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Estimating impervious surface distribution by spectral mixture analysis   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Estimating the distribution of impervious surface, a major component of the vegetation-impervious surface-soil (V-I-S) model, is important in monitoring urban areas and understanding human activities. Besides its applications in physical geography, such as run-off models and urban change studies, maps showing impervious surface distribution are essential for estimating socio-economic factors, such as population density and social conditions. In this paper, impervious surface distribution, together with vegetation and soil cover, is estimated through a fully constrained linear spectral mixture model using Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) data within the metropolitan area of Columbus, OH in the United States. Four endmembers, low albedo, high albedo, vegetation, and soil were selected to model heterogeneous urban land cover. Impervious surface fraction was estimated by analyzing low and high albedo endmembers. The estimation accuracy for impervious surface was assessed using Digital Orthophoto Quarterquadrangle (DOQQ) images. The overall root mean square (RMS) error was 10.6%, which is comparable to the digitizing errors of DOQQ images. Results indicate that impervious surface distribution can be derived from remotely sensed imagery with promising accuracy.  相似文献   

Along with rapid urbanization, the prevalence of urban impervious surfaces, a major biophysical component of urbanized areas, has increased concurrently. As a key indicator of environmental quality and urbanization intensity, the accurate estimation of impervious surfaces is essential. To address this problem, numerous automated estimation approaches have been developed in the past several decades. Among these approaches, spectral mixture analysis (SMA) is an especially powerful and widely used technique. Although SMA has proved valuable in impervious surface estimation, the issues of seasonal sensitivity and spectral confusion have not been successfully addressed. In particular, impervious surface estimation is likely to be sensitive to seasonal variations, largely due to the shadowing effects of vegetation canopy during summer and confusion between impervious surfaces and soil during winter. In this study, we developed two temporal mixture analysis methods: phenology-based temporal mixture analysis (PTMA) and phenology-based multi-endmember temporal mixture analysis (PMETMA), to quantify impervious surface areal fractions using multi-temporal MODIS NDVI data. Specifically, 1 year-continuous MODIS NDVI series were employed to address seasonal sensitivity and spectral confusion issues. Furthermore, the estimated results were compared to TMAs that applied only to summer and winter data. The results indicate that both PTMA and PMETMA perform well for estimating the percentage of impervious surface areas. Moreover, a comparative analysis indicates that PMETMA performs slightly better than PTMA root mean square error (RMSE) of 7.27%, SE of 3.25%, and MAE of 4.03%) and much better than summer TMA and winter TMA, with a RMSE of 7.54%, an SE of 2.13%, an MAE of 3.36%, and an R2 of 0.7623.  相似文献   

The principal aim of this Letter is to evaluate the usefulness of Spectral Mixture Analysis (SMA) for estimating the area burned by forest fires in Mediterranean countries using National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) unitemporal data. The results show that the method, using an image acquired just after the fire occurrence, is capable of discriminating burned area accurately (Kappa coefficient >0.76).  相似文献   

A wide range of urban ecosystem studies, including urban hydrology, urban climate, land use planning and watershed resource management, require accurate and up‐to‐date geospatial data of urban impervious surfaces. In this study, the potential of the synergistic use of optical and InSAR data in urban impervious surface mapping at the sub‐pixel level was investigated. A case study in Hong Kong was conducted for this purpose by applying a classification and regression tree (CART) algorithm to SPOT 5 multispectral imagery and ERS‐2 SAR data. Validated by reference data derived from high‐resolution colour‐infrared (CIR) aerial photographs, our results show that the addition of InSAR feature information can improve the estimation of impervious surface percentage (ISP) in comparison with using SPOT imagery alone. The improvement is especially notable in separating urban impervious surface from the vacant land/bare ground, which has been a difficult task in ISP modelling with optical remote sensing data. In addition, the results demonstrate the potential to map urban impervious surface by using InSAR data alone. This allows frequent monitoring of world's cities located in cloud‐prone and rainy areas.  相似文献   

