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The Src family of protein tyrosine kinases have been implicated as important regulators of cellular proliferation, differentiation and function. In order to understand further the role of Src family kinases, we have generated loss-of-function mutations in Src64, one of two Src family kinases known in Drosophila melanogaster. Animals with reduced Src64 function develop normally and are fully viable. However, Src64 female flies have reduced fertility, which is associated with the incomplete transfer of cytoplasm from nurse cells to the developing oocyte. Analysis of Src64 egg chambers showed defects in the ring canals that interconnect the oocyte and its 15 associated nurse cells. Src64 ring canals fail to accumulate the high levels of tyrosine phosphorylation that are normally present. Despite the reduced tyrosine phosphorylation, known ring canal components such as filamentous actin, a ring canal-specific product of the hu-li tai shao gene, and the kelch protein localize properly. However, Src64 ring canals are reduced in size and frequently degenerate. These results indicate that Src64 is required for the proper growth and stability of the ovarian ring canals.  相似文献   

The Drosophila Malpighian tubule is a model system for studying genetic mechanisms that control epithelial morphogenesis. From a screen of 1800 second chromosome lethal lines, by observing uric acid deposits in unfixed inviable embryos, we identified five previously described genes (barr, fas, flb, raw, and thr) and one novel gene, walrus (wal), that affect Malpighian tubule morphogenesis. Phenotypic analysis of these mutant embryos allows us to place these genes, along with other previously described genes, into a genetic pathway that controls Malpighian tubule development. Specifically, wal affects evagination of the Malpighian tubule buds, fas and thr affect bud extension, and barr, flb, raw, and thr affect tubule elongation. In addition, these genes were found to have different effects on development of other epithelial structures, such as foregut and hindgut morphogenesis. Finally, from the same screen, we identified a second novel gene, drumstick, that affects only foregut and hindgut morphogenesis.  相似文献   

An early event in Drosophila eye development is the division of the eye disc into dorsoventral domains. The dorsoventral pattern is displayed in the adult compound eye as a distinct mirror symmetry across the dorsoventral midline or equator. The dorsoventral axis is also implicated in organizing early development of the eye, as retinal differentiation is initiated at the posterior dorsoventral midline. Here we show that Fringe is expressed specifically in the ventral half of the undifferentiated eye disc, thus creating a dorsoventral boundary. Ectopic Fringe borders that are generated by clones of fringe cells can reverse the planar polarity of photoreceptor clusters, indicating that the Fringe boundary is crucial for the induction of mirror symmetry. Lack of a Fringe boundary disrupts equatorial expression of Notch signalling proteins and causes a complete failure of eye development. Our results indicate that the formation of the Fringe boundary and subsequent Notch signalling at the equator are essential for organizing mirror symmetry and eye morphogenesis.  相似文献   

We describe mutations in the orb gene, identified previously as an ovarian-specific member of a large family of RNA-binding proteins. Strong orb alleles arrest oogenesis prior to egg chamber formation, an early step of oogenesis, whereas females mutant for a maternal-effect lethal orb allele lay eggs with ventralized eggshell structures. Embryos that develop within these mutant eggs display posterior patterning defects and abnormal dorsoventral axis formation. Consistent with such embryonic phenotypes, orb is required for the asymmetric distribution of oskar and gurken mRNAs within the oocyte during the later stages of oogenesis. In addition, double heterozygous combinations of orb and grk or orb and top/DER alleles reveal that mutations in these genes interact genetically, suggesting that they participate in a common pathway. Orb protein, which is localized within the oocyte in wild-type females, is distributed ubiquitously in stage 8-10 orb mutant oocytes. These data will be discussed in the context of a model proposing that Orb is a component of the cellular machinery that delivers mRNA molecules to specific locations within the oocyte and that this function contributes to both D/V and A/P axis specification during oogenesis.  相似文献   

Anterior patterning of the Drosophila embryo depends on localization of bicoid (bcd) mRNA to the anterior pole of the developing oocyte, and bcd mRNA localization requires both the exuperantia (exu) gene and an intact microtubule cytoskeleton. To gain insight into the mechanism of anterior patterning, we have used time lapse laser scanning confocal microscopy to analyze transport of particles containing a Green Fluorescent Protein-Exu fusion (GFP-Exu), and to directly image microtubule organization in vivo. Our observations indicate that microtubules are required for three forms of particle movement within the nurse cells, while transport through the ring canals linking the nurse cells and oocyte appears to be independent of both microtubules and actin filaments. As particles enter the oocyte, a final microtubule-dependent step directs movement to the oocyte cortex. However, our observations and previous studies suggest that the polarity of the oocyte microtubule network is not in itself sufficient to generate anterior asymmetry, and that additional factors are required to restrict morphogens to the anterior pole. Based on these observations, we propose a multi-step anterior localization pathway.  相似文献   

