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We study uncoded bit-error-rate (BER) performances of single-carrier block transmissions, zero-padded (ZP), and cyclic-prefixed (CP) transmission, when linear equalizers are applied and the BERs are averaged over one block. We show analytically that the BER of ZP transmission with linear equalization degrades as the bandwidth efficiency increases, i.e., there is a tradeoff between BER and bandwidth efficiency in ZP transmission. It is also proven that when minimum mean-squared-error (MMSE) equalization is adopted, ZP transmission outperforms CP transmission and uncoded orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) on the average over random channels. However, the difference between the ZP and the CP transmission becomes smaller as the block size gets larger, since the average BER performance of the ZP transmission degrades, while the average BER performance of CP transmission improves, as a function of the block size. Numerical examples are provided to validate our theoretical findings and to compare the block transmission systems.  相似文献   

We present a graph-based channel estimation approach for SC-IFDE (single-carrier transmissions with iterative frequency domain equalization) without CP (cyclic prefix) over doubly selective channels using the recently developed Gaussian message passing (GMP) technique. A direct application of the GMP updating rules in the FFG (Forney-style factor graph) of the SC-IFDE system model incurs high complexity. Approximate updating rules are therefore developed to overcome this problem. The proposed GMP-based channel estimation approach has similar complexity as the low-complexity Kalman-filtering based frequency domain channel estimation approach in the literature, but significantly outperforms the latter due to its enhanced capability in capturing the time correlation information of doubly selective channels through bidirectional processing.  相似文献   

Poor performance in the presence of multipath with long delay spread has been considered as one of the main weaknesses of most single carrier modulated systems, including ATSC (advanced television systems committee) system. The introduction of distributed transmission network and single frequency network brings new challenges for the ATSC equalizer design, since the delay spread of a multipath channel under such scenarios becomes significantly longer than the traditional broadcasting practice of using one high power transmitter to cover a wide area, where the multipath distortion is mainly from reflected echoes. An iterative hybrid frequency-time domain equalizer for ATSC system is proposed in this paper based on our block-based interference analysis. The multipath distortion in the received ATSC signal is first tentatively removed with a frequency domain equalizer on a block-by-block basis. However, inter-block and intra-block interferences still exist due to the lack of cyclic structure in the received ATSC signal. A time domain interference cancellation algorithm is then used to cancel the inter-block interference and intra-carrier interference, based on the tentative decisions in time domain after the frequency domain equalization. These two steps are iterated until desired receiver performance is achieved. The proposed equalizer and the subsequent analysis are verified through numerical simulations.  相似文献   

We consider a unified framework comprising both multicarrier code-division multiple-access (MC-CDMA) and orthogonal frequency-division multiple-access (OFDMA), and discuss nonlinear prefiltering for downlink transmissions based on Tomlinson-Harashima precoding. The base station (BS) is equipped with multiple transmitting antennas and channel state information is assumed to be available at the transmit side. We design the prefiltering matrices so as to minimize the sum of the mean square errors at all mobile terminals when a conventional single-user data detector is employed at the receiver side. In this way, most of the computational burden is moved to the BS, where power consumption and computational resources are not critical requirements. Computer simulations are used to assess the performance of the proposed scheme under different operating scenarios. It turns out that OFDMA outperforms MC-CDMA when the system resources (subcarriers and/or spreading codes) are optimally assigned to the active users according to the channel quality.  相似文献   

Single-carrier block transmission is an alternative scheme to orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) for wireless broadband communications. In this paper, a receiver is designed for single-carrier block transmission with cyclic prefix for mobile broadband communications. As the wireless transmission is over doubly selective channels, a basis expansion model is used to capture both the time- and frequency-selectivity of the channel and is parameterized for the receiver design. The receiver estimates the channel model coefficients in the time domain and uses these coefficients for equalization in the frequency domain. The channel estimation is assisted by time-domain pilot insertion. The structure of the frequency-domain channel matrix is exploited and a linear minimum mean-square error equalizer is used for the equalization. When the basis expansion model well matches the physical channel, simulation results show superior receiving performance of the proposed system compared with the OFDM system with a similar complexity.  相似文献   

该文提出了一种针对单载波块传输(SCBT)系统的信道估计方法.该方法利用单载波块传输系统中的补零(ZP)信息,在频域实现了频率选择性信道基于子空间的盲估计.文中同时给出了所提方法的辨识条件.该方法性能优于过采样信道估计方法,且对信道阶数过估计不敏感.计算机仿真和分析验证了所提方法的有效性.  相似文献   

针对时分双工大规模MIMO系统,该文提出两种新的下行链路预编码方案,即新最大比合并(NMRC)和新迫零(NZF)方案,通过理论分析得到两种新预编码方案下目标用户和非目标用户的下行链路信干噪比和频谱效率的表达式,并与传统的迫零(ZF)和最大比合并(MRC)预编码的下行链路信干噪比、频谱效率和误码率性能进行比较.仿真结果表明,所提出的NMRC和NZF预编码与传统的MRC和ZF预编码相比,在不增加运算复杂度的前提下可以获得更好的性能,而且新的预编码方案在提高目标用户性能的同时,对其他非目标用户的性能也有一定的改善.  相似文献   