Concerns about air quality and global warming have led to numerous initiatives to reduce emissions. In general, emissions are proportional to the amount of fuel consumed, and the amount of fuel consumed is a function of speed, distance, acceleration, and weight of the vehicle. In urban areas, vehicles must often travel at the speed of traffic, and congestion can impact this speed particularly at certain times of day. Further, for any given time of day, the observations of speeds on an arc can exhibit significant variability. Because of the nonlinearity of emissions curves, optimizing emissions in an urban area requires explicit consideration of the variability in the speed of traffic on arcs in the network. We introduce a shortest path algorithm that incorporates sampling to both account for variability in travel speeds and to estimate arrival time distributions at nodes on a path. We also suggest a method for transforming speed data into time-dependent emissions values thus converting the problem into a time-dependent, but deterministic shortest path problem. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approaches in reducing emissions relative to the use of minimum distance and time-dependent paths. In this paper, we also identify some of the challenges associated with using large data sets.  相似文献   

In urban areas, spectral mixture analysis (SMA) is a common technique for deriving the fractions of land covers within a pixel and information on the distribution of impervious surfaces. This study examined how the selection of endmembers affected the quantification of impervious surfaces using TM and ASTER imagery. Multiple subsets of endmembers derived using (1) extreme pixels from a minimum noise fraction (MNF) transformation, and (2) a manual approach using a priori knowledge of the study area were analysed. Two data sets were used to assess accuracy: (1) simulated image data comprising unmixed and mixed pixels of 10 typical and spectrally different urban land covers, and (2) detailed data derived from high-resolution aerial photography. The dimensionality of the imagery limited the number of endmembers, and as a result, unmixed land covers were modelled using multiple endmembers and some cells had abundance values that summed to more than one or were negative. The land covers of red roofs and concrete were the largest contributors to the error in impervious surfaces. The Sequential Maximum Angle Convex Cone (SMACC) endmember model was also used to unmix the images; however, the larger number of endmembers did not resolve the use of multiple endmembers to model the unmixed land covers and the accuracy was similar to that using SMA. The relationship between the pervious fraction estimated using the vegetation endmember and the ground reference data was stronger than that for the impervious fraction, although the fraction was underestimated. The problems in modelling highly variable impervious surfaces with a limited number of endmembers suggest that in urban environments with substantial vegetation, modelling the vegetation component as the inverse of the impervious fraction may lead to improved results.  相似文献   

Statistical calibration of model parameters conditioned on observations is performed in a Bayesian framework by evaluating the joint posterior probability density function (pdf) of the parameters. The posterior pdf is very often inferred by sampling the parameters with Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms. Recently, an alternative technique to calculate the so-called Maximal Conditional Posterior Distribution (MCPD) appeared. This technique infers the individual probability distribution of a given parameter under the condition that the other parameters of the model are optimal. Whereas the MCMC approach samples probable draws of the parameters, the MCPD samples the most probable draws when one of the parameters is set at various prescribed values. In this study, the results of a user-friendly MCMC sampler called DREAM(ZS) and those of the MCPD sampler are compared. The differences between the two approaches are highlighted before running a comparison inferring two analytical distributions with collinearity and multimodality. Then, the performances of both samplers are compared on an artificial multistep outflow experiment from which the soil hydraulic parameters are inferred. The results show that parameter and predictive uncertainties can be accurately assessed with both the MCMC and MCPD approaches.  相似文献   

Using a linear unconstrained least squares (LSS) method and a non-linear artificial neural network (ANN) algorithm, we conducted a spectral mixture analysis to the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflectance Radiometer (ASTER) image data in Yokohama city, Japan, for mapping the abundance of the urban surface components. ASTER is a newly developed research facility instrument. The regions of interest of four endmembers (Vegetation, Soil, High/Low albedo impervious surfaces) were determined in Maximum Noise Fraction (MNF) feature spaces. The spectral signatures of the four endmembers were then extracted from the ASTER VNIR (15-m resolution) and SWIR (30-m resolution) imagery by referring to high spatial resolution airborne imagery (The Airborne Imaging Spectrometer, AISA, with 2-m resolution) and land use/land cover map for training and testing the LSS and ANN algorithms. Experimental results indicate that ASTER VNIR and SWIR image data are capable of mapping the abundances of urban surface components with a reasonable accuracy and that the ANN outperforms the unconstrained LSS in this spectral mixture analysis.  相似文献   

