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The effects of intravenous MS-551, a new class III antiarrhythmic drug, on atrium and ventricle were evaluated in 6 patients with ventricular tachyarrhythmias (4 males and 2 females; mean age 45 +/- 21 years) in an electrophysiologic study. Two patients had sustained ventricular tachycardia (VT) and 4 patients had ventricular fibrillation (VF). Electrophysiologic study was performed before and after the administration of MS-551 (loading infusion 0.3 mg/kg for 5 min + 0.01 mg/kg/min). The QT and QTc intervals were significantly prolonged by MS-551 from 359 +/- 52 to 411 +/- 63 msec (p = 0.01) and from 410 +/- 36 to 452 +/- 47 (p = 0.0172), respectively. No effect was observed on the sinus cycle length, QRS duration, or AH and HV intervals in sinus rhythm. The effective refractory periods of the right atrium (AERP) were significantly prolonged at paced cycle lengths of 600 (from 222 +/- 19 to 250 +/- 23 msec, p = 0.0009), 400 (from 207 +/- 15 to 228 +/- 15, p < 0.0001) and 300 (from 193 +/- 10 to 205 +/- 8 msec, p = 0.0127) msec. Similarly, the right ventricular ERP (VERP) were significantly prolonged at paced cycle lengths of 600 (from 240 +/- 23 to 268 +/- 23 msec, p < 0.0001), 400 (from 225 +/- 22 to 250 +/- 24 msec, p = 0.0007), and 300 msec (from 213 +/- 14 to 228 +/- 18 msec, p = 0.0071). MS-551 prolonged AERP and VERP in a "reverse" use-dependent manner without changing the conduction time in patients with ventricular tachyarrhythmias. MS-551 prevented the induction of VT in 1 patient and VF in only 1 patient in this electrophysiologic study. Further evaluation of the therapeutic potential of MS-551 using higher dosages is necessary.  相似文献   

We describe the association between structural chromosome aberrations (CAs) and parameters of exposure to arsenic among 42 individuals exposed to arsenic through well waters in Finland. The median concentration of arsenic in the wells was 410 microg/l, the total arsenic concentrations in urine (As-tot) was 180 microg/l, and in hair 1.3 microg/g, for current users (n = 32) of contaminated wells. Urinary arsenic species and CAs were also analyzed in eight control individuals from the same village who consumed water which contained arsenic <1.0 microg/l (detection limit). Increased arsenic exposure, indicated best by increased concentrations of arsenic species (inorganic arsenic, methylarsonic acid (MMA), dimethylarsinic acid (DMA)) in urine, was associated with increased frequency of CAs. The increased urinary ratio of MMA/As-tot and the decreased ratio of DMA/As-tot were associated with increased CAs when all aberration types, including gaps, were considered. Associations between CAs and arsenic exposure indicators were stronger among current users than among persons who had stopped using the contaminated well water for 2-4 months before sampling (ex-users, n = 10). Furthermore, there was a positive but not statistically significant association between CAs and arsenic in hair among the current users, but not among the ex-users, who still had relatively high arsenic concentrations in hair. The results suggest that the effect observed in the present study reflects relatively recent arsenic exposure.  相似文献   

It was previously demonstrated that while lysogenic development of bacteriophage lambda in Escherichia coli proceeds normally at low temperature (20-25 degrees C), lytic development is blocked under these conditions owing to the increased stability of the phage CII protein. This effect was proposed to be responsible for the increased stimulation of the pE promoter, which interferes with expression of the replication genes, leading to inhibition of phage DNA synthesis. Here we demonstrate that the burst size of phage lambda cIb2, which is incapable of lysogenic development, increases gradually over the temperature range from 20 to 37 degrees C, while no phage progeny are observed at 20 degrees C. Contrary to previous reports, it is possible to demonstrate that pE promoter activation by CII may be more efficient at lower temperature. Using density-shift experiments, we found that phage DNA replication is completely blocked at 20 degrees C. Phage growth was also inhibited in cells overexpressing cII, which confirms that CII is responsible for inhibition of phage DNA replication. Unexpectedly, we found that replication of plasmids derived from bacteriophage lambda is neither inhibited at 20 degrees C nor in cells overexpressing cII. We propose a model to explanation the differences in replication observed between lambda phage and lambda plasmid DNA at low temperature.  相似文献   