Block transmission has recently been considered as an alternative to the conventional continuous transmission technique. In particular, block transmission techniques with zero padding (ZP) and cyclic prefix (CP) are becoming attractive procedures for their ability to eliminate both intersymbol interference (ISI) and interblock interference (IBI). In this paper, we present a unified approach to blind-channel estimation and interference suppression for block transmission using ZP or CP in both single-carrier (SC) and multicarrier (MC) systems. Our approach uses a generalized multichannel minimum variance principle to design an equalizing filterbank. The channel estimate is then obtained from an asymptotically tight lower bound of the filterbank output power. Through an asymptotic analysis of the subspace of the received signal, we determine an upper bound for the number of interfering tones that can be handled by the proposed schemes. As a performance measure, we derive an unconditional CramÉr–Rao bound (CRB) that, similar to the proposed blind channel estimators, does not assume knowledge of the transmitted information symbols. Numerical examples show that the proposed schemes approach the CRB as the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) increases. Additionally, they exhibit low sensitivity to unknown narrowband interference and favorably compare with subspace blind-channel estimators.   相似文献   

针对时分双工大规模MIMO系统,该文提出两种新的下行链路预编码方案,即新最大比合并(NMRC)和新迫零(NZF)方案,通过理论分析得到两种新预编码方案下目标用户和非目标用户的下行链路信干噪比和频谱效率的表达式,并与传统的迫零(ZF)和最大比合并(MRC)预编码的下行链路信干噪比、频谱效率和误码率性能进行比较。仿真结果表明,所提出的NMRC和NZF预编码与传统的MRC和ZF预编码相比,在不增加运算复杂度的前提下可以获得更好的性能,而且新的预编码方案在提高目标用户性能的同时,对其他非目标用户的性能也有一定的改善。  相似文献   

This letter proposes a novel semi-blind layered space-frequency equalization (LSFE) receiver for single- carrier cyclic-prefix (SC-CP) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems with block transmission, based on independent component analysis (ICA). Simulation results show that semi- blind LSFE with various Doppler shifts can provide performance close to the case with perfect channel state information (CSI), using a training overhead of only 0.05%. It also significantly outperforms its orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) counterpart with perfect CSI and semi-blind linear SC frequency domain equalization (SC-FDE) over a wide range of signal to noise ratios (SNRs).  相似文献   

This paper presents a new class of block turbo-equalizers for single-carrier transmission over multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) broadband wireless channels. The key underlying idea consists in equalizing (nonoverlapping) groups of symbols and detecting their individual space-time components in a disjoint and iterative fashion. This functional split naturally induces new design options that have been accurately listed and described, i.e., choice of distinct criteria for intergroup interference (IGI) equalization and intragroup components detection, yielding hybrid structures, multiple iterative loops, and related scheduling variants. Selected algorithms in the proposed class are compared in terms of performance under various transmission scenarios. For all of them, minimum mean square error IGI equalization certainly occupies a central role (at least for the first iteration) and may be identified as the computational bottleneck. Fortunately, block spread transmission together with cyclic prefix operations make the channel matrix block circulant, thus allowing low-complexity inversion in the Fourier domain  相似文献   

针对块对角化(BD)算法无法满足各个用户的需要、串行优化(SO)算法排序复杂、容量较低的问题,提出了一种连续块对角化(SBD)算法.该算法按照各用户的信道条件、服务质量(QoS)需求给用户定义不同的优先级,并按优先级次序进行块对角化,后续用户在对高优先级用户及同优先级用户不干扰的条件下采用块对角化法抵消共信道干扰(CC...  相似文献   

QR decomposition and M-algorithm based near maximum likelihood block detection (QRM-MLBD) significantly improves the single-carrier (SC) multiple-input multiple-output (SC-MIMO) transmission performance in a frequency-selective fading channel. In the conventional QRM-MLBD, the cyclic prefix (CP) is inserted in order to avoid the inter-block interference (IBI). However, CP insertion reduces the transmission efficiency. In this paper, an iterative overlap QRM-MLBD is proposed for SC-MIMO transmission with no CP insertion. It is confirmed by computer simulation that the iterative overlap QRM-MLBD with no CP insertion provides improved throughput performance while reducing the computational complexity over the conventional QRM-MLBD with CP insertion.  相似文献   

We propose a space–time block coding framework based on linear precoding. The codes for $P$ transmit antennas are formed by transmitting the information vector (with $P$ independent information symbols) $L$ times where each time it is rotated by a distinct precoding matrix. The framework generalizes conventional spatial multiplexing techniques and facilitates tradeoff between rate and diversity. We propose a simple construction for precoding matrices whose parameters are chosen to guarantee maximal diversity using algebraic number theory. Our codes exhibit circular structure, which greatly simplifies the performance analysis and facilitates linear decoding. Theoretical analysis and numerical simulations demonstrated excellent performance of the proposed algebraic precoding framework.   相似文献   

