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High dielectric constant and low loss ceramics in the system Ba2 − xSrxLa3Ti3NbO15 (x = 0-1) have been prepared by conventional solid-state ceramic route. Ba2 − xSrxLa3Ti3NbO15 solid solutions adopted A5B4O15 cation-deficient hexagonal perovskite structure for all compositions. The materials were characterized at microwave frequencies. They show a linear variation of dielectric properties with the value of x. Their dielectric constant varies from 48.34 to 43.03, quality factor Qu × f from 20,291 to 39,088 GHz and temperature variation of resonant frequency from 8 to 1.39 ppm/°C as the value of x increases. These low loss ceramics might be used for dielectric resonator (DR) applications.  相似文献   

Lead-free (Ba1 − xCax)(Ti0.98Zr0.02)O3 (x = 0-0.04) ceramics were prepared successfully using a solid-state reaction technique. The polymorphic phase transitions (PPT) from orthorhombic to tetragonal phase around room temperature were identified in the composition range of 0 < x < 0.03. High piezoelectric coefficient of d33 = 375 pC/N and planar electromechanical coupling factor of kp = 44.1% were obtained for the samples at x = 0.01. With the increase of Ca content, the orthorhombic-tetragonal phase transitions shifted towards room temperature, while relative high Curie temperature (TC) was still maintained about 115 °C.  相似文献   

Thin films of Bi3.15Nd0.85Ti3O12 (BNT) and Bi3.15Nd0.85Ti3 − xZrxO12 (BNTZx, x = 0.1 and 0.2) were fabricated on Pt/TiO2/SiO2/Si(100) substrates by a chemical solution deposition (CSD) technique at 700 °C. Structures, surface morphologies, leakage current characteristics and Curie temperature of the films were studied as a function of Zr ion content by X-ray diffraction, atomic force microscopy, ferroelectric test system and thermal analysis, respectively. Experimental results indicate that Zr ion substitution in the BNT film markedly decreases the leakage current of the film, while almost not changing the Curie temperature of the film, which is at about 420-460 °C. The decrease of the leakage current in BNTZx films is that the conduction by the electron hopping between Ti4+ and Ti3+ ions is depressed because Zr4+ ions can block the path between two adjacent Ti ions and enlarge hopping distance.  相似文献   

The pseudo-binary TiO2-FeSbO4 system was investigated by means of thermogravimetric analysis below 1673 K in O2. Rutile-type solid solutions were synthesised at 1373 K in O2 by means of a solid state reaction between the two pure end members TiO2 (rutile) and FeSbO4 mixed in stoichiometric amounts. Thermal stability of the (Ti2xFe1−xSb1−x)O4 solid solution increases with rutile content; equimolar (Ti1.00Fe0.50Sb0.50)O4 solid solutions decompose at about 1673 K forming a TiO2-enriched solid solution and FeSbO4, that subsequently decomposes into Fe2O3 (hematite) and a volatile Sb oxide, probably Sb4O6. For compositions characterised by higher Ti content the decomposition temperature is higher than 1673 K.  相似文献   

KxNa1 − xNbO3 ceramic powders have been successfully synthesized in different salts (NaCl, KCl, NaCl-KCl). Our results reveal that KxNa1 − xNbO3 powders with single-phase perovskite structure can be formed at a low temperature such as 750 °C. The type of salts has significant effects on the morphology and chemical composition of the powders. As Na+ has a higher diffusing rate and occupies the A-site in the perovskite structure more easily as compared to K+, the powder contains only a small amount of K+ (x ∼ 0.10) when it is synthesized according to formula K0.5Na0.5NbO3 and in a flux containing the same molar content of Na+ and K+. By using a NaCl or KCl salt, the K+ concentration x can be adjusted to almost 0 and 0.77, respectively.  相似文献   

Features of phase coexistence in solid solutions of (1 − x)Pb(Fe1/2Nb1/2)O3 − xPbTiO3 with the perovskite-type structure are studied at 0.05 ≤ x ≤ 0.08. The role of elastic matching of the tetragonal P4mm and monoclinic Cm phases of the ferroelectric nature is considered near the morphotropic phase boundary. Model concepts on the stress relief in heterophase structures are developed and applied to interpret the phase content in (1 − x)Pb(Fe1/2Nb1/2)O3 − xPbTiO3. Good agreement between the calculated and experimental dependences of the volume fraction of the tetragonal phase on x is observed. It is shown that the studied phase coexistence under conditions for the complete stress relief can take place at elastic matching of the single-domain monoclinic phase and the tetragonal phase split into two types of 90° domains.  相似文献   

Ceramics in the system (1 − x)(Mg0.95Zn0.05)TiO3-x(Na0.5Nd0.5)TiO3 were prepared by the conventional mixed oxide route. It shows a two-phase system of an ilmenite structured (Mg0.95Zn0.05)TiO3 and a perovskite structured (Na0.5Nd0.5)TiO3, which were confirmed by XRD and EDX. In addition, (Mg0.95Zn0.05)Ti2O5 was identified as a second phase. It was also responsible for a rapid drop in the Q × f value. The temperature coefficient of resonant frequency was a function of compositional ratio. Specimen with x = 0.16 possessed an excellent combination of microwave dielectric properties: εr ~ 24.27, Q × f ~ 82,000 GHz (at 9 GHz) and τf ~ 0 ppm/°C.  相似文献   