The spatial and spectral variability of urban environments present fundamental challenges to deriving accurate remote sensing products for urban areas. Multiple endmember spectral mixture analysis (MESMA) is a technique that potentially addresses both challenges. MESMA models spectra as the linear sum of spectrally pure endmembers that vary on a per-pixel basis. Spatial variability is addressed by mapping sub-pixel components of land cover as a combination of endmembers. Spectral variability is addressed by allowing the number and type of endmembers to vary from pixel to pixel. This paper presents an application of MESMA to map the physical components of urban land cover for the city of Manaus, Brazil, using Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM+) imagery.We present a methodology to build a regionally specific spectral library of urban materials based on generalized categories of urban land-cover components: vegetation, impervious surfaces, soil, and water. Using this library, we applied MESMA to generate a total of 1137 two-, three-, and four-endmember models for each pixel; the model with the lowest root-mean-squared (RMS) error and lowest complexity was selected on a per-pixel basis. Almost 97% of the pixels within the image were modeled within the 2.5% RMS error constraint. The modeled fractions were used to generate continuous maps of the per-pixel abundance of each generalized land-cover component. We provide an example to demonstrate that land-cover components have the potential to characterize trajectories of physical landscape change as urban neighborhoods develop through time. Accuracy of land-cover fractions was assessed using high-resolution, geocoded images mosaicked from digital aerial videography. Modeled vegetation and impervious fractions corresponded well with the reference fractions. Modeled soil fractions did not correspond as closely with the reference fractions, in part due to limitations of the reference data. This work demonstrates the potential of moderate-resolution, multispectral imagery to map and monitor the evolution of the physical urban environment.  相似文献   

Spectral matching algorithms can be used for the identification of unknown spectra based on a measure of similarity with one or more known spectra. Two popular spectral matching algorithms use different error metrics and constraints to determine the existence of a spectral match. Multiple endmember spectral mixture analysis (MESMA) is a linear mixing model that uses a root mean square error (RMSE) error metric. Spectral angle mapper (SAM) compares two spectra using a spectral angle error metric. This paper compares two endmember MESMA and SAM using a spectral library containing six land cover classes. RMSE and spectral angle for models within each land cover class were directly compared. The dependence of RMSE on the albedo of the modeled spectrum was also explored. RMSE and spectral angle were found to be closely related, although not equivalent, due to variations in the albedo of the modeled spectra. Error constraints applied to both models resulted in large differences in the number of spectral matches. Using MESMA, the number of spectra modeled within the error constraint increased as the albedo of the modeled spectra decreased. The value of the error constraint used was shown to make a much larger difference in the number of spectra modeled than the choice of spectral matching algorithm.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional (3D) surface models are vital for sustainable urban management studies, and there is a nearly unlimited range of possible applications. Along- or across-track pairs from the same set of sensor imagery may not always be available or economical for a certain study area. Therefore, a photogrammetric approach is proposed in which a digital surface model (DSM) is extracted from a stereo pair of satellite images, acquired by different sensors. The results demonstrate that a mixed-sensor approach may offer a sound alternative to the more established along-track pairs. However, one should consider several criteria when selecting a suitable stereo pair. Two cloud-free acquisitions are selected from the IKONOS and QuickBird image archives, characterized by sufficient overlap and optimal stereo constellation in terms of complementarity of the azimuth and elevation angles. A densely built-up area in Istanbul, Turkey, covering 151 km2 and with elevations ranging between sea level and approximately 160 m is presented as the test site. In addition to the general complexity of modelling the surface and elevation of an urban environment, multi-sensor image fusion has other particular difficulties. As the images are acquired from a different orbital pass, at a different date or instant and by a different sensor system, radiometric and geometric dissimilarities can occur, which may hamper the image-matching process. Strategies are presented for radiometric and geometric normalization of the multi-temporal and multi-sensor imagery and to deal with the differences in sensor characteristics. The accuracy of the generated surface model is assessed in comparison with 3D reference points, 3D rooftop vector data and surface models extracted from an along-track IKONOS stereo pair and an IKONOS triplet. When compared with a set of 35 reference GPS check points, the produced mixed-sensor model yields accuracies of 1.22, 1.53 and 2.96 m for the X, Y and Z coordinates, respectively, expressed in terms of root mean square errors (RMSEs). The results show that it is feasible to extract the DSM of a highly urbanized area from a mixed-sensor pair, with accuracies comparable with those observed from the DSM extracted from an along-track pair. Hence, the flexibility of reconstructing valuable elevation models is greatly increased by considering the mixed-sensor approach.  相似文献   

