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Timely mapping of underwater topography over turbid coastal waters is very important to navigation. Such a task is ideally accomplished through moderate- resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite data that have a temporal resolution measured in hours. In this article we propose a simple regression method for retrieving bathymetry from MODIS bands. It only requires concurrently collected total suspended solids and water depth samples at limited spots, without considering the downward attenuation coefficient, surface reflectance or bottom reflectance. Regression analysis of the observed spot depth (D) against individual bands and their transformation enables an empirical model to be established. The model in which band 3 (M 3) is the exploratory variable is the most accurate, with an r value (correlation coefficient) of only 0.654. Correction of this model by the concentration level of suspended solids using bands 2 (M 2) and 5 (M 5) improves the prediction accuracy from 3.26 to 1.52 m, or from 39% to 24%. The best model takes the form of D?=?–7.833?+?0.0326M 3?/?(M 2 M 5) (r?=?0.815, n?=?3318). Application of this model to the MODIS imagery led to the generation of a bathymetric map over the 15 000 km2 study area. Assessed against four profiles, the retrieved bathymetry has a mean absolute accuracy of around 2 m or a relative inaccuracy of 10% to 18%. The remotely sensed bathymetry contains many minor relief features absent from its in situ-surveyed counterpart. It is concluded that this proposed simple method can produce reasonably accurate results without the need to consider atmospheric effects or bottom reflectance over the range of 5–20 m. However, it may not work so well in clear oceanic Case I waters.  相似文献   

Cyanobacterial blooms are an environmental issue that can cause health hazards by toxins and malodorous compounds. The pigment phycocyanin is indicative of cyanobacterial presence. In eutrophic inland waters in which nitrogen is not a limiting nutrient, the phycocyanin concentration (PC) is closely related to cyanobacterial biomass. This study proposes a simple semi-analytical four-band algorithm for PC estimation to overcome the deficiency of existing algorithms. This algorithm was calibrated using a data set collected from Lake Taihu in 2007. Optimal reference wavelengths for the algorithm were located through model tuning and accuracy optimization. The algorithm was evaluated for its accuracy against an independent data set collected in 2008. The performance of the algorithm was also compared with that of the nested band-ratio algorithm, which was developed for PC estimation in turbid waters.

Although both algorithms enabled the establishment of a linear relationship between measured and predicted PC, the nested band-ratio algorithm did not have a satisfactory performance with either data set, having a high level of uncertainty. Its mean relative error stands at 51.07% and 51% for the 2007 and 2008 data sets, respectively. It accounted for 68% and 74% of the variation in PC in the 2007 and 2008 data sets, respectively. The four-band algorithm worked well in PC estimation. It accounted for 87% of the variation in PC for the 2007 data set and 86% of the variation in the 2008 data set. Furthermore, it decreased estimation uncertainty, compared with the nested band-ratio algorithm, by more than 20%. The values of mean relative error for the correspondence data sets are 29.1% and 30%. Therefore, the proposed four-band algorithm holds great potential in estimating PC in highly turbid waters.  相似文献   

A sandy sea bottom is seen as a structure with low stiffness which adapts to the motion of water in a shallow domain described by the Saint Venant equations. The coupling is based on the minimization of water wave energy with minimal sand transport. The approach is shown being similar to the use of an original Exner equation for the bottom with non local flux expressions. Also, examples of the applications of the framework to inverse problems in coastal engineering are shown.  相似文献   

Hyperspectral remote sensing is a proven technology for measurement of coastal ocean colour, including sea‐bed mapping in optically shallow waters. Using hyperspectral imagery of shallow (<15 m deep) sea bed acquired with the Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager (CASI‐550), we examined how changes in the spatial resolution of bathymetric grids, created from sonar data (echosounding) and input to conventional image classifiers, affected the accuracy of distributional maps of invasive (Codium fragile ssp. tomentosoides) and native (kelp) seaweeds off the coast of Nova Scotia, Canada. The addition of a low‐resolution bathymetric grid, interpolated from soundings by the Canadian Hydrographic Service, improved the overall classification accuracies by up to ~10%. However, increasing the bathymetric resolution did not increase the accuracy of classification maps produced with the supervised (Maximum Likelihood) classifier as shown by a slightly lower accuracy (2%) when using an intermediate‐resolution bathymetric grid interpolated from soundings with a recreational fish finder. Supervised classifications using the first three eigenvectors from a principal‐components analysis were consistently more accurate (by at least 27%) than unsupervised (K‐means classifier) schemes with similar data compression. With an overall accuracy of 76%, the most reliable scheme was a supervised classification with low‐resolution bathymetry. However, the supervised approach was particularly sensitive, and variations in accuracy of 2% resulted in overestimations of up to 53% in the extent of C. fragile and kelp. The use of a passive optical bathymetric algorithm to derive a high‐resolution bathymetric grid from the CASI data showed promise, although fundamental differences between this grid and those created with the sonar data limited the conclusions. The bathymetry (at any spatial resolution) appeared to improve the accuracy of the classifications both by reducing the confusion among the spectral classes and by removing noise in the image data. Variations in the accuracy of depth estimates and inescapable positional inaccuracies in the imagery and ground data largely accounted for the observed differences in the classification accuracies. This study provides the first detailed demonstration of the advantages and limitations of integrating digital bathymetry with hyperspectral data for the mapping of benthic assemblages in optically shallow waters.  相似文献   