Inorganic arsenic (In-As), an occupational and environmental human carcinogen, undergoes biomethylation to monomethylarsonate (MMA) and dimethylarsinate (DMA). It has been proposed that saturation of methylation capacity at high exposure levels may lead to a threshold for the carcinogenicity of In-As. The relative distribution of urinary In-As, MMA, and DMA is used as a measure of human methylation capacity. The most common pathway for elevated environmental exposure to In-As worldwide is through drinking water. We conducted a biomarker study in northern Chile of a population chronically exposed to water naturally contaminated with high arsenic content (600 micrograms/l). In this paper we present the results of a prospective follow-up of 73 exposed individuals, who were provided with water of lower arsenic content (45 micrograms/l) for 2 months. The proportions of In-As, MMA, and DMA in urine were compared before and after intervention, and the effect of other factors on the distribution of arsenic metabolites was also analyzed. The findings of this study indicate that the decrease in arsenic exposure was associated with a small decrease in the percent In-As in urine (from 17.8% to 14.6%) and in the MMA/DMA ratio (from 0.23 to 0.18). Other factors such as smoking, gender, age, years of residence, and ethnicity were associated mainly with changes in the MMA/DMA ratio, with smoking having the strongest effect. Nevertheless, the factors investigated accounted for only about 20% of the large interindividual variability observed. Genetic polymorphisms in As-methylating enzymes and other co-factors are likely to contribute to some of the unexplained variation. The changes observed in the percent In-As and in the MMA/DMA ratio do not support an exposure-based threshold for arsenic methylation in humans.  相似文献   

We have deleted the chromosomal rpsA gene, encoding ribosomal protein S1, from an Escherichia coli strain carrying a plasmid where rpsA was controlled by the lac promoter and operator. This exogenous source of protein S1 was essential for growth. Thus we have verified the absolute requirement for protein S1. To see if translation of individual mRNAs differed in the requirements for protein S1, we removed the inducer and followed the time-course of the synthesis of several individual proteins and of total RNA, DNA and protein. Growth immediately shifted from being exponential to being linear, with a rate of protein synthesis defined by the pre-existing amount of protein S1. The expression pattern of the individual proteins indicated that the translation of all mRNAs was dependent on protein S1. Unexpectedly, we found that depletion for protein S1 for extended periods introduced a starvation for amino acids. Such starvation was indicated by an increased synthesis of ppGpp and could be reversed by addition of a mixture of all 20 amino acids. Measurements of the peptide chain elongation rate in vivo showed that ribosomes without protein S1 were unable to interfere with the peptide chain elongation rate of the active ribosomes and that, therefore, protein S1 was unable to diffuse from one ribosome to another during translation. We conclude that protein S1-deficient ribosomes are totally inactive in peptide chain elongation on most, if not all, naturally occurring E. coli mRNAs.  相似文献   