Photoreceptor cells of the Drosophila compound eye begin to develop specialized membrane foldings at the apical surface in midpupation. The microvillar structure ultimately forms the rhabdomere, an actin-rich light-gathering organelle with a characteristic shape and morphology. In a P-element transposition screen, we isolated mutations in a gene, bifocal (bif), which is required for the development of normal rhabdomeres. The morphological defects seen in bif mutant animals, in which the distinct contact domains established by the newly formed rhabdomeres are abnormal, first become apparent during midpupal development. The later defects seen in the mutant adult R cells are more dramatic, with the rhabdomeres enlarged, elongated, and frequently split. bif encodes a novel putative protein of 1063 amino acids which is expressed in the embryo and the larval eye imaginal disc in a pattern identical to that of F actin. During pupal development, Bif localizes to the base of the filamentous actin associated with the forming rhabdomeres along one side of the differentiating R cells. On the basis of its subcellular localization and loss-of-function phenotype, we discuss possible roles of Bif in photoreceptor morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Drosophila singed mutants were named for their gnarled bristle phenotype but severe alleles are also female sterile. Recently, singed protein was shown to have 35% peptide identity with echinoderm fascin. Fascin is found in actin filament bundles in microvilli of sea urchin eggs and in filopodial extensions in coelomocytes. We show that Drosophila singed is required for actin filament bundle formation in the cytoplasm of nurse cells during oogenesis; in severe mutants, the absence of cytoplasmic actin filament bundles allows nurse cell nuclei to lodge in ring canals and block nurse cell cytoplasm transport. Singed is also required for organized actin filament bundle formation in the cellular extension that forms a bristle; in severe mutants, the small disorganized actin filament bundles lack structural integrity and allow bristles to bend and branch during extension. Singed protein is also expressed in migratory cells of the developing egg chamber and in the socket cell of the developing bristle, but no defect is observed in these cells in singed mutants. Purified, bacterially expressed singed protein bundles actin filaments in vitro with the same stoichiometry reported for purified sea urchin fascin. Singed-saturated actin bundles have a molar ratio of singed/actin of approximately 1:4.3 and a transverse cross-banding pattern of 12 nm seen using electron microscopy. Our results suggest that singed protein is required for actin filament bundle formation and is a Drosophila homolog of echinoderm fascin.  相似文献   

The products of two genes, raw and ribbon (rib), are required for the proper morphogenesis of a variety of tissues. Malpighian tubules mutant for raw or rib are wider and shorter than normal tubules, which are only two cells in circumference when they are fully formed. The mutations alter the shape of the tubules beginning early in their formation and block cell rearrangement late in development, which normally lengthens and narrows the tubes. Mutations of both genes affect a number of other tissues as well. Both genes are required for dorsal closure and retraction of the CNS during embryonic development. In addition, rib mutations block head involution, and broaden and shorten other tubular epithelia (salivary glands, tracheae, and hindgut) in much same manner as they alter the shape of the Malpighian tubules. In tissues in which the shape of cells can be observed readily, rib mutations alter cell shape, which probably causes the change in shape of the organs that are affected. In double mutants raw enhances the phenotypes of all the tissues that are affected by rib but unaffected by raw alone, indicating that raw is also active in these tissues.  相似文献   

Ecdysteroids regulate insect metamorphosis through the edysone receptor complex, a heterodimeric nuclear receptor consisting of the ecdysone receptor (EcR) and its partner ultraspiracle (USP). Differentiation in the Drosophila ovary at metamorphosis correlates with colocalization of USP and the EcR-A isoform in all but one of eight mesoderm-derived somatic cell types. The one exception is the larval terminal filament (TF) cells, in which only USP is detectable during cell differentiation. In cells destined to form the basal stalks and anterior oviduct, USP colocalizes with what appears to be the EcR-B2 isoform. Flies heterozygous for a deletion of the EcR gene exhibit several defects in ovarian morphogenesis, including a heterochronic delay in the onset of terminal filament differentiation. Flies heterozygous for a strong usp allele exhibit accelerated TF differentiation. Flies simultaneously heterozygous for both EcR and usp have additional phenotypes, including several heterochronic shifts, delayed initiation and completion of terminal filament morphogenesis and delayed ovarian differentiation during the first day of metamorphosis. Terminal filament morphogenesis is severely disrupted in homozygous usp clones. Our results demonstrate that proper expression of the ecdysone receptor complex is required to maintain the normal progression and timing of the events of ovarian differentiation in Drosophila. These findings are discussed in the context of a developmental and evolutionary role for the ecdysone receptor complex in regulating the timing of ovarian differentiation in dipteran insects.  相似文献   