Data of normalized water-leaving radiance, nLw, obtained from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on the Aqua satellite at spatial resolution of 250 m (band 1 centered at 645 nm) and 500 m (band 4 at 555 nm) are used to study turbid plumes in coastal waters of southern California during rainstorm events in winter of 2004-2005. Our study area includes San Diego coastal waters, which extend approximately 25 km offshore between Point Loma and 10 km south of the US-Mexican border. These waters are influenced by terrigenous input of particulate and dissolved materials from San Diego and Tijuana watersheds and non-point sources along the shore. Optimum threshold values of satellite-derived normalized water-leaving radiances at both wavebands were established for distinguishing the plume from ambient ocean waters. These threshold values were determined by searching for a maximum correlation between the estimates of satellite-derived plume area calculated using a broad range of nLw values and the environmental variables characterizing rainfall, river discharge, wind, and tides. A correlation analysis involving the amount of precipitated water accumulated during a storm event over the San Diego and Tijuana watersheds was selected as the basis for final determinations of the optimum threshold nLwthr and subsequent calculations of the plume area. By applying this method to a sequence of MODIS imagery, we demonstrate the spatial extent and evolution of the plume during rainstorm events under various conditions of precipitation, river discharge, wind forcing, and coastal currents.  相似文献   

The dynamics of coastal lagoons and estuarine areas is characterized by a delicate balance between biological and physical processes and the comprehension and monitoring of such processes require observations over a wide range of temporal and spatial scales. Remote sensing techniques in this context are very advantageous and potentially allow overcoming the spatial limitations of traditional in situ point observations, providing new opportunities for a better understanding of the relevant bio-geomorphological processes and for the calibration and validation of spatially-distributed hydrodynamic and transport models. Remote sensing of suspended particulate matter (SPM) concentration in shallow waters must, however, overcome the difficulties associated with i) the influence of bottom reflection, which may interfere with an accurate retrieval; ii) the necessity of accurately knowing the optical properties of the suspended matter, and iii) the importance of providing an assessment of the uncertainty associated with the estimates produced. This work presents a method to estimate SPM concentration in lagoon/estuarine waters by use of a simplified radiative transfer model. We use a calibration/validation method based on cross-validation and bootstrap techniques to provide a statistically sound determination of model parameters and an evaluation of the uncertainty induced by their inaccurate determination as well as by the uncertain knowledge of the bottom sediment reflectance. The method is applied to the Venice lagoon, using observations from a network of turbidity sensors and from several multispectral satellite sensors (LANDSAT, ASTER and ALOS AVNIR). The bootstrap and cross-validation procedures employed show that consistent estimates of SPM concentration can indeed be retrieved from satellite remote sensing, provided that sufficient in situ ancillary information for appropriate calibration is available. The quantification of the estimation uncertainty shows that retrievals obtained from remote sensing are accurate, robust and repeatable. The SPM concentration maps produced show a general coherence with known features in the Venice lagoon and, together with suitable biological information, point to the role played by benthic vegetation in the stabilization of the bottom sediment.  相似文献   

