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Virtual Reality - Recently, 360° panorama technologies have been used to create videos and pictures of real and virtual environments, thus opening new possibilities for psychological research....  相似文献   

引言:   当笔记本已成为一种潮流,当随时随地的移动工作与娱乐已成为一种风尚,我们的心中都在期待一种随心而至的感觉.从工作到生活,从家里到家外,从身体到心灵,无时无刻,罗技笔记本全解决方案无微不至地关怀着你和你的爱本,让你的爱本不再"孤独",360°时尚个性体验,畅享移动之旅…………  相似文献   

Two types of locking are identified in linear field C° elements: locking caused by shear resistance in constant curvature deformation and in linear curvature deformation, respectively. Locking of the first type can be ameliorated by decoupling constant curvature bending from shear, which in some elements can be achieved by selective reduced integration. Once the modes are decoupled, a scaling factor on the shear stiffness can be used to alleviate the second type of locking. These findings are explained in terms of a linear displacement, linear rotation beam element and applied to the improvement of a triangular plate element. It is shown that the resulting triangular plate element is free from locking and performs excellently in a wide variety of problems.  相似文献   

“什么正面侧面对面,只是完美弧线。”(摘自蔡依林歌曲:《看我七十二变》)对于173P+这样一款被誉为“液晶王”的产品来说,如果您不够挑剔,很可能就错过了它身上的许多“靓”点。173P+卓越的色彩表现能力已经为人所知,其独创的魔旋技术也令人叹为观止。其实这个产品还有一项性能指标独步市场,那就是“可视角度”。173P+水平及垂直方向上的有效可视角度达到惊人的178°,令人叹为观止。什么是可视角度?产品指标中的“可视角度”是指产品的最大可视角度,它规定了用户在液晶显示器面前的自由活动空间(超出这个范围就会出现色彩失真,您将无法正…  相似文献   

The ternary phase diagram La-Ni-Fe was studied using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electron probe microanalysis (EPMA). Three isothermal sections, at 750, 600 and 500 °C were constructed covering the whole concentration range. In addition, vertical sections at 15 and 35 at.% La were evaluated based on the abovementioned methods and DTA analysis. Among binary compounds, LaNi5, La5Ni19 and La2Ni7 have the widest homogeneity regions. The LaNi5 phase dissolves 19.9, 19.6 and 19.4 at.% Fe at 750, 600 and 500 °C, respectively. The solubility of Fe in La5Ni19 is 14.5, 12.1 and 8.9 at.% at 750, 600 and 500 °C, respectively. For the La2Ni7 phase, the Fe-solubility was found to be 13.9, 11.3 and 10.1 at.% at 750, 600 and 500 °C, respectively. The homogeneity regions of the remaining phases are much smaller. The character of phase equilibria at 750 °C in the Ni-rich region is similar to those at solidus temperature. The character of the phase equilibria at 600 and 500 °C, however, differs from those at higher temperatures. In particular, the equilibrium (γFe,Ni) + La5Ni19 which is present in the La-Ni-Fe system at solidus temperature and 750 °C, is absent at 600 and 500 °C. Instead, the alternative equilibrium LaNi5 + La2Ni7 is present at 600 °C. Furthermore, the equilibrium La2Ni7 + La2Ni3 which is present at solidus temperature, is replaced by the alternative equilibrium (αFe) + La7Ni16 at lower temperatures.  相似文献   

Eruption of Eyjafjallajökull volcano took place on 13–14 April 2010, and created an ash cloud moving towards densely populated areas in Europe. Dispersion models show that the cloud appeared over Poland at noon on 16 April. Measurements of optical properties of the atmospheric aerosols by the Cimel Sun Photometer (optical thickness and volume size distribution) and lidar (backscatter coefficient) at Belsk (52° N, 21° E) for the period 15–26 April 2010 are examined to find volcanic ash in the atmosphere over the site. Thin aerosol clouds, linked to the volcanic eruption, were found below 5 km, and their optical thickness (at 500 nm) varied only slightly in the range of a few hundredths. The optical depth of the aerosol clouds in the 5–7.5 km layer was less than 0.01.  相似文献   

本文采用两片常用集成电路组成一个可控硅线性触发器,移相范围为0°~180°。具有结构简单,成本低廉等优点。  相似文献   

Formanyyears,computersciencehasbeenstrainingattheboundsofthecomputer,hopingforalanguage,atechnique,asysternthatwouldtranscendtherigidboundsofthepurelyprocedural.Allofthoseattemptshavefailed,toagreaterorlesserdegree.Yetnow,withoutintendingit,weperhapsfindourselvesimperceptiblyoverthatedge.Thereisnosinglewatershedevent,butwehaveneverthelesscrossedfromonecomputingeraintoanother.TwoMicrosoftonlineencyclopedias,EncartaandCinemania,standoneithersideofacontinentaldivideinelectronicpublishing.Bothma…  相似文献   