On the basis of observations that endemic fluorosis occurs more often in malnourished populations, a series of studies tested the hypothesis that deficient dietary intake of calcium, protein or energy affects fluoride metabolism so that the margin of safe fluoride exposure may be reduced. The objective of the investigation was to determine whether changes in fluoride metabolism in nutritionally deficient rats resulted in manifestation of any extraskeletal toxic fluoride effects not observed in healthy animals. This investigation included two studies, one that monitored the effect of calcium deficiency on the effects of chronic fluoride exposure, and a second study that observed fluoride effects in rats that were deficient either in protein or in energy and total nutrient intake. Control and experimental rats received drinking water containing 0, 0.26 (5), 0.79 (15) or 2.63 (50) mmol fluoride/L (mg/L) for 16 or 48 wk. Control rats were fed optimal diets and experimental rats were fed diets deficient in calcium (Study 1) or protein (Study 2). An additional group of experimental rats (Study 2) was provided with a restricted amount of diet; thus these rats were deficient in energy and total nutrient intake. The intake, excretion and retention of fluoride were monitored; after the rats were killed, tissue fluoride levels and biochemical markers of tissue function were analyzed. Bone marrow cells were harvested from some of the rats, after 48 wk of treatment, for determining the frequency of sister chromatid exchange, a marker of genetic damage. Although there were significant differences among fluoride treatment groups in fluoride excretion and retention that resulted in significantly greater fluoride levels in tissues of the experimental rats, we were unable to detect any harmful, extraskeletal biochemical, physiologic or genetic effects of fluoride in the nutritionally deficient rats.  相似文献   

应用电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法(ICP-AES)同时测定废水中的Zn,Cr,Pb,Cd,Cu和As 6种元素。对波长、入射功率、雾化压力、提升量等分析条件进行优化。样品中的干扰因子通过谱线的背景校正方法予以消除。测定各元素的线性关系良好,相关系数均在0.999 4以上,各元素的检出限在0.000 7~0.008 5μg/mL之间,样品分析结果的相对标准偏差均小于5.46%,加标回收率在94.0%~105.0%。  相似文献   

The uptake and elimination of Cr(VI) in a male volunteer who ingested 2 L/d of water containing 2 mg/L for 17 consecutive days was measured. Total chromium was measured in urine, plasma, and red blood cells (RBCs) for 4 d prior to and 2 wk after dosing (34 d total). The estimated bioavailability (2%) and the plasma elimination half-life (36 h) were consistent with our previous studies of Cr(VI) ingestion in humans. Steady-state chromium concentrations in urine and blood were achieved after 7 d of Cr(VI) ingestion. Both plasma and red blood cell (RBC) chromium concentrations returned rapidly to background levels within a few days after cessation of dosing. Since the concentration of chromium in the RBC should not decrease quickly if the chromium had entered the RBC as Cr(VI), these data support our prior work suggesting that concentrations of 10 mg Cr(VI)/L or less in drinking water of exposed humans appears to be completely reduced to Cr(III) prior to systemic distribution. Clinical chemistry data indicate that no toxicity occurred.  相似文献   

This study examines the magnitude of hexavalent chromium [Cr(VI)] absorption, distribution, and excretion following oral exposure to 5 and 10 mg Cr(VI)/L in drinking water administered as a single bolus dose (0.5 L swallowed in 2 min) or for 3 d at a dosage of 1 L/d (3 doses of 0.33 L each day, at 6-h intervals). Adult male volunteers ingested deionized water containing various concentrations of potassium chromate, and samples of urine, plasma, and red blood cells (RBCs) were collected and analyzed for total chromium throughout the studies. In the bolus dose studies, a fairly consistent pattern of urinary chromium excretion was observed, with an average half life of about 39 h. However, 4-d total urinary chromium excretion and peak concentrations in urine and blood varied considerably among the 5 volunteers. Studies of repeated exposure to smaller volumes ingested at a more gradual rate (i.e., 0.33 L over 5-15 min) showed similar urinary chromium excretion patterns but generally lower chromium uptake/excretion. Given that sustained elevations in RBC chromium levels provide a specific indication of chromium absorption in the hexavalent state, these data suggest that virtually all (> 99.7%) of the ingested Cr(VI) at 5 and 10 mg Cr(VI)/L was reduced to Cr(III) before entering the blood-stream. The interindividual differences in total chromium uptake and excretion are plausibly explained by ingestion of appreciable doses on an empty stomach, which likely results in the formation of well-absorbed Cr(III) organic complexes in gastrointestinal tissues and possibly the blood. The lack of any clinical indications of toxicity in the volunteers and the patterns of blood uptake and urinary excretion of chromium are consistent with a predominant uptake of Cr(III) organic complexes [derived from Cr(VI)] that are excreted more slowly than inorganic forms of Cr(III). Therefore, it appears that the endogenous reducing agents within the upper gastrointestinal tract and the blood provide sufficient reducing potential to prevent any substantial systemic uptake of Cr(VI) following drinking-water exposures at 5-10 mg Cr(VI)/L. Based on these data, the chemical environment in the gastrointestinal tract and the blood is effective even under relative fasting conditions in reducing Cr(VI) to one or more forms of Cr(III).  相似文献   

