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Remote sensing estimation of impervious surfaces is significant in monitoring urban development and determining the overall environmental health of a watershed, and has therefore recently attracted increasing interest. The main objective of this study was to develop a general approach to estimating and mapping impervious surfaces by using medium spatial resolution satellite imagery. We have applied spectral mixture analysis (SMA) to Earth Observing 1 (EO‐1) Advanced Land Imager (ALI) (multispectral) and Hyperion (hyperspectral) imagery in Marion County, Indiana, USA, to calculate the fraction images of vegetation, soil, high albedo and low albedo. The effectiveness of the two images was compared according to three criteria: (1) high‐quality fraction images for the urban landscape, (2) relatively low error, and (3) the distinction among typical land use and land cover (LULC) types in the study area. The fraction images were further used to estimate and map impervious surfaces. The accuracy of the estimated impervious surface was checked against Digital Orthophoto Quarter Quadrangle (DOQQ) images. The results indicate that both ALI and Hyperion sensors were effective in deriving the fraction images with SMA and in computing impervious surfaces. The SMA results for both ALI and Hyperion images using four endmembers were excellent, with a mean root mean square error (RMSE) less than 0.04 in both cases. The ALI‐derived impervious surface image yielded an RMSE of 15.3%, and the Hyperion‐derived impervious surface image yielded an RMSE of 17.5%. However, the Hyperion image was more powerful in discerning low‐albedo surface materials, which has been a major obstacle for impervious surface estimation with medium resolution multispectral images. A sensitivity analysis of the mapping of impervious surfaces using different scenarios of Hyperion band combinations suggests that the improvement in mapping accuracy in general and the better ability in discriminating low‐albedo surfaces came mainly from additional bands in the mid‐infrared region.  相似文献   

In the past, oil palm density has been determined by manually counting trees every year in oil palm plantations. The measurement of density provides important data related to palm productivity, fertilizer needed, weed control costs in a circle around each tree, labourers needed, and needs for other activities. Manual counting requires many workers and has potential problems related to accuracy. Remote sensing provides a potential approach for counting oil palm trees. The main objective of this study is to build a robust and user-friendly method that will allow oil palm managers to count oil palm trees using a remote sensing technique. The oil palm trees analysed in this study have different ages and densities. QuickBird imagery was applied with the six pansharpening methods and was compared with panchromatic QuickBird imagery. The black and white imagery from a false colour composite of pansharpening imagery was processed in three ways: (1) oil palm tree detection, (2) delineation of the oil palm area using the red band, and (3) counting oil palm trees and accuracy assessment. For oil palm detection, we used several filters that contained a Sobel edge detector; texture analysis co-occurrence; and dilate, erode, high-pass, and opening filters. The results of this study improved upon the accuracy of several previous research studies that had an accuracy of about 90–95%. The results in this study show (1) modified intensity-hue-saturation (IHS) resolution merge is suitable for 16-year-old oil palm trees and have rather high density with 100% accuracy; (2) colour normalized (Brovey) is suitable for 21-year-old oil palm trees and have low density with 99.5% accuracy; (3) subtractive resolution merge is suitable for 15- and 18-year-old oil palm trees and have a rather high density with 99.8% accuracy; (4) PC spectral sharpening with 99.3% accuracy is suitable for 10-year-old oil palm trees and have low density; and (5) for all study object conditions, colour normalized (Brovey) and wavelet resolution merge are two pansharpening methods that are suitable for oil palm tree extraction and counting with 98.9% and 98.4% accuracy, respectively.  相似文献   

An analysis of tropical rain forest covering Amazonian lowlands has highlighted a systematic across-path, east–west radiometric gradient within Landsat TM imagery. Visual assessment of 45 and quantitative analysis of 20 Amazonian Landsat-4 and -5 TM scenes show that the gradient is band dependent and pronounced in visible light bands 1 to 3 but significant also in IR bands 4 to 7. The results show that the scan line location of a pixel explains a considerable amount of the DN variation of forests in the width of the entire scene (B1: 70%, B2: 52%, B3: 44%, B4: 34%, B5: 46%, B7: 39%). In digital numbers, the difference between east and west side of a scene may be small (9, 4, 3, 10, 9, 3, respectively) but these differences become significant if the images are to be mosaicked, or the data are used for mapping relatively subtle differences of natural forests. Apparently, the gradient is a result of at least three factors: 1) shadows caused by the undulating terrain, 2) anisotropic reflectance of the varying surfaces, and 3) atmospheric scattering. The phenomenon becomes more significant when the sun is high and the scanning line is close to solar azimuth direction—a condition more easily encountered in lower latitudes of the earth.  相似文献   

