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粘弹阻尼结构动态性能的有限元分析   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
考虑到阻尼材料的频率依赖性,提出了一种研究粘弹阻尼结构动态力学性能的迭代有限元模拟分析方法。用这种迭代算法计算了几种典型阻尼结构 悬臂梁和压筋板的模态参数,计算结果与试验模态分析结果或理论解析计算的结果基本一致。此外,还探讨了有限元模拟单元的类型对计算结果的影响。  相似文献   

基于线性PTT本构模型对非等温粘弹流体4∶1平板收缩流进行了模拟,其中分子松弛时间、聚合物黏度与温度的依赖关系通过WLF公式描述。控制方程采用同位网格有限体积法求解,速度-压力以及速度-应力间的耦合采用动量插值技术处理。文中给出了不同We数下粘弹流体等温和非等温情况下流场和应力场的变化情况,分析了温度对流场和应力场的影响,考察了Pe数、We数以及能量方程中参数k对温度场的影响。  相似文献   

为了对粘弹性材料复合结构进行静动力分析及主被动控制,采用微振子模型描述线性粘弹材料的本构关系,先用有限元方法对结构进行离散,然后引入耗散自由度,将非线性的有限元方程转化为普通的二阶系统,最后从系统的可控性、可观性出发提出了一种模型的鲁棒降阶方法。算例表明微振子模型与有限元相结合,能很方便地求出固有频率、阻尼等模态参数及响应。鲁棒降阶算法稳定,能为下一步进行主动控制做好准备。  相似文献   

构造二节点八自由度有限元模型对二层粘弹弱约束阻尼复合结构的动力学特性进行了数值分析,其计算结果与实验结果基本一致.利用此有限元模型研究了各层阻尼材料的几何及物理参数对复合结构阻尼性能的影响.  相似文献   

雷晓燕 《工程力学》1989,6(4):120-129
文献介绍了弹粘塑性有限无解的数值方法,给出了Mises屈服准则的H矩陈表达式。本文对工程中常用的四种屈服准则,即Mises,Tresca,Mohr-coulomb,Drucker-Prager准则,给出了H矩阵的统一格式,提供厂消除Tresca,Mohr-Coulomb准则奇异性的方法并给出了公式。  相似文献   

本方法列出了高聚物动态试验的一些定义。利用受控频率,受控振幅及受控形式的周期性变化的作用力或形变,采用一定的参数条件,用法国METRAVIB的MAK-04型粘弹分析仪测定高分子材料的粘弹性能。  相似文献   

张刚明  王肖钧 《工程力学》2000,3(A03):142-147
本文针对长杆对金属靶板的贯穿过程进行了二维数值模拟,给出并讨论了侵彻过程中的主要物理图象。计算结果指出,剩余弹重和残余速度与实验测量结果基本一致。另外,还集中讨论了滑移面和滑移面再定义技术中的一些数值方法问题。  相似文献   

根据破片模拟弹侵彻钢板的实验研究,采用MSC.Dytran对破片模拟弹侵彻钢板的侵彻过程、侵彻特性、钢板的破坏模式以及弹体的侵彻速度、靶板的侵彻阻力进行了有限元分析,并将分析结果与实验结果进行了比较.分析结果表明,破片模拟弹冲击钢装甲的侵彻过程可大致分为初始接触、弹体侵入、剪切冲塞和穿甲破坏4个阶段.有限元分析的破片模拟弹侵彻特性及靶板破坏模式与实验观测结果有较好的一致性,在靶板破口的正面,与弹体平面凸缘两端接触的部分,变形以剪切为主,而与切削面接触的部分,以挤压变形为主;靶板破口背面为剪切冲塞破坏;有限元模拟的弹体剩余速度与实验结果吻合较好,弹体侵彻过程中弹靶作用界面的速度和侵彻速度近似呈线性变化.有限元分析结果还表明,采用适当的模型,有限元法能较好地模拟破片模拟弹侵彻钢板的侵彻过程、侵彻特性以及钢板的破坏模式.  相似文献   