Accurate assessment of phytoplankton chlorophyll-a (chla) concentrations in turbid waters by means of remote sensing is challenging due to the optical complexity of case 2 waters. We have applied a recently developed model of the form [Rrs? 1(λ1) ? Rrs? 1(λ2)] × Rrs(λ3) where Rrs(λi) is the remote-sensing reflectance at the wavelength λi, for the estimation of chla concentrations in turbid waters. The objectives of this paper are (a) to validate the three-band model as well as its special case, the two-band model Rrs? 1(λ1) × Rrs(λ3), using datasets collected over a considerable range of optical properties, trophic status, and geographical locations in turbid lakes, reservoirs, estuaries, and coastal waters, and (b) to evaluate the extent to which the three-band model could be applied to the Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS) and two-band model could be applied to the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) to estimate chla in turbid waters.The three-band model was calibrated and validated using three MERIS spectral bands (660–670 nm, 703.75–713.75 nm, and 750?757.5 nm), and the 2-band model was tested using two MODIS spectral bands (λ1 = 662–672, λ3 = 743–753 nm). We assessed the accuracy of chla prediction in four independent datasets without re-parameterization (adjustment of the coefficients) after initial calibration elsewhere. Although the validation data set contained widely variable chla (1.2 to 236 mg m? 3), Secchi disk depth (0.18 to 4.1 m), and turbidity (1.3 to 78 NTU), chla predicted by the three-band algorithm was strongly correlated with observed chla (r2 > 0.96), with a precision of 32% and average bias across data sets of ? 4.9% to 11%. Chla predicted by the two-band algorithm was also closely correlated with observed chla (r2 > 0.92); however, the precision declined to 57%, and average bias across the data sets was 18% to 50.3%. These findings imply that, provided that an atmospheric correction scheme for the red and NIR bands is available, the extensive database of MERIS and MODIS imagery could be used for quantitative monitoring of chla in turbid waters.  相似文献   

The use of satellites to monitor the color of the ocean requires effective removal of the atmospheric signal. This can be performed by extrapolating the aerosol optical properties in the visible from the near-infrared (NIR) spectral region assuming that the seawater is totally absorbant in this latter part of the spectrum. However, the non-negligible water-leaving radiance in the NIR which is characteristic of turbid waters may lead to an overestimate of the atmospheric radiance in the whole visible spectrum with increasing severity at shorter wavelengths. This may result in significant errors, if not complete failure, of various algorithms for the retrieval of chlorophyll-a concentration, inherent optical properties and biogeochemical parameters of surface waters.This paper presents results of an inter-comparison study of three methods that compensate for NIR water-leaving radiances and that are based on very different hypothesis: 1) the standard SeaWiFS algorithm (Stumpf et al., 2003; Bailey et al., 2010) based on a bio-optical model and an iterative process; 2) the algorithm developed by Ruddick et al. (2000) based on the spatial homogeneity of the NIR ratios of the aerosol and water-leaving radiances; and 3) the algorithm of Kuchinke et al. (2009) based on a fully coupled atmosphere-ocean spectral optimization inversion. They are compared using normalized water-leaving radiance nLw in the visible. The reference source for comparison is ground-based measurements from three AERONET-Ocean Color sites, one in the Adriatic Sea and two in the East Coast of USA.Based on the matchup exercise, the best overall estimates of the nLw are obtained with the latest SeaWiFS standard algorithm version with relative error varying from 14.97% to 35.27% for λ = 490 nm and λ = 670 nm respectively. The least accurate estimates are given by the algorithm of Ruddick, the relative errors being between 16.36% and 42.92% for λ = 490 nm and λ = 412 nm, respectively. The algorithm of Kuchinke appears to be the most accurate algorithm at 412 nm (30.02%), 510 (15.54%) and 670 nm (32.32%) using its default optimization and bio-optical model coefficient settings.Similar conclusions are obtained for the aerosol optical properties (aerosol optical thickness τ(865) and the Ångström exponent, α(510, 865)). Those parameters are retrieved more accurately with the SeaWiFS standard algorithm (relative error of 33% and 54.15% for τ(865) and α(510, 865)).A detailed analysis of the hypotheses of the methods is given for explaining the differences between the algorithms. The determination of the aerosol parameters is critical for the algorithm of Ruddick et al. (2000) while the bio-optical model is critical for the algorithm of Stumpf et al. (2003) utilized in the standard SeaWiFS atmospheric correction and both aerosol and bio-optical model for the coupled atmospheric-ocean algorithm of Kuchinke. The Kuchinke algorithm presents model aerosol-size distributions that differ from real aerosol-size distribution pertaining to the measurements. In conclusion, the results show that for the given atmospheric and oceanic conditions of this study, the SeaWiFS atmospheric correction algorithm is most appropriate for estimating the marine and aerosol parameters in the given turbid waters regions.  相似文献   

