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The paper describes a novel framework for an assembly-oriented design (AOD) approach as a new functional product lifecycle management (PLM) strategy, by considering product design and assembly sequence planning phases concurrently. Integration issues of product life cycle into the product development process have received much attention over the last two decades, especially at the detailed design stage. The main objective of the research is to define assembly sequence into preliminary design stages by introducing and applying assembly process knowledge in order to provide an assembly context knowledge to support life-oriented product development process, particularly for product structuring. The proposed framework highlights a novel algorithm based on a mathematical model integrating boundary conditions related to DFA rules, engineering decisions for assembly sequence and the product structure definition. This framework has been implemented in a new system called PEGASUS considered as an AOD module for a PLM system. A case study of applying the framework to a catalytic-converter and diesel particulate filter sub-system, belonging to an exhaust system from an industrial automotive supplier, is introduced to illustrate the efficiency of the proposed AOD methodology.  相似文献   

This paper introduces an innovative framework for product design and assembly process planning reconciliation. Nowadays, both product lifecycle phases are quasi concurrently performed in industry and this configuration has led to competitive gains in efficiency and flexibility by improving designers’ awareness and product quality. Despite these efforts, some limitations/barriers are still encountered regarding the lack of dynamical representation, information consistency and information flow continuity. It is due to the inherent nature of the information created and managed in both phases and the lack of interoperability between the related information systems. Product design and assembly process planning phases actually generate heterogeneous information, since the first one describes all information related to “what to be delivered” and the latter rationalises all information with regards to “how to be assembled”. In other words, the integration of assembly planning issue in product design requires reconciliation means with appropriate relationships of the architectural product definition in space with its assembly sequence in terms of time. Therefore, the main objective is to provide a spatiotemporal information management framework based on a strong semantic and logical foundation in product lifecycle management (PLM) systems, increasing therefore actors’ awareness, flexibility and efficiency with a better abstraction of the physical reality and appropriate information management procedures. A case study is presented to illustrate the relevance of the proposed framework and its hub-based implementation within PLM systems.  相似文献   

The current competitive industrial context requires more flexible, intelligent and compact product lifecycles, especially in the product development process where several lifecycle issues have to be considered, so as to deliver lifecycle oriented products. This paper describes the application of a novel product relationships management approach, in the context of product lifecycle management (PLM), enabling concurrent product design and assembly sequence planning. Previous work has provided a foundation through a theoretical framework, enhanced by the paradigm of product relational design and management. This statement therefore highlights the concurrent and proactive aspect of assembly oriented design vision. Central to this approach is the establishment and implementation of a complex and multiple viewpoints of product development addressing various stakeholders design and assembly planning points of view. By establishing such comprehensive relationships and identifying related relationships among several lifecycle phases, it is then possible to undertake the product design and assembly phases concurrently. Specifically, the proposed work and its application enable the management of product relationship information at the interface of product-process data management techniques. Based on the theory, models and techniques such as described in previous work, the implementation of a new hub application called PEGASUS is then described. Also based on web service technology, PEGASUS can be considered as a mediator application and/or an enabler for PLM that externalises product relationships and enables the control of information flow with internal regulation procedures. The feasibility of the approach is justified and the associated benefits are reported with a mechanical assembly as a case study.  相似文献   

X. F. Zha  H. Du 《Computer aided design》2002,34(14):1087-1110
Product data exchange and interfacing between different CAD/CAM systems are of great importance to the development of concurrent integrated design environments and computer integrated manufacturing systems. This paper presents a STEP-based method and system for concurrent integrated design and assembly planning. An integrated object model for mechanical systems and assemblies is first defined by a hierarchy of structure, geometry and feature. The structure is represented as a component-connector or joint multi-level graph with both hierarchical functional and assembly relations. These hierarchical relation models are then used for uniformly describing their causal relations both for assembly level and feature based single part level. The generic product assembly model is organized according to STEP, using mostly the entities of integrated resources and partly self-defined entities, which are necessary for design and assembly planning. Based on the generic product assembly model, STEP-based strategies and agent concepts are used for agent-based concurrent integration of design and assembly planning. A prototype system, consisting of a CAD system, a product modeling system, an assembly planning system, and an assembly evaluation system is developed, in which product data can be exchanged between these subsystems. Details about the implementation of the system are addressed. The integrated design and assembly planning system can support the introduction of a new product. The results of assembly planning are feedback to the stage of assembly design to improve on the design. A case study is carried out for assembly-oriented design of a gearbox, to illustrate the proposed approach and to validate the developed system.  相似文献   