Expression of human parathyroid hormone receptor (hPTHR) was obtained in Xenopus oocytes. Receptor function was detected by hormone stimulation of endogenous Ca2+-activated Cl- current. This current was blocked by injected, but not by extracellular, EGTA, confirming that the hPTHR activates cytosolic Ca2+ signaling pathways. PTH responses were acutely desensitized but were regained in 6 12 h. Injection of cAMP or analogues had no effect on either responsiveness or desensitization to hPTH. The hPTH response was more sluggish than seen with serotonin 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT2C) receptor. In oocytes co-expressing both hPTHR and 5-HT2C receptors, homologous desensitization was seen, but cross-desensitization was not observed. Injection of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3) elicited a fast inward current similar to that induced by serotonin, and complete cross-desensitization occurred between the InsP3 and 5-HT2C responses. Desensitization by hPTH did not affect responses to either InsP3 or serotonin, but cells desensitized to injected InsP3 still responded strongly to PTH. Oocytes did not respond to either cADPR or NAADP+, but NADP+ and analogues were found to be potent inhibitors of PTH signaling. We suggest that PTH cytosolic Ca2+ signaling in oocytes either involves a novel signaling system or proceeds through a Ca2+ compartment whose responsiveness is regulated in a novel way.  相似文献   

Hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor (HGF/SF) treatment of the Madin-Darby canine kidney epithelial cell line causes scattering of cells grown in monolayer culture and the formation of branching tubules by cells grown in collagen gels. HGF/SF causes prolonged activation of both the mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase extracellular signal-regulated kinase 2 (ERK2) and the phosphoinositide 3-OH kinase (PI 3-kinase) target protein kinase B (PKB)/Akt; inhibition of either the MAP kinase pathway by the MAP kinase/ERK kinase inhibitor PD98059 or the PI 3-kinase pathway by LY294002 blocks HGF/SF induction of scattering, although in morphologically distinct ways. Expression of constitutively activated PI 3-kinase, Ras, or R-Ras will cause scattering, but activated Raf will not, indicating that activation of the MAP kinase pathway is not sufficient for this response. Downstream of PI 3-kinase, activated PKB/Akt and Rac are both unable to induce scattering, implicating a novel pathway. Scattering induced by Ras or PI 3-kinase is sensitive to PD98059, as well as to LY294002, suggesting that basal MAP kinase activity is required, but not sufficient, for the scattering response. Induction of MDCK cell tubulogenesis in collagen gels by HGF/SF is inhibited by PD98059; expression of activated Ras and Raf causes disorganized growth in this system, but activated PI 3-kinase or R-Ras causes branching tubule formation similar to that seen with HGF/SF treatment. These data indicate that multiple signaling pathways acting downstream of Met and Ras are needed for these morphological effects; scattering is induced primarily by the PI 3-kinase pathway, which acts through effectors other than PKB/Akt or Rac and requires at least basal MAP kinase function. Elevated PI 3-kinase activity induces tubulogenesis, but total inhibition and excess activation of the MAP kinase pathway both oppose this effect.  相似文献   

Drosophila imaginal discs undergo extensive pattern formation during larval development, resulting in each cell acquiring a specific adult fate. The final manifestation of this pattern into adult structures is dependent on pulses of the steroid hormone ecdysone during metamorphosis, which trigger disc eversion, elongation and differentiation. We have defined genetic criteria that allow us to screen for ecdysone-inducible regulatory genes that are required for this transformation from patterned disc to adult structure. We describe here the first genetic locus isolated using these criteria: crooked legs (crol). crol mutants die during pupal development with defects in adult head eversion and leg morphogenesis. The crol gene is induced by ecdysone during the onset of metamorphosis and encodes at least three protein isoforms that contain 12-18 C2H2 zinc fingers. Consistent with this sequence motif, crol mutations have stage-specific effects on ecdysone-regulated gene expression. The EcR ecdysone receptor, and the BR-C, E74 and E75 early regulatory genes, are submaximally induced in crol mutants in response to the prepupal ecdysone pulse. These changes in gene activity are consistent with the crol lethal phenotypes and provide a basis for understanding the molecular mechanisms of crol action. The genetic criteria described here provide a new direction for identifying regulators of adult tissue development during insect metamorphosis.  相似文献   