A new empirical index, termed the normalized suspended sediment index (NSSI), is proposed to predict total suspended sediment (TSS) concentrations in inland turbid waters using Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS) full-resolution (FR) 300 m data. The algorithm is based on the normalized difference between two MERIS spectral bands, 560 and 760 nm. NSSI shows its potential in application to our study region – Poyang Lake – the largest freshwater lake in China. An exponential function (R2 = 0.90, p < 0.01) accurately explained the variance in the in situ data and showed better performance for the TSS range 10–524 mg l?1. The algorithm was then validated with TSS estimates using an atmospheric-corrected MERIS FR image. The validation showed that the NSSI algorithm was a more robust TSS algorithm than the band-ratio algorithms. Findings of this research imply that NSSI can be successfully used on MERIS images to obtain TSS in Poyang Lake. This work provided a practical remote-sensing approach to estimate TSS in the optically and hydrologically complex Poyang Lake and the method can be easily extended to other similar waters.  相似文献   

A technique is presented for estimating suspended sediment concentrations of turbid coastal waters with remotely sensed multi-spectral data. The method improves upon many standard techniques, since it incorporates analyses of multiple wavelength bands (four for Sea-viewing Wide Field of view Sensor (SeaWiFS)) and a nonlinear calibration, which produce highly accurate results (expected errors are approximately ±10%). Further, potential errors produced by erroneous atmospheric calibration in excessively turbid waters and influences of dissolved organic materials, chlorophyll pigments and atmospheric aerosols are limited by a dark pixel subtraction and removal of the violet to blue wavelength bands. Results are presented for the Santa Barbara Channel, California where suspended sediment concentrations ranged from 0–200+ mg?l?1 (±20?mg?l?1) immediately after large river runoff events. The largest plumes were observed 10–30?km off the coast and occurred immediately following large El Niño winter floods.  相似文献   

This article describes the development of a technique to estimate shallow water benthic cover and depth simultaneously from high-resolution satellite images of reef areas, specifically from the high-resolution sensor onboard IKONOS. The technique to derive the estimates of five bottom benthic cover types (sand, coral, seagrass, macroalgae and pavement) and depth from the four-band images uses a coupling of radiative transfer (RT) theory and spectral unmixing implemented in an iterative manner. To resolve the cover types for the unmixing, the method employed a combinatorial approach to select benthic cover composition. The estimation technique was applied to two reef areas around the coast of the Ishigaki in southern Ryukyus, namely, the Fukido River mouth area and the Shiraho Reef. The IKONOS images of Fukido River mouth area and Shiraho Reef were acquired in 2003 and 2002, respectively. The accuracy of the fractional cover and the depth estimates from the satellite images are then presented and compared with sea truth data and depth measurements. The results indicate good correspondence between estimated and measured depths, while the estimates for the benthic cover were at reasonable levels of accuracy.  相似文献   

We compared hyperspectral imagery and single-wavelength airborne bathymetric light detection and ranging (lidar) for shallow water (<2 m) bathymetry and seagrass mapping. Both the bathymetric results from hyperspectral imagery and airborne bathymetric lidar reveal that the presence of a strongly reflecting benthic layer under seagrass affects the elevation estimates towards the bottom depth instead of the top of seagrass canopy. Full waveform lidar was also investigated for bathymetry and similar performance to discrete lidar was observed. A provisional classification was performed with limited ground reference samples and four supervised classifiers were applied in the study to investigate the capability of airborne bathymetric lidar and hyperspectral imagery to identify seagrass genera. The overall classification accuracy is highly variable and strongly dependent on the classification strategy used. Features from bathymetric lidar alone are not sufficient for substrate classification, while hyperspectral imagery alone showed significant capability for substrate classification with over 95% overall accuracy. The fusion of hyperspectral imagery and bathymetric lidar only marginally improved the overall accuracy of seagrass classification.  相似文献   

