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Solar irradiance is a key environmental control, and accurate spatial and temporal solar irradiance data are important for a wide range of applications related to energy and carbon cycling, weather prediction, and climate change. This study presents a satellite‐based scheme for the retrieval of all‐sky solar irradiance components, which links a physically based clear‐sky model with a neural network version of a rigorous radiative transfer model. The scheme exploits the improved cloud characterization and retrieval capabilities of the MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) onboard the Terra and Aqua satellites, and employs a cloud motion tracking scheme for the production of hourly solar irradiance data throughout the day. The scheme was implemented for the Island of Zealand, Denmark (56° N, 12° E) and Southern Arizona, USA (31° N, 110° W) permitting model evaluation for two highly contrasting climates and cloud environments. Information on the atmospheric state was provided by MODIS data products and verifications against AErosol RObotic NETwork (AERONET) data demonstrated usefulness of MODIS aerosol optical depth and total precipitable water vapour retrievals for the delineation of spatial gradients. However, aerosol retrievals were significantly biased for the semi‐arid region, and water‐vapour retrievals were characterized by systematic deviations from the measurements. Hourly global solar irradiance data were retrieved with overall root mean square deviations of 11.5% (60 W m?2) and 26.6% (72 W m?2) for Southern Arizona and the Island of Zealand, respectively. For both regions, hourly satellite estimates were shown to be more reliable than pyranometer measurements from ground stations only 15 km away from the point of interest, which is comparable to the accuracy level obtainable from geostationary satellites with image acquisitions every 15–30 min. The proposed scheme is particularly useful for solar irradiance mapping in high‐latitude regions as data from geostationary satellites experience a gradual degradation in spatial resolution and overall quality with latitude and become unusable above approximately 60° latitude. However, in principle, the scheme can be applied anywhere on the globe, and a synergistic use of MODIS and geostationary satellite datasets may be envisaged for some applications.  相似文献   

The surface chlorophyll‐a concentrations measured by SeaWiFS, MODIS‐Terra and MODIS‐Aqua are compared in the Southern Ocean in summer 2003. The radiometers generally agree within their estimated accuracy. Residual discrepancies could be reduced by regional calibrations of the bio‐optical algorithms.  相似文献   

Drought is a recurring phenomenon in many parts of India, bringing significant water shortages, economic losses and adverse social consequences. The western regions of India (Rajasthan and Gujarat provinces) have suffered with severe droughts several times in the past. In this study meteorological and satellite data were used for monitoring drought in the southern part of Rajasthan. Monthly rainfall data from six stations were used to derive the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI). The Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) onboard the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) series of satellite was used for calculating brightness temperature (BT), the Normalized Difference Vegetative Index (NDVI) and the Water Supplying Vegetation Index (WSVI). BT was converted to the Vegetation Condition Index (VCI) and the Temperature Condition Index (TCI), which are useful indices for the estimation of vegetation health and drought monitoring. The analysis was carried out for a period of four years (2002–2005) and from the SPI analysis it was observed that 2002 was a drought year. On the basis of the satellite‐based indices, the study area was divided into categories of extreme, severe, moderate and slight drought and normal condition. We found that in 2002 all of the area under study was affected by drought with greater intensity, mostly classed as extreme and severe drought conditions. An analysis was carried out of the study area divided into four zones on the basis of rainfall distribution, soil characteristics, cropping patterns and other physical characteristics. This analysis revealed that zone 1 was the most drought‐prone area in all four years; zone 4 was the next area most affected by severe drought, followed by zones 2 and 3, which were less affected by drought conditions.  相似文献   