These studies investigate the magnitude and valence state of chromium absorbed following plausible drinking water exposures to chromium(VI). Four adult male volunteers ingested a single dose of 5 mg Cr (in 0.5 liters deionized water) in three choromium mixtures: (1) Cr(III) chloride (CrCl3), (2) potassium dichromate reduced with orange juice (cr(III)-OJ); and (3) potassium dichromate [Cr(VI)]. Blood and urine chromium levels were followed for 1-3 days prior to and up to 12 days after ingestion. The three mixtures showed quite different pharmacokinetic patterns. CrCl3 was poorly absorbed (estimated 0.13% bioavailability) and rapidly eliminated in urine (excretion half-life, approximately 10 hr), whereas Cr(III)-OJ was absorbed more efficiently (0.60% bioavailability) but more slowly (half-life, approximately 17 hr), and Cr(VI) had the highest bioavailability (6.9%) and the longest half-life (approximately 39 hr). All three chromium mixtures caused temporary elevations in red blood cell (RBC) and plasma chromium concentrations, but the magnitude and duration of elevation showed a clear trend (Cr(VI) > Cr(III)-OJ > CrCl3). The data suggest that nearly all the ingested Cr(VI) was reduced to Cr(III) before entering the bloodstream based on comparison to RBC and plasma chromium patterns in animals exposed to high doses of Cr(VI). These findings support our prior work which suggests that water-soluble organic complexes of Cr(III) formed during the reduction of Cr(VI) in vivo explain the patterns of blood uptake and urinary excretion in humans at drinking water concentrations of 10 mg/liter or less.  相似文献   

The genetic toxicity of fluoride has been investigated extensively by various test systems. However, results obtained have been inconsistent. Fluoride has been reported to be non-genotoxic, genotoxic, and synergistic or antagonistic with certain mutagens. To date, there are no published human studies on the genotoxicity of fluoride. The purpose of this investigation was to determine genotoxic risks of long-term exposure to various concentrations of fluoride in drinking water in humans with normal or inadequate nutrition. Six groups of subjects with either normal or inadequate nutritional intakes were selected from areas of approximately 0.2, 1.0, or 4.8 ppm (10.5, 52.6, or 252.6 mumol/L) fluoride in water. The subjects had been continuous residents in the area for at least 35 years. Samples of drinking water, plasma, and urine were analyzed for fluoride content. Blood lymphocytes were examined to determine the frequency of sister chromatid exchange (SCE). Blood chemistry and electrolytes were also analyzed. The results showed that average daily fluoride intake as well as urine and plasma fluoride levels increased with increase in the fluoride content of the drinking water. The blood chemistry and electrolyte values were within the normal range for all populations, but several parameters were significantly different. While the numerical differences were small, the subjects with low fluoride in the water (0.11 and 0.23 ppm or 5.8 and 12.1 mumol/L) had significantly higher SCE frequencies than those with higher fluoride exposures.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The authors visited the State of West Bengal, India, in August 1996, as consultants to the World Health Organization (WHO). The general mandate of the mission was to formulate recommendations to the Government of India regarding its efforts to assist the Government of West Bengal in remedying health problems arising from the presence of arsenic in groundwater in excess of the WHO guideline limit of 0.05 mg/L in eight districts of the State. The authors held discussions with Government of India and Government of West Bengal officials, as well as scientists, engineers, and physicians studying the analytic, medical, engineering, and hydrogeologic facets of the problem. They conducted field visits to arsenic-affected villages; inspected health centers, including the laboratories conducting the analytic and clinical studies; and interviewed and examined local lay people, including many arsenic-poisoned patients. This overview of the arsenic contamination problem in West Bengal is based upon a review of the scientific literature and government reports and the authors direct, firsthand assessment. The authors hope that their recommendations will assist in the development of a comprehensive infrastructure and plan of action, which are necessary to control the epidemic of chronic arsenic poisoning now afflicting West Bengal.  相似文献   

