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Semigroup and prefix computations on two-dimensional mesh-connected computers with multiple broadcasting (2-MCCMBs) are studied. Previously, only square 2-MCCMBs with N processing elements were considered for semigroup computations of N data items, and O(N1/6) time was required. It is found that square machines are not the best form for semigroup computations, and an O(N1/8)-time algorithm is derived on an N5/8×N3/8 rectangular 2-MCCMB. This time complexity can be further reduced to O(N1/9) if fewer processing elements are used. Parallel algorithms for prefix computations with the same time complexities are derived  相似文献   

In this paper, we tackle the problem of snap-stabilization in message-passing systems. Snap-stabilization allows designing protocols that withstand transient faults: indeed, any computation that is started after faults cease immediately satisfies the expected specification.  相似文献   

Proof systems for message-passing process algebras   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We give sound and complete proof systems for a variety of bisimulation based equivalences over a message-passing process algebra. The process algebra is a generalisation of pureCCS where the actions consist of receiving and sending messages or data on communication channels; the standard prefixing operatora.p is replaced by the two operatorsc?x.p andc!e.p and in addition messages can be tested by a conditional construct. The various proof systems are parameterised on auxiliary proof systems for deciding on equalities or more general boolean identities over the expression language for data. The completeness of these proof systems are thus relative to the completeness of the auxiliary proof systems.  相似文献   

Designing classifier fusion systems by genetic algorithms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We suggest two simple ways to use a genetic algorithm (GA) to design a multiple-classifier system. The first GA version selects disjoint feature subsets to be used by the individual classifiers, whereas the second version selects (possibly) overlapping feature subsets, and also the types of the individual classifiers. The two GAs have been tested with four real data sets: heart, Satimage, letters, and forensic glasses. We used three-classifier systems and basic types of individual classifiers (the linear and quadratic discriminant classifiers and the logistic classifier). The multiple-classifier systems designed with the two GAs were compared against classifiers using: all features; the best feature subset found by the sequential backward selection method; and the best feature subset found by a CA. The GA design can be made less prone to overtraining by including penalty terms in the fitness function accounting for the number of features used.  相似文献   

Recent technological developments made various many-core hardware platforms widely accessible. These massively parallel architectures have been used to significantly accelerate many computation demanding tasks. In this paper, we show how the algorithms for LTL model checking can be redesigned in order to accelerate LTL model checking on many-core GPU platforms. Our detailed experimental evaluation demonstrates that using the NVIDIA CUDA technology results in a significant speedup of the verification process. Together with state space generation based on shared hash-table and DFS exploration, our CUDA accelerated model checker is the fastest among state-of-the-art shared memory model checking tools.  相似文献   

In a broadcasting problem, a message is sent from a source to all the other nodes in the network. Blind flooding is a classical mechanism for broadcasting, where each node retransmits received message to all its neighbors. Despite its important advantages, an increase in the number of requests or the network size or density produces communication overheads that limit the scalability of blind flooding, especially in networks with dynamic topologies. Theoretically optimal solution is based on minimal spanning trees (MST), but its construction is expensive. We discuss here protocols based on local knowledge and newly proposed sparse structures. In weighted RNG (Relative Neighborhood Graph), messages are forwarded only on links which are not the ‘longest’ in any triangle. In weighted RNGQ, messages are forwarded to links which are not the longest in any triangle or quadrangle. Each node constructs weighted MST based on its 2-hop knowledge. Weighted LMST (Localized LMST) preserves only edges that are selected by both endpoints, and messages are forwarded on these links. Any available metric, such as delay, reliability, reputation etc. can be used as weight. Analysis and simulation show that weighted RNG performs better than existing Flooding and Rumor Mongering (or Gossip) schemes. The parameterless weighted LMST, MST, RNG and RNGQ (RNG over Quadrangle) based broadcasting schemes are compared, showing overall advantage for LMST. We also hint that a number of existing protocols can be simplified by applying concept from this article.  相似文献   

