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A co-word analysis of library and information science in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study aims to reveal the intellectual structure of Library and Information Science (LIS) in China during the period 2008–2012 utilizing co-word analysis. The status and trends of LIS in China are achieved by measuring the correlation coefficient of selected keywords extracted from relevant journals in the Chinese Journal Full-Text Database. In co-word analysis, multivariate statistical analysis and social network analysis are applied to obtain 13 clusters of keywords, a two-dimensional map, centrality and density of clusters, a strategic diagram and a relation network. Based on these results, the following conclusions can be drawn: (i) LIS in China has some established and well-developed research topics; (ii) a few emerging topics have a great potential for development; and (iii), the research topics in this LIS field are largely decentralized as a whole, where there are many marginal and immature topics.  相似文献   

This paper aims to identify the collaboration pattern and network structure of the coauthorship network of library and information science (LIS) in China. Using data from 18 core source LIS journals in China covering 6 years, we construct the LIS coauthorship network. We analyze the network from both macro and micro perspectives and identify some key features of this network: this network is a small-world network, and follows the scale-free character. In the micro-level, we calculate each author’s centrality values and compare them with citation counts. We find that centrality rankings are highly correlated with citation rankings. We also discuss the limitation of current centrality measures for coauthorship network analysis.  相似文献   

Li  Pin  Yang  Guoli  Wang  Chuanqi 《Scientometrics》2019,121(3):1753-1791
Scientometrics - Using research papers of WoS database as the data source, the present paper adopts the method of Documents Co-citation Analysis, and employs the tool of CiteSpace to analyze the...  相似文献   

This article reports findings from the study of the international contribution to the system of library and information science communication in Poland in the years 2003–2005. The sample consists of articles published both in selected journals and collective works. Two important dimensions determining the internationalization of local scholarly communication are considered: direct contribution (foreign authors’ articles and papers and their translations published in Poland) and indirect contribution (citedness of foreign authors’ documents in articles and papers published in Poland). Bibliographic data about the geographical distribution and affiliation of foreign authors are gathered and analyzed. Furthermore, the findings of citation analysis are presented to determine the percentage share of citations received by foreign documents as well as to find out what is the structure of such citations regarding the language and form, which thematic areas are most replete with such citations and which foreign journals are most cited in Poland.  相似文献   

This study employs the method of direct citation to analyze and compare the interdisciplinary characteristics of the two disciplines of library science and information science during the period of 1978–2007. Based on the research generated by five library science journals and five information science journals, library science researchers tend to cite publications from library and information science (LIS), education, business/management, sociology, and psychology, while researchers of information science tend to cite more publications from LIS, general science, computer science, technology, and medicine. This means that the disciplines with larger contributions to library science are almost entirely different from those contributing to information science. In addition, researchers of library science frequently cite publications from LIS; the rate is as high as 65.61%, which is much higher than the rate for information science, 49.50%. However, a decreasing trend in the percentage of LIS in library science indicates that library science researchers tend to cite more publications from non-LIS disciplines. A rising trend in the proportion of references to education sources is reported for library science articles, while a rising trend in the proportion of references to computer science sources has been found for information science articles. In addition, this study applies an interdisciplinary indicator, Brillouin’s Index, to measurement of the degree of interdisciplinarity. The results confirm that the trend toward interdisciplinarity in both information science and library science has risen over the years, although the degree of interdisciplinarity in information science is higher than that in library science.  相似文献   

Co-citation analysis is a form of content analysis that can be applied in the context of scholarly publications with the purpose of identifying prominent articles, authors and journals being referenced to by the citing authors. It identifies co-cited references that occur in the reference list of two or more citing articles, with the resultant co-citation network providing insights into the constituents of a knowledge domain (e.g., significant authors and papers). The contribution of the paper is twofold; (a) the demonstration of the added value of using co-citation analysis, and for this purpose the underlying dataset that is chosen is the peer-reviewed publication of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International (SCS)—SIMULATION; (b) the year 2012 being the 60th anniversary of the SCS, the authors hope that this paper will lead to further acknowledgement and appreciation of the Society in charting the growth of Modeling and Simulation (M&S) as a discipline.  相似文献   

This study determines how library and information science (LIS) research in Taiwan has changed between 2001 and 2010. The major research questions address the research status of LIS in Taiwan, how the Taiwanese government supports the field, and the collaborative authorship of LIS journal articles in Taiwan. Bibliometric and content analysis methods were conducted to analyze 2,494 journal articles, 983 theses, and 191 research projects between 2001 and 2010. The results show LIS and Technology to be the most popular topics in journal articles. The most well-received thesis topics are LIS and Technology and User Services, accounting for more than 50?% of graduate theses. The same is true for research projects, with the subjects of LIS and Technology, LIS Theory and Foundation, and User Services having a ratio of more than 70?%. In government-sponsored research projects, the average amount of funding obtained had no significant differences or tendencies for various subjects over time. In authorship of journal articles, individual researchers conducted 66.11?% of articles in key LIS scholarly journals in Taiwan between 2001 and 2010.  相似文献   

