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周渝  唯奕 《信息与电脑》2013,(12):32-34
信息数据大集中是零售企业的必然选择,如果并购之后各方面信息不能快速整合,扩张得越快只会“撑死”得越快。相对于资本及规模层面的并购的“华丽”,IT层面的整合却是十分苦楚的。  相似文献   

在现代企业的运营中,企业并购的意义非同寻常。企业并购,作为企业发展到一定阶段、有了一定的原始积累后快速扩张的有效途径,克服了通过自身积累渐进式发展的局限性,为企业跨行业经营和跳跃式发展提供了可能。当新一轮并购浪潮席卷全球时,我国企业的并购也呈逐年增长趋势。但通过对许多企业并购的分析却看出,企业并购成少败多。究其原因是,并购后没有进行有效的整合,特别是人力资源整合。由此可见研究企业并购的人力资源整合问题意义非凡。  相似文献   

企业并购己有一百多年的历史,并且已经成为二十一世纪实现企业规模扩大的重要方式之一。联想通过并购IBM PC业务,一举跃升为世界第三大PC制造商;国美电器曾经因为并购永乐、大中而坐上了国内家电零售业的头把交椅。像这样的案例举不胜举,但它们都反映了一个重要的事实——企业并购可以实现企业规模的快速扩展。但是,并不是所有的  相似文献   

毕美红 《互联网周刊》2008,(13):104-105
并购浪潮不断袭来,IT业进入寡头时代。并购还是被并购对于企业来说,这是个问题。  相似文献   

企业的命运掌握在客户手中,而有效掌控客户信息,让企业随时随地能够与客户进行沟通,是企业能够基业常青的关键。通信技术的发展、各种各样的交流方式,改变了我们的生活和工作,但是也给我们带来了设备众多、管理复杂的难题。正如一根筷子易折、  相似文献   

企业在并购过程中需要付出艰辛的努力,面临着诸多整合的困难,其中以人力资源的整合最为明显。  相似文献   

你突然得知你的软件供应商被另一家公司收购了!软年企业所开展的快递整合已经不再是什么秘密,但问题是你现在不得不应对其整合的后果。只有充分了解新东家的兼并与收购战略,  相似文献   

并购潮起 近年来,国际资本和民营资本大举进军中国零售业,同业态并购、本地区并购、跨区域并购此起彼伏:高盛入股海王星辰,北京物美集团巨资收购北京美廉美,百安居(B&Q)中国全部收购欧倍德(OBI)中国业务,特易购(TESCO)入主乐购,王府井集团合并东安集团,中国最大的家用电器连锁运营商国美并购上海永乐电器,美国最大的消费类电子产品连锁店百思买(BE—STBUY)去年5月控股中国第四大家电零售商江苏五星电器,家乐福最近透露可能收购至少10家国内零售商。我们深刻地感觉到一股全球化的力量正在引导和推动中国零售企业的全球化进程。  相似文献   

随着我国经济结构不断调整与市场经济的发展,企业并购活动已成为其扩张的有效途径,然而据相关数据显示国内外企业购并后的绩效并不随着购并行为的发生而必然呈上升趋势。企业购并后整合管理的科学与否已成为企业购并活动成败的关键所在。本文以组织整合、战略整合、人力资源整合、文化整合四维度框架为依托运用系统的理论观点对企业购并整合过程加以描述,形成一种全局性的思考模式,并因此提出了相应的措施与方法,以促进企业并购整合管理得工作。  相似文献   

并购是企业获得快速增长的重要途径。并购也并不是大企业的专利,万向、娃哈哈、东盛等一批民营企业在成长过程中,通过成功的并购在短短的时闻里集聚了大量财富并在二十多年里逐步由“作坊”式的小企业,快速成长为资产过亿的大型企业集团,有的甚至发展成为所属行业领域的领导者。同样,也有部分企业因为盲目的并购和扩张陷入困境,直至破产。据专业统计资料显示,市场上大约60%的并购,并没有取得最初的预期,部分甚至是失败的。并购的失败率如此之高,使的我们不得不去考虑决定并购威败的关键因素是什么?怎样才能进行成功的并购?为此我们本期特意邀请了国内并购领域的知名专家,来自北京铁铮咨询公司的张斌总经理来到案例课堂希望通过分析东盛的成长历程,和大家共同分享威功企业并购之道,以及有效的并购是如何为企业的成长创造持续价值的。  相似文献   