The calibration of four MTSAT‐1R infrared channels was evaluated by comparing MTSAT measurements with Terra/MODIS inferred MTSAT‐equivalent brightness temperatures during August 2005 and August 2006. Theoretical relationships converting MODIS brightness temperatures to MTSAT‐equivalent values were obtained and used for the comparison. Results indicate that MTSAT two split window channels are well calibrated, and no serious systematic errors or biases are found; and the MTSAT water‐vapour channel shows a good linear relationship but with a warm bias up to 2 K. The significant cold bias of MTSAT 3.7 µm channel about ?6.7 K in August 2005 is found to be much removed in August 2006, after correction of the electrical crosstalk between MTSAT‐1R SWIR channel and WV channel starting from March 2006. Since then, calibration performances of MTSAT‐1R split window channels and shortwave IR channel seem to be comparable with MODIS calibration, while the water‐vapour channel shows more uncertainties up to 2 K of bias.  相似文献   

Burnt area data, derived from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) imagery, are validated in 11 regions of arid and semi-arid Australia, using three separate Landsat-derived burnt area data sets. Mapping accuracy of burnt extent is highly variable between areas and from year to year within the same area. Where there are corresponding patches in the AVHRR and Landsat data sets, the fit is good. However, the AVHRR data set misses some large patches. Overall, 63% of the Landsat burnt area is also mapped in the AVHRR data set, but this varies from 0% to 89% at different sites. In total, 81% of the AVHRR burnt area data are matched in the Landsat data set, but range from 0% to 94%. The lower match rates (<50%) are generally when little area has burnt (0–500 km2), with figures generally better in the more northerly sites. Results of regressions analysis based on 10 km?×?10 km cells are also variable, with R 2 values ranging from 0.37 (n?=?116) to 0.94 (n?=?85). For the Tanami Desert scene, R 2 varies from 0.41 to 0.61 (n?=?368) over three separate years. Combining the data results in an R 2 of 0.60 (n?=?1315) (or 0.56 with the intercept set to 0). The slopes of the regressions indicate that mapping the burnt area from AVHRR imagery underestimates the ‘true’ extent of burning for all scenes and years. Differences in mapping accuracy between low and high fire years are examined, as well as the influence of soil, vegetation, land use and tenure on mapping accuracy. Issues which are relevant to mapping fire in arid and semi-arid environments and discontinuous fuels are highlighted.  相似文献   

Much effort has been made in recent years to improve the spectral and spatial resolution of satellite sensors to develop improved vegetation indices reflecting surface conditions. In this study satellite vegetation indices from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) are evaluated against two years of in situ measurements of vegetation indices in Senegal. The in situ measurements are obtained using four masts equipped with self‐registrating multispectral radiometers designed for the same wavelengths as the satellite sensor channels. In situ measurements of the MODIS Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and AVHRR NDVI are equally sensitive to vegetation; however, the MODIS NDVI is consistently higher than the AVHRR NDVI. The MODIS Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) proved more sensitive to dense vegetation than both AVHRR NDVI and MODIS NDVI. EVI and NDVI based on the MODIS 16‐day constrained view angle maximum value composite (CV‐MVC) product captured the seasonal dynamics of the field observations satisfactorily but a standard 16‐day MVC product estimated from the daily MODIS surface reflectance data without view angle constraints yielded higher correlations between the satellite indices and field measurements (R 2 values ranging from 0.74 to 0.98). The standard MVC regressions furthermore approach a 1?:?1 line with in situ measured values compared to the CV‐MVC regressions. The 16‐day MVC AVHRR data did not satisfactorily reflect the variation in the in situ data. Seasonal variation in the in situ measurements is captured reasonably with R 2 values of 0.75 in 2001 and 0.64 in 2002, but the dynamic range of the AVHRR satellite data is very low—about a third to a half of the values from in situ measurements. Consequently the in situ vegetation indices were emulated much better by the MODIS indices than by the AVHRR NDVI.  相似文献   