The spatio-temporal distribution of vegetation is a fundamental component of the urban environment that can be quantified using multispectral imagery. However, spectral heterogeneity at scales comparable to sensor resolution limits the utility of conventional hard classification methods with multispectral reflectance data in urban areas. Spectral mixture models may provide a physically based solution to the problem of spectral heterogeneity. The objective of this study is to examine the applicability of linear spectral mixture models to the estimation of urban vegetation abundance using Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data. The inherent dimensionality of TM imagery of the New York City area suggests that urban reflectance measurements may be described by linear mixing between high albedo, low albedo and vegetative endmembers. A three-component linear mixing model provides stable, consistent estimates of vegetation fraction for both constrained and unconstrained inversions of three different endmember ensembles. Quantitative validation using vegetation abundance measurements derived from high-resolution (2 m) aerial photography shows agreement to within fractional abundances of 0.1 for vegetation fractions greater than 0.2. In contrast to the Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), vegetation fraction estimates provide a physically based measure of areal vegetation abundance that may be more easily translated to constraints on physical quantities such as vegetative biomass and evapotranspiration.  相似文献   

Classical logics and Datalog-related logics have both been proposed as underlying formalisms for conceptual modelling in the context of the Semantic Web. Although these two different formalism groups have some commonalities, and look similar in the context of expressively impoverished languages like RDF, their differences become apparent at more expressive language levels. After considering some of these differences, we argue that, although some of the characteristics of Datalog have their utility, the open environment of the Semantic Web is better served by standard logics.  相似文献   

Dynamic priority pollutant (PP) fate models are being developed to assess appropriate strategies for limiting the release of PPs from urban sources and for treating PPs on a variety of spatial scales. Different possible sources of PP releases were mapped and both their release pattern and release factors were quantified as detailed as possible.This paper focuses on the link between the gathered PP sources data and the dynamic models of the urban environment. This link consists of (1) a method for the quantitative and structured storage of temporal emission pattern information, (2) the retrieval of spatial emission source data from a GIS covering the studied urban area, (3) the coupling of the (GIS-based) spatial emission source data with temporal emission pattern information and (4) the generation of PP release time series to feed the dynamic sewer catchment model.Steps 3 and 4 were included as the main features of a dedicated software tool. Finally, this paper also illustrates the method's applicability to generate model input time series for generic pollutants (N, P and COD/BOD) in addition to priority pollutants.  相似文献   

A diverse array of spatial optimization models dealing with protection, service, coverage, equity, and risk can potentially aid with the effective placement of critical assets. Protection of assets can be enhanced using the p-dispersion model, which locates facilities to maximize the minimum distance between any two. Dispersion, however, is rarely the only objective for a system of facilities, and the p-dispersion model is known to be difficult to solve. Therefore, this paper analyzes the trade-offs and computational times of four multi-objective models that combine the p-dispersion model with other facility location objectives relevant to siting critical assets, such as the p-median, max-cover, p-center, and p-maxian models. The multi-objective models are tested on a case study of Orlando, Florida. The dispersion/center model produced the most gradual trade-off curve, while the dispersion/maxian trade-off curve had the most pronounced “elbow.” The center and median multi-objective models were far more computationally demanding than the models using max cover and p-maxian. These findings may inform decision-makers and researchers in deciding what type of multi-objective models to use for planning dispersed networks of critical assets.  相似文献   

With rapid urban growth in recent years, understanding urban biophysical composition and dynamics becomes an important research topic. Remote sensing technologies introduce a potentially scientific basis for examining urban composition and monitoring its changes over time. The vegetation-impervious surface-soil (V-I-S) model, in particular, provides a foundation for describing urban/suburban environments and a basis for further urban analyses including urban growth modeling, environmental impact analysis, and socioeconomic factor estimation. This paper develops a normalized spectral mixture analysis (NSMA) method to examine urban composition in Columbus Ohio using Landsat ETM+ data. In particular, a brightness normalization method is applied to reduce brightness variation. Through this normalization, brightness variability within each V-I-S component is reduced or eliminated, thus allowing a single endmember representing each component. Further, with the normalized image, three endmembers, vegetation, impervious surface, and soil, are chosen to model heterogeneous urban composition using a constrained spectral mixture analysis (SMA) model. The accuracy of impervious surface estimation is assessed and compared with two other existing models. Results indicate that the proposed model is a better alternative to existing models, with a root mean square error (RMSE) of 10.1% for impervious surface estimation in the study area.  相似文献   