Classification tree analysis (CTA) provides an effective suite of algorithms for classifying remotely sensed data, but it has the limitations of (1) not searching for optimal tree structures and (2) being adversely affected by outliers, inaccurate training data, and unbalanced data sets. Stochastic gradient boosting (SGB) is a refinement of standard CTA that attempts to minimize these limitations by (1) using classification errors to iteratively refine the trees using a random sample of the training data and (2) combining the multiple trees iteratively developed to classify the data. We compared traditional CTA results to SGB for three remote sensing based data sets, an IKONOS image from the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California, a Probe-1 hyperspectral image from the Virginia City mining district of Montana, and a series of Landsat ETM+ images from the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE). SGB improved the overall accuracy of the IKONOS classification from 84% to 95% and the Probe-1 classification from 83% to 93%. The worst performing classes using CTA exhibited the largest increases in class accuracy using SGB. A slight decrease in overall classification accuracy resulted from the SGB analysis of the Landsat data.  相似文献   

The random forest (RF) classifier is a relatively new machine learning algorithm that can handle data sets with large numbers and types of variables. Multi-scale object-based image analysis (MOBIA) can generate dozens, and sometimes hundreds, of variables used to classify earth observation (EO) imagery. In this study, a MOBIA approach is used to classify the land cover in an area undergoing intensive agricultural development. The information derived from the elevation data and imagery from two EO satellites are classified using the RF algorithm. Using a wrapper feature selection algorithm based on the RF, a large initial data set consisting of 418 variables was reduced by ~60%, with relatively little loss in the overall classification accuracy. With this feature-reduced data set, the RF classifier produced a useable depiction of the land cover in the selected study area and achieved an overall classification accuracy of greater than 90%. Variable importance measures produced by the RF algorithm provided an insight into which object features were relatively more important for classifying the individual land-cover types. The MOBIA approach outlined in this study achieved the following: (i) consistently high overall classification accuracies (>85%) using the RF algorithm in all models examined, both before and after feature reduction; (ii) feature selection of a large data set with little expense to the overall classification accuracy; and (iii) increased interpretability of classification models due to the feature selection process and the use of variable importance scores generated by the RF algorithm.  相似文献   

Spectral unmixing has been widely used by researchers in quantitative remote sensing due to the prevalence of mixed pixels in low- or middle-resolution images. In this article, six linear and nonlinear unmixing approaches – fully constrained least squares (FCLS), bilinear-Fan model (BFM), polynomial post-nonlinear model (PPNM), supervised fuzzy c-means (SFCM), Support Vector Machine (SVM), and artificial neural network (ANN) – are applied with multispectral Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data in order to systematically compare their performance under different scenarios. In addition, a strategy of band selection was proposed for solving the endmember variability issue. The unmixing results were analysed in terms of the overall performance, pure and mixed data set, sub-scenes with different mixture proportions by calculating the accuracy indices: root mean square error (RMSE) and the Pearson correlation coefficient (r). Nonlinear approaches can generate a closer abundance fraction map to reference, and have a higher overall accuracy than the linear approach. Nevertheless, the performance of nonlinear approaches differed dramatically with the increased proportion of mixed pixels in different study areas. SVM, SFCM, BFM, and PPNM depicted a scenario better when the proportion of mixed pixels was high, whereas ANN worked more effectively when processing large amounts of relatively pure pixels (or mixed pixels with large/extreme proportions). The linear approach, in contrast, performed more consistently for various areas. Overall, our study indicates that nonlinear approaches are more effective than the linear one, especially for a study area consisting of different small parcels. The performance of nonlinear approaches is more sensitive to the proportion change of mixed pixels in a study area. The linear approach, however, is more appropriate for a rough estimation, particularly with little prior knowledge of the study area.  相似文献   

