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The visible–near infrared (VNIR) and short wave infrared (SWIR) spectral bands of both the level 1B, radiance at sensor, and level 2, AST_07 surface reflectance data products of the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) instrument were evaluated and compared for mapping the alteration zones around porphyry copper deposits and occurrences at the northern Shahr‐e‐Babak, SE Iran. The level 1B data were converted to reflectance using internal average relative reflectance (IARR) method whereas the AST_07 dataset was processed as delivered. The porphyry copper mineralization occurs in Eocene, andesitic and basaltic rocks with zonal alteration patterns that are concentric and almost symmetrically arranged. The spectral signatures of alteration index minerals collected from field samples and the United States Geological Survey (USGS) spectral reference library, were considered in directed principal component analysis (DPCA) and spectral angle mapping (SAM) algorithms. Carrying out the DPCA method on three spectral bands enhanced the alteration haloes in the last principal component (PC) images. Generating RGB colour composite images using these PC images differentiated three alteration zones from the host rocks. The SAM results of the IARR calibrated dataset discriminated the propylitic, argillic and phyllic alteration zones. It is concluded that the higher spectral resolution of ASTER instrument is effective for mineral mapping. However, the method of conversion from radiance to reflectance is critical to the validity of the outputs and that the pseudo‐reflectance method using the IARR process may be more reliable than the standard reflectance product.  相似文献   

Using the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA) Pathfinder Land dataset (PAL data) from 1982–2000, vegetation phenology (onset, peak and offset) was defined and analysed with climate data. In areas of precipitation-dependent phenology such as Central Africa, it was found that Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) is affected approximately 20–40 days after the occurrence of precipitation, depending on land cover types. In areas of temperature-dependent phenology such as Siberia, the relationship of phenology and latitude/elevation was investigated. Using temporal NDVI data of 1982–2000, changes in seasonal NDVI pattern were classified into 11 classes and mapped in the Northern Hemisphere. From this analysis, increasing trends of the annual sum of NDVI were found in Siberia, NE Europe and the northern part of North America where good correspondence with the increasing trend of air temperature was recognized. In contrast, some areas such as the east of the Aral Sea showed a decreasing trend of the annual sum of NDVI. It was found that, in the Northern Hemisphere, the area with increasing trend of the annual sum of NDVI is approximately 12 times larger than the area with the decreasing trend. Also, it was found that areas of increasing/decreasing trend of the annual sum of NDVI correspond roughly to areas with increasing/decreasing trend of air temperature from 1982 to 1995.  相似文献   

This study reports the glacier changes of Chandra–Bhaga basin, northwest Himalaya, India, from 1980 to 2010. Satellite remote-sensing data from the Landsat Multispectral Scanner (MSS) and Thematic Mapper (TM), the Linear Imaging Self Scanning Sensor (LISS) and Advanced Wide Field Sensor (AWiFS) of the Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) series, and the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) digital elevation model (DEM) were used to study the changes in glacier parameters such as glacier area, length, snout elevation, and the impact of glacier topographical parameters (glacier slope, aspect, and altitude range) on the glacier changes. It was found that the total glaciated area had shrunk to 368.2 km2 in 2010 from 377.6 km2 in 1980, a loss of 2.5%. The average position of glacier terminuses retreated by 465.5 ± 169.1 m from 1980 to 2010 with an average rate of 15.5 ± 5.6 m year?1. The decadal scale analysis showed that the average rate of retreat had increased the most in the recent decade. A moraine-dammed lake located in the study region was found to have expanded in area from (0.65 ± 0.01) km2 in 1980 to (1.26 ± 0.03) km2 in 2010. Glaciers with steep slope and less altitude range have lost more area than the glaciers having gentle slope and greater altitude range.  相似文献   

The distinct contrast between the reflectance of solar radiation in Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) channel 3 (3.75?µm) by clouds and by bright surfaces provides an effective means of cloud discrimination over snow/ice surfaces. A threshold function for the top-of-atmosphere (TOA) albedo in channel 3 (r 3) is derived and used to develop an improved method for cloud discrimination over snow/ice surfaces that makes explicit use of TOA r 3. Corrections for radiance anisotropy and temperature effects are required to derive accurate values of r 3 from satellite measurements and to utilize the threshold function. It has been used to retrieve cloud cover fractions from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)-14 AVHRR data over the Arctic Ocean and over the North Slope of Alaska (NSA) Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) site in Barrow, Alaska. The retrieved cloud fractions are in good agreement with SHEBA (Surface HEat Budget of the Arctic Ocean) surface visual observations and with NSA cloud radar and lidar observations, respectively. This method can be utilized to improve cloud discrimination over snow/ice surfaces for any satellite sensor with a channel near 3.7?µm.  相似文献   