为实现航空发动机维修差错的控制,采用基于优先约束关系的装配子网对发动机部件装配序列建模.在给定的装配评价准则下,将装配序列规划问题转化为最优变迁激发序列问题.引入离散时间的Pontryagin最小值原理(DTPMP),将极小化哈密顿函数这一全局优化的必要条件作为求解零部件装配序列的启发信息.为避免潜在死锁,给出了最优变迁激发序列算法.最后对最优装配序列规划算法的分析显示,该算法有多项式时间的复杂度.  相似文献   

This paper presents a simple and novel structure representation supporting the assembly and disassembly planning of electromechanical products. The proposed Relationship Matrix derived from a directed graph represents both the information of the component connectivity and the layout precedence of functional elements. The feasible assembly and disassembly sequences and the minimum service steps for the malfunction component can be easily derived with the corresponding inference rules. The structure representation and the inference kernel can be readily applied to future concurrent design review for assemblability, serviceability, and recyclability. A prototype software tool is introduced to demonstrate the application of the proposed scheme.  相似文献   

Assembly sequence planning (ASP) is a critical technology that bridges product design and realization. Deriving and fulfilling of the assembly precedence relations (APRs) are the essential points in assembly sequences reasoning. In this paper, focusing on APRs reasoning, ASP, and optimizing, a hierarchical ASP approach is proposed and its key technologies are studied systematically. APR inferring and the optimal sequences searching algorithms are designed and realized in an integrated software prototype system. The system can find out the geometric APRs correctly and completely based on the assembly CAD model. Combined with the process APRs, the geometric and engineering feasible assembly sequences can be inferred out automatically. Furthermore, an algorithm is designed by which optimal assembly sequences can be calculated out from the immense geometric and engineering feasible assembly sequences. The case study demonstrates that the approach and its algorithms may provide significant assistance in finding the optimal ASP and improving product assembling.  相似文献   

Sequence planning is an important problem in assembly line design. It is to determine the order of assembly tasks to be performed sequentially. Significant research has been done to find good sequences based on various criteria, such as process time, investment cost, and product quality. This paper discusses the selection of optimal sequences based on complexity induced by product variety in mixed-model assembly line. The complexity was defined as operator choice complexity, which indirectly measures the human performance in making choices, such as selecting parts, tools, fixtures, and assembly procedures in a multi-product, multi-stage, manual assembly environment. The complexity measure and its model for assembly lines have been developed in an earlier paper by the authors. According to the complexity models developed, assembly sequence determines the directions in which complexity flows. Thus proper assembly sequence planning can reduce complexity. However, due to the difficulty of handling the directions of complexity flows in optimization, a transformed network flow model is formulated and solved based on dynamic programming. Methodologies developed in this paper extend the previous work on modeling complexity, and provide solution strategies for assembly sequence planning to minimize complexity.  相似文献   

Assembly sequence matters much to the performance in assembly production. Focusing on the spatial assembly sequencing and evaluating, a set of geometric computation methods and algorithms are studied systematically. A method entitled 3D geometric constraint analysis (3D-GCA) is proposed based on the planar GCA method combined with the techniques of oriental bounding boxes and the separation axis theorem. With 3D-GCA, the assembly precedence relations and the spatial geometric feasible assembly sequences can be reasoned out correctly and automatically. Furthermore, four evaluation criteria, viz. assembly angle, assembly direction, reorientation, and stability, and related algorithms are defined for evaluating the assembly’s complexity. For selecting the optimal sequence, a comprehensive evaluation function is constructed by integrating the four criteria and the weights are quantitatively allocated referring to fuzzy set theory, clustering analysis, and entropy theory. In addition, a software prototype system is developed and two case assemblies are studied. The analysis results and findings demonstrate that the proposed approaches and algorithms can provide significant assistance in the spatial assembly sequencing and the optimal sequence selection.  相似文献   