Cho  Jane 《Scientometrics》2021,126(9):7623-7635
Scientometrics - In this study, altmetrics for LIS research papers, and whether OA affects the altmetrics, were analyzed. In addition, by analyzing the differences in the altmetrics in 10 major...  相似文献   

Zao Liu 《Scientometrics》2005,62(3):385-402
Summary Core/periphery scientific communication is important for information transfer in terrorism literature. The mutual awareness between disciplinary journals contributors in the mainstream and those in the margins of the field enhances their social interaction. The usual case is that the mainstream of a discipline is visible through such indexes as the Web of Science (SCI) and the Journal Citation Report (JCR) the second of which assigns an impact factor to the most cited journals. In terrorism subject area, however, the reverse situation exists; only the peripheral journals in this field are indexed in JCR. From a scientific communication perspective, then, the core journals of terrorism writings are relatively invisible. This study attempts to identify the core and the periphery of journals dealing with terrorism, and suggests a way to bring them closer together. The assumption is that the quality and quantity of work in this field will increase as the distance between these two poles decreases.  相似文献   

Kreuzman  Henry 《Scientometrics》2001,51(3):525-539
The relation between philosophy of science and epistemology is studied using the author co-citation technique. Co-citation links among 62 authors – a representative list of various styles and approaches to rationality – were established using the Arts and Humanities Citation Index. Multidimensional scaling results in a two-dimensional map of authors, where the axes represent the subject (philosophy of science to epistemology) and the method (qualitative to quantitative), respectively. The authors on the map can be clustered into more or less coherent groups at different levels of resolution.  相似文献   

This study assessed research patterns and trends of library and information science (LIS) in Korea by applying bibliometric analysis to 159 Korean LIS professors?? 2,401 peer-reviewed publications published between 2001 and 2010. Bibliometric analysis of publication data found an increasing trend for collaboration, robust publication patterns, increasing number of international publications, and internationalization of LIS in Korea. The maturation and internalization of LIS research was evidenced in increased number of publications in high impact journals (e.g., SSI, SSCI), growing participation in leading international conferences (e.g., ASIST, TREC), increasing proportion of Korean LIS faculty with international degrees, and high publication rates by professors with international degrees. Though limited in its evaluative power without citation data, publication data can be a rich source for bibliometric analysis as this study has shown. The analysis of publication patterns conducted by the study, which is a first step in our aim to establish a multi-faceted approach for assessing the impact of scholarly work, will be followed up in a future study, where the question of quantity versus quality will be examined by comparing publication counts with citation counts.  相似文献   

The paper presents a methodology called hybrid documents co-citation analysis, for studying the interaction between science and technology in technology diffusion. Our approach rests mostly on patent citation, cluster analysis and network analysis. More specifically, with the patents citing Smalley RE in Derwent innovations index as the data sets, the paper implemented hybrid documents co-citation network through two procedures. Then spectrum cluster algorithm was used to reveal the knowledge structure in technology diffusion. After that, with the concordance between network properties and technology diffusion mechanisms, three indicators containing degree, betweenness and citation half-life, were calculated to discuss the basic documents in the pivotal position during the technology diffusion. At last, the paper summarized the hybrid documents co-citation analysis in practise, thus concluded that science and technology undertook different functions and acted dominatingly in the different period of technology diffusion, though they were co-activity all the time.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to map the intellectual structure of digital library (DL) field in China during the period of 2002–2011. Co-word analysis was employed to reveal the patterns of DL field in China through measuring the association strength of keywords in relevant journals. Data was collected from Chinese Journal Full-Text Database during the period of 2002–2011. And then, the co-occurrence matrix of keywords was analyzed by the methods of multivariate statistical analysis and social network analysis. The results mainly include five parts: seven clusters of keywords, a two-dimensional map, the density and centrality of clusters, a strategic diagram, and a relation network. The results show that there are some hot research topics and marginal topics in DL field in China, but the research topics are relatively decentralized compared with the international studies.  相似文献   

The investigators studied author research impact using the number of citers per publication an author’s research has been able to attract, as opposed to the more traditional measure of citations. A focus on citers provides a complementary measure of an author’s reach or influence in a field, whereas citations, although possibly numerous, may not reflect this reach, particularly if many citations are received from a small number of citers. In this exploratory study, Web of Science was used to tally citer and citation-based counts for 25 highly cited researchers in information studies in the United States and 26 highly cited researchers from the United Kingdom. Outcomes of the tallies based on several measures, including an introduced ch-index, were used to determine whether differences arise in author rankings when using citer-based versus citation-based counts. The findings indicate a strong correlation between some citation and citer-based measures, but not with others. The findings of the study have implications for the way authors’ research impact may be assessed.  相似文献   

