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Participants engaged in the Prisoner’s dilemma game with a partner through a computer terminal. We define two types of partner: a perceived partner and an actual partner, and manipulated the two factors independently. A perceived partner means a partner with whom participants imagined themselves to be interacting; instruction given by an experimenter controls the image of the perceived partner. An actual partner can change its behavior. In one scenario participants actually interacted with a human partner, in another scenario their partner was either a mostly cooperating computer agent or a mostly defecting computer agent. Three experiments were performed. The result suggested that the participants’ selection behavior was largely influenced by the instruction given about the partner by the experimenter and not influenced by the partner’s actual behavior. The analysis of the participants’ impressions of the partner showed that the effect of instruction about the partner disappeared. Individual likeability for a partner was very influenced by the partner’s behavior; as the participants incurred more defect actions from the partner, individual likeability for the partner decreased. On the other hand, social likeability for a partner was not so influenced by the partner’s behavior, but rather related to the participants’ own behavior. The participants who made more defect actions rated their partner’s social likeability lower.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effect of hand anthropometry and screen curvatures of handheld devices on hand comfort during single‐hand touchscreen operations. By employing both subjective ratings and electromyography methods, the comfort level was measured using three mock‐up devices with different curvatures; one was flat and the others had curvatures of 400 R and 100 R. The participants were classified by sizes and shapes of their preferred hand based on factor analysis results. In this study, 26 adults in their 20s and 30s participated in the experiment of tapping and dragging tasks with the mock‐ups. The results indicated that the curvatures of the handheld touchscreen devices did not affect muscle activity but perceived comfort. On the other way around, size and shape of hand were found as the factors to affect muscle activities but not perceived comfort. The interaction effects between size and shape of hand were found as well. Overall, this study suggests that curvature and anthropometric characteristics of hand is the common factor in determining comfort for the handheld device design. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

近年来,Internet网上直接或者是间接危害到IP网络资源安全的攻击事件越来越多。一方面,网络业务节点自身的安全性下降;另一方面,黑客攻击技术有了很大的发展,从最初主要是基于单机安全漏洞以渗透入侵为主,到近年来发展到基于Internet网上的主机集群进行以拒绝服务为目的的分布式拒绝服务攻击。该文介绍了计算机网络安全的存在的一些主要问题。并提出一些相应的防范措施。  相似文献   

As Internet is changing from a network of data into a network of functionalities, a federated Internet of applications is a natural trending topic, where every application can cooperate with each other smoothly to serve users. Cooperation can be regarded as integrating applications of different providers for users. However, existing integration techniques do not pay enough attention to multiple participants including application providers and end-users. In this study, we advocate a global cooperation framework of Internet of applications for all the participants. Specifically, we propose an intermediary based model to realize the cooperation among applications. With this model, on the one hand, users can be greatly facilitated to cooperatively use applications from various providers to meet their individualized requirements; on the other hand, providers can easily enable their own applications to interact with those from other providers. Thus, the federated Internet of applications is easier to be achieved than using existing solutions. In addition, we implement the model and develop some important techniques, including a) A uniform identity authentication protocol. b) A cooperation execution protocol. c) A multi-vender operated distributed infrustracture. Finally, we show some case studies which demonstrate the effectiveness of this model. In our vision, such a model is the beginning to bring the socialized relationships behind applications into the digital world.  相似文献   

The traditional rubber hand illusion is a psychological experiment where participants are under the illusion that a rubber hand is part of their own body. This paper examines the use of real, virtual and augmented reality environments for identifying the elements that influence body ownership in healthy participants. Compared to the classical experiment where a plastic rubber hand was used, a realistic 3D representation was chosen to create the same illusion this time in both immersive virtual reality and augmented reality. Experiments were performed on 30 volunteers undergoing testing session composed of three stages. Participants were asked to complete two different questionnaires, one measuring their cognitive workload and another one regarding their experience with the rubber hand illusion. In addition, EEG signals of the individuals were recorded, resulting in 90 electroencephalogram datasets. Results indicate correlations between ownership statements with beta and gamma electroencephalogram bands in premotor cortex activity. Link between higher gamma production in ventral premotor area during the illusion was established in previous studies.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of integration of reputation management mechanisms into data look-up and routing processes to cope with some specific security problems in peer-to-peer (P2P) networks based on Distributed Hash Tables (DHT). The goal is to find a mode for “good” peers to cooperate in order to withstand malicious activity of single malevolent peers and their collusions as well.We start from consideration of individual instruments for reputation evaluation that every single peer should be provided with to autonomously define the level of its own trust towards others. We also propose a possible scenario of integration of some existing reputation management techniques and routing mechanisms in a P2P network based on the popular Kademlia algorithm. Then, we present an interaction algorithm that allows peers to obtain the global trust value for each single node through exchanging opinions in the form of local trust values independently calculated by every peer with other members of the community. Such collaboration between peers is indispensable to cope with malicious activity of inconsistent nature specific to DHT-based environment. To render the algorithm resilient to the presence of malicious participants we propose to apply solutions for Byzantine Agreement to exchange opinions among peers. We also provide mathematical evaluations concerning the complexity and computational costs of the proposed algorithm that evidence apparent improvements over the previous one.  相似文献   