Atmospheric correction for the ocean color products derived from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) uses two near-infrared (NIR) bands centered at 748 and 869 nm for identifying aerosol type and correcting aerosol contributions at the MODIS visible wavelengths. The ocean is usually assumed to be black for open oceans at these two NIR bands with modifications for the productive waters and aerosols are assumed to be non- or weakly absorbing. For cases with strongly absorbing aerosols and cases with the significant NIR ocean contributions, the derived ocean color products will have significant errors, e.g., the derived MODIS normalized water-leaving radiances are biased low considerably. Both cases lead to a significant drop of the sensor-measured radiance at the short visible wavelengths, and they both have similar and indistinguishable radiance characteristics at the short visible wavelengths. To properly handle such cases, the strongly absorbing aerosols and turbid waters need to be identified. Therefore, an appropriate approach (different from the standard procedure) may be carried out. In this paper, we demonstrate methods to identify the turbid waters and strongly absorbing aerosols using combinations of MODIS-measured radiances at the short visible, NIR, and short wave infrared (SWIR) bands. The algorithms are based on the fact that for the turbid waters the ocean has significantly large contributions at the NIR bands, whereas at the SWIR bands the ocean is still black due to much stronger water absorption. With detection of the turbid waters, the strongly absorbing aerosols can then be identified using the MODIS measurements at the short visible and NIR bands. We provide results and discussions for test and evaluation of the algorithm performance with various examples in the coastal regions for the turbid waters and for various absorbing aerosols (e.g., volcano ash plumes, dust, smoke). The proposed algorithms are efficient in the data processing, and can be carried out prior to the atmospheric correction procedure.  相似文献   

The diffuse attenuation coefficient, Kd(λ), is an important water optical property. Detection of Kd(λ) by means of remote sensing can provide significant assistance in understanding water environment conditions and many biogeochemical processes. Even when existing algorithms exhibit good performance in clear open ocean and turbid coastal waters, accurate quantification of highly turbid inland water bodies can still be a challenge due to their bio-optical complexity. In this study, we examined the performance of two typical pre-existing Kd(490) models in inland water bodies from Lake Taihu, Lake Chaohu, and the Three Gorges Reservoir in China. On the basis of water optical classification, new Kd(490) models were developed for these waters by means of the support vector machine approach. The obtained results showed that the two pre-existing Kd(490) models presented relatively large errors by comparison with the new models, with mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) values above ~30%. More importantly, among the new models, type-specific models generally outperformed the aggregated model. For water classified as Type 1 + Type 2, the type-specific model produced validation errors with MAPE = 16.8% and RMSE = 0.98 m?1. For water classified as Type 3, the MAPE and RMSE of the type-specific model were found to be 18.8% and 1.85 m?1, respectively. The findings in this study demonstrate that water classification (prior to algorithm development) is needed for the development of excellent Kd(490) retrieval algorithms, and the type-specific models thus developed are an important supplement to existing Kd(490) retrieval models for highly turbid inland waters.  相似文献   

Mapping of total suspended matter concentration (TSM) can be achieved from space-based optical sensors and has growing applications related to sediment transport. A TSM algorithm is developed here for turbid waters, suitable for any ocean colour sensor including MERIS, MODIS and SeaWiFS. Theory shows that use of a single band provides a robust and TSM-sensitive algorithm provided the band is chosen appropriately. Hyperspectral calibration is made using seaborne TSM and reflectance spectra collected in the southern North Sea. Two versions of the algorithm are considered: one which gives directly TSM from reflectance, the other uses the reflectance model of Park and Ruddick (2005) to take account of bidirectional effects.Applying a non-linear regression analysis to the calibration data set gave relative errors in TSM estimation less than 30% in the spectral range 670-750 nm. Validation of this algorithm for MODIS and MERIS retrieved reflectances with concurrent in situ measurements gave the lowest relative errors in TSM estimates, less than 40%, for MODIS bands 667 nm and 678 nm and for MERIS bands 665 nm and 681 nm. Consistency of the approach in a multisensor context (SeaWiFS, MERIS, and MODIS) is demonstrated both for single point time series and for individual images.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that the Geostationary Ocean Colour Imager (GOCI) could retrieve sea surface currents accurately in low-moderate turbid coastal waters, based on maximum cross-correlation (MCC) technique. However, its performance in highly turbid waters remains unclear. In this study, the MCC method is used to derive hourly sea surface currents in Hangzhou Bay (HZB) with highly turbid waters from the GOCI data, and its performance is examined by in situ measurements and model simulations. The results show that the GOCI-derived sea surface currents can catch tidal phase variations well, yet the performance of the derived velocity is not as good as the previous studies in low-moderate turbid waters. The reason may be due to the rapid deposition and resuspension processes of suspended particulate matter in high turbidity waters, which contaminate the MCC pattern tracking. The GOCI-derived deposition and resuspension rates can reach up to about 190 and 270 mg l–1 h–1 in HZB, respectively, which demonstrates that the potential of geostationary ocean colour imagery in deriving the suspended particle deposition and resuspension rates.  相似文献   