The vegetation fraction (VF) monitoring in a specific area is a very important parameter for precision agriculture. Until a few years ago, high-cost flights on aeroplanes and satellite imagery were the only option to acquire data to estimate VF remotely. Recently, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have emerged as a novel and economic tool to supply high-resolution images useful to estimate VF. VF is usually estimated by spectral indices using red-green-blue (RGB) and near-infrared (NIR) bands data. For this study, a UAV equipped with both kinds of sensors (RGB and NIR) was used to obtain high-resolution imagery over a maize field in progressive dates along the mid-season and the senescence development stages. The early-season stage was also monitored using only RGB spectral indices. Flights were performed at 52 m over the terrain, obtaining RGB images of 1.25 cm pixel?1 and multispectral images of 2.10 cm pixel?1. Three spectral indices in the visible region, Excess Green (ExG), Colour Index of Vegetation (CIVE), and Vegetation Index Green (VIg), and three NIR-based vegetation indices, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Green NDVI (GNDVI), and Normalized Green (NG), were evaluated for VF estimation. Otsu’s method was applied to automatically determine the threshold value to classify the vegetation coverage. Results show that ExG presents the higher mean accuracy (85.66%) among all the visible indices, with values ranging from 72.54% to 99.53%, having its best performance in the earlier development stage. Nevertheless, GNDVI mean accuracy (97.09%) overcomes all the indices (visible and multispectral), ranging in value from 92.71% to 99.36%. This allowed comparing the accuracy difference gained by using a NIR sensor, with a higher economic cost than required using a simple RGB sensor. The results suggest that ExG can be a very suitable option to monitor VF in the early-season growth stage of the crop, while later stages could require NIR-based indices. Thus, the selection of the index will depend on the objectives of the study and the equipment capacity.  相似文献   

Riparian zones in Australia are exposed to increasing pressures because of disturbance from agricultural and urban expansion, weed invasion, and overgrazing. Accurate and cost-effective mapping of riparian environments is important for assessing riparian zone functions associated with water quality, biodiversity, and wildlife habitats. The objective of this research was to compare the accuracy and costs of mapping riparian zone attributes from image data acquired by three different sensor types, i.e. Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) (0.5-2.4 m pixels), and multi-spectral QuickBird (2.4 m pixels) and SPOT-5 (10 m pixels). These attributes included streambed width, riparian zone width, plant projective cover, longitudinal continuity, vegetation overhang, and bank stability. The riparian zone attributes were mapped for a study area along Mimosa Creek in the Fitzroy Catchment, Central Queensland, Australia. Object-based image and regression analyses were used for mapping the riparian zone attributes. The validation of the LiDAR, QuickBird, and SPOT-5 derived maps of streambed width (R = 0.99, 0.71, and 0.44 respectively) and riparian zone width (R = 0.91, 0.87, and 0.74 respectively) against field derived measurements produced the highest accuracies for the LiDAR data and the lowest using the SPOT-5 image data. Cross-validation estimates of misclassification produced a root mean square error of 1.06, 1.35 and 1.51 from an ordinal scale from 0 to 4 of the bank stability score for the LiDAR, QuickBird and SPOT-5 image data, respectively. The validation and empirical modelling showed high correlations for all datasets for mapping plant projective cover (R > 0.93). The SPOT-5 image data were unsuitable for assessment of riparian zone attributes at the spatial scale of Mimosa Creek and associated riparian zones. Cost estimates of image and field data acquisition and processing of the LiDAR, QuickBird, and SPOT-5 image data showed that discrete return LiDAR can be used for costs lower than those for QuickBird image data over large spatial extents (e.g. 26,000 km of streams). With the higher level of vegetation structural and landform information, mapping accuracies, geometric precision, and lower overall costs at large spatial extents, LiDAR data are a feasible means for assessment of riparian zone attributes.  相似文献   

