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This paper uses bibliographic coupling analysis to plot out a patent citation map. It explores the current research and development
in the high-tech electronic companies in Taiwan, and the relationship between companies and industries. Fifty-eight high-tech
electronic companies under this study, between 1998 and 2000, obtained 4162 patents from U.S., and cited 24,852 patents during
these years. Through the data from bibliographic coupling analysis, the paper categorizes these companies into 6 major groups:
semiconductor, peripheral, scanners, notebook / monitor, system, IC design / packaging. This research also uses multidimensional
scaling to plot out a patent citation map, graphically displaying the association among the groups. The result shows a higher
similarity among companies in semiconductor sector, whereas the distinction between industries grows more and more ambivalent,
even overlapping in some cases.
This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
Scientometrics - The notions of reputation and popularity in academia are critical for taking decisions on research grants, faculty position tenure, and research excellence awards. These notions... 相似文献
Scientometrics - In this paper, we analyze the structure of the article citation network of a particular subject obtained from the Web of Science (WoS) database. In specific, we modify a model... 相似文献
Judging value of scholarly outputs quantitatively remains a difficult but unavoidable challenge. Most of the proposed solutions suffer from three fundamental shortcomings: they involve (i) the concept of journal, in one way or another, (ii) calculating arithmetic averages from extremely skewed distributions, and (iii) binning data by calendar year. Here, we introduce a new metric Co-citation Percentile Rank (CPR), that relates the current citation rate of the target output taken at resolution of days since first citable, to the distribution of current citation rates of outputs in its co-citation set, as its percentile rank in that set. We explore some of its properties with an example dataset of all scholarly outputs from University of Jyväskylä spanning multiple years and disciplines. We also demonstrate how CPR can be efficiently implemented with Dimensions database API, and provide a publicly available web resource JYUcite, allowing anyone to retrieve CPR value for any output that has a DOI and is indexed in the Dimensions database. Finally, we discuss how CPR remedies failures of the Relative Citation Ratio (RCR), and remaining issues in situations where CPR too could potentially lead to biased judgement of value. 相似文献
An analysis is made of the dynamics of a logistic map lattice with threshold coupling and it is shown that, depending on the values of the control parameters, various types of spatial structures are formed in these lattices. For these structures there is a set of numerical values characterizing the type of structure which depends on the values of the control parameters. It is shown that in the spatially steady-state structures formed in a coupled-map lattice, there are small regions of nonstationary processes in which periodic oscillations occur. Pis’ma Zh. Tekh. Fiz. 25, 28–34 (February 26, 1999) 相似文献
Science is a societal process, designed on widely accepted general rules which facilitate its development. Productive researchers are viewed from the perspective of a social network of their interpersonal relations. In this paper we address performance of Slovenian research community using bibliographic networks between the years 1970 and 2015 from various aspects which determine prolific science. We focus on basic determinants of research performance including productivity, collaboration, internationality, and interdisciplinarity. For each of the determinants, we select a set of statistics and network measures to investigate the state of each in every year of the analyzed period. The analysis is based on high quality data from manually curated information systems. We interpret the results by relating them to important historical events impacting Slovenia and to domestic expenditure for research and development. Our results clearly demonstrate causal relations between the performance of research community and changes in wider society. Political and financial stability together with concise measuring of scientific productivity established soon after Slovenia won independence from Yugoslavia in 1991 had positive influence on all determinants. They were further leveraged by foundation of Slovenian research agency and joining EU and NATO. Publish and perish phenomenon, negative impacts of financial crisis in 2008–2014 and reshaping the domestic expenditure for research and development after 2008 have also clear response in scientific community. In the paper, we also study the researcher’s career productivity cycles and present the analysis of the career productivity for all registered researchers in Slovenia. 相似文献
The main purposes of this article are to uncover interesting features in real-world citationnetworks, and to highlight important substructures. In particular, it applies lattice theory tocitation analysis. On the applied side, it shows that lattice substructures exist in real-word citationnetworks. It is further shown that, through its relations with co-citations and bibliographiccoupling, the diamond (a four-element lattice) is a basic structural element in citation analysis.Finally, citation compactness is calculated for the four- and five element lattices. 相似文献
Research activities and collaborations in nanoscale science and engineering have major implications for advancing technological
frontiers in many fields including medicine, electronics, energy, and communication. The National Nanotechnology Initiative
(NNI) promotes efforts to cultivate effective research and collaborations among nano scientists and engineers to accelerate
the advancement of nanotechnology and its commercialization. As of August 2008, there have been over 800 products considered
to benefit from nanotechnology directly or indirectly. However, today’s accomplishments in nanotechnology cannot be transformed
into commercial products without productive collaborations among experts from disparate research areas such as chemistry,
physics, math, biology, engineering, manufacturing, environmental sciences, and social sciences. To study the patterns of
collaboration, we build and analyze the collaboration network of scientists and engineers who conduct research in nanotechnology.