This paper presents an empirical study for extending the ecological safety model developed for individual activity (Amalberti in La conduite des systèmes à risques, PUF, 1996; Hoc and Amalberti in J Cogn Eng Decis Mak 1:22–55, 2007) to collective management. The study took place in a medical emergency center (SAMU) and focused on individual contribution to safety of collective management. The experiment aimed at extending the domain of validity of the conclusions of a previous study (Marc and Amalberti in Trav Hum 65:217–242, 2002) showing that individual intervention (as an actor and as an observer) in collective action was a matter of ecological safety. A “pseudo-simulation” was designed for confronting experienced PARMs and physicians of the SAMU with a series of “safety events” in the functioning of “their” emergency center. In the position of observers, participants were asked to comment on what they observed during a series of short periods of simulated activity and to assess situation mastery by the various actors observed. The results confirm that the model of ecological safety is directly relevant for collective management of “technical errors”: as observers, participants reacted to safety events depending on their potential consequences; not all “erroneous” actions oriented toward task performing were detected, and if detected they were not always identified; participants focused mainly on errors they observed which might have operational consequences on the global quality of safety management in the center. Concerning “non-technical errors” in collective work, participants were focusing on safety management by the physician as the responsible for the center safe functioning; they were less prone to identify safety events related to teamwork itself. These last results can be interpreted at the light of an extension of the ecological model of safety management for taking into account the teamwork-oriented dimension in collective work.  相似文献   

The objective of the research presented here was to study the influence of two types of instruction for using an argumentation diagram during pedagogical debates over the Internet. In particular, we studied how using an argumentation diagram as a medium of debate compared to using an argumentation diagram as a way of representing a debate. Two groups of students produced an individual argument diagram, then debated in pairs in one of the two conditions, and finally revised their individual diagrams in light of their debate. We developed an original analysis method (ADAM) to evaluate the differences between the argumentation diagrams constructed collaboratively during the interactions that constituted the experimental conditions, as well as those constructed individually before and after debate. The results suggest a complementary relationship between the usage of argumentation diagrams in the framework of conceptual learning. First, students who were instructed to use the argumentation diagram to represent their debate were less inclined to take a position in relation to the same graphical element while collaborating. On the other hand, students who were instructed to use the argumentation diagram alongside a chat expressed more personal opinions while collaborating. Second, the instructions given to the participants regarding the use of the argumentation diagram during the collaborative phase (either for debate or for representing a chat debate) have a significant impact on the post-individual graphs. In the individual graphs revised after the collaborative phase, participants who used the graph to represent their debate added more examples, consequences and causes. It follows that a specific usage for an argumentation diagram can be chosen and instructions given based on pedagogical objectives for a given learning situation.  相似文献   

While there has been substantial interest in using e-science and cyberinfrastructure technologies to enable synchronous remote participation in experimental research, the details of such participation are in question. On the one hand, there is a desire to give remote participants the same views and capabilities that they would have as local participants. On the other hand, there are settings where experimental specimens and apparatus are large and difficult to manipulate effectively or view from a remote vantage point. This article argues for more novel forms of remote participation by drawing on exploratory interview and observation data gathered in civil engineering laboratories. It is shown that, while experiments are in progress, the engineers studied focus primarily on detecting and preventing specimen failures, and that their unease about remote participation stems from doubts about the ability of remote participants to detect failures adequately. It is argued that this presents the opportunity to consider novel roles for remote participants that exploit the features of e-science technologies.  相似文献   