We investigate channel estimation for timeslot-structured single-carrier block transmission (SCBT) over space-, time-, and frequency-selective fading multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channels. A MIMO-SCBT with a dual cyclic timeslot structure is presented first. Then, an optimal channel estimation in the minimal mean square error (MMSE) sense on the timeslot basis is investigated. It is shown that the optimal pilots for the timeslot-based MMSE channel estimation are related to the statistical channel state information in eigenmode. Under the assumption that the transmit correlation is unknown at the transmitter, the optimal pilots satisfy the same condition as reported for the block-based least-square (LS) channel estimation in literature, and the channel estimation can be simplified to initial block-based LS channel estimation followed by space-time postprocessing. Particularly, for spatially uncorrelated channels, the space-time postprocessing can be reduced to pathwise processing. A new design of the pilot sequences is given, which leads to an efficient implementation of the channel estimation. Later on, a more efficient implementation for the initial channel estimation is obtained by using the structure of the pilot sequences, and discrete cosine transform (DCT)-based implementation is developed for the space-time postprocessing to approximate the optimal solution with low implementation complexity. Finally, the performance of the proposed channel estimation is verified via simulations.  相似文献   

多用户准正交空时分组码MIMO系统的下行链路预编码   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文针对采用准正交空时分组码的多用户多输入多输出(QSTBC-MU-MIMO)系统,给出一种基于信漏噪声比(SLNR)准则的下行链路干扰抑制预编码方法。通过迭代优化,该文方法可以改善原始SLNR方法中由干扰用户增加所引起的系统性能下降问题,增强了算法对系统用户数的鲁棒性。由于在优化目标中考虑了系统噪声,该方法可通过恰当选取复比例因子来实现优化问题的简化求解。仿真结果验证了该文方法的有效性。  相似文献   

This paper considers affine cyclic-prefixed block-based pilot-aided transmission (PAT) over the single-antenna doubly selective channel, where the channel is assumed to obey a complex-exponential basis expansion model. First, a tight lower bound on the mean-squared error (MSE) of pilot-aided channel estimates is derived, along with necessary and sufficient conditions on the pilot/data pattern that achieves this bound. From these conditions, novel minimum-MSE (MMSE) PAT schemes are proposed and upper/lower bounds on their ergodic achievable rates are derived. A pilot/data power allocation technique is also developed. A high-SNR asymptotic analysis of the ergodic achievable rate of affine MMSE-PAT is then performed which suggests that the channel's spreading parameters should be taken into account when choosing among affine MMSE-PAT schemes. Specifically, we establish that multicarrier MMSE-PAT achieves higher rates than single-carrier MMSE-PAT when the channel's delay-spread dominates its Doppler-spread, and vice versa.  相似文献   

Single-carrier code-division multiple access (SC-CDMA), also named cyclic-prefix CDMA in the literature, is a promising air interface for the uplink of the 4G cellular wireless communication systems. It enables the high capacity intrinsically offered by CDMA by making the equalization of the multipath channels and the mitigation of the resulting interference possible at a low complexity. This paper proposes a new air interface that combines SC-CDMA with space-time block coding (STBC) across multiple transmit antennas in order to make the link more robust. Contrary to existing air interfaces that perform the STBC at the chip level, making them only applicable to the downlink, the STBC is performed at the symbol level, making it also applicable to the uplink. In order to optimally detect the different antenna and user signals, a linear joint detector optimized according to the minimum mean square error (MMSE) criterion is designed. By exploiting the cyclic properties of the channel matrices, the complexity of the joint detector is significantly reduced. Furthermore, it is shown analytically that the inter-antenna interference is canceled out at the output of the first stage of the linear MMSE joint detector, consisting of a matched filter. By space-time coding the signal through two antennas at each transmit mobile terminal, a significant gain in signal-to-noise-ratio can be achieved. However, the spatial diversity gain of the proposed system is limited by the multiuser interference (MUI), that is increasing with the user load. Higher complexity non-linear receivers are needed to better compensate the MUI and still benefit from the spatial diversity at high user loads.  相似文献   

Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) based communication systems with precoding, bit-loading and equalization procedures are considered in this paper. Applications of precoding schemes, which are based on Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of the channel matrix H assume almost always ideal channel knowledge at the transmitter and/or receiver site. This paper investigates an SVD based MIMO approach considering non ideal radio channel estimation results. In any case the MIMO channel matrix H is decomposed into Eigenmodes. In case of an ideal radio channel knowledge the SVD based precoding procedure, which is applied at the transmitter site, is going to consider all possible Eigenmodes which results in a perfect separation of all signals at the receive antenna output and into a minimum bit-error-rate (BER). It will be shown in this paper that in case of non ideal channel knowledge and a limited accuracy in the channel matrix H estimation a reduced number of Eigenmodes in the precoding process will become an optimum and will lead into an increased BER performance.
Hermann RohlingEmail:

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