We study the structure of information flow through citation network of papers authored by nano area scientists. We believe
that the study of nano area co-author and paper citation networks improve our understanding of patterns and trends of the
current research efforts in this field. We construct these networks based on the publication data collected for years ranging
1993 through 2008 from the scientific literature database “Web of Science”. We explore those networks to find out whether
they follow power-law degree distributions and/or if they have a signature of hierarchy. We investigate the small-world characteristics
and the existence of possible community structures in those networks. We estimate the statistical properties of the networks
and interpret their significance with respect to the nano field. 相似文献
A well-designed and comprehensive citation index for the social sciences and humanities has many potential uses, but has yet
to be realised. Significant parts of the scholarly production in these areas are not published in international journals,
but in national scholarly journals, in book chapters or in monographs. The potential for covering these literatures more comprehensively
can now be investigated empirically using a complete publication output data set from the higher education sector of an entire
country (Norway). We find that while the international journals in the social sciences and humanities are rather small and
more dispersed in specialties, representing a large but not unlimited number of outlets, the domestic journal publishing,
as well as book publishing on both the international and domestic levels, show a concentration of many publications in few
publication channels. These findings are promising for a more comprehensive coverage of the social sciences and humanities. 相似文献
Scientometrics - Dimensions was introduced as an alternative bibliometric database to the well-established Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus, however all three databases have fundamental differences... 相似文献
This paper studies cooperation patterns in Spain between science history researchers by analysing co-authorship in the scientific publications of the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) and the Science Citation Index (SCI) databases. 相似文献
The increasing cooperation in science, which has led to larger co-authorship networks, requires the application of new methods
of analysis of social networks in bibliographic co-authorship networks as well as in networks visible on the Web. In this
context, a number of interesting papers on the “Erdős Number”, which gives the shortest path (geodesic distance) between an
author and the well-known Hungarian mathematician Erdős in a co-authorship network, have been published recently. This paper
develops new methods concerning the position of highly productive authors in the network. Thus a relationship of distribution
of these authors among the clusters in the co-authorship network could be proved to be dependent upon the size of the clusters.
Highly productive authors have, on average, low geodesic distances and thus shorter length of paths to all the other authors
of a specialism compared to low productive authors, whereas the influencing possibility of highly productive scientists gets
distributed amongst others in the development of the specialism. A theory on the stratification in science with respect to
the over random similarity of scientists collaborating with one another, previously covered with other empirical methods,
could also be confirmed by the application of geodesic distances. The paper proposes that the newly developed methodology
may also be applied to visible networks in future studies on the Web. Further investigation is warranted into whether co-authorship
and web networks have similar structures with regards to author productivity and geodesic distances.