Research in assembly planning can be categorised into three types of approach: graph-based, knowledge-based and artificial intelligence approaches. The main drawbacks of the above approaches are as follows: the first is time-consuming; in the second approach it is difficult to find the optimal solution; and the third approach requires a high computing efficiency. To tackle these problems, this study develops a novel approach integrated with some graph-based heuristic working rules, robust back-propagation neural network (BPNN) engines via Taguchi method and design of experiment (DOE), and a knowledge-based engineering (KBE) system to assist the assembly engineers in promptly predicting a near-optimal assembly sequence. Three real-world examples are dedicated to evaluating the feasibility of the proposed model in terms of the differences in assembly sequences. The results show that the proposed model can efficiently generate BPNN engines, facilitate assembly sequence optimisation and allow the designers to recognise the contact relationships, assembly difficulties and assembly constraints of three-dimensional (3D) components in a virtual environment type.  相似文献   

针对虚拟装配中装配序列规划问题,引入了有向图来描述装配过程中的零件以及零件间的装配约束关系。结合装配成本、并行装配、装配经验优化了装配关系有向图的拓扑排序算法。提出了将装配方向变化次数作为衡量装配成本的一项重要指标。提出了将单次可装配的零件数量作为装配优先方向的参考依据。文章最后给出了装配序列生成的具体算法。  相似文献   

Assembly sequence planning of complex products is difficult to be tackled, because the size of the search space of assembly sequences is exponentially proportional to the number of parts or components of the products. Contrasted with the conventional methods, the intelligent optimization algorithms display their predominance in escaping from the vexatious trap. This paper proposes a chaotic particle swarm optimization (CPSO) approach to generate the optimal or near-optimal assembly sequences of products. Six kinds of assembly process constraints affecting the assembly cost are concerned and clarified at first. Then, the optimization model of assembly sequences is presented. The mapping rules between the optimization model and the traditional PSO model are given. The variable velocity in the traditional PSO algorithm is changed to the velocity operator (vo) which is used to rearrange the parts in the assembly sequences to generate the optimal or near-optimal assembly sequences. To improve the quality of the optimal assembly sequence and increase the convergence rate of the traditional PSO algorithm, the chaos method is proposed to provide the preferable assembly sequences of each particle in the current optimization time step. Then, the preferable assembly sequences are considered as the seeds to generate the optimal or near-optimal assembly sequences utilizing the traditional PSO algorithm. The proposed method is validated with an illustrative example and the results are compared with those obtained using the traditional PSO algorithm under the same assembly process constraints.  相似文献   

In order to make the traditional product structure tree representation amenable to concurrent engineering relationships likeperspective-of anddependent-on have to be added to the essentialpart-of relationship. Complex data can be held in proprietary formats, while simple data will be in a common representation for direct access by diverse disciplines. Coordination among team members in a project can be carried out using such a model. Besides, a virtually unified view of all the data is possible, though they may lie in distributed and heterogeneous data bases. A very necessary characteristic of such a model is that its time evolution should be easy to represent in order to reflect the dynamic nature of product development, where the model itself, and not merely the data values change. Managing versions is also facilitated by the comprehensive structure of the Unified Product Data Model (UPDM).  相似文献   

In this article, an approach is described for the development of a process for the determination of geometric feasibility whose binary vector representation corresponds to assembly states. An assembly consisting of four parts is considered as an example. First, contact matrices generate the assembly's connection graph. The developing connection graph was used to model the example assembly. In the assembly's connection graph, each node corresponds to a part in the assembly, and edges in the graph of connections correspond to connecting every pair of nodes. Moreover, in the connection graph, each connection corresponds to an element in the binary vector representation. In the development of the approach, intersection matrices are used to represent interference among assembling parts during the assembly operation. Intersection matrices are defined to along the Cartesian coordinate system's six main directions. The elements of intersection matrices are constituted to Boolean values. Each element of binary vector representations includes a connection between a pair of parts. First, ordered pairs of parts are established. Then, Cartesian products, which are produced from these established ordered pairs of parts, are applied to Boolean operators. Finally, geometric feasibility of these binary vector representations is determined. In this work, some assembly systems are sampled and examined. Among these examples, six assembly sequences for a four-part packing system; two assembly sequences for a five-part shaft bearing system; 373 assembly sequences for a seven-part clutch system and assembly states have been investigated.  相似文献   