In order to achieve a meaningful IT ROI (Returns of Investment) analysis while taking into account the unique business processes of each industry, we should conduct research into a system to evaluate the effect of investment. In this paper, through careful consideration of the characteristics of the banking industry, a study on IT ROI is conducted from the perspective of business process. The process-centered IT ROI model for analysis discussed here consists of seven phases. The suggested model is explained and verified with a case study of a finance company that we shall call A.  相似文献   

研究信息资源整合的技术,进一步分析IT服务业信息资源整合的策略,指出IT服务业的发展趋势。了解IT服务业的概况,理解信息资源和信息资源整合的定义与分类,分析了IT服务业信息资源的类型,研究了信息资源整合的多种技术,分析了各种技术的分类和代表厂商及产品,分析了IT服务业的发展趋势。实现了对IT服务业信息资源整合策略的研究。信息资源整合技术实现了IT服务业信息资源的共享,IT服务业在未来几年将会迅速发展。  相似文献   

结合运营商IT系统现状及存在的问题,分析对IT系统进行整合的关键技术以及切入点并给出一个可供参考的整体规划方案。  相似文献   

基于一体化电网运行智能系统的思想,结合兴义电网建设实际情况,提出分布式采集方式下地县一体化电网运行监控系统运行策略解决方案。  相似文献   

并购定价对于企业的一项重要并购活动来说至关重要,定价的高低、定价的基础、定价方法的选择等都是影响最终并购活动能否成功的关键。因此,本文对企业并购定价进行研究,并以XX通信公司社会化运营为案例进行较深入的分析,以此来说明各种定价方法对于运营商并购定价的适用性问题。  相似文献   

Information and communication technologies is one of the most important value creators and success factors of South Korean economy. This study investigates the case of JobKorea to understand the electronic recruiting marketplace strategy in Korea. The case details the Korean recruiting market between 1997 and 2011, which is described and investigated to understand this strategy in this study. The meta database service for customers and advertising and promotion are the most important strategic factors for the success of JobKorea. Theoretical and practical implications are also discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

New methods and techniques are needed to reduce the very costly integration and test effort (in terms of lead time, costs, resources) in the development of high-tech multi-disciplinary systems. To facilitate this effort reduction, we propose a method called model-based integration. This method allows to integrate formal executable models of system components that are not yet physically realized with available realizations of other components. The combination of models and realizations is then used for early analysis of the integrated system by means of validation, verification, and testing. This analysis enables early detection and prevention of problems that would otherwise occur during real integration, resulting in a significant reduction of effort invested in the the real integration and test phases. This paper illustrates how models of components, developed for model-based integration, can be used for automated model-based testing, which allows time-efficient determination of the conformance of component realizations with respect to their requirements. The combination of model-based integration and model-based testing is practically illustrated in a realistic industrial case study. Results obtained from this study encourage further research on model-based integration as a prominent method to reduce the integration and test effort.  相似文献   

The use of IT to drive organizational change has gained momentum in today’s organizations. In response to the practical demand for guidance on managing such change, professional institutions have issued industry standards for Program Management (PgM). However, research on the applicability of PgM to manage IT-based change is scant. The present article adds to research and practice by giving insight into five IT programs that ran into difficulties and the management challenges involved.  相似文献   

This paper explores how people make sense of the ambiguity caused by newly introduced information technology (IT) in organizations. A better understanding of these sense‐making processes might provide some basis for improving the way in which information technology is adapted in organizations. On the basis of an interpretive case study, the paper identifies how certain attention structures facilitated and restricted the meaningful construction of IT in a particular organizational context – social work. In this context, the previous coincidence of IT introductions with increasing administrative workload had considerable implications for the way in which a communications technology (First Class) was adapted. On a general level, it is concluded that making sense of ambiguity is an important ingredient in successful IT adaptation.  相似文献   

探讨了煤矿信息化建设的必要性;分析了目前煤炭企业信息化建设存在的弊端:企业内部多个管理信息系统之间信息割裂,信息化建设缺少整体规划,信息化建设各领域发展不均衡,管理系统整合难度大;提出了对煤炭企业信息化建设的建议:企业信息化建设应当立足现状,着眼长远,以煤矿内部管理为中心开展信息化建设,并最终形成多级架构的集团信息化管理模式。  相似文献   

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