Research was conducted in a forest adjacent to an abandoned acid mine tailings site to assess forest structural health using high spatial and spectral resolution digital camera imagery. Conventional approaches to this problem involve the use image spectral information, basic spectral transformations, or occasionally spatial transformations of image brightness. This research introduces fractional textures and semivariance analysis of image fractions. They were integrated with conventional image measures in stepwise multiple regression modelling of forest structure (canopy and crown closure, stem density, tree height, crown size) and health (a visual stress index). The goal was to conduct a relative comparison of the potential of the various image variable types in modelling of forest structure and health. Analysis was conducted for both canopy (crowns and shadows) and individual tree crown sample data sets extracted from 10 nm bandwidth spectral bands at three resolutions (0.25, 0.5, 1.0 m). Spatial transformations (texture, semivariogram range) of image brightness (DN) and image fractions (IF) were consistently the most significant and first entered variables in the best models of the forest parameters. At the canopy-scale, despite a limited number of available plots (6), stable models were produced that demonstrated the potential for spatially transformed variables. Semivariogram range explained 88% of the total variation of 9 of the 18 models and represented 56% of the variables used in all models while texture variables explained 51% of model variance in 8 of the 18 models and represented 40% of the variables used. At the tree crown scale (n=31), 88% of the total variation of six of eight models was explained by texture variables and 6% by semivariogram variables. DN and IF variables that were not spatially transformed contributed little to the models at both scales. They represented 4% and 6%, respectively, of the variables used in all models. Spatial information in image fractions and image brightness has proven to be more significant than spectral information in these analyses. Of the spatial resolutions evaluated, 0.5 m consistently produced similar or better models than those using the 0.25 or 1.0 m resolutions. These results demonstrate the potential for integration of spatial transforms of image fractions and raw brightness in high-resolution modelling of forest structure and health.  相似文献   

Light use efficiency (LUE) is an important variable characterizing plant eco-physiological functions and refers to the efficiency at which absorbed solar radiation is converted into photosynthates. The estimation of LUE at regional to global scales would be a significant advantage for global carbon cycle research. Traditional methods for canopy level LUE determination require meteorological inputs which cannot be easily obtained by remote sensing. Here we propose a new algorithm that incorporates the enhanced vegetation index (EVI) and a modified form of land surface temperature (Tm) for the estimation of monthly forest LUE based on Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) imagery. Results demonstrate that a model based on EVI × Tm parameterized from ten forest sites can provide reasonable estimates of monthly LUE for temperate and boreal forest ecosystems in North America with an R2 of 0.51 (p < 0.001) for the overall dataset. The regression coefficients (a, b) of the LUE–EVI × Tm correlation for these ten sites have been found to be closely correlated with the average EVI (EVI_ave, R2 = 0.68, p = 0.003) and the minimum land surface temperature (LST_min, R2 = 0.81, p = 0.009), providing a possible approach for model calibration. The calibrated model shows comparably good estimates of LUE for another ten independent forest ecosystems with an overall root mean square error (RMSE) of 0.055 g C per mol photosynthetically active radiation. These results are especially important for the evergreen species due to their limited variability in canopy greenness. The usefulness of this new LUE algorithm is further validated for the estimation of gross primary production (GPP) at these sites with an RMSE of 37.6 g C m? 2 month? 1 for all observations, which reflects a 28% improvement over the standard MODIS GPP products. These analyses should be helpful in the further development of ecosystem remote sensing methods and improving our understanding of the responses of various ecosystems to climate change.  相似文献   

Variation in the foliar chemistry of humid tropical forests is poorly understood, and airborne imaging spectroscopy could provide useful information at leaf and canopy scales. However, variation in canopy structure affects our ability to estimate foliar properties from airborne spectrometer data, yet these structural affects remain poorly quantified. Using leaf spectral (400–2500 nm) and chemical data collected from 162 Australian tropical forest species, along with partial least squares (PLS) analysis and canopy radiative transfer modeling, we determined the strength of the relationship between canopy reflectance and foliar properties under conditions of varying canopy structure.At the leaf level, chlorophylls, carotenoids and specific leaf area (SLA) were highly correlated with leaf spectral reflectance (r = 0.90–0.91). Foliar nutrients and water were also well represented by the leaf spectra (r = 0.79–0.85). When the leaf spectra were incorporated into the canopy radiative transfer simulations with an idealistic leaf area index (LAI) = 5.0, correlations between canopy reflectance spectra and leaf properties increased in strength by 4–18%. The effects of random LAI (= 3.0–6.5) variation on the retrieval of leaf properties remained minimal, particularly for pigments and SLA (r = 0.92–0.93). In contrast, correlations between leaf nitrogen (N) and canopy reflectance estimates decreased from r = 0.87 at constant LAI = 5 to r = 0.65 with randomly varying LAI = 3.0–6.5. Progressive increases in the structural variability among simulated tree crowns had relatively little effect on pigment, SLA and water predictions. However, N and phosphorus (P) were more sensitive to canopy structural variability. Our modeling results suggest that multiple leaf chemicals and SLA can be estimated from leaf and canopy reflectance spectroscopy, and that the high-LAI canopies found in tropical forests enhance the signal via multiple scattering. Finally, the two factors we found to most negatively impact leaf chemical predictions from canopy reflectance were variation in LAI and viewing geometry, which can be managed with new airborne technologies and analytical methods.  相似文献   