Wind speeds obtained from the Multifrequency Scanning Microwave Radiometer (MSMR) are evaluated with those obtained from the European Remote Sensing Satellite (ERS‐2) scatterometer over the global oceans over the period 15 June 1999 to 23 August 1999. A detailed statistical analysis has been carried out to assess the accuracy of the MSMR wind magnitudes. The analysis consists of an examination of the mean bias and Root Mean Square (rms) differences between the two gridded fields for different regions. The biases and the rms errors are different for different regions, being less over the tropical oceans and more over the polar regions. The biases range from about 3?m?s?1 in the tropics to over 6?m?s?1 in high latitudes, with the global average of 4.2?m?s?1. These biases are different for different wind speed ranges, being highest for the low wind speed range (0–4?m?s?1). The global standard deviation (SD) is found to be 2.2?m?s?1. The MSMR overestimated wind magnitude.  相似文献   

The existing parameters based on Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) data and devised for fire susceptibility estimation (FSE) were applied in different regions of southern Italy. Their performances were evaluated by using a wide data sample of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)‐12 and ‐14 summer imagery acquired from 1996 to 1999. In order to test their effectiveness, each different parameter was tested by applying the same thresholding procedure on every individual parameter independent from its pre‐established classification by the authors. The evaluation was performed by comparing fire archives (provided by the Italian National Forestry Service) to the results obtained. The most satisfactory results were obtained by using a combination of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and thermal channels. These experimental analyses confirmed that improvements were achieved from methods that combine NDVI with thermal channels, in particular when the two indicators are first classified separately and then combined in a single index. This allows a valid reduction of the number of pixels classified as fire vulnerable compared with methods that apply a joined classification of NDVI and surface temperature (T s). Finally, the use of the AVHRR channel 3 (thermal data) proved to be more effective than T s. Such evaluations are a valuable support for the assessment of how satellite‐based parameters can be profitably used to improve the estimation of fire susceptibility in operational applications. Our findings can be directly extended to other Mediterranean‐like ecosystems.  相似文献   

Satellite‐derived normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) data have been used extensively to detect and monitor vegetation conditions at regional and global levels. A combination of NDVI data sets derived from AVHRR and MODIS can be used to construct a long NDVI time series that may also be extended to VIIRS. Comparative analysis of NDVI data derived from AVHRR and MODIS is critical to understanding the data continuity through the time series. In this study, the AVHRR and MODIS 16‐day composite NDVI products were compared using regression and agreement analysis methods. The analysis shows a high agreement between the AVHRR‐NDVI and MODIS‐NDVI observed from 2002 and 2003 for the conterminous United States, but the difference between the two data sets is appreciable. Twenty per cent of the total difference between the two data sets is due to systematic difference, with the remainder due to unsystematic difference. The systematic difference can be eliminated with a linear regression‐based transformation between two data sets, and the unsystematic difference can be reduced partially by applying spatial filters to the data. We conclude that the continuity of NDVI time series from AVHRR to MODIS is satisfactory, but a linear transformation between the two sets is recommended.  相似文献   

Fires are a major hazard to forests in the Mediterranean region, where, on average, half a million hectares of forested areas are burned every year. The assessment of fire risk is therefore at the heart of fire prevention policies in the region. The estimation of forest fire risk often involves the integration of meteorological and other fuel‐related variables, leading to an index that assesses the different levels of risk. Two indices frequently used to estimate the level of fire risk are the Fire Weather Index (FWI) and the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). Although a correlation between the number of fires and the level of risk determined by these indices has been demonstrated in previous studies, the analyses focused on the changes in fire risk levels in areas where fires took place. The present study analyses the behaviour of the fire risk indices not only in areas where fires occurred but also in areas where fires did not take place. Specifically, the objective of this work was to compare the potential of the two indices to discriminate different levels of fire risk over large areas. Qualitative and quantitative methods were used to compare the statistical distributions of fire event frequencies with those of fire risk levels. The qualitative method highlights graphically the statistical difference between the values of the indices computed over burnt areas and the overall distribution of the values of the indices. The quantitative method, based on the use of the so‐called performance index, was used to evaluate and compare numerically the potential of the indices. The analyses were performed considering very extensive datasets of fire events, satellite data and meteorological data for Spain during a 10‐year period. Although the NDVI is assumed to describe the vegetation status as related to fire ignition, the results show conclusively an enhanced performance of the FWI over the NDVI in identifying areas at risk of fires.  相似文献   