Hypertool: a programming aid for message-passing systems   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Programming assistance, automation concepts, and their application to a message-passing system program development tool called Hypertool are discussed. Hypertool performs scheduling and handles the communication primitive insertion automatically, thereby increasing productivity and eliminating synchronization errors. Two algorithms, based on the critical-path method, are presented for scheduling processes statically. Hypertool also generates the performance estimates and other program quality measures to help programmers improve their algorithms and programs  相似文献   

Unifying stabilization and termination in message-passing systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper dispels the myth that it is impossible for a message-passing program to be both terminating and stabilizing. We consider a rather general notion of termination: a terminating program eventually stops its execution after the environment ceases to provide input. We identify termination-symmetry to be a necessary condition for a problem to admit a solution with such properties. Our results do confirm that a number of well-known problems (e.g., consensus, leader election) do not allow a terminating and stabilizing solution. On the flip side, they show that other problems such as mutual exclusion and reliable-transmission allow such solutions. We present a message-passing solution to the mutual exclusion problem that is both stabilizing and terminating. We also describe an approach of adding termination to a stabilizing program. To illustrate this approach, we add termination to a stabilizing solution for the reliable transmission problem.Published online: 15 November 2004Anish Arora: Supported in part by DARPA contract OSU-RF #F33615-01-C-1901,NSF grant NSF-CCR-9972368, Ohio State University Fellowship,and 2002-2003,2003-2004 grants from Microsoft Research.Mikhail Nesterenko: Supported in part by DARPA contract OSU-RF #F33615-01-C-1901 and byNSF CAREER Award 0347485Some of the results in this paper were presented at the 21st International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, Mesa, Arizona, April 2001, pp 99-106. Correspondence to: Mikhail Nesterenko  相似文献   

We first define the basic notions of local and non-local tasks for distributed systems. Intuitively, a task is local if, in a system with no failures, each process can compute its output value locally by applying some local function on its own input value (so the output value of each process depends only on the process’ own input value, not on the input values of the other processes); a task is nonlocal otherwise. All the interesting distributed tasks, including all those that have been investigated in the literature (e.g., consensus, set agreement, renaming, atomic commit, etc.) are non-local. In this paper we consider non-local tasks and determine the minimum information about failures that is necessary to solve such tasks in message-passing distributed systems. As part of this work, we also introduces weak set agreement—a natural weakening of set agreement—and show that, in some precise sense, it is the weakest nonlocal task in message-passing systems.  相似文献   

This paper presents several algorithms for solving problems using massively parallel SIMD hypercube and shuffle-exchange computers. The algorithms solve a wide variety of problems, but they are related because they all use a common strategy. Specifically, all of the algorithms use a divide-and-conquer approach to solve a problem withN inputs using a parallel computer withP processors. The structural properties of the problem are exploited to assure that fewer thanN data items are communicated during the division and combination steps of the divide-and-conquer algorithm. This reduction in the amount of data that must be communicated is central to the efficiency of the algorithm. This paper addresses four problems, namely the multiple-prefix, data-dependent parallel-prefix, image-component-labeling, and closest-pair problems. The algorithms presented for the data-dependent parallel-prefix and closest-pair problems are the fastest known whenNP and the algorithms for the multiple-prefix and image-component-labeling problems are the fastest known whenN is sufficiently large with respect toP.  相似文献   

This paper presents several algorithms for solving problems using massively parallel SIMD hypercube and shuffle-exchange computers. The algorithms solve a wide variety of problems, but they are related because they all use a common strategy. Specifically, all of the algorithms use a divide-and-conquer approach to solve a problem withN inputs using a parallel computer withP processors. The structural properties of the problem are exploited to assure that fewer thanN data items are communicated during the division and combination steps of the divide-and-conquer algorithm. This reduction in the amount of data that must be communicated is central to the efficiency of the algorithm.This paper addresses four problems, namely the multiple-prefix, data-dependent parallel-prefix, image-component-labeling, and closest-pair problems. The algorithms presented for the data-dependent parallel-prefix and closest-pair problems are the fastest known whenN P and the algorithms for the multiple-prefix and image-component-labeling problems are the fastest known whenN is sufficiently large with respect toP.This work was supported in part by our NSF Graduate Fellowship.  相似文献   