针对传统Adaboost算法存在训练耗时长的问题,提出一种基于特征裁剪的双阈值Adaboost算法人脸检测算法。一方面,使用双阈值的弱分类器代替传统的单阈值弱分类器,提升单个弱分类器的分类能力;另一方面,特征裁剪的Adaboost算法在每轮训练中仅仅利用错误率较小的特征进行训练。实验表明基于特征裁剪的双阈值Adaboost人脸检测算法通过使用较少的特征和减少训练时的特征数量的方式,提高了算法的训练速度。  相似文献   

基于学习的进化规划算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出基于学习的进化规划算法,用以改进普通进化规划算法的性能,该算法-方面通过学习种群整体的进化信息用以改善种群整体性能,具有大范围快速搜索的特点,另一方面该算法强调学习种群中个体的进化信息,单一个体以当前代的最优化个体作为学习目标,用以加大当前最优解附近的搜索力度,具有局部“细搜”的特点,该进化规划算法不仅能够加快算法的收敛速度,而且能够有效地保证种群的多样性,用该方法可求解具有多个极值点的函数优化问题,计算要仿真实验结果表明该方法是非常有效的。  相似文献   

提出一种基于灰色预测的智能 PID(GI-PID)主动队列管理(AQM)算法,该算法采用 GM(1,1)模型在线预测路由器队列长度,补偿滞后以解决网络状况反馈不及时的问题;同时根据队列误差的变化趋势,应用专家经验动态改变 PID 控制器的参数,使参数实时地随着网络环境变化而调整,实现智能控制.仿真试验表明,GI-PID 算法相比传统 PID 算法大幅度地抑制了队列长度的振荡,路由器队列收敛于期望值,同时具有较小的分组丢弃概率.  相似文献   

Activity recognition based on mobile device is an important aspect in developing human-centric pervasive applications like gaming, industrial maintenance and health monitoring. However, the data distribution of accelerometer is heavily affected by varying device locations and orientations, which will degrade the performance of recognition model. To solve this problem, we propose a fast, robust and device displacement free activity recognition model in this paper, which integrates principal component analysis (PCA) and extreme learning machine (ELM) to realize location-adaptive activity recognition. On the one hand, PCA is employed to reduce the dimensionality of feature space and extract robust features for recognition. On the other hand, in the online phase ELM is applied to classify the activity and adapt the recognition model to new device locations based on high confident recognition results in real time. Experimental results show that, with robust features and fast adaptation capability, the proposed model can adapt the classifier to new device locations quickly and obtain good recognition performance.  相似文献   

Computer network as a force drags its customers to share more and more resources while on the other hand managing such network recourses is a challenging job for an IT professional and perhaps becoming difficult humanly. In this paper, we have proposed an agent based system for activity monitoring on network (ABSAMN) for the monitoring of resources over a network, suitable for network of networks; commonly known as CAN (campus area network). Multi-agent system is a system composed of several agents, collectively capable of achieving goals that are difficult to achieve by an individual agent or monolithic system. We propose the use of multi-agent system to ensure proper system operation by watching for inconsistencies in user activities, node level activity, internet monitoring, and system configuration. The system is fully autonomous and once initialized with the given rules and domain knowledge ABSAMN manages resources on its own with the help of mobile agents. We have evaluated this architecture on the university campus having seven labs equipped with 20–300 number of PCs in various labs. Results were very promising and support the implementation of the solution.  相似文献   

Organizations should look at humans as multilayered, not only as professional entities. In synergy, not only individually, we define humans as: (1) physical, (2) mental, (3) social, (4) spiritual, and (5) economic entities, marked by requisitely holistic patterns of relatively permanent characteristics, due to which individuals differ from each other; they differ also as specialized professionals. All these and other attributes form synergies. On this basis, the behavior of individuals who are willing to practice interdisciplinary cooperation becomes socially responsible and they have a high level of well-being.