Upon exposure to ethanol, Drosophila display behaviors that are similar to ethanol intoxication in rodents and humans. Using an inebriometer to measure ethanol-induced loss of postural control, we identified cheapdate, a mutant with enhanced sensitivity to ethanol. Genetic and molecular analyses revealed that cheapdate is an allele of the memory mutant amnesiac. amnesiac has been postulated to encode a neuropeptide that activates the cAMP pathway. Consistent with this, we find that enhanced ethanol sensitivity of cheapdate can be reversed by treatment with agents that increase cAMP levels or PKA activity. Conversely, genetic or pharmacological reduction in PKA activity results in increased sensitivity to ethanol. Taken together, our results provide functional evidence for the involvement of the cAMP signal transduction pathway in the behavioral response to intoxicating levels of ethanol.  相似文献   

Pulses of ecdysteroids direct Drosophila through its life cycle by activating stage- and tissue-specific genetic regulatory hierarchies. Here we show that an orphan nuclear receptor, DHR78, functions at the top of the ecdysteroid regulatory hierarchies. Null mutations in DHR78 lead to lethality during the third larval instar with defects in ecdysteroid-triggered developmental responses. Consistent with these phenotypes, DHR78 mutants fail to activate the mid-third instar regulatory hierarchy that prepares the animal for metamorphosis. DHR78 protein is bound to many ecdysteroid-regulated puff loci, suggesting that DHR78 directly regulates puff gene expression. In addition, ectopic expression of DHR78 has no effects on development, indicating that its activity is regulated post-translationally. We propose that DHR78 is a ligand-activated receptor that plays a central role in directing the onset of Drosophila metamorphosis.  相似文献   

The position of the nucleus along the anterior rim of stage 8 Drosophila oocytes presages the dorsal side of the egg and the developing embryo. In this paper, we address the question of whether the oocyte has a previously determined dorsal side to which the nucleus is drawn, or whether nuclear position randomly determines the dorsal side. To do so, we have taken advantage of a genetic system in which Drosophila oocytes occasionally become binuclear. We find that (i) the two nuclei migrate independently to their respective positions on the anterior rim, sometimes selecting the same site, sometimes not, (ii) the two nuclei are equivalent in their ability to induce a dorsal-ventral pattern in the overlying follicular epithelium, and (iii) at any position around the anterior circumference of the egg chamber the follicle cell sheet is equally responsive to the Gurken signal associated with the oocyte nuclei. These results argue that the dorsal-ventral axis is determined arbitrarily by the randomly selected position of the nucleus on the anterior rim of the oocyte. Some of the binuclear eggs support embryonic development. However, despite the duplication of dorsal chorion structures, the majority of such embryos show normal dorsal-ventral patterning. Thus, processes exist in the ventral follicular epithelium or in the perivitelline space that compensate for the expansion of dorsal follicle cell fates and consequently allow the formation of a normal embryonic axis.  相似文献   

We describe here the construction of six deletion mutants and their basic phenotypic analysis. Six open reading frames (ORFs) from chromosome X, YJR039w, YJR041c, YJR043c, YJR046w, YJR053w and YJR065c, were disrupted by deletion cassettes with long (LFH) or short (SFH) flanking regions homologous to the target locus. The LFH deletion cassette was made by introducing into the kanMX4 marker module two polymerase chain reaction (PCR) fragments several hundred base pairs (bp) in size homologous to the promoter and terminator regions of a given ORF. The SFH gene disruption construct was obtained by PCR amplification of the kanMX4 marker with primers providing homology to the target gene. The region of homology to mediate homologous recombination was about 70 bp. Sporulation and tetrad analysis revealed that ORFs YJR041c, YJR046w and YJR065c are essential genes. Complementation tests by corresponding cognate gene clones confirmed this observation. The non-growing haploid segregants were observed under the microscope. The yjr041c delta haploid cells gave rise to microcolonies comprising about 20 to 50 cells. Most yjr046w delta cells were blocked after one or two cell cycles with heterogeneous bud sizes. The yjr065c delta cells displayed an unbudded spore or were arrested before completion of the first cell division cycle with a bud of variable size. The deduced protein of ORF YJR065c, that we named Act4, belongs to the Arp3 family of actin-related proteins. Three other ORFs, YJR039w, YJR043c and YJR053w are non-essential genes. The yjr043c delta cells hardly grew at 15 degrees C, indicating that this gene is required for growth at low temperature. Complementation tests confirmed that the disruption of YJR043c is responsible for this growth defect. In addition, the mating efficiency of yjr043c delta and yjr053w delta cells appear to be moderately affected.  相似文献   

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