Process planning activities are critical in manu- facturing distributed environments where different companies need to collaborate in product development. In this work, we propose a workflow model for a collaborative process planning environment in which original equipment manufacturer and suppliers companies interact with the help of Product Lifecycle Management and CAD/CAM tools. The proposed workflow model establishes the different activities, the information flows and the different stages that must be followed by all the participants. A pilot implementation has been made in order to validate the model in a realistic industrial scenario.  相似文献   

Engineering product family design and optimization in complex environments has been a major bottleneck in today’s industrial transformation towards smart manufacturing. Digital twin (DT), as a core part of cyber-physical system (CPS), can provide decision support to enhance engineering product lifecycle management workflows via remote monitoring and control, high-fidelity simulation, and solution generation functionalities. Although many studies have proven DT to be highly suited for industry needs, little has been reported on the product family design and optimization capabilities specifically with context awareness, which could be leaving many enterprises ambivalent on its adoption. To fill this gap, a reusable and transparent DT capable of situational recognition and self-correction is essentially required. This paper develops a generic DT architecture reference model to enable the context-aware product family design optimization process in a cost-effective manner. A case study featuring asset re-/configuration within a dynamic environment is further described to demonstrate its in-context decision-aiding capabilities. The authors hope this study can provide valuable insights to both academia and industry in improving their engineering product family management process.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an integrated job shop scheduling and assembly sequence planning (IJSSASP) approach for discrete manufacturing, enabling the part processing sequence and assembly sequence to be optimized simultaneously. The optimization objectives are to minimize the total production completion time and the total inventory time of parts during production. The interaction effects between the job shop schedule and the assembly sequence plan in discrete manufacturing are analyzed, and the mathematical models including the objective functions and the constraints are established for IJSSASP. Based on the above, a non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm-II (NSGA-Ⅱ) with a hybrid chromosome coding mechanism is applied to solve the IJSSASP problem. Through the case studies and comparison tests for different scale problems, the proposed IJSSASP approach is verified to be able to improve the production efficiency and save the manufacturing cost of the discrete manufacturing enterprise more effectively.  相似文献   

One of the important issues about product assemblability (PA) is to design a product configuration that will facilitate assembly operations. The product configuration in this paper means the arrangement of components within a product. When a product is assembled, every component has to be handled by an assembly agent from the feeding position to the composing position. During this action, the product configuration plays a critical role in the planning and execution of the handling task of each component. The influence of the product configuration on the accessible range of a component can be investigated by considering the accessibility of the component. With an assembly oriented product configuration a product can achieve maximal assemblability in terms of the accessibility of each component.A quantitative rating, referred to as component accessibility (CA), has been developed to measure the accessibility of a component of a product during the conceptual and preliminary design stages. The CA is defined as the reciprocal of the information required for an ideal assembly agent to manipulate the component to have collision-free straight-line destination approaching in the presence of other assembled components. This CA has not previously been quantified and thus designers have only been able to rely on their own experience in arranging the components of a product. With the help of CA, a designer can select an optimal arrangement of components for assembly operations, and the best method for joining mating components can be chosen accordingly. As a result of the provision of CA, traditional DFA evaluation methodologies can be reinforced and many DFA-related applications can be further explored.Another quantitative measure, referred to as PA, has been developed accordingly to quantify the assemblability of a product on the basis of accessibility of each component. The relationship between the information content of assembling a product and the information content associated with each component has been derived. It has been found that the relationship between PA and CA of each component is similar to the relationship between the resistance of an equivalent resistor and the resistance of parallel resistors in electricity.  相似文献   

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