Accurate mapping of land-cover diversity within riparian areas at a regional scale is a major challenge for better understanding the influence of riparian landscapes and related natural and anthropogenic pressures on river ecological status. As the structure (composition and spatial organization) of riparian area land cover (RALC) is generally not accessible using moderate-scale satellite imagery, finer spatial resolution imagery and specific mapping techniques are needed. For this purpose, we developed a classification procedure based on a specific multiscale object-based image analysis (OBIA) scheme dedicated to producing fine-scale and reliable RALC maps in different geographical contexts (relief, climate and geology). This OBIA scheme combines information from very high spatial resolution multispectral imagery (satellite or airborne) and available spatial thematic data using fuzzy expert knowledge classification rules. It was tested over the Hérault River watershed (southern France), which presents contrasting landscapes and a total stream length of 1150 km, using the combination of SPOT (Système Probatoire d'Observation de la Terre) 5 XS imagery (10 m pixels), aerial photography (0.5 m pixels) and several national spatial thematic data. A RALC map was produced (22 classes) with an overall accuracy of 89% and a kappa index of 83%, according to a targeted land-cover pressures typology (six categories of pressures). The results of this experimentation demonstrate that the application of OBIA to multisource spatial data provides an efficient approach for the mapping and monitoring of RALC that can be implemented operationally at a regional or national scale. We further analysed the influence of map resolution on the quantification of riparian spatial indicators to highlight the importance of such data for studying the influence of landscapes on river ecological status at the riparian scale.  相似文献   

The suitability of optical IKONOS satellite data (multispectral and panchromatic) for the estimation of forest structural attributes – for example, stems per hectare (SPHA), diameter at breast height (DBH), mean tree height (MTH), basal area (BA) and volume in plantation forest environments – was assessed in this study. The relationships of these forest structural attributes to statistical image texture from IKONOS imagery were analysed. The coefficients of determination (R 2) of multilinear regression models developed for the estimation of SPHA, DBH, MTH, BA and volume using statistical texture features from multispectral data were 0.63, 0.68, 0.81, 0.86 and 0.86, respectively. When the statistical texture features from panchromatic data were applied, the R 2 for the respective forest structural attributes increased by 25%, 31%, 6%, 0.2% and 0.2%, respectively. Artificial neural network (ANN) models produced strong and significant relationships between estimated and actual measures of SPHA, DBH, MTH, BA and volume with an R 2 of 0.83, 0.83, 0.90, 0.90 and 0.92, respectively, based on multispectral IKONOS data. Based on panchromatic IKONOS imagery, the R 2 for the respective forest structural attributes increased by 18%, 12%, 5%, 3% and 6%, respectively. Results such as these bode well for the application of high spatial resolution imagery to forest structural assessment.  相似文献   

We propose a new way of indexing a large database of small and medium-sized graphs and processing exact subgraph matching (or subgraph isomorphism) and approximate (full) graph matching queries. Rather than decomposing a graph into smaller units (e.g., paths, trees, graphs) for indexing purposes, we represent each graph in the database by its graph signature, which is essentially a multiset. We construct a disk-based index on all the signatures via bulk loading. During query processing, a query graph is also mapped into its signature, and this signature is searched using the index by performing multiset operations. To improve the precision of exact subgraph matching, we develop a new scheme using the concept of line graphs. Through extensive evaluation on real and synthetic graph datasets, we demonstrate that our approach provides a scalable and efficient disk-based solution for a large database of small and medium-sized graphs.  相似文献   