We show that a simple spectral algorithm for learning a mixture of k spherical Gaussians in works remarkably well—it succeeds in identifying the Gaussians assuming essentially the minimum possible separation between their centers that keeps them unique (solving an open problem of Arora and Kannan (Proceedings of the 33rd ACM STOC, 2001). The sample complexity and running time are polynomial in both n and k. The algorithm can be applied to the more general problem of learning a mixture of “weakly isotropic” distributions (e.g. a mixture of uniform distributions on cubes).  相似文献   

The parametric data model captures an object in terms of a single tuple. This feature eliminates unnecessary self-join operations to combine tuples scattered in a temporal relation. Despite this advantage, this model is relatively difficult to implement on top of relational databases because the sizes of attributes are unfixed. Since data boundaries are not problematic in XML, XML can be an elegant solution to implement parametric databases for temporal data. There are two approaches to implementing parametric databases using XML: (1) a native XML database with XQuery engine, and (2) an XML storage with a temporal query language. To determine which approach is appropriate in parametric databases, we consider four questions: the effectiveness of XML in modeling temporal data, the applicability of XML query languages, the user-friendliness of the query languages, and system performances of two approaches. By evaluating the four questions, we show that the latter approach is more appropriate to utilizing XML in parametric databases.  相似文献   

This paper assessed the incorporation of road structural information in the classification process of impervious surface areas. A multi-process classification model was adopted and it consisted of an a priori classifier and an a posteriori classifier. The role of the a priori classifier was to classify the relatively simple portions of the image. This partial classification acted as the basis for the production of linear features using an iterative Radon transform. Spatial statistics derived from the linear features led to road structural intermediate inputs (RSIIs) (for example, distance to the closest segment endpoint). RSIIs were integrated with spectral information on the remaining unclassified pixels and an assessment was done to evaluate whether they would improve a binary impervious classification task. The experimental results on a 2006 Landsat ETM+ image suggested that classification accuracy improved by 8.4% for the portion of the dataset classified with the a posteriori classifier and led to an improvement of 3.2% over the entire dataset. In addition, a more challenging and wide-reaching hypothesis was tested, namely whether RSIIs could completely replace spectral information in portions of the image instead of complementing it. Exclusive use of RSIIs matched or improved classification accuracy obtained solely from spectral information, even when more than half of the validation dataset was forwarded to the a posteriori classifier. This finding offers an important contribution to the remote sensing community, since the proposed methodology handles the missing spectral information problem through exclusive analysis of the given degraded image; no external information, such as spectral information from other times and/or vector data, is needed.  相似文献   

Airborne hyperspectral data fulfills the high spectral and spatial resolution requirements of urban remote sensing applications. Its high spectral information content enables delineating impervious areas including the separation of built-up and non built-up surfaces, thus being of high relevance for many urban environmental applications. However, two phenomena related to surface structure negatively impact the accuracy of maps from such airborne data sets: (1) displaced buildings that lead to confusion between the class built-up and adjacent non built-up areas as a function of building height and view-angle; (2) urban street trees obscuring impervious surface underneath. Both effects have so far not been investigated from airborne hyperspectral data and potential sources of inaccuracy are usually not differentiated in analysis utilizing such data. Thus, the positive influence of hyperspectral information might have been undervalued in many cases. We set up an analysis scheme that allows for separately quantifying sources of error when producing land cover maps from urban areas. Given reliable cadastral information on building extent and street network, a detailed analysis for a relatively large Hyperspectral Mapper data set acquired over Berlin, Germany, was performed. Results show that both building displacement and impervious surface obscured by tree crowns are of great impact: at large view-angles, building displacement adds up to 16% error compared to nadir regions; more than 30% of the street area is classified as vegetation. Moreover, both effects show irregularities that prohibit empirical correction: misclassification due to building displacement also depends on view-direction, i.e. illumination properties and shadow, while the influence of trees differs significantly along streets and inside residential areas. Results from this work underline the necessity to consider all image processing steps when evaluating the accuracy and reliability of remote sensing products and they depict directions for future methodological development.  相似文献   

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