We prepared Ba(Ti1−xSnx)O3 powders and ceramics by means of the sol-gel process, with dibutyltin dilaurate as the Sn precursor. The samples were characterized by means of Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy, and also determined the dielectric properties of the ceramics. The powders synthesized by means of the sol-gel process had a grain size on the nanometer scale, with the grains mainly composed of a cubic BaTiO3 phase. Sn can disperse into BaTiO3 more uniformly in the sol-gel technique using dibutyltin dilaurate as the Sn precursor. With increasing Sn concentration, the grain size of the Ba(Ti1-xSnx)O3 ceramics increased and the maximum dielectric constant (?max) first increased and then decreased. At a Sn concentration of 5 mol%, ?max reached its maximum value (19,235).  相似文献   

In this article, we report our studies on the relaxor behavior of Ba(Ti1−xHfx)O3 ceramics, made with close compositions between 0.20 ≤ x ≤ 0.30, to locate the hafnium concentration boundary for the normal to relaxor crossover. X-ray diffraction followed by Rietveld refinement shows the occurrence of single-phase cubic structure for the synthesized Ba(Ti1−xHfx)O3 ceramics. Temperature and frequency dependence of the real (?′) and imaginary (?″) parts of the dielectric permittivity has been studied in the temperature range of 90-350 K at frequencies of 0.1, 1, 10, and 100 kHz. A diffuse phase transition accompanying frequency dispersion is observed in the permittivity versus temperature plots revealing the occurrence of relaxor ferroelectric behavior. The Tm verses Hf concentration plot shows a discontinuous jump and change in the slope at x = 0.23. Quantitative characterization based on phenomenological models has also been presented. The plausible mechanism of the relaxor behavior has been discussed. Substitution of Hf4+ for Ti4+ in BaTiO3 reduces the long-range polar ordering yielding a diffuse ferroelectric phase transition.  相似文献   

The dielectric function of bulk CuAl1 − xInxSe2 with composition x varying from x = 0.07 to x = 0.6 were studied over the photon energy region 1.0-6.0 eV at room temperature by spectroscopic ellipsometry. Information on the inter-band optical transitions was obtained from the results of the standard critical point analysis of the obtained dielectric function. With increasing Indium content, all spectral features of the obtained dielectric functions were found to gradually shift towards lower energies. The details of this shift for each critical point retrieved from the obtained dielectric function were disclosed. A compositional dependence of the optical transitions in Γ point of the Brillouin zone was verified to be strong. Such dependence for N and T points turned out to be weak by comparison. The later fact was accounted for a small compositional shift of the conduction band states in N and T points as compared to Γ point.  相似文献   

Itzik Shturman 《Thin solid films》2009,517(8):2767-2774
The effects of LaNiO3 (LNO) and Pt electrodes on the properties of Pb(Zrx,Ti1 − x)O3 (PZT) films were compared. Both LNO and PZT were prepared by chemical solution deposition (CSD) methods. Specifically, the microstructure of LNO and its influence on the PZT properties were studied as a function of PbO excess. Conditions to minimize the Pyrochlore phase and porosity were found. Remnant polarization, coercive field and fatigue limit were improved in the PZT/LNO films relative to the PZT/Pt films. Additionally, the PZT crystallization temperature over LNO was 500 °C, about ~ 50 °C lower than over Pt. The crystallization temperature reported here is amongst the lowest values for CSD-based PZT films.  相似文献   

Lead-free piezoelectric ceramics, (Bi1/2Na1/2)1 − x(Bi1/2K1/2)xTiO3-0.03(Na0.5K0.5)NbO3 (x = 0.10-0.40) were synthesized by conventional solid-state sintering. A morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) between rhombohedral and tetragonal phases was confirmed. Two dielectric anomalies can be observed, showing diffused phase transition behavior. There is no shift of the dielectric maximum temperature with frequency due to the contribution of space charge at high temperatures, similar to pure (Bi1/2Na1/2)TiO3. The materials near MPB show a strong compositional dependence with the optimal properties of a d33 of 167 pC/N, a kp of 35.5%, a Pr of 27.6 μC/cm2 and a Ec of 27.9 kV/cm, suitable for future application.  相似文献   

The nanostructured Ce1−xZrxO2 solid solutions (x ≤ 0.2) have been successfully synthesized from CeCl3–ZrCl4–NaOH mixtures by mechanochemical processing as a gradual transformation, involving in-situ CeO2 and amorphous ZrO2 formation as intermediates. Solid solutions type-Ce1−xZrxO2 along with NaCl as diluent were obtained at different milling times, with a final composition of Ce0.8Zr0.2O2 after 5 h and 15 h under high and low energetic milling conditions, respectively. The NaCl formed during the mechanochemical reaction, which is eliminated by washing after calcination of the as-milled sample, allows to obtain a Ce0.8Zr0.2O2 solid solution with high surface area and nanometric grains. The nanostructured Ce0.8Zr0.2O2 solid solution shows good thermal stability after prolonged heating at 600 °C. However, the addition of an extra amount of diluent during mechanochemical reaction evidences a detrimental effect, avoiding the formation of solid solution or deteriorating the textural/microstructuctural characteristics of the obtained Ce1−xZrxO2 solid solution. Removal of NaCl previous to calcination improves notably the textural/microstructural characteristics of the Ce0.8Zr0.2O2 solid solution.  相似文献   