The possible association between the risk of rectal cancer and the levels of calcium and magnesium in drinking water from municipal supplies was investigated in a matched case-control study in Taiwan. All eligible rectal-cancer deaths (986 cases) of Taiwan residents from 1990 through 1994 were compared with a sample of deaths from other causes (986 controls), and the levels of calcium and magnesium in the drinking water of these residents were determined. Data on calcium and magnesium levels in drinking water throughout Taiwan were obtained from the Taiwan Water Supply Corporation (TWSC). The control group consisted of people who died from other causes, and the controls were pair-matched to the cases by gender, year of birth and year of death. Compared with those with calcium levels below 22.0 mg/liter, the adjusted odd ratios (95% confidence interval) were 0.72 (0.53-0.98) for the group with water calcium levels between 22.0 and 40.8 mg/liter and 0.63 (0.45-0.87) for the group with calcium levels of 40.9 mg/liter or more. The adjusted odd ratios were not statistically significant for the relationship between magnesium levels in drinking water and rectal cancer. The results of the present study show that there may be a significant protective effect of calcium intake from drinking water on the risk of rectal cancer.  相似文献   

Sister chromatid exchanges (SCE) in Vicia faba root tips were used to examine well water containing high levels of arsenic. The increased amount of arsenic was contained in well water from different towns of Zimapan, Hidalgo, Mexico. Treatments of 3 h were applied followed by the differential staining technique of Tempelaar et al. (Mutation Res. 103 (1982) 321-326). Concentrations of arsenic from 0.267 up to 1.070 mg/l were determined by colorimetry in the polluted samples used for this study. These values were above the permissible limit of 0.05 mg/l in drinking water. In all cases, except one in which the As concentration was 0.021, the arsenic-contaminated water produced significant increases of SCE compared with the control (p < 0.001) and a concentration-response relationship was observed. The SCE potency factor of 33 per mg/l of arsenic was calculated as the slope of a common regression line, pooling data previously obtained in the Comarca Lagunera and the results observed in Zimapan.  相似文献   

AIM OF THE STUDY: The aim of this study was to investigate the concentration of metals of environmental-medical relevance in biological materials in persons seeking asylum with regard to their country of origin. COLLECTIVE AND METHOD: During medical examination after entry into Germany of persons seeking asylum, samples were taken for determination of the following biological monitoring parameters: lead in blood, and arsenic, cadmium and mercury in urine. A total of 103 males were investigated (13 from former Yugoslavia, 29 from the former USSR, 33 Africans and 28 Asians) ranging from 16 to 53 years of age (median 27 years). 34 male Germans without occupational exposure to these substances and a similar age structure (age 25-36 years; median 26 years) served as a control group. RESULTS: The countries of origin had a significant influence on all the biological monitoring parameters investigated. The mean blood lead concentration in the Asians of 75.4 micrograms/L was the highest level found, while the lowest concentration of 38.0 micrograms/L was measured in the German controls. Also the level of arsenic excreted in the urine was on average much higher in the persons seeking asylum than in the German controls. In the Africans a mean level of 9.7 micrograms/g creatinine was reached. The Germans had the lowest arsenic concentrations in urine of 5.3 micrograms/g creatinine. There were, however, considerable interindividual fluctuations, which are probably due to oral uptake of arsenic compounds as a result of eating seafoods. The highest mean concentration of mercury excreted in urine was found in the German controls. Values of 0.9 microgram/g creatinine were determined. The men seeking asylum from former Yugoslavia had significantly higher values than other groups for cadmium excreted in urine. The median of 0.6 microgram/g creatinine was nearly three times as high as found in the Germans. CONCLUSIONS: For all parameters investigated, with the exception of mercury, higher internal exposure was found in the persons seeking asylum than in the German controls. This may be due to individual life style, dietary habits or environmental conditions in the country of origin. For clinical environmental medicine, the 95th percentile, as the upper limit of the reference range, can only be regarded as an orientation aid for classifying the exposure to hazardous substances of an individual compared to other persons from the same environment.  相似文献   