复合共挤成型中挤出胀大的三维粘弹数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用Phan-Thien and Tanner(PTT)本构方程,建立了矩形截面共挤口模内外两种聚合物熔体流动的三维粘弹数值模型,有限元模拟了聚丙烯/聚苯乙烯(PP/PS)共挤过程中的挤出胀大现象,并用实验验证了模拟结果。研究表明:当入口体积流量相同时,两熔体挤出口模后会朝向黏度较高的PS熔体一侧偏转,型材截面呈非对称畸变。两熔体在垂直挤出方向上的速度分布导致了挤出胀大过程中熔体的偏转流动,而口模出口处的剪切速率分布基本决定了共挤型材截面的形状。实验结果与模拟结果基本相符,模拟所得挤出胀大率比实际值大8.6%。等温假设是影响共挤出胀大数值模拟准确度的主要因素。  相似文献   

徐中张敬莹  赵小波 《功能材料》2007,38(A10):3916-3918
考虑到粘弹性材料阻尼性能随环境的非线性变化,运用GRNN(广义回归网络)对粘弹阻尼材料动态力学性能函数进行逼近,并构建预测模型。结果证明,该模型具有良好的函数逼近效果,能够较准确的预测材料的动态力学性能,为阻尼材料的研究、开发和性能评定提出了一些指导性的建议。  相似文献   

针对一般方法模拟具有运动界面的多介质可压缩流动问题计算量大、实施复杂的缺点,本文发展了一种基于非结构网格的数值模拟方法.该方法采用RKDG(RungeKutta Discontinuous Galerkin)方法的弱形式求解Euler方程,用强形式求解可压缩流场模拟中的Level Set方程,并用Simple Fix方法耦合两套方程的数值求解.二维多介质可压缩流的模拟表明:该方法成功地抑制了界面附近的非物理振荡,计算量小、实施简单,并可有效求解具有运动界面的多介质可压缩流动问题.  相似文献   

Cahn-Hilliard方程是一类非常重要的四阶扩散方程,具有深刻的物理背景和丰富的理论内涵,对其设计高精度的数值格式具有重要的工程实践价值和科学意义.在本文中我们对四阶Cahn-Hilliard方程设计一种高精度的间断有限元,该方法不同于传统的局部间断有限元方法,不需要引进另外的辅助变量或将方程转化为一阶方程组,能够显著降低计算量和存储量.通过选取合适的数值流通量,我们证明了方法的稳定性和收敛性.数值实验结果表明该方法求解Cahn-Hilliard方程是收敛的和有效的.  相似文献   

采用基于非结构化三角网格的同位有限体积法模拟了聚合物溶液平板收缩流。其中,聚合物溶液微观尺度大分子的信息通过FENE-P本构模型得以在宏观场上体现。数值求解过程中,速度与压力、速度与应力间的耦合通过动量插值实现。通过与结构化网格数值结果及实验结果的比较,验证了该方法在粘弹流动问题求解中的正确性。与此同时,文中根据构象张量给出了分子微观结构直观的可视化描述方法,并分析了不同流动区域分子形变以及分子取向等微观信息。  相似文献   

The motion equations governing the dynamical behavior of a viscoelasticTimoshenko beam with finite deformation are derived and simplified byGalerkin method. The viscoelastic material is assumed to obey thethree-dimensional fractional derivative constitutive relation. Thedynamical behaviors of the simplified systems with order 1 and order 2are numerically computed and compared by using the computational methodpresented by the authors. The dynamical behaviors of the systems areuniform qualitatively, but there is a little deviation quantitatively.And the truncated system with order 1 is safer than the one of order 2.It is also shown that the lower order system is reasonable. Theinfluences of the load parameter and the fractional derivative parameter(material parameter) on the deflection of the beam are consideredrespectively. The numerical methods in nonlinear dynamics, such as phasediagram, and Poincaré section, are applied to reveal dynamical behaviorsof the nonlinear viscoelastic Timoshenko beam. There are plenty ofdynamical behaviors, such as periodicity, bifurcation, quasi-periodicityand chaos in the dynamical system.  相似文献   