Critical evaluations and thermodynamic modeling of the Ag-(Ca, Li, and Zn) and Ca-(In, Li) binary systems are presented. Thermodynamic optimization of the Ag–Li binary system was carried out in the present work at first. Thermodynamic re-optimizations of the Ag–Ca, Ag–Zn, Ca–In and Ca–Li binary systems were carried out in the present work, which presents improvements in comparison with previous works. The Modified Quasichemical Model in the Pair Approximation (MQMPA) was used for the liquid solution; this model is particularly suited for liquid which exhibits a high degree of short-range order. The intermetallic compounds are modeled with the Compound Energy Formalism (CEF), and terminal solid solutions are modeled with Bragg–Williams model (BWM) with sub-regular solution approximation. All available and reliable experimental data are reproduced within experimental error limits. A self-consistent thermodynamic database was constructed for the Ag–(Ca, Li, and Zn) and Ca–(In, Li) binary systems, which as a part of the thermodynamic database of the Mg–X (X: Ag, Ca, In, Li, Na, Sn, Sr, and Zn) multi-component system shall facilitate the development of Mg alloys for practical industrial purposes.  相似文献   

Morphological changes on Sagar Island are occurring at an alarming rate due to both natural and anthropogenic activities. The eastern part of the island is rapidly eroding due to destabilization and growth of tidal flats in the Muriganga estuary and the gradual shifting of water current towards the island. Over the last four years (1996–1999), the rate of coastal erosion has been much higher (11.35 km2) than accretion (2.65 km2), compared with the conditions prior to 1996. Coastal places like Dublat, Basantpur, Gobindapur, Collectorganj, and Sumatinagar have become the critical zones of erosion. The shorelines along the eastern and south‐western sides are receding. The extent of coverage of the paddy field, sandy beaches, and land vegetation has decreased from 1996 to 1999 by 15.7, 1.1, and 3.5 km2, respectively. An integrated database of the island was generated using spatial and non‐spatial data collected through field survey, satellite images of IRS‐1C LISS III, and topomaps. Spatial data include coastal geomorphological landforms, land‐use and land cover, shoreline change, sandy beaches, coastal erosion sites, agricultural fields, aquaculture sites, and coastal riparian vegetations. Non‐spatial data include the demography and evolution of the island. The main critical environmental issues of the island are: (1) degradation of mangrove forests and coastal erosion; (2) overpopulation and over‐exploitation of living resources; and (3) destruction of seawalls. Further degradation may lead to extinction of a variety of species and scarcity of marine food unless properly managed and regulated.  相似文献   

Two conditions are required when a remotely sensed vegetation index–land surface temperature (VI–T s) diagram is used to estimate the land surface moisture index (LSMI) and air temperature (T a). First, a suitable sampling window size is required to define an ideal VI–T s diagram. Second, T a must be homogeneous across the sampling window. In this study, the Shannon diversity index (SDI) and the semivariogram method were used to evaluate the VI–T s diagram for estimating LSMI and T a from Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) and MODerate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) datasets. The results show that T a is homogeneous across a sampling window with a width of several tens of kilometres (46.0–83.6 km) based on the semivariogram method and spatial autocorrelation analysis of the T a from 83 meteorological stations in the North China Plain (NCP) in 2003. When the SDIs of VI and T s are respectively larger than 77% and 63% of their maximums within predetermined sampling windows, LSMI estimations by ASTER and T a estimations by ASTER and MODIS are reliable.  相似文献   

This study evaluates and improves the cirrus detection of the middle and low peak Weighting Function (WF) Cloud Emission and Scattering Index (CESI) by using the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) cloud mask product. Results show that CESI-3 (peak WF about 890 hPa) accurately detect cirrus with the Probability of detection (POD) value reaching 0.69 during both at day and nighttimes. The CESI-1 (peak WF about 550 hPa) falsely detects cirrus in the Sahara Desert, south of the Saudi Arabia, north of Tibetan Plateau and in Australia during the ascending process. More false alarm rates (FARs) are detected in the northern mid-latitude around 60° N because of the surface type and seasonal effects. Furthermore, the thresholds of middle and low peak WF CESIs for cirrus detection are determined and the performance is satisfactory. In addition, Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) is employed to train four combination types (combining CESI-1 and CESI-2, combining CESI-1 and CESI-3, combining CESI-2 and CESI-3, and combining CESI-1, CESI-2, and CESI-3). Accordingly, results elucidate that Comb-1-3 (combining CESI-1 and CESI-3) is appropriate to detect cirrus for the ascending process, increasing the POD by 11.2% as compared to CESI-3. However, Comb-1-2-3 (combining CESI-1, CESI-2 with peak WF around 790 hPa, and CESI-3) is most suitable for cirrus detection in the descending process, increasing the PODs by 8.5%. We also find that the POD of cirrus detection over the land increases relatively higher than over the sea. The most significant improvement of cirrus detection occurs over the land in the summer in the daytime with a 35% POD increase from 0.57 to 0.76.  相似文献   