A series of techniques based on bibliometric clustering and mapping for scientometrics analysis was implemented in a software toolkit called CATAR for free use. Application of the toolkit to the field of library and information science (LIS) based on journal clustering for subfield identification and analysis to suggest a proper set of LIS journals for research evaluation is described. Two sets of data from Web of Science in the Information Science & Library Science (IS&LS) subject category of Journal Citation Reports were analyzed: one ranges from year 2000 to 2004, the other from 2005 to 2009. The clustering results in graphic dendrograms and multi-dimensional scaling maps from both datasets consistently show that some IS&LS journals clustered in the management information systems subfield are distant from the other journals in terms of their intellectual base. Additionally, the cluster characteristics analyzed based on a diversity index reveals the regional characteristics for some identified subfields. Since journal classification has become a high-stake issue that affects the evaluation of scholars and universities in some East Asian countries, both cases (isolation in intellectual base and regionalism in national interest) should be taken into consideration when developing research evaluation in LIS based on journal classification and ranking for the evaluation to be fairly implemented without biasing future LIS research.  相似文献   

Yang  Lijun  Han  Liangxiu  Liu  Naxin 《Scientometrics》2019,120(2):507-517
Scientometrics - Co-citation analysis is one of the most important methods in information science. Journal co-citation analysis has been widely used to analyze the relevance, relationship and...  相似文献   

Summary We define the URL citations of a Web page to be the mentions of its URL in the text of other Web pages, whether hyperlinked or not. The proportions of formal and informal scholarly motivations for creating URL citations to Library and Information Science open access journal articles were identified. Five characteristics for each source of URL citations equivalent to formal citations were manually extracted and the relationship between Web and conventional citation counts at the e-journal level was examined. Results of Google searches showed that 282 research articles published in the year 2000 in 15 peer-reviewed LIS open access journals were invoked by 3,045 URL citations. Of these URL citations, 43% were created for formal scholarly reasons equivalent to traditional citations and 18% for informal scholarly reasons. Of the sources of URL citations, 82% were in English, 88% were full text papers and 58% were non-HTML documents. Of the URL citations, 60% were text URLs only and 40% were hyperlinked. About 50% of URL citations were created within one year after the publication of the cited e-article. A slight correlation was found between average numbers of URL citations and average numbers of ISI citations for the journals in 2000. Separating out the citing HTML and non-HTML documents showed that formal scholarly communication trends on the Web were mainly influenced by text URL citations from non-HTML documents.  相似文献   

Publications and author cocitations in library and information science in Spain during the period from 1985 to 1994 were analyzed as a measure of the structure, specificity and composition of research fronts in this country. A cocitation matrix developed from an ad hoc database was subjected to cluster analysis, multidimensional scaling and principal components analysis. The resulting cocitation maps identified specific areas of research and their knowledge bases. We inferred the degree of consolidation of the discipline of library and information science, and of the subdisciplines informetrics, librarianship and university affiliation, from the research activities revealed. In this respect, the conclusions from the study show the existence of several research fronts in Spanish literature the contents of which are in most cases difficult to compare with those in other countries. A lesser degree of maturity of research in this field is shown.  相似文献   

Tsay  Ming-yueh  Xu  Hong  Wu  Chia-wen 《Scientometrics》2003,58(3):529-545
The purpose of this study is to map semiconductor literature by author co-citation analysis in order to highlight major subject specializations in semiconductors and identify authors and their relationships within these specialties and within the field. Forty-six of the most productive authors were included in the sample list. Author samples were gathered from the INSPEC database from 1978 to 1997. The relatively low author co-citation frequencies indicate that there is a low connection among authors who publish in semiconductor journals and big differences among authors' research areas. Six sets of authors with co-citation greater than 100 times are M. Cardona and G. Lucovsky; T. Ito and K. Kobayashi; M. Cardona and G. Abstreiter; A. Y. Cho and H. Morkoc; C. R. Abernathy and W. S. Hobson; H. Morkoc and I. Akasaki. The Pearson correlation coefficient of author co-citation varies widely, i.e., from -0.17 to 0.92. This shows that some authors with high positive correlations are related in certain ways and co-cited, while other authors with high negative correlations may be rarely or never related and co-cited. Cluster analysis and multi-dimensional scaling are employed to create two-dimensional maps of author relationships in the cross-citation networks. It is found that the authors fall fairly clearly into three clusters. The first cluster covers authors in physics and its applications. The authors in the second group are experts in electrical and electronic engineering. The third group includes specialists in materials science. Because of its interdisciplinary nature and diverse subjects, semiconductor literature lacks a strong group of core authors. The field consists of several specialties around a weak center. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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