Modeling of discontinuities (shock waves, crack surfaces, etc.) in solid mechanics is one of the major research areas in modeling the mechanical behavior of materials. Among the numerical methods, the discontinuous Galerkin method (DGM) poses some advantages in solving these problems. In this study, a novel formulation for DGM is derived for elastostatics based on the peridynamic theory. Derivation of the proposed formulation is presented. Numerical analyses are performed for different problems, and the numerical results are compared to that of the known exact solutions of the problems. The proposed weak formulation is stable and coercive. Peridynamic discontinuous Galerkin formulation is found to be robust and successful in modeling elastostatic problems. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We propose a discontinuous Galerkin discretization scheme for the forward modelling in optical diffusion tomography in highly scattering media to facilitate dynamic mesh adaptation for complex domains. In addition, the numerical method is also shown to effectively deal with inhomogeneities in optical properties and refractive index mismatch at material interfaces. The accuracy of the method is demonstrated over a model concentric spherical layers problem where the discontinuous Galerkin method is compared against an analytical solution. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents the formulation and a partial analysis of a class of discontinuous Galerkin methods for quasistatic non‐linear elasticity problems. These methods are endowed with several salient features. The equations that define the numerical scheme are the Euler–Lagrange equations of a one‐field variational principle, a trait that provides an elegant and simple derivation of the method. In consonance with general discontinuous Galerkin formulations, it is possible within this framework to choose different numerical fluxes. Numerical evidence suggests the absence of locking at near‐incompressible conditions in the finite deformations regime when piecewise linear elements are adopted. Finally, a conceivable surprising characteristic is that, as demonstrated with numerical examples, these methods provide a given accuracy level for a comparable, and often lower, computational cost than conforming formulations. Stabilization is occasionally needed for discontinuous Galerkin methods in linear elliptic problems. In this paper we propose a sufficient condition for the stability of each linearized non‐linear elastic problem that naturally includes material and geometric parameters; the latter needed to account for buckling. We then prove that when a similar condition is satisfied by the discrete problem, the method provides stable linearized deformed configurations upon the addition of a standard stabilization term. We conclude by discussing the complexity of the implementation, and propose a computationally efficient approach that avoids looping over both elements and element faces. Several numerical examples are then presented in two and three dimensions that illustrate the performance of a selected discontinuous Galerkin method within the class. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Several special finite element methods have been proposed to solve Helmholtz problems in the mid‐frequency regime, such as the Partition of Unity Method, the Ultra Weak Variational Formulation and the Discontinuous Enrichment Method. The first main purpose of this paper is to present a discontinuous Galerkin method with plane waves (which is a variant of the Discontinuous Enrichment Method) to solve the displacement‐based acoustic equation. The use of the displacement variable is often necessary in the context of fluid–structure interactions. A well‐known issue with this model is the presence of spurious vortical modes when one uses standard finite elements such as Lagrange elements. This problem, also known as the locking phenomenon, is observed with several other vector based equations such as incompressible elasticity and electromagnetism. So this paper also aims at assessing if the special finite element methods suffer from the locking phenomenon in the context of the displacement acoustic equation. The discontinuous Galerkin method presented in this paper is shown to be very accurate and stable, i.e. no spurious modes are observed. The optimal choice of the various parameters are discussed with regards to numerical accuracy and conditioning. Some interesting properties of the mixed displacement–pressure formulation are also presented. Furthermore, the use of the Partition of Unity Method is also presented, but it is found that spurious vortical modes may appear with this method. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文考虑了数性双曲方程的离散Galerkin方法。如果精确到光滑的并且同是几乎均匀的,证明了对于分层常数元的最优的和超收敛的误差限。  相似文献   

This paper presents a comparison between two high‐order methods. The first one is a high‐order finite volume (FV) discretization on unstructured grids that uses a meshfree method (moving least squares (MLS)) in order to construct a piecewise polynomial reconstruction and evaluate the viscous fluxes. The second method is a discontinuous Galerkin (DG) scheme. Numerical examples of inviscid and viscous flows are presented and the solutions are compared. The accuracy of both methods, for the same grid resolution, is similar, although the DG scheme requires a larger number of degrees of freedom than the FV–MLS method. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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