Subjective workload and situation awareness measures, such as the NASA task load index (TLX) and the situational awareness rating technique (SART), are frequently used in human–system evaluation. However, the interpretation of these ratings is debated. In this study, empirical evidence for the measures' theoretical assumptions was investigated by comparing operators' ratings collected immediately after performing a scenario and ratings collected after operators' acquisition through a video review of the scenario, knowledge of actual system states. Eighteen licensed control room operators participated in the simulator study, running 12 relatively challenging scenarios. It was found that the interpretation of TLX items involving introspection remained stable after operators acquired factual scenario knowledge, while the interpretation of items involving the perception of external events, such as situation awareness and performance, depended on the operators' scenario knowledge. The result shows that operators’ ratings could discriminate between mental effort, performance, frustration, and situation awareness. No clear evidence for the SART index as a measure of situation awareness was found. Instead, a subjective situation awareness measure developed for this study was distinct from workload and related to operator performance, showing that this type of measure warrants future investigation of its validity. The study findings help in developing measurement procedures and interpreting subjective measures. Finally, the study reveals that informing operators about the scenario can provide useful subjective ratings of situation awareness and performance. Future research should include procedures for how to inform participants adequately and efficiently in subjective assessments.  相似文献   

This paper presents the optimal path of nonholonomic multi robots with coherent formation in a leader–follower structure in the presence of obstacles using Asexual Reproduction Optimization (ARO). The robots path planning based on potential field method are accomplished and a novel formation controller for mobile robots based on potential field method is proposed. The efficiency of the proposed method is verified through simulation and experimental studies by applying them to control the formation of four e-Pucks robots (low-cost mobile robot platform). Also the proposed method is compared with Simulated Annealing, Improved Harmony Search and Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm methods and the experimental results, higher performance and fast convergence time to the best solution of the ARO demonstrated that this optimization method is appropriate for real time control application.  相似文献   

Seagrass meadows play a critical role in supporting coastal biodiversity and in providing food and habitats for other marine organisms but are continuously threatened by human activities, such as coastal reclamation in the maritime countries. The Sungai Pulai estuary harbours mangroves, mudflats, and shoals with one of the Malaysia’s largest seagrass meadow (Merambong, Tanjung Adang, and Tanjung Laut) in Johor, Malaysia. This study assessed the environmental impact of coastal reclamation activities based on Landsat imagery (1994–2017) through mapping cover and distribution changes of those seagrass meadows by using a previously developed image enhancement technique with further improvement in the classification scheme (87% overall accuracy). The image-difference maps showed changes in seagrass meadows and mudflat cover with the extension of reclaimed land. Some seagrass meadows experienced large-scale changes, and coastal reclamation activities have been suggested as main factors responsible for habitat degradation, reduction in coverage, and total loss due to physical damage and excessive sedimentation. Sufficient protection of on-site construction materials is essential if coastal areas are to conserve seagrass meadows. This Landsat-based image classification approach should help the coastal manager to map seagrass meadows and to monitor the environmental impact of reclamation activities with a large spatio-temporal scale.  相似文献   

In this study a link was established between anomalies in climatic and Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR)/Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data in Spain for the period from 1989 to 1999 on a monthly and annual basis using multivariate distributed lag (DL) models and generalized least‐square (GLS) parameter estimation. In most areas significant time‐delayed correlation between anomalies of monthly rainfall and NDVI data was confined to an interval of 1 month. Locally higher lag orders of up to 3 months were found. By contrast, relationships between surface temperature and the NDVI were insignificant in the multivariate context at most locations. The multiple correlation coefficients of the DL models achieved 0.6 in the maximum. Regions characterized by the most significant NDVI–rainfall correlations include the southern forelands of the Pyrenees in Catal?na, rainfed agricultural areas in Extremadura, Andalusia, and the western parts of Castilla y Leon. Average ratios of rainfall to potential evapotranspiration (PET) in the sensitive areas ranged between 0.5 and 2, with annual rainfall amounts less than 700 mm. For each land‐cover class a linear discriminant analysis (LDA) was carried out to assess the environmental factors that might explain the differences in the NDVI–rainfall relationships. The highest discriminant coefficients and factor loadings were recorded for those factors that recurrently trigger water deficit in the sensitive regions, such as low total annual rainfall, large seasonal rainfall variability, high average PET and surface temperature. On the annual basis the lagged correlation of the NDVI and rainfall data was confined to natural vegetation (grassland and scrubland) areas in western Spain. This region suffered from a severe drought in the early 1990s, after which biomass production lagged several years behind improved rainfall conditions. The approach presented is useful for assessing the influence of climatic variables on the pattern of temporal anomalies in the NDVI or related vegetation parameters.  相似文献   