This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
Scientometrics - This paper employs the patent data of four major genetically modified (GM) crops, soybeans, cotton, maize and rapeseed, to illustratee how the innovation of GM crop technology... 相似文献
Bibliographic databases are frequently used and analysed for the purpose of assessing the capacity and performance of individual researchers or entire research systems. Many of the advantages and disadvantages are the subject of continued discussion in the relevant literature, although only rarely with respect to the regional dimension of scientific publication activity. The importance of the regional dimension of science is reflected in many theoretical concepts, ranging from innovation system theories to territorial cluster concepts and learning regions. This article makes use of the extensive information found in bibliographic data and assesses the reliability of this information as a proxy indicator for the spatial dimension of scientific collaboration in emerging economies. This is undertaken using the example of the emerging field of biotechnology in China from 2000 onwards. Two data sets have been prepared: (1) the frequently used ISI Web of Knowledge database (SCI-Expanded) and (2) the domestic Chinese Chongqing VIP database. Both data sources were analysed using a variety of bibliometric and network scientific methods. The structural and topological similarity of networks, built from co-authorship data, is apparent between the two databases. At an abstract level, general network forces are present, resulting in similar network sizes, clustering, or assortativity. However, introducing additional complexity through regional subdivision reveals many differences between the two data sources that must be accounted for in the analytic design of future scientometric research in dynamic spaces. 相似文献
The interplay and cross-fertilization between science and technology, but also the specific role of science for technological development, have received ample attention in both the research and the policy communities. It is in this context that the concepts of absorptive capacity and knowledge spillovers play an important role. We operationalize the science-technology link by quantifying and modeling bibliographic references to the scientific literature as they occur in patents. This approach allows exploring the associative patterns between science creation (as emerging from the scientific literature) and technology development (as emerging from the patent literature). In the current paper, we focus on an analysis of the geographic distribution of the science citation patterns in patents, singling out two fields of (different) technological development, namely biotechnology and information technology. In both fields, the science citation flows from the European, Japanese and US science bases into USPTO and EPO-patents are explored and modeled. Intensive geographic citation flows between the regions are identified, pointing (amongst others) to the strength of both the US and the European science bases as sources for technological activity and creativity around the world. 相似文献
In an earlier study the authors have shown that bibliographic coupling techniques can be used to identify hot research topics. The methodology is based on appropriate thresholds for both number of related documents and the strength of bibliographic links. Those papers are called core documents that have more than 9 links of at least the strength 0.25 according to Salton's measure, provided they are articles, notes or reviews. This choice resulted in a selection of nearly one per cent of all papers of the above types recorded in the 1992 annual cumulation of the SCI. Core documents proved important nodes in the network of documented science communication.In the present study, the set of core documents is analysed by journals, subfields and corporate addresses. The latter analysis is conducted on both national and regional-institutional level. First all countries which have published at least 20 core documents in 1992 are investigated in terms of their research profiles, their international collaboration patterns and their citation impact. Finally, those eight members of the European Union which have published at least 20 core documents in 1992 are analysed in respect of regional and institutional distribution of core documents. 相似文献
Scientometrics - With the tremendous growth in the number of scientific papers being published, searching for references while writing a scientific paper is a time-consuming process. A technique... 相似文献
Scientometrics - Under the COVID-19 pandemic, mathematics education has moved completely online. To tackle this new norm based on bio-eco-techno theories, this study aims to provide educators an... 相似文献
The use of the cluster analysis in scientometrics is dealt with. The ways of developing citation networks and mapping research field with the help of this method are also presented. The methodology of computer-aided cluster analysis of citation is described, which allows to map the structure of a research field and to identify main tendencies of its development. 相似文献
Because some cited references are not relevant to the citing patent and not all the relevant references are cited, the study attempts to use the bibliographic coupling (BC) approach to filter the irrelevant patent citations and supplement the relevant uncited patent citations to construct a patent citation network (PCN). The study selected the field of electric vehicle technology to explore the phenomenon and examined the characteristics of PCNs in terms of the average BC strength and the average citation time lag. Four PCNs were constructed in this study. The aggregated PCN (APCN) excluded the irrelevant patent citations and added the relevant uncited patent citations, which has brought out significant improvement. The APCN became more concentrated and the information which reserved in the APCN was the most current. Additionally, some invisible technology clusters and relationships were also manifested in the APCN. 相似文献