter). These results suggest that high-spatial remote sensing thermal imagery has potential as an indicator of some fruit quality parameters for crop field segmentation and irrigation management purposes. A simulation study using ASTER spectral bands and aggregated pixels for stress detection as a function of irrigation level was conducted in order to study the applicability of medium resolution thermal sensors for the global monitoring of open-canopy tree crops. The determination coefficients obtained between the ASTER-simulated canopy temperature minus air temperature and stem water potential yielded r2 = 0.58 (12:30 GMT) for olive trees, suggesting the potential for extrapolating these methods to ASTER satellite for global monitoring of open tree canopies.  相似文献   

Progress in the understanding and eventual management of lakes depends upon iterative interactions between model-guided measurements and measurement-tested model development. A research example of this progress can be demonstrated by the measurement campaigns that were mounted in Lake Trichonis, in central Greece. Numerical simulations and analytical theories have been tested against currents, surface seiche and temperatures. Simultaneous water gauges, current meters, anemometric stations, thermometers, sediment and water samplers were used for the verification of the model. The agreement between the theoretically predicted and experimentally determined data was satisfactory for most of the verifications. The most significant error was due to atmospheric pressure. The computed surface seiche showed excellent agreement with the observations, even in spectral analysis. The computed currents showed circulation patterns very similar to those measured in the field. The computed temperature distributions throughout the lake were not in good agreement because of incoming water from the bottom.  相似文献   

By applying the same principles and techniques as described in the first paper, the data transformation equations for SPOT, NOAA, IKONOS, Quick Bird ASTER, and MSS are discussed and presented here. As in TM images, the general radiance level L, the visible–infrared radiation balance B and the band radiance variation vector (direction and speed) V images are all extracted from the above satellite images. All transformed black and white L, B and V images and their colour composites have their universality and individuality. The universality is that the transformed images accord with the three‐to‐three corresponding regular triangle scheme described in paper I and that the colours on their colour composite are pure, saturated, plentiful, brilliant, information‐equilibrated, meaning‐definite and close to colours of ground features in nature. The individuality is that the transformed images all have their own regional and seasonal characteristics. The universality is only determined by the coefficients of transformation equations and not dependent upon the original gray level values of image scene in any region and any season. Meanwhile the individuality is only determined by the preservation of regional and seasonal characteristics contained in the original gray level values of concrete image scenes. This paper also deals with the application of the transformed images in image enhancement, ground features interpretation, classification and digital analysis. In addition, some application examples are also offered. Finally the peculiarities and some shortcomings of this method are also summarized.  相似文献   

针对网络化控制系统(NCS)中的随机时变时延,提出了两种时延预测算法——自适应最小均方差(LMS)算法和在线最小二乘支持向量机(LS-SVM)算法,对其进行预测,并用实际测试得到的网络时延数据,对两种算法的时延预测效果进行了详细分析比较,指出了各自的特点和适用范围。  相似文献   

This study aims at quantifying and mapping fire-related characteristics of forest structure through field inventories, statistics, remote sensing, and geographical information systems in the island of Lesvos, northeast Aegean Sea, Greece. Simulation of fire behaviour requires forest biomass inputs that describe surface fuel types/models along with canopy fuel properties, such as canopy cover, stand height, crown base height, and crown bulk density, to accurately predict surface and crown fire spread and spotting potential. Forest canopy characteristics and other vegetation attributes were sampled and derived in over 100 field plots, the majority of which were located in coastal pine forest stands. Regression models involving four dependent forest stand variables (stand height, canopy cover, crown base height, and crown bulk density) were developed using generalized additive models. The values of adjusted R 2 were 0.72 for stand height, 0.68 for canopy cover, 0.51 for crown base height, and 0.33 for crown bulk density. These regression models were used to create forest fuel characteristics layers, which can be used as inputs to fire management applications and state-of-the-art landscape-scale fire behaviour models.  相似文献   