In this paper, the phase diagrams of the LaBr3–MBr (M=Na, K, Rb, Cs) systems are optimized and calculated with the CALPHAD technique. The new modified quasi-chemical model in the pair approximation for local order was used to describe the Gibbs energies of the liquid in these systems. A set of thermodynamic functions has been optimized on the basis of an interactive computer-assisted analysis. The optimized thermodynamic parameters were used to calculate the thermodynamically self-consistent phase diagrams.  相似文献   

The accurate prediction of crop yield is of great help for grain policy making. By assuming a horizontally homogeneous, vertically laminar structure and introducing a multilayer-two-big-leaf model, we develop a radiative-transfer equation for winter-wheat canopy and a model, named the remote-sensing–photosynthesis–yield estimation for crops (RS–P–YEC) model, for winter-wheat yield estimation. The yield is calculated by multiplying the net primary productivity (NPP) by the harvest index (HI). In this study, the yield of winter wheat in the North China Plain in 2006 is estimated using the RS–P–YEC model. The simulated yield is consistent with observations from 17 agro-meteorological stations, and the mean relative error is 4.6%. The results demonstrate that the RS–P–YEC model is a useful tool for winter-wheat yield estimation in the North China Plain with widely available remotely sensed imageries.  相似文献   

The lowest-energy structures and stabilities of the heterodinuclear clusters, CNLin (n = 1–10) and relevant CNLin+ (n = 1–10) cations, are studied using the density functional theory with the 6-311 + G(3df) basis set. The CNLi6 and CNLi5+ clusters are the first three-dimensional ones in the CNLin0/+ series, respectively, and the CN group always caps the Lin0/+ moiety in the CNLin0/+ (n = 1–9) configurations. The CN triple bond is found to be completely cleaved in the CNLi100/+ clusters where the C and N atoms are bridged by two Li atoms. The CNLin (n = 2–10) clusters are hyperlithiated molecules with delocalized valence electrons and consequently possess low VIP values of 3.780–5.674 eV. Especially, the CNLi8 and CNLi10 molecules exhibit lower VIPs than that of Cs atom and can be regarded as heterobinuclear superalkali species. Furthermore, these two superalkali clusters show extraordinarily large first hyperpolarizabilities of 19,423 and 42,658 au, respectively. For the CNLin+ cationic species, the evolution of the energetic and electronic properties with the cluster size shows a special stability for CNLi2+.  相似文献   

Based on the experimental data available in the literature, the β-α′/α′′ martensitic transformation and athermal ω formation of the Ti–M (M = Mo, V, Nb, Cr, Al) binary systems at low temperature are thermodynamically described. According to β-α′/α′′ martensitic transformation and metastable ω phase formation temperatures, thermodynamic parameters of these systems are assessed by means of the CALPHAD (CALculation Phase Diagram) approach supported by first-principles calculations. In addition to the metastable ω phase, only solution phases, i.e. liquid, α(hcp), β(bcc) or γ(fcc) are included and their thermodynamic parameters are adopted in the literature or revised in this work. The metastable phase diagrams of the Ti–M (M = Mo, V, Nb, Cr, Al) systems with T0(β/α) and T0(β/ω) curves are calculated using the obtained parameters. Comparisons between the calculated results and experimental data reported in the literature show that almost all the reliable experimental information can be satisfactorily accounted for by the present modeling.  相似文献   

The utilization of mathematical and computational tools for pollutant assessment frameworks has become increasingly valuable due to the capability to interpret integrated variable measurements. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are considered as dependable and inexpensive techniques for data interpretation and prediction. The self-organizing map (SOM) is an unsupervised ANN used for data training to classify and effectively recognize patterns embedded in the input data space. Application of SOM–ANN is useful for recognizing spatial patterns in contaminated zones by integrating chemical, physical, ecotoxicological and toxicokinetic variables in the identification of pollution sources and similarities in the quality of the samples. Water (n = 11), soil (n = 38) and sediment (n = 54) samples from four areas in the Niger Delta (Nigeria) were classified based on their chemical, toxicological and physical variables applying the SOM. The results obtained in this study provided valuable assessment using the SOM visualization capabilities and highlighted zones of priority that might require additional investigations and also provide productive pathway for effective decision making and remedial actions.  相似文献   

The number of scholarly publications on agile software development has grown significantly in recent years. Several researchers reviewed and attempted to synthesize studies on agile software development. However, no work has ranked the contributions of scholars and institutions to publications using a thorough process. This study presents findings on top publications, institutions, and scholars in the agile software development field from 2001 to 2012 based on the publication of such works in Science Citation Index journals. This paper highlights the key outlets for agile research and summarizes the most influential researchers and institutions as well as the most studied research areas. This study concludes by providing directions for future research.  相似文献   

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