An extensive in situ data set in the Bohai Sea of China was collected to assess radiometric properties and concentrations of ocean constituents derived from Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS). The data collected include spectral normalized water-leaving radiance Lwn(λ) and concentrations of suspended particulate matter (SPM) and chlorophyll a (Chl-a). A strict spatio-temporal match-up method was adopted in view of the complexity and variability of the turbid coastal area, resulting in 13, 48 and 18 match-ups for MERIS Lwn(λ), SPM and Chl-a estimates, respectively. For MERIS Lwn(λ), the match-ups showed mean absolute percentage differences (APD) of 17%-20% in the 412, 443, 620 and 665 nm bands, whereas Lwn(λ) at bands from 490 and 560 nm had better APD of 15-16%. The band ratio of Lwn(490) to Lwn(560) of the satellite data was in good agreement with in situ observations with an APD of 4%. MERIS SPM and Chl-a products overestimated the in situ values, with the APD of approximately 50% and 60%, respectively. When match-up criteria were relaxed, the assessment results degraded systematically. Hence, in turbid coastal areas where temporal variability and spatial heterogeneity of bio-optical properties may be pronounced as the result of terrestrial influences and local dynamics, the strict spatio-temporal match-up is recommended.  相似文献   

The shape and amplitude of the bathymetric lidar waveforms (the recorded time history of the reflected lidar pulses) contain information about the attenuation of the water and the bottom reflectivity in the survey area. This study considers the factors that affect the amplitude of the bottom return and examines the use of the amplitude of the bottom return to distinguishing between different bottom types. The amplitude of the bottom return was corrected for pulse stretching and retro-reflectance due to the bottom slope based on a simple lidar radiative transfer model before the examination. Within-flightline and between-flightline variations of the bottom return were considered, both of which are related to the attenuation of water, surface wave condition, and bottom reflectivity. The major concern of within-flightline variation is the effect of surface waves on the reliability of bottom return. Between-flightline variation concerns the effect of change in viewing orientation on the bottom return from the same bottom type. A data set of Egmont Key, Florida, assuming homogeneous water clarity, was chosen to investigate the latter two effects on the bottom return signals. The result shows that the presence of surface waves is the most impeding factor that complicates the use of bottom return signal, as it can exaggerate the value (not prominent in our data) and variance of the amplitude of bottom return. A map of sand, continuous seagrass, and discontinuous seagrass ranging from the depth of 0.8 to 4.3 m was produced correctly from a single lidar flightline with limited in-situ information, in this case, a nadir viewing videotape concurrent with lidar survey mission. Finally, suggestions are proposed for ways to improve the production of a bottom map using the lidar waveform data.  相似文献   

A multi-spectral classification and quantification technique is developed for estimating chlorophyll a concentrations, Chl, in shallow oceanic waters where light reflected by the bottom can contribute significantly to the above-water remote-sensing reflectance spectra, Rrs(λ). Classification criteria for determining bottom reflectance contributions for shipboard Rrs(λ) data from the west Florida shelf and Bahamian waters (1998-2001; n = 451) were established using the relationship between Rrs(412)/Rrs(670) and the spectral curvature about 555 nm, [Rrs(412) ? Rrs(670)]/Rrs(555)2. Chlorophyll concentrations for data classified as “optically deep” and “optically shallow” were derived separately using best-fit cubic polynomial functions developed from the band-ratios Rrs(490)/Rrs(555) and Rrs(412)/Rrs(670), respectively. Concentrations for transitional data were calculated from weighted averages of the two derived values. The root-mean-square error (RMSElog10) calculated for the entire data set using the new technique was 14% lower than the lowest error derived using the best individual band-ratio. The standard blue-to-green, band-ratio algorithm yields a 26% higher RMSElog10 than that calculated using the new method. This study demonstrates the potential of quantifying chlorophyll a concentrations more accurately from multi-spectral satellite ocean color data in oceanic regions containing optically shallow waters.  相似文献   

This work presents a parallel implementation for 3D semi-implicit hydrodynamic models of shallow waters that scales in low-cost clusters of computers. The scalability of semi-implicit hydrodynamic models is limited due to the need of all-to-one/one-to-all communications at each simulation time-step as it is here shown. These communications are avoided taking advantage of a nesting implementation, which resolves, in addition to the model at the original grid resolution (nested), a model with a lower grid resolution (parent). Nesting implementations are normally used to simulate both global and local processes with less memory and execution time by using as nested domain just the area where local processes occur while the parent model simulates the complete domain; but here, it is used to improve scalability. A two-level processing structure is proposed for the parallel implementation: pipeline plus domain-decomposition. The resulting parallel implementation with two-level structure scales with a slope near one.  相似文献   

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