The measurements of in situ samplers, the ENEA Light Detection and Ranging (Lidar) Fluorosensor (ELF) and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer on‐board the Terra satellite (MODIS‐Terra), carried out in the Southern Ocean during the Austral summer 2002–2003, were used to provide the first algorithm for chlorophyll‐a (Chl‐a) retrieval from MODIS‐Terra imagery of Sun‐induced fluorescence in the Southern Ocean. The results of the algorithm indicate that the standard MODIS‐Terra algorithm underestimated Chl‐a. The discrepancy (20%) is below the expected error of MODIS (35%).  相似文献   

The NOAA-KLM satellites (NOAA-15 to 18) are the current polar-orbiting operational environmental satellites (POES) that carry the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR). This study examines the calibration stability and consistency of all three infrared channels (3.7, 11.0 and 12.0 μm) of AVHRR onboard NOAA-15 to 18. The short-term stability is examined from variations of the scan-by-scan gain response, while the long-term stability and calibration consistency are examined by tracking the trends of gain response and measured scene brightness temperatures. The relative differences of observed scene brightness temperatures among NOAA-15 to 18 AVHRR are determined using MODIS as a transfer radiometer based on observations from simultaneous nadir overpasses (SNO). Results show that variations of the scan-to-scan gain responses are within 0.10% under normal operational conditions, while long-term gain changes over six years from 2001 to 2006 vary from 2 to 4% depending on channel. Long-term trending results show that total six-year drifts in observed brightness temperature from NOAA-15 to 18 AVHRR are less than 0.5 K for a given scene temperature in the 250 to 270 K range for the 3.7, 11.0 and 12.0 μm channels, respectively. The calibration consistency is examined for a scene temperature range of 220 to 290 K. The temperature biases among NOAA-16 to 18 AVHRR are within ±0.5 K for the 11.0 and 12.0 μm channels. For NOAA-15 AVHRR, biases of –2.0 K at 11.0 μm and –1.5 K at 12.0 μm are found in comparison with others at the low end of the temperature range. For the 3.7 μm channel, relative biases up to a few degrees among NOAA-15 to 18 could be found at low brightness temperatures.  相似文献   

Estimates of the relative humidity near the ground are frequently requested by scientific communities concerned about weather forecasting, disease prediction, and agriculture. To face the dearth of meteorological observations provided by synoptic networks, remote sensing measurements are particularly useful, specifically because they can provide coherent information at a regional representative scale. The present investigation gives an update on the potential for using satellite data to estimate the near‐surface relative humidity. The IMAGER sensor on board the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) is used to obtain the hourly infrared datasets. In addition, data from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) flown on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Sun‐synchronous satellite series is used to calculate the daily normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI). Estimates of the relative humidity are assessed using various variables like the surface temperature, NDVI, the precipitable water, the digital elevation model, the date and local time. The study approach combines empirically these variables into third‐order polynomial multiple regressions with stepwise functions. The data are split in two parts: the algorithm development dataset and the validation dataset. The estimation model is developed by a stepwise function, which selects independent variables and decides corresponding coefficients. The model validity is further assessed by employing a comparison with the results obtained from the model output using a validation dataset. The accuracy achieved using the validation dataset is in a good agreement with development dataset accuracies. The relative humidity accuracy derived from the present method is within 10% compared to field measurements. The largest discrepancies between model and measurements were observed over forested areas. One outcome from this study is that the difference in results between forested and non‐forested targets is enhanced with the topography.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal responses to agricultural drought of different districts with different crop‐growing environments were assessed using National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR)‐derived monthly time composite Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) images of a drought year (2002) and a normal year (2004) in Haryana state, one of the most prolific agricultural states of India. The seasonal NDVI profiles derived from NOAA AVHRR data, despite coarse spatial resolution, successfully captured the response of vulnerable districts to drought events. The greenness (NDVI) in mid‐season and at the end of the season of drought and normal years was compared. Districts having less irrigation support due to insufficient canal supplies and poor quality of groundwater had very high NDVI deviation from normal, signifying the impact of severe drought conditions in terms of reduced/delayed sown area, poor germination etc. in the year 2002. The districts with high irrigation support (surface water plus good quality groundwater) have either higher NDVI or insignificant deviation from a normal year and are not influenced by meteorological drought. Thus, quality of groundwater in different districts is a key factor to determine the vulnerability and sensitivity of the district to meteorological drought events in the study area state. The results of the study are relevant for vulnerability mapping and drought hazard zonation in the state to aid in‐season and long‐term management of droughts.  相似文献   