Li3 − xFe2 − xTix(PO4)3/C (x = 0-0.4) cathodes designed with Fe doped by Ti was studied. Both Li3Fe2(PO4)3/C (x = 0) and Li2.8Fe1.8Ti0.2(PO4)3/C (x = 0.2) possess two plateau potentials of Fe3+/Fe2+ couple (around 2.8 V and 2.7 V vs. Li+/Li) upon discharge observed from galvanostatic charge/discharge and cyclic voltammetry. Li2.8Fe1.8Ti0.2(PO4)3/C has higher reversibility and better capacity retention than that of the undoped Li3Fe2(PO4)3/C. A much higher specific capacity of 122.3 mAh/g was obtained at C/20 in the first cycle, approaching the theoretical capacity of 128 mAh/g, and a capacity of 100.1 mAh/g was held at C/2 after the 20th cycle.  相似文献   

Basic properties, such as the phase relationship, crystal structure, and energy gap Eg, have been investigated in Sr-rich Sr1 − xBaxSi2. Sr1 − xBaxSi2 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1.0) has two phases: one with the SrSi2-type structure and another with the BaSi2-type structure. The SrSi2 phase exists at x ranging from 0 to 0.13, and the BaSi2 phase exists at x ranging from 0.24 to 1.0. The volume increases with x in both the SrSi2 and BaSi2 phases. A volume jump of 13.7% appears at the structural phase transition from the SrSi2 phase to the BaSi2 phase. Eg increases with x in SrSi2-phase Sr1 − xBaxSi2 but Eg decreases with x in the BaSi2-phase Sr1 − xBaxSi2. In Sr-rich BaSi2-phase Sr1 − xBaxSi2, Ba atoms at a specific crystallographic site, the A1 site, are preferentially substituted by Sr atoms, as well as in Ba-rich BaSi2-phase Sr1 − xBaxSi2.  相似文献   

Lead-free (Ba0.93Ca0.07)(Ti0.95Zr0.05)O3 (BCZT) ceramics were prepared using a solid-state reaction technique. The structure and electrical properties were investigated with a special emphasis on the influence of sintering temperature. Crystalline structures and microstructures were analyzed by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscope (SEM) at room temperature. The BCZT ceramics sintered at 1450 °C show the highest densification and exhibit excellent piezoelectric properties of high piezoelectric coefficient d33 = 387 pC/N, planar mode electromechanical coupling coefficient kp = 44.2%, mechanical quality factor Qm = 140 and Curie temperature Tc = 108 °C.  相似文献   

W.B. Mi  X.C. Wang  H.L. Bai 《Thin solid films》2010,518(21):6137-6141
The surface morphology of the (Fe1 − xCrx)0.09Cu0.91 films does not change significantly as x increases. No Fe or Cr granules form in the films because of the low deposition temperature and the non-equilibrium deposition procedure, suggesting that Fe and Cr atoms disperse in the Cu matrix. With increasing x, the lattice constant c and single cell volume decrease, but the lattice constants (a, b) first increase and latterly decrease. The films show spin-glass-like manner that looks like superparamagnetism at high temperatures and are ferromagnetic at low temperatures. The peak temperature of the zero-field-cooling curves decreases from 37 to 23 K as x increases from 0 to 0.25. Below the peak temperatures, the field-cooled magnetization decreases with decreasing temperature due to the antiferromagnetically coupling of the disordered spin-glass-like moments. The coercivity increases greatly below 50 K because of the pinning effect of the frozen spin-glass-like moments at low temperatures.  相似文献   

Ramakanta Naik 《Thin solid films》2010,518(19):5437-5441
In this paper, we report results of the optical properties of thermally deposited As2 − xS3 − xSbx thin films with x = 0.02, 0.07, 0.1 and 0.15. We have characterized the deposited films by Fourier Transform Infrared, Raman and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The relationship between the structural and optical properties and the compositional variation were investigated. It was found that the optical bandgap decreases with increase in Sb content. The XPS core level spectra show a decrease in As2S3 percentage with increase in Sb content. This is confirmed from the shifting of the Raman peak from AsS3 vibrational mode towards SbS3 vibrational mode.  相似文献   

Powders of a Pb(Zn1 / 2W1 / 2)O3-introduced BaTiO3-PbTiO3 system were prepared. A two-step calcination route of a B-site precursor method was employed to promote perovskite formation. The overall effects of the Pb(Zn1 / 2W1 / 2)O3 incorporation on changes in crystalline aspects as well as dielectric properties were explored.  相似文献   

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