Individuals as well as organizations seek requisite personal holism (RPH) on the one hand and psychic well-being (PWB) on the other hand. Thus, individuals implement individual techniques and organizations implement special strategies, programs, and actions in the frame of human resource management (HRM). That is how organizations in the frame of HRM, more specifically in the frame of management well-being, are developing special programs for managing PWB. These programs are based on their RPH and organizations might help employees to feel respected and valued in their work settings, without regard to their culture, religion, ethnicity, gender, age, disability, or other individual differences. The most-often applied programs of the kind include: (1) stress management programs, (2) diversity management programs, (3) wellness programs, (4) employee assistance programs, and (5) programs for personal growth.  相似文献   

Oppliger  R. 《IT Professional》2003,5(1):27-31
In deciding how to handle messaging access in a Microsoft Exchange environment, IT managers have an important and interesting tradeoff to make. On the one hand, employees have legitimate communication and e-mail requirements. On the other hand, providing access to messaging from outside the corporate intranet raises considerable security concerns. Obviously, no rule applies universally, and every company or organization must draw its own conclusions and make its own recommendations. This article's purpose is to provide the information you need to make the appropriate tradeoff. Outlook Web Access is not a public messaging service. Instead, it is a Microsoft software product that lets Exchange server users access their accounts with a standard Web browser.  相似文献   

针对传统CNN(Convolutional Neural Network)在组织病理图像分类中存在的两个问题:其一,受限于内存大小,CNN无法对高分辨率的病理图像直接进行训练,这不可避免地破坏了细胞之间的空间结构信息,且无法学习全局的特征信息;其二,病理图像中的正常细胞和癌变细胞均有自身的病理学图像特征并且在空间上具有一定的关联性,但在结构化的二维阵列图像中无法被充分的表达。提出一种基于细胞图卷积(Cell-Graph Convolutional Network,C-GCN)的组织病理图像分类方法,将高分辨率的病理图像转换为图结构,在传统的GCN中将GraphSAGE(Graph SAmple and aggregate)模块与图池化相结合,提取出更具有代表性的一般性特征,使得C-GCN可以直接在高分辨率的组织学图像中学习特征,提高了模型的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

This article presents the results of video-based Human Robot Interaction (HRI) trials which investigated people’s perceptions of different robot appearances and associated attention-seeking features and behaviors displayed by robots with different appearance and behaviors. The HRI trials studied the participants’ preferences for various features of robot appearance and behavior, as well as their personality attributions towards the robots compared to their own personalities. Overall, participants tended to prefer robots with more human-like appearance and attributes. However, systematic individual differences in the dynamic appearance ratings are not consistent with a universal effect. Introverts and participants with lower emotional stability tended to prefer the mechanical looking appearance to a greater degree than other participants. It is also shown that it is possible to rate individual elements of a particular robot’s behavior and then assess the contribution, or otherwise, of that element to the overall perception of the robot by people. Relating participants’ dynamic appearance ratings of individual robots to independent static appearance ratings provided evidence that could be taken to support a portion of the left hand side of Mori’s theoretically proposed ‘uncanny valley’ diagram. Suggestions for future work are outlined.
Kheng Lee KoayEmail:

改进的AGA及其在约束函数优化中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
提出了一种改进的基于自适应惩罚函数的AGA。一方面,采用分裂选择算子,增加了潜在优良个体的生存概率;另一方面,引入基于优势遗传的交叉概率和变异概率,防止了算法的早熟收敛。此外,应用改进的最优保存策略,保证了算法的收敛性和收敛解的有效性。通过对约束函数优化的仿真计算,证明该算法具有快速收敛和鲁棒性好的特点。  相似文献   

A wireless mobile ad hoc network is an autonomous system of mobile nodes, which have to cooperate in packet relaying in order to provide the necessary network functionality. Packet relaying based on reciprocity generates strong cooperation incentives even among purely self-regarding nodes. The necessary distinction between selfish and cooperative participants is provided to a node by its trust system. In this article we analyse the particular case where a reputation system is not present in the network, i.e. nodes use solely their local trust systems. In such a case, whether the cooperation is based on direct or on indirect reciprocity, depends on the information type used by trust systems of the network participants. The influence of two factors on the development of cooperation—the network size and the type of participating nodes—is analysed using evolutionary game theory. Computational experiments demonstrate that, in a small network or in a network with many non-cooperative nodes, the cooperation is more likely to be developed on the basis of both reciprocity mechanisms. On the other hand, a large network and the existence of many unconditionally cooperative nodes favour the development of cooperation on the basis of direct reciprocity.  相似文献   

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