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The unfolding kinetics of horse cytochrome c in the oxidized state has been studied at 10, 22, and 34 degreesC as a function of guanidine hydrochloride (GdnHCl) concentration. Rapid (millisecond) measurements of far-UV circular dichroism (CD) as well as fluorescence quenching due to tryptophan to heme excitation energy transfer have been used to monitor the unfolding process. At 10 degreesC, the decrease in far-UV CD signal that accompanies unfolding occurs in two phases. The unobservable burst phase is complete within 4 ms, while the slower phase occurs over tens to hundreds of milliseconds. The burst phase unfolding amplitude increases cooperatively with an increase in GdnHCl concentration, exhibiting a transition midpoint of 3.2 M at 10 degreesC. In contrast, no burst phase change in fluorescence occurs during unfolding at 10 degreesC. At 22 and 34 degreesC, both the fluorescence-monitored unfolding kinetics and the far-UV CD-monitored unfolding kinetics are biphasic. At both temperatures, the two probes yield burst phase unfolding transitions that are noncoincident with respect to the transition midpoints as well as the dependency of the burst phase amplitudes on GdnHCl concentration. The results suggest that at least two kinetic unfolding intermediates accumulate during unfolding. One burst phase intermediate, IU1, has lost virtually all the native-state secondary structure, while the other burst phase intermediate, IU2, has lost both secondary structure and native-like compactness. The presence of kinetic unfolding intermediates is also indicated by the nonlinear dependence of the logarithm of the apparent unfolding rate constant on GdnHCl concentration, which is particularly pronounced at 10 and 22 degreesC. Analysis of the burst phase unfolding transitions obtained using the two probes shows that the stabilities of IU1 and IU2 decrease steadily with an increase in temperature from 10 to 34 degreesC, suggesting that the structures present in them are stabilized principally by hydrogen bonding interactions.  相似文献   

The unfolding of creatine kinase in various concentrations of guanidine hydrochloride of increasing concentrations has been investigated by combination of size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) with other methods. There are two peaks in the profiles of SEC in GuHCl at moderate concentrations, showing that unfolding of creatine kinase goes through dimeric and monomeric intermediates with increasing guanidine hydrochloride concentrations. Both intermediates have relatively compact structure and retain considerable ordered structure.  相似文献   

In hereditary cystatin C amyloid angiopathy (HCCAA), presence of the Leu68 --> Gln substitution in cystatin C is coupled to a decreased concentration of this major cysteine proteinase inhibitor in cerebrospinal fluid and leads to its amyloid deposition in the brain. We established a high-yield expression system for L68Q cystatin C in Escherichia coli resulting in inclusion body accumulation at a level of 40% of the total cellular protein. Refolding of protein from purified inclusion bodies yielded a pure, almost completely monomeric and active inhibitor. CD and NMR spectroscopy demonstrated that so produced L68Q cystatin C is folded, conformationally homogeneous, and structurally very similar to wild-type cystatin C. Incubation at pH 7.0-5.5 caused the cystatin C variant to dimerize rapidly. The molecular form present at pH 6.0 displayed a slightly increased amount of hydrophobic parts on the surface as measured by 1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonic acid (ANS) binding. NMR results showed that the dimer has a structure similar to that of the wild-type cystatin C dimer formed as a result of slight denaturation. Under more acidic conditions, at pH 4.5, another stable unfolding intermediate of L68Q cystatin C was identified. This molecular form exists in a monomeric state, is characterized by changes in secondary structure according to far UV CD spectroscopy, and shows an altered ANS binding resembling that of a molten globule state. The acidic pH also caused an almost complete monomerization of preformed dimers. The state of denaturation of L68Q cystatin C in vivo is thus a critical factor for the concentration of active cysteine proteinase inhibitor in cerebrospinal fluid and likely also for the development of amyloidosis, in HCCAA patients.  相似文献   

Thermal unfolding of dodecameric manganese glutamine synthetase (622,000 M(r)) at pH 7 and approximately 0.02 ionic strength occurs in two observable steps: a small reversible transition (Tm approximately 42 degrees C; delta H approximately equal to 0.9 J/g) followed by a large irreversible transition (Tm approximately 81 degrees C; delta H approximately equal to 23.4 J/g) in which secondary structure is lost and soluble aggregates form. Secondary structure, hydrophobicity, and oligomeric structure of the equilibrium intermediate are the same as for the native protein, whereas some aromatic residues are more exposed. Urea (3 M) destabilizes the dodecamer (with a tertiary structure similar to that without urea at 55 degrees C) and inhibits aggregation accompanying unfolding at < or = 0.2 mg protein/mL. With increasing temperature (30-70 degrees C) or incubation times at 25 degrees C (5-35 h) in 3 M urea, only dodecamer and unfolded monomer are detected. In addition, the loss in enzyme secondary structure is pseudo-first-order (t1/2 = 1,030 s at 20.0 degrees C in 4.5 M urea). Differential scanning calorimetry of the enzyme in 3 M urea shows one endotherm (Tmax approximately 64 degrees C; delta H = 17 +/- 2 J/g). The enthalpy change for dissociation and unfolding agrees with that determined by urea titrations by isothermal calorimetry (delta H = 57 +/- 15 J/g; Zolkiewski M, Nosworthy NJ, Ginsburg A, 1995, Protein Sci 4: 1544-1552), after correcting for the binding of urea to protein sites exposed during unfolding (-42 J/g). Refolding and assembly to active enzyme occurs upon dilution of urea after thermal unfolding.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations of barnase have been conducted both in water and in 8 M urea solution for 500 ps at 25 degrees C and for 2000 ps at 85 degrees C. The final structure of the aqueous simulation at room temperature matches closely the structure obtained by NMR and the experimentally observed protections from isotopic exchange. The comparison of the structures generated by the aqueous simulation at 85 degrees C reveals a trajectory composed of groups of geometrically related structures separated by narrow regions of rapid change in structure. The first of these regions displays changes in backbone rmsd to the crystal structure and solvent-accessible area suggestive of a transition state, while the properties observed during the final 300 ps of the simulation are consistent with a stable intermediate. These assignments were confirmed by calculation