建立了电感耦合等离子体质谱法(ICP-MS)同时测定铁精矿中铬、砷、锡、镉、锑、铅和铋等元素含量的方法。确定使用无水碳酸钠和硼酸的混合熔剂于950 ℃熔融样品,用盐酸浸取熔融物以测定锡、锑、铋,用硝酸溶液浸取熔融物以测定铬、砷、镉、铅。优化了仪器的工作参数;通过选择合适的测定同位素消除了可能存在的质谱干扰;测定铬、砷、镉、锡、锑时选用铑内标,测定铅、铋时选用铊内标校正基体效应和仪器信号漂移。采用本方法对铁精矿样品进行分析,测得结果与电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法(ICP-AES)基本一致,相对标准偏差为4.3%~8.6%。  相似文献   

Studied drinking and its associated behaviors in 168 female Sprague-Dawley rats deprived of fluid for 8, 24, or 48 hrs. The behavior of Ss drinking water could be divided into 3 successive stages: (a) an initial intense burst of drinking that could not be easily disrupted; (b) intermittent drinking, often distinguished by the brief appearance of conflict behavior directed at the drinking spout; and (c) termination of drinking. Drinking stopped well before the fluid loss, reflected in a sizable extracellular deficit, was restored. Intake of water was terminated when serum hyponatremia and hypoosmolality (and presumably cellular overhydration) developed in temporal continguity with drinking. These and other considerations suggest that the cellular fluid phase exerts significant inhibitory as well as excitatory control over drinking. (42 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are ubiquitous and persistent environmental pollutants. The major resident site for these PCBs is the soil, and human skin is frequently in contact with soil. Our objective was to determine the percutaneous absorption of the PCBs Aroclor 1242 and Aroclor 1254 from soil. PCB-contaminated soil was prepared at levels of 44 ppm Aroclor 1242 and 23 ppm Aroclor 1254. PCB concentrations on skin were 1.75 micrograms/cm2 for Aroclor 1242 and 0.91 microgram/cm2 for Aroclor 1254. In vivo percutaneous absorption in the rhesus monkey was determined by urinary and fecal [14C]-PCB excretion for a 5-wk period following topical dosing. Absorption of Aroclor 1242 was determined in vitro with human skin for comparative purposes. In vivo in the rhesus monkey the percutaneous absorption of Aroclor 1242 was 13.8 +/- 2.7 (SD)% of the dose and the absorption of Aroclor 1254 was 14.1 +/- 1.0%. These absorption amounts are similar to the absorption of Aroclor 1242 and 1254 from other vehicles (mineral oil, trichlorobenzene, acetone). With in vitro percutaneous absorption through human skin, most of the Aroclor 1242 and Aroclor 1254 resided in the skin and the amounts were dependent upon dosing vehicle (water > mineral oil > soil). Both PCBs readily partitioned from water into soil and human powdered stratum corneum. By difference the partitioning favored both PCBs going from soil into stratum corneum. These data emphasize the role of soil in percutaneous absorption and provide information for appropriate risk assessment.  相似文献   

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