A homogeneous region in a protein sequence is a set of contiguous residues that share common features, concerning physico-chemical, structural and mutational information. This paper presents a method for identifying such homogeneous regions. From a profile describing a given type of biological information along the sequence, the algorithm allows the segmentation of the sequence by optimizing a criterion characterized by two user-defined control parameters: the 'homogenizing degree' of the regions and the 'site neighbourhood' size. We apply the method to the envelope proteins of the human immunodeficiency virus HIV-1, for the identification of homogeneous regions in a hydrophobicity profile and the delineation of variable and conserved regions in a variability profile.  相似文献   

This study investigated the wind characteristics of the island of Lesvos, Greece, with the objective of providing the necessary data for identifying the wind power production capabilities of the island. Weather patterns were examined using weather data from four Remote Automatic Weather Stations. Specific tools were used to produce the necessary windroses, Weibull curves and charts that helped to understand the prevailing wind characteristics. By using the tools of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and the Wind Atlas Analysis and Application Program (WAsP) as the basic calculation platform, a wind map was produced portraying the wind speeds that prevail at a height of 10 m above ground level. The results of the analysis were tested and evaluated with measurements from 15 wind turbine sites by creating six alternative scenarios. The optimum scenario was used to investigate the installation of a small wind farm with five wind turbines, of 3 MW total capacity.  相似文献   

This paper shown an empirical comparison of two different models for the theoretical analysis of the zero pressure surface position during the imbition of a partially saturated porous medium: the model based on the unsaturated-saturated approach, and the model which describes the zero pressure surface as a free external boundary for the fully saturated zone. A domain FD technique is applied for solving the governing equations of the first model, whereas a BEM formulation has been chosen for the equations of the second one. The comparison is based on numerical experiments which deal with the imbition of an academic system. The results obtained highlight the tendency of the fully saturated approximation to provide solutions where the rise of the free surface is much more localized near the injection zone than in the case of the unsaturated-saturated approach. In addition, owing to the capability of describing the capillary fringe, these latter solutions affect thicker layers of porous matrix. So, the users have to consider the system of interest with the greatest care before they choose the mathematical model which is the most suitable for the aims of the planned simulation.  相似文献   

Accurate battery State of Charge (SOC) estimation is of great significance for safe and efficient energy utilization for electric vehicles. This paper presents a comparison between a novel robust extended Kalman filter (REKF) and a standard extended Kalman filter (EKF) for Li-ion battery SOC indication. The REKF-based method is formulated to explicitly compensate for the battery modeling uncertainty and linearization error often involved in EKF, as well as to provide robustness against the battery system noise to some extent. Evaluation results indicate that both filters have a good average performance, given appropriate noise covariances, owing to a small average modeling error. However, in contrast, the REKF-based SOC estimation method possesses slightly smaller root-mean-square (RMS) error. In the worst case, the robustness characteristics of the REKF result in an obviously smaller error bound (around by 1%). Additionally, the REKF-based approach shows superior robustness against the noise statistics, leading to a better tolerance to inappropriate tuning of the process and measurement noise covariances.  相似文献   

就目前环境监测现场中总线技术的采用,分析了在应用中使用MODBUS总线的状况。从环境监测的体系架构出发,通过分析CAN总线的高层和底层通信协议,描述其在现场替代MODBUS的优势,提出了污染源在线实时监测系统现场的总线实施方案,给出了适于环境监测现场应用的CAN总线接入系统拓扑并详述原因。  相似文献   

Manufacturing corporations sometimes use corporate-internal procedures to evaluate and monitor the ergonomic status of the workplace. This article describes an industrial case study in the Swedish automotive sector, where an internally developed evaluation procedure was compared with a procedure based on a Swedish national standard provision.It was found that the national standard procedure tended to give more severe ratings and statistical support shows that the two evaluation procedures are not equivalent. The ability of the methods to identify body segments at risk was also compared.The quantitative comparison was followed up with interviews, where the influence of professional tasks and objectives became evident, as well as the fact that evaluation criteria are quantified differently by the two procedures. The main finding is that unforeseen differences in analysis procedure, criteria of acceptability and levels of detail can cause use-related difficulties for different professional groups when methods are used interchangeably.

Relevance to industry

Industrial corporations wishing to monitor ergonomics consistently are advised by the authors to ensure that ratings from internal evaluations are interpreted the same way by all involved personnel, and that they at least have criteria levels equivalent to those of a national standard.  相似文献   

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