We develop a theory of bisimulation equivalence for the broadcast calculus CBS. Both the strong and weak versions of bisimulation congruence we study are justified in terms of a characterisation as the largest CBS congruences contained in an appropriate version of barbed bisimulation. We then present sound and complete proof systems for both the strong and weak congruences over finite terms. The first system we give contains an infinitary proof rule to accommodate input prefixes. We improve on this by presenting a unitary proof system where judgements are relative to properties of the data domain.  相似文献   

设计并实现了一种可快速运算基于哈尔小波变换的KNN(Knearest neighbors)算法且具备可重构能力的硬件结构.该硬件结构通过增减哈尔小波变换组件即可适应不同维度样本的哈尔小波变换;对同样维度样本的计算则可以通过调整并行度满足对逻辑资源和处理时间的不同需求,克服了现有软件KNN计算速度慢、硬件实现的KNN不够灵活的缺陷.通过在Xilinx VC707 FPGA开发板上实现该硬件结构,实验结果展示了不同维度及并行度下算法实现在逻辑资源耗费及运算时间方面的变化.此外,将该硬件结构作为一种高质量轮廓提取算法硬件加速器的纹理分类模块时,在保持计算准确度的情况下获得了远高于软件运行的速度.  相似文献   

Employing genetic algorithms to generate test data for path coverage has been an important method in software testing. Previous work, however, is suitable mainly for serial programs. Automatic test data generation for path coverage of message-passing parallel programs without non-determinacy is investigated in this study by using co-evolutionary genetic algorithms. This problem is first formulated as a single-objective optimization problem, and then a novel co-evolutionary genetic algorithm is proposed to tackle the formulated optimization problem. This method employs the alternate co-evolution of two kinds of populations to generate test data that meet path coverage. The proposed method is applied to seven parallel programs, and compared with the other three methods. The experimental results show that the proposed method has the best success rate and the least number of evaluated individuals and time consumption.  相似文献   

This paper considers the gradient based identification problem of a multivariate output-error system. By using the auxiliary model identification idea and the coupling identification concept, an auxiliary model based stochastic gradient (AM-SG) algorithm and a coupled AM-SG algorithm are presented. The results indicate that the parameter estimation errors converge to zero under the persistent excitation conditions. The simulation examples confirm the theoretical results.  相似文献   

Multimedia broadcasting is a popular application in an ad hoc wireless network, itself composed of battery-operated nodes. Hence, energy conservation and avoidance of frequent re-construction of broadcast paths are crucial to ensure robust and uninterrupted service of multimedia broadcasting applications. This paper introduces a class of distributed broadcast algorithms based on variations of Relative Neighborhood Graphs (RNG). In contrast to the original RNG-based algorithms, the proposed algorithms consider the remaining battery energy of nodes and the distance between nodes as criteria for determining the relative neighborhood of a node. This approach is intended to boost the resiliency of the broadcast path by avoiding the choice of nodes with low remaining battery capacity as rebroadcast nodes. Extensive simulations are conducted, demonstrating that the proposed algorithms improve over the original RNG in several aspects, including the reduction of broadcast storms, longer path lifetime, and shorter broadcast latency.  相似文献   

Consider a message-passing system of n processors, in which each processor holds one piece of data initially. The goal is to compute an associative and commutative reduction function on the n pieces of data and to make the result known to all the n processors. This operation is frequently used in many message-passing systems and is typically referred to as global combine, census computation, or gossiping. This paper explores the problem of global combine in the multiport postal model. This model is characterized by three parameters: n-the number of processors, k-the number of ports per processor, and λ-the communication latency. In this model, in every round r, each processor can send k distinct messages to k other processors, and it can receive k messages that were sent from k other processors λ-1 rounds earlier. This paper provides an optimal algorithm for the global combine problem that requires the least number of communication rounds and minimizes the time spent by any processor in sending and receiving messages  相似文献   

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