Fast Atmospheric Signature Code (FASCODE), a line‐by‐line radiative transfer programme, was used to simulate Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data at wavelengths 11.03 and 12.02 µm to ascertain how accurately the land surface temperature (LST) can be inferred, by the split‐window technique (SWT), for a wide range of atmospheric and terrestrial conditions. The approach starts from the Ulivieri algorithm, originally applied to Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) channels 4 and 5. This algorithm proved to be very accurate compared to several others and takes into account the atmospheric effects, in particular the water vapour column (WVC) amount and a non‐unitary surface emissivity. Extended simulations allowed the determination of new coefficients of this algorithm appropriate to MODIS bands 31 and 32, using different atmospheric conditions. The algorithm was also improved by removing some of the hypothesis on which its original expression was based. This led to the addition of a new corrective term that took into account the interdependence between water vapour and non‐unitary emissivity values and their effects on the retrieved surface temperature. The LST products were validated within 1 K with in situ LSTs in 11 cases.  相似文献   

Global 8 km resolution AVHRR (advanced very high resolution radiometer) NDVI (normalized difference vegetation index) 10‐day composite data sets have been used for numerous local to global scale vegetation time series studies during recent years. AVHRR Pathfinder (PAL) NDVI was available from 1981 until 2001, and the new AVHRR GIMMS NDVI was available from 1981 to the present time. A number of aspects potentially introduce noise in the NDVI data set due to the AVHRR sensor design and data processing. NDVI from SPOT‐4 VGT data is considered an improvement over AVHRR, and for this reason it is important to examine how and if the differences in sensor design and processing influence continental scale NDVI composite products. In this study, the quality of these AVHRR NDVI time series are evaluated by the continental scale 1 km resolution SPOT‐4 vegetation (VGT) 10‐day composite (S10) NDVI data. Three years of AVHRR PAL (1998–2000) and seven years of GIMMS (1998–2004) have been compared to 8 km resampled SPOT‐4 VGT (1998–2004) data. The dynamic range of SPOT‐4 VGT NDVI tends to be higher than the AVHRR PAL NDVI, whereas there is an exact match between AVHRR GIMMS NDVI and SPOT‐4 VGT NDVI. Ortho‐regression analysis on annually integrated values of AVHRR PAL/GIMMS and SPOT‐4 VGT on a continental scale reveals high correlations amongst the AVHRR and the SPOT data set, with lowest RMSE (root mean square error) on the GIMMS/SPOT‐4 VGT compared to the PAL/SPOT‐4 VGT.

Analyses on decade data likewise show that a linear relation exists between Spot‐4 VGT NDVI and the two AVHRR composite products; GIMMS explaining most of the Spot‐4 VGT NDVI variance compared to PAL. These results show that the AVHRR GIMMS NDVI is more consistent with Spot‐4 VGT NDVI compared to AVHRR PAL versus Spot‐4 VGT NDVI (in terms of RMSE and dynamic range) and can therefore be considered the more accurate long time AVHRR data record. Analyses performed on monthly maximum composites and decade composite data, however, reveal intra‐annual variations in the correlation between SPOT‐4 VGT and the two AVHRR data sets, which are attributed to different cloud masking algorithms. The SPOT‐4 VGT cloud‐screening algorithm is insufficient, thereby suppressing the rainy season NDVI.  相似文献   