The largest artificial Robinia pseudoacacia forests in the Yellow River delta of China have been infected by dieback diseases. Over the past several decades, this has caused a large amount of mortality of Robinia pseudoacacia forests in this area. Timely and accurate information on the health levels of the forests is crucial to improving local ecological and economic conditions. Remote sensing has been demonstrated to be a useful tool to map forest diseases over a large area. In this study, IKONOS and Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) sensor data were collected for comparing their capability of accurately mapping health levels of the artificial forests. There were three health levels (i.e. healthy, medium dieback, and severe dieback) based on explicit tree crown symptoms. After the IKONOS and OLI images were preprocessed, both spatial and spectral features were extracted from the IKONOS and OLI imagery, and a maximum likelihood classification method was used to identify and map health levels of Robinia pseudoacacia forests. The experimental results indicate that the IKONOS sensor has greater potential for identifying and mapping forest health levels. Furthermore, texture features, especially texture variance, derived from the IKONOS panchromatic band, contributed greatly to the accuracy of classification results, achieving an overall accuracy (OA) of 96% for the IKONOS sensor and an OA of 88% for the OLI 2, which used both OLI spectral and IKONOS spatial features, compared with an OA of 74% for the OLI sensor alone. Our results indicate that the texture features extracted from high resolution imagery can improve the classification accuracy of health levels of planted forests with a regular spatial pattern. Our experimental results also demonstrate that classification of an image with a spatial resolution similar to, or finer than, tree crown diameter outperforms that of relatively coarse resolution imagery for differentiating living tree crowns and understorey dense green grass.  相似文献   

Information on the size and distribution of various zones in a salt farm is critical to salt farm management and estimation of salt yield. The ability of neural network and maximum likelihood classifiers to classify spectrally uniform water bodies with a distinct boundary in a salt farm is comparatively studied in this paper for the Taibei Salt Field, Jiangsu Province, East China using Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data. In a pre‐run classification of general land covers, the salt farm was mapped 84% correctly using the neural network method, slightly higher than the 76% achieved with the maximum likelihood classifier. In another separate neural network classification the salt farm was mapped further into three zones of evaporation, condensation, and crystallization at a producer's accuracy of 76%, 84%, and 86%, respectively, with the optimum classification settings. Such a detailed classification was not possible with the maximum likelihood method. It is concluded that the neural network is superior to the maximum likelihood method for detailed mapping of the Taibei Salt Field where salty water bodies are spectrally uniform and spatially extensive on the image with clear‐cut boundaries among them.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Using an innovative process model, we describe and analyse the process of introducing enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems in two Chinese small and medium-sized enterprises and especially their decisions concerning business process re-engineering. First we compared the results from our cases with Martinsons' earlier work (2004). One case seemed to fit most of the characteristics of a private venture (PV) whereas the other case, also a PV, had a very low degree of fit. We used the process model to offer further insights and features such as its predictive power. Second, and as predicted, we also observed the differential role of top management support in the two Chinese companies. But thirdly, and somewhat surprisingly, we found that cultural issues were only of limited importance. Finally, the ability of the project team to deal with unexpected events was seen as critical in ensuring the stability of a project. In contrast, project drift is shown to lead to a degree of chaos. We offer some suggestions as to how stakeholders can improve their chances of implementing ERP systems more successfully.  相似文献   

脑机接口(brain computer interface, BCI)旨在通过脑电信号与外部设备通信,以实现对外部设备的控制。针对目前脑机接口系统中混合多种复杂生理电信号,并且输出控制指令较少的问题,本文提出融合运动想象(motor imagery, MI)脑电与眼电信号方法扩充控制指令的轻量级机械臂控制系统。该系统分阶段融合脑电和眼电信号两种生物信号,使用双次眼电作为任务开关,运动想象脑电信号控制机械臂运动,单次眼电控制阶段切换,实现了二分类运动想象生成多种控制指令,完成了对机械臂的连续控制。其中运动想象脑电信号使用提升小波变换(lifting wavelet transform, LWT)和共空间模式(common spatial pattern, CSP)结合的方法提取特征,并采用支持向量机(support vector machines, SVM)进行分类;眼电信号通过分析无意识眼电和有意识眼电的峰值来设置阈值进行区分。为了验证系统的可行性,设计了一项脑控机械臂自主服药实验,通过在线实验测试,被试通过使用脑电信号和眼电信号实现了机械臂控制,并完成了服药流程,有利于进一步推广脑机接口技术的实际应用。  相似文献   

While Radarsat-1 SAR has been used in oil pollution monitoring, it has been mostly used for large spills because using it to differentiate between oil slicks and natural features is difficult. In this investigation, when visual observations failed to pinpoint the source of oil fouling birds off the California coast, Radarsat-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images were analysed using a methodology initially developed by Advanced Resources International, Inc. (ARI) for locating small oil seeps from submerged abandoned wells. Two images contained areas that were consistent with an oil source. Subsequent sighting of oil by recreational divers near a sunken vessel linked the features observed on the imagery to an oil source. The link demonstrates the ability of SAR to detect similar persistent episodes, as well as the validity of the modified ARI approach used.  相似文献   

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