This article presents a study of the seasonal variability of the rate of change of total ozone column (TOC) and the rate of change of surface relative humidity (RH) over Dum Dum (22° 38′ N, 88° 26′ E) during different seasons of the period 1997–2005. The rate of formation of TOC was a maximum during the pre-monsoon and winter seasons and the rate of decrease of TOC was a maximum during the monsoon and post-monsoon seasons throughout the period of study. The rate of increase of surface RH was a maximum in the pre-monsoon season and the rate decreased during the other seasons. At the monsoon and post-monsoon seasons the rate of decrease of TOC increased with the rate of decrease of surface RH.  相似文献   

2月11日,在北京搜狐网络大厦的视频演播室,acer搞了一场别开生面的产品发布会。在会上,acer发布了最新的10.1英寸屏幕的Aspire One超便携电脑。不过,这都不是最吸引人目光的,真正让人眼前一亮的,是Aspire One的代言人——李欣汝的登场。  相似文献   

一、INTEL CAG规范详解-很早以前就已出现近来留心机箱市场的朋友不难发现,越来越多的新品机箱都宣称自己符合什么CAG1.1规范或者TAC1.1规范甚至做到了38度概念。这么多名词要么不来一来就是三个,这下子可给消费者弄了个头晕脑胀。那么这三者到底都是什么意思,它们之间又有什么关系呢?下面,就让我们来为您注意进行一个解释。首先,让我们了解一下CAG。CAG的英文全称为Chassis Air Guide,是INTEL对于机箱内部散热设计的指南。随着新一代处理器、芯片组以及显示卡在运算速度上的提高,对应的发热量也是突飞猛进,为了给这些高发热量配件进行良好的散热各个厂家纷纷给它们安装上了散热风扇。但是,无论风扇对这些配件的帮助有多大它们都是封闭在一  相似文献   

澳大利亚是一个利润丰厚、回报稳定的市场。澳大利亚客商对产品品质要求很高,如果企业的产品品质一直有保证,生意做顺了,抓住一个客户,想丢都丢不掉。  相似文献   

艾诺V6000HD系列PMP正式发布;惠普在台发布多点触摸笔记本电脑;MBA的对手来了!;你是超便携吗?;Mini700andNC20来参战  相似文献   

某日,当我沉浸于自己的东芝Satellite A60本本的便携和轻巧中时忽然灵感一动,我是不是要好好武装一下自己的本本?其实本本的意义不止是可以方便地上上网,管理文档,倒倒大容量的图片或者视频。给本本身上的各种端端口口配置些相应的东西,好好照顾本本,你会发现,本本其实是个多面手。下面我们就一起动手武装本本,或许我介绍的东西不是最新的,但都有自己的-技之长。  相似文献   

The Journal of Supercomputing - This paper is concerned with techniques for directly embedding moving objects in the real world into 360° virtual reality scenes captured by 360° camera,...  相似文献   

利用Photoshop的全景功能,使冬季运动更加精彩动感地展现。常用数码相机拍照的人都知道,照片效果是可以通过图像后期处理来改善的。有时利用Photoshop还可以变幻出新花样的图案。现在我们就用Photoshop里众所周知的自动全景功能来创作一张全新的图片。首先在进行拍摄的时候就要结合自由全  相似文献   

全景摄像机由鱼眼镜头来实现360°监控;也可通过多镜头实现全景守护。本期所测试的3款全景摄像机,都采用了鱼眼镜头,那么他们又有哪些令人惊叹的地方呢?下面让小编给大家总结一下。  相似文献   

去过八达岭长城的朋友很多都看过那里的360度全景电影,登录过故宫博物院网站的朋友很多都看过紫禁城的360度全景图……这种360度全景的东西能够完整地展现物体的全貌。如果你对这类全景的东西感兴趣,不妨随笔者一起用3DVista Flash VT Exporter来制作一幅360度的全景图。  相似文献   

与欧美国家相比,国内保险行业的IT 技术应用尚处于分散和缺乏规范状态,客户数据的收集和分析尤显不足,客户服务水平参差不齐。如果说国内保险业目前还可凭借国内外保险体制和行业规范的差异保持微弱优势,那么一旦加入 WTO,国内保险业就必须与实力雄厚的国外同业对手在同一份市场展开争夺,考虑到国内保险业差强人意的客户服务水平,未来的竞争态势未免令人感到心虚气短。无形压力之下,信息技术在国内保险行业的应用推广格外迅速,客户信息的价值挖掘更成为空前热烈的话题。现在,国内大型保险公司纷纷建立了客户服务体系,中国人寿、太平洋保险、平  相似文献   

<正> 本文所述电路可产生一个与模拟频率f_2和f_2+φ之间的相位差φ成正比的数字信号,其计数与锁存电路提供微处理机的一种接口。该电路具有以下二个新的特点: 1.对于360°的量程,该电路总是相对于上面通道测量相位。 2.接通时无需复位该电路,因为全部双稳态触发器都自动确定正确状态。  相似文献   

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