Over the past several decades, one of the most significant changes in semi‐desert grasslands of the southwestern US has been the invasion of South African grass Eragrostis lehmanniana. The objective of this study was to characterize the phenology of systems occupied by E. lehmanniana and/or native grasses using time‐series of field observations and the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (MODIS NDVI) and brightness (red and near‐infrared reflectance) data. Results demonstrated that it was possible to use NDVI and/or spectral reflectance data to discern the phenological differences across a gradient of E. lehmanniana infested grasslands due to variations in plant biodiversity, morphology and seasonal productivity. This work establishes the feasibility of integrating field and MODIS vegetation and spectral time‐series data to characterise landscapes dominated by different herbaceous species, which in turn provides opportunities to monitor E. lehmanniana in semi‐arid environments at a large spatial scale.  相似文献   

Few studies have focused on the use of ocean colour remote sensors in the Gulf of Gabes (southeastern Tunisia). This work is the first study to evaluate the ocean colour chlorophyll-a product in this area. Chlorophyll-a concentrations were measured during oceanographic cruises performed off the Gulf of Gabes. These measurements were used to validate satellite data acquired from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on the Aqua satellite. First, two atmospheric correction procedures (standard and shortwave infrared) were tested to derive the remote-sensing reflectance, and then a comparison between two bio-optical (OC3M and MedOC3) algorithms were realized using the in situ measurements. Both atmospheric correction procedures gave similar results when applied to our study area indicating that most pixels were non-turbid. The comparison between bio-optical algorithms shows that using the regional bio-optical algorithm MedOC3 improves chlorophyll-a estimation in the Gulf of Gabes for the low values of this parameter.  相似文献   

Time series of the vegetation index product MOD13Q1 from the Moderate Resolution Imagery Spectroradiometer (MODIS) were assessed for estimating tree foliage projective cover (FPC) and cover change from 2000 to 2006. The MOD13Q1 product consists of the enhanced vegetation index (EVI) and the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI). There were four challenges in using the MOD13Q1 product to derive tree FPC: assessing the impact of the sensor's varying view geometry on the vegetation index values; decoupling tree and grass cover contributions to the vegetation index signal; devising a method to relate the temporally composited vegetation index pixels to Lidar estimates of tree FPC for calibration; and estimating the accuracy of the FPC and FPC change measurements using independently derived Lidar, Landsat and MODIS cover estimates. The results show that, for complex canopies, the varying view geometry influenced the vegetation indices. The EVI was more sensitive to the view angle than the NDVI, indicating that it is sensitive to vegetation structure. An existing time series method successfully extracted the evergreen vegetation index signal while simultaneously minimizing the impact of varying view geometry. The vegetation indices were better suited to monitoring tree cover change than deriving accurate single‐date estimates of cover at regional to continental scales. The EVI was more suited to monitoring change in high‐biomass regions (cover >50%) where the NDVI begins to saturate.  相似文献   

Fourier analysis of Moderate Resolution Image Spectrometer (MODIS) time‐series data was applied to monitor the flooding extent of the Waza‐Logone floodplain, located in the north of Cameroon. Fourier transform (FT) enabled quantification of the temporal distribution of the MIR band and three different indices: the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), the Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI), and the Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI). The resulting amplitude, phase, and amplitude variance images for harmonics 0 to 3 were used as inputs for an artificial neural network (ANN) to differentiate between the different land cover/land use classes: flooded land, dry land, and irrigated rice cultivation. Different combinations of input variables were evaluated by calculating the Kappa Index of Agreement (KIA) of the resulting classification maps. The combinations MIR/NDVI and MIR/EVI resulted in the highest KIA values. When the ANN was trained on pixels from different years, a more robust classifier was obtained, which could consistently separate flooded land from dry land for each year.  相似文献   

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