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为比较不同年份、不同葡萄品种葡萄酒间理化性质及香气成分的差异,对葡萄酒的理化指标及香气物质进行分析测定。结果表明:干白葡萄酒的p H,干浸出物含量、色度、总酚含量显著低于干红葡萄酒,色调显著高于干红葡萄酒(p<0.05);从两种葡萄酒中共鉴定出54种香气成分,鉴定出两种葡萄酒共有香气成分14种,其中酯类物质种类最多,且相对含量最高,为主要呈香物质。不同年份、不同葡萄品种葡萄酒间理化指标、香气种类、主要香气成分及相对含量均有差异。   相似文献   

Grape juice from two local grape cultivars viz. Punjab MACS purple and H‐144 was subjected to prefermentation skin treatment. Ethanol fermentation w.r.t agitation rate, temperature, inoculum size, and nutrient supplementation were optimized using Triple M medium following response surface methodology (RSM). RSM results were numerically optimized keeping temperature “in range” for red wine and “low” for white wine which showed agitation rate of 80 ± 1 rpm for 24 hr, diammonium hydrogen orthophosphate supplementation @ 150 mg/100 ml, inoculum size of 6.1 and 6.5% (vol/vol), and fermentation temperature of 24.6 and 21 °C as optimum for ethanol fermentation of red and white wines, respectively. Optimized results were validated on grape juice of Punjab MACS purple and H‐144 cultivars that lead to 12.0 and 11.2 (%vol/vol) ethanol production, respectively. Gas chromatography mass spectrometry analysis revealed the presence of 41 volatile compounds in the form of phenols, alcohols, terpenes, esters, ketones, and amines that add to the nutraceutical and antioxidant value of the wines.

Practical applications

Present study provides the statistical optimized fermentation parameters for red and white wine production separately. Optimization of an efficient processing technology to produce local grape wines will help to reduce the price of wines so that they are available to common masses at affordable costs besides improving the economic status of grape growers in the state and providing valuable information to wine makers to establish winery under North Indian conditions. Use of synthetic grape juice (Triple M media; during off season of grapes) lead to optimization of ethanol fermentation parameters in two separate fashions considering fermentation temperature as key parameter. Gas chromatography mass spectrometry analysis showed the presence of flavonoids, terpenes, and esters increasing nutritive value of product, providing antioxidants to the consuming person.  相似文献   

Fifty‐two young monovarietal red wines made with Grenache (17 samples), Tempranillo (11 samples), Cabernet Sauvignon (12 samples) and Merlot (12 samples) grapes have been analysed by HRGC–MS to obtain quantitative data on 47 odorants previously identified as potential aroma contributors by olfactometric techniques. Thirty‐three odorants were present in the wines at concentrations higher than their corresponding odour thresholds. These include ethyl octanoate, β‐damascenone, ethyl hexanoate, isovaleric acid and isoamyl acetate as the most important, which together with isoamyl and β‐phenylethyl alcohols, fatty acids, 2,3‐butanedione and ethyl butyrate are always found at concentrations higher than their odour thresholds. In some cases the ethyl esters of isobutyric and isovaleric acids, β‐ionone, methionol, isobutyric acid, ethyl cinnamate, ethyl dihydrocinnamate, γ‐nonalactone, eugenol, c‐3‐hexanol, geraniol, guaiacol, 3‐isobutyl‐2‐methoxypyrazine, 4‐ethylguaiacol, acetoin and t‐whiskylactone were at a concentration high enough to be odour‐active. There were 30 compounds that were found to differ significantly between varieties. These include 3‐isobutyl‐2‐methoxypyrazine, isoamyl acetate, isovaleric acid, ethyl isobutyrate, ethyl isovalerate, fusel alcohols, c‐3‐hexenol, methionol, eugenol, guaiacol and γ‐nonalactone. © 2000 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

选用陕西地区的鲜食葡萄品种户太八号、夏黑和酿酒品种爱格丽、嘉年华、玫瑰香为原料,酿制小容器起泡葡萄酒,并对不同品种葡萄酿造的起泡葡萄酒进行酚类物质、香气物质及感官指标进行定量描述分析(QDA)比较。结果表明:不同品种葡萄果实及起泡葡萄酒总酚含量存在显著差异(P<0.05),鲜食葡萄品种的总酚含量高于酿酒葡萄品种,夏黑葡萄果实中的总酚含量最高,为(97.95±2.93) mg/g,5种起泡葡萄酒的基本指标均符合国家标准,其中酿酒品种中嘉年华及鲜食品种里户太八号起泡葡萄酒的酚类物质含量较高;5种起泡葡萄酒共检测出香气物质50种,其中玫瑰香起泡葡萄酒香气物质种类最多(33种);QDA分析结果表明,爱格丽及夏黑起泡葡萄酒感官品质较佳,分别得分75.99分和81.80分。  相似文献   

目的通过对我国8个主要产区的89支品牌葡萄酒和4支疑似劣质葡萄酒中甘油含量的调查和分析,为国产葡萄酒的初步品质鉴别提供重要参考。方法采用甘油激酶法对葡萄酒中的甘油含量进行检测,采用葡萄酒、果酒通用分析方法 GB 15038—2006中的蒸馏法测定葡萄酒中的酒精度含量,对甘油含量及计算得到甘油与酒精度的比值(简称甘酒比)进行初步比较分析。结果葡萄酒中甘油的含量与气候、葡萄品种与成熟度等因素有关,正常发酵的葡萄酒甘油的含量为4~10 g/L,甘酒比应处于6%~10%。绝大部分品牌葡萄酒的相关指标在正常范围之内,指标出现异常则需要采用其他分析手段做进一步测试。结论葡萄酒中甘油含量和甘酒比可为葡萄酒的初步品质鉴别提供重要依据,建议加强对葡萄酒中甘油含量的检测和监管。  相似文献   

随着南方农户自酿葡萄酒的增加,由于采用传统酿制方法,存在质量安全的主要危害因子是甲醇和杂油醇。本实验收集6种自酿葡萄酒,采用气相色谱法进行检测分析,检测结果甲醇含量在430~640mg/L。国家限定标准要求甲醇含量每升果酒不超过400 mg,表明6个自酿葡萄酒中甲醇含量都超标。国家限定标准中,每10 m L果酒中杂油醇(以异丁醇和异戊醇计)不超过0.20 g,而实验检测结果杂油醇含量范围为0.04~0.10 g/100 m L。虽然检测的自酿葡萄酒中的杂油醇含量不超标,但是在人体内积累会导致慢性中毒。本实验对自酿酒中甲醇杂油醇含量进行测定与分析,对自酿葡萄酒质量安全与风险评估进一步研究提供科学依据。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Knowledge of the chemical composition of wine and its association with the grape variety/cultivar is of paramount importance in oenology and a necessary tool for marketing. Phenolic compounds are very important quality parameters of wines because of their impact on colour, taste and health properties. The aim of the present work was to study and describe the non‐flavonoid and flavonoid composition of wines from the principal red grape varieties cultivated in Mendoza (Argentina). RESULTS: Sixty phenolic compounds, including phenolic acids/derivatives, stilbenes, anthocyanins, flavanols, flavonols and dihydroflavonols, were identified and quantified using high‐performance liquid chromatography with diode array detection coupled with electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry (HPLC‐DAD/ESI‐MS). Marked quantitative differences could be seen in the phenolic profile among varieties, especially in stilbenes, acylated anthocyanins and other flavonoids. CONCLUSION: The polyphenolic content of Malbec wines was higher compared with the other red varieties. Dihydroflavonols represent a significant finding from the chemotaxonomic point of view, especially for Malbec variety. This is the first report on the individual phenolic composition of red wines from Mendoza (Argentina) and suggests that anthocyanins, flavanols and phenolic acids exert a great influence on cultivar‐based differentiation. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Within the EU, changes in policy and public sentiment have made it more urgent to consider the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices. Consequently, one of the EU’s goals is to reduce pesticide use by 50 per cent by 2030, including in viticulture. One of the proposed approaches is to expand the use of disease resistant hybrid grape-cultivars (DRHGC), such as ‘PIWI’ grapes (German, Pilzwiderstandsfähige Rebsorten), and to introduce new DRHGCs. However, the characteristics of DRHGCs are different from those of Vitis vinifera, which makes it necessary to take measures and make changes in winemaking technology to maintain high wine quality. This paper examines the chemistry of wines made from DRHGC and discusses their impact on aroma and flavor profiles. It also reviews the main winemaking practices suggested to produce high-quality wines from DRHGCs. The chemistry of DRHGCs is different to wine produced from V. vinifera, which can lead to both challenges during winemaking and unusual flavor profiles. Although newer DRHGCs have been bred to avoid unexpected flavors, many DRHGCs are still rich in proteins and polysaccharides. This can make tannin extraction difficult and produce wines with little astringency. In addition to this, new or alternative winemaking techniques such as thermovinification and the use of alternative yeast strains (non-Saccharomyces) can be used to produce wines from DRHGCs that are acceptable to consumers.  相似文献   

D-最优混料设计优化方便粥粉配方   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为开发动植物复合健康营养早餐,对方便粥粉的配方进行了研究。应用D-最优混料设计,以溶解度、膨胀度、崩解值和碘蓝值理化指标代替主观的感官评定,研究大米(雪粳稻)、玉米粉和燕麦米的配比对食用品质和加工性质的影响。运用Design Expert软件建立了各成分配比与响应值之间的回归方程,考察了配方中各组分的相互作用。通过多目标优化得到最优的方便粥粉配方为66%雪粳稻、24%玉米粉和10%燕麦米,经验证,优化配方的溶解度、膨胀度、崩解值和碘蓝值分别为5.28%、86.16%、770 cp和0.627,与预测值相符。  相似文献   

采用顶空固相微萃取与气相色谱-质谱联用的方法对宁夏青铜峡小产区单品种橡木桶陈酿干红葡萄酒挥发性香气成分进行分析。结果表明:美乐、赤霞珠、西拉样品分别定性检测出68、55、67种香气化合物,其含量范围依次为0.03~126.37 mg/L、0.02~123.86 mg/L、0.05~154.91 mg/L,共有组分41种,占已定性总组分数的46.6%,含量普遍具有差异性;三者在主要香气成分组成上具有一致性,主要为酯类和醇类物质;已知气味活性值(OAV)>1的物质中,依次有19、18、19种香气成分有感官贡献,且共有香气成分为12种。主成分分析显示要利用少数几个成分来区别不同品种酒的香味特征十分困难。聚类分析表明3个酒样之间的香气物质有较大差异。  相似文献   

Wastes generated by the wine industry (grape marc), mainly residues from white wine vinifications, are an important source of aroma and phenolic compounds. However, grape marcs are highly perishable and seasonal products, so they require an adequate conservation method. In this respect, freeze-drying, versus conventional drying methods, is a good alternative since this technique preserves the quality of the raw material. Specifically, freeze-drying hardly caused losses of characteristic grape variety volatiles, such as terpenes and C6 compounds, neither increases in the concentration of furan compounds. Furthermore, freeze-dried grape skins obtained from residues did not presented changes in the amounts of phenolic compounds with respect to the fresh skins. On the other hand, skin-contact treatment with Muscat freeze-dried skins enhanced the aroma of white wines made from Airén grapes, a variety considered neutral, without affecting negatively their color. Skin-contact treatment preserved the wine fruity notes, although the only wine that conserved floral notes in its flavor profile was that macerated with freeze-dried skins. Also, these wines were better rated by the assessors than those macerated with Muscat fresh skins.  相似文献   

Fusel oils from Australian grape wines (Vine sp. Vitis vinifera) have been found to consist substantially of ethanol, n-propanol, isobutanol (2-methyl-1-propanol), isoamyl alcohol (3-methyl-1-butanol) and active amyl alcohol (2-methyl-1-butanol). In addition there are present large numbers of aliphatic esters, believed to be of considerable importance to grape brandy and spirit flavour and quality. The quantities and occurrence of these esters have been found to follow a systematic pattern. The major esterified alcohols are related to the free alcohols present and the major esterified acids occur as a series of acids of even carbon number with a maximum concentration at the n-decanoic acid. These relationships provide a basis for calculating the approximate ester composition of fusel oil.  相似文献   

A survey on the occurrence of ochratoxin A (OTA) in 240 grape‐based beverages was carried out. Red and white wines from four different Spanish Designations of Origin (n = 160), musts (n = 20), grape juices (n = 10), ordinary wines (n = 20), special wines (Malaga, muscatel, sherry, vermouth, etc) (n = 20) and sparkling wines (n = 10) were assayed for OTA content using immunoaffinity column clean‐up and high‐performance liquid chromatography with fluorimetric detection (detection limit 0.05 µg l?1). Forty‐three (17.9%) of the samples tested contained detectable levels of OTA. The overall mean OTA concentration in red and white wines of Designations of Origin was 0.30 and 0.18 µg l?1 respectively (ranges 0.05–3.19 and 0.05–1.13 µg l?1 respectively). The percentage of wine samples with detectable amounts of OTA was higher for red (18.3%) than for white (10%) wines. OTA was also found in two of 10 red ordinary wines (0.68 and 4.24 µg l?1), whereas none of 10 white ordinary wines contained OTA. The mean OTA amount detected in sparkling wines was 0.44 µg l?1 (range 0.14–0.71 µg l?1). Two of 20 must samples contained OTA at low levels (0.08 and 0.18 µg l?1), while none of 10 grape juice samples contained OTA. Highest amounts of OTA were found in special wines (45%), with a maximum of 15.25 µg l?1 in a muscatel sample. Copyright © 2004 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Anthocyanin pattern of several red grape cultivars and wines made from them   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method with in-line photodiode array detection was applied to separate anthocyanins from red grape skin extracts of several Spanish cultivars, before and after winemaking, and from finished red wines. Data show that, for every cultivar studied, the anthocyanin pattern of the three materials considered (fresh grape skins, crushed grape skins after winemaking, and finished red wines) is quite different. These results may be explained by taking into account the different chemical structures of each anthocyanin and the degradation reactions that should take place during winemaking. On the other hand, the HPLC fingerprint of every material (fresh grape skins, crushed grape skins after fermentation, and wines) is related to cultivar characteristics. Thus, HPLC determination of the anthocyanin pattern of wines may be used to predict the grape cultivar from which wine was made.  相似文献   

The primary focus of the European Union funded project entitled “Establishing a WINE Data Bank for analytical parameters for wines from Third Countries” (WINE-DB project, G6RD-CT-2001-00646-WINE-DB) was the discrimination of wine samples with respect to their geographical origin using only a few chemical parameters. Taking a step further, we have investigated the possibility of discriminating the wines in the data bank according to their harvesting seasons and grape varieties. Several chemometric methods were carefully selected and evaluated for this purpose. These were discriminant partial least squares, classification and regression trees, uninformative variable elimination discriminant partial least squares and neuro-fuzzy systems. With classification and regression trees, it was possible to identify a few chemical parameters including isotopic ratios (e.g. δ18O), biogenic amines and rare earth elements that discriminate between vintages and some grape varieties for wines produced in a particular country such as Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania or South Africa. These parameters can be used in evaluating the authenticity of wines.  相似文献   

目的利用连续流动分析仪建立以水杨酸-次氯酸盐比色法为基础的葡萄酒和葡萄汁中氨氮的分析方法。方法葡萄汁及葡萄酒样品经过滤后直接进样,试样与试剂在蠕动泵的推动下进入化学反应模块,在密闭的管路中连续流动,并按特定的顺序和比例混合、反应,显色完全后进入流动检测池进行光度检测。结果氨氮标准溶液利用12%乙醇溶液配制线性范围为0~60 mg/L,相关系数(r2)大于0.999;方法检出限(LOD)为0.015mg/L。在低、中、高三个浓度水平添加下,样品氨氮回收率范围为90.0%~96.8%,相对标准偏差(n=6)均小于1%。结论该方法灵敏度高,重复性好,操作简便,适用于大批量葡萄酒和葡萄汁中氨氮含量的检测。  相似文献   

The influence of base wines obtained by the fermentation of different yeast species on acetic acid bacteria growth and on the analytical profile of vinegars was investigated. Results show that the substrates for wine vinegar production exerted a strong influence on both acetic acid bacteria growth and analytical profile of vinegars. The base wine obtained from the alcoholic fermentation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was not always the best substrate. The fermentate made with Candida stellata positively influenced the acetic acid bacteria growth and the quality of vinegar, while the wine obtained from the fermentation of Kloeckera apiculata was a good substrate for acetic acid bacteria growth and acetic acid production and could be used for ‘ordinary’ vinegar production. © 1998 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

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