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Gihan Gomah Hamza 《Mapan》2014,29(3):207-212
At April 2003 there were 25 National Metrology Institutes in 25 countries that are members in the European Association of National Metrology Institutes (EURAMETs) agreed to participate in an inter-laboratory comparison for time interval measurement (TIM). The main target of this comparison, as mentioned by EURAMET, was to support the current calibration measurement capabilities for TI and to gain better understanding of the TIM. Cable delay measurement was taken as an example. The time delay of three different length coaxial cables (short, medium, and long) was measured. The majority of the laboratories used the Counter Method. There was a large span between the measurements for all cables (about 1 ns). Consequently, the measurement results that had been published at 2007 were not satisfied for the participant laboratories. In this article, we study the probable reasons for this considerable span between the different measurements for the same artifact. 相似文献
《IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement》2009,58(7):2245-2252
本文依据JJG1043-2008《脑电图机检定规程》,对脑电图机电压测量、时间间隔测量值的不确定度评定进行分析。 相似文献
This paper deals with the time interval measurement method that makes use of a surface acoustic wave (SAW) filter as a time interpolator. The method is based on the fact that a transversal SAW filter excited by a short pulse can generate a finite signal with highly suppressed spectra outside a narrow frequency band. If the responses to two excitations are sampled at clock ticks, they can be precisely reconstructed from a finite number of samples and then compared to determine the time interval between the two excitations. We have analyzed noise contributions to the overall uncertainty of the interval measurement. The following four noise sources have been considered: (1) noise of excitation; (2) noise of amplifier; (3) quantization noise of the analog-to-digital converter; and (4) clock and sampling jitter. The main goal of the analysis was to determine the uncertainty of the measurement in dependence on the variances of contributing noises, and the magnitude of the frequency response of the filter. First, each uncertainty component has been analyzed under general assumptions. Second, a general narrow-band filter has been investigated. Finally, we have found the solution for an ideal narrow-band filter where we have obtained simple illustrative results. The results have been compared to Monte-Carlo simulations. Good agreement between theory and simulation has been demonstrated except for the outliers due to the false ambiguity solution that occurs with large measurement errors and small relative filter bandwidth. 相似文献
在量化时延原理的基础上,提出了一种基于时空关系的超高分辨率时间间隔测量方法.利用时频信号在特定媒质中传播的时延稳定性这一自然现象,将被测时间间隔量化,结合相位重合检测技术,使对时间量的测量转化为对空间长度量的测量,大大提高了测量的分辨率和测量系统的稳定性.实验结果表明被测时间间隔的测量分辨率取决于作为两路延时单元的长度差,当两路延时单元的长度差设置在毫米级或亚毫米级时,可达到10 ps级至ps级的超高测量分辨率. 相似文献
详细描述了一种改进的基于虚拟仪器技术的时间间隔法。按照该方法建立的振动幅相特性校准系统,使用普通迈克耳孙激光干涉仪和双通道同步数据采集卡,能够在800Hz频率范围内实现加速度传感器复灵敏度的精确校准,满足相关国际标准的不确定度指标要求,幅值不确定度0.5%,相移不确定度1^o(k=2)。利用加速度仿真试验和振动标准套组比对试验,验证了该改进方法的正确性,并对其相关特性进行了较深入的分析。改进的时间间隔法具有软件算法简单高效、硬件平台通用经济的优势,尤其适于在发展中国家的计量院和国内的激光绝对法振动校准实验室推广应用。 相似文献
微光电视工作于极低照度或恶劣环境下,输出信噪比明显降低,目标完全淹没在背景噪声中,使探测率大大下降。提出了用帧间处理技术消除加性噪声。论述了字长和滤波系数的选择原则。研究了实时去噪的几项关键技术,算法和符号位的设计,各部分工作时间分配以及大背景噪声下时种同步方法。 相似文献
Optimum estimates of the parameters of a noisy (white noise) sinusoidal radio signal of known frequency are considered, based on an investigation of the likelihood function, when the measurement time is less than a period and a nonmultiple of a period. Estimates are presented for the phase shift and the amplitude in the presence (absence) of a constant component and nonlinear distortions when the result is tied to the beginning of the measurement interval. 相似文献
《IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement》1984,33(2):97-100
Pulse reflection methods play an important role in the diversified fields of industrial measurement. The paper reports on an optical short-range radar with superior resolution using a modified sampling procedure. The developed system has been tested successfully for level control applications, such as for measuring the meniscus of the molten steel in the mold of a continuous casting installation. 相似文献
An algorithm is proposed for calculating the confidence interval of a measurement error in terms of its partial components and a method is given for implementing it in the form of a programmed calculator. 相似文献
This study investigates the use of the interval production task as a secondary task for the quantification of perceptual motor load. In this case, the variability in foot tapping is used as the index of performance in the secondary task. Experiments investigating the effect of tasks of varying motor and perceptual loads on tapping are reported. The study concludes that although the interval production task can be used to differentiate between motor loads, its utility as an index of perceptual load is questionable. 相似文献
介绍了微分筒式小角度测量仪的构造及测量原理 ,对使用该小角度测量仪校准合象水平仪时的测量不确定度进行了分析计算 ,指出使用微分筒法校准合象水平仪准确度高且操作方便。 相似文献
在对区间数运算规则、比较与排序方法的讨论的基础上,将MEOWA( Maximum Entropy Ordered Weighted Averaging)方法扩展到区间数的评价中,提出了基于IMEOWA(Interval MEOWA)的绩效测评方法.以最大熵修正权重向量,以可能度矩阵的排序向量进行区间数排序,再利用OWA... 相似文献
Measurement Techniques - The issues of precision determinations of time intervals for which results are essential, such as to estimate the metrological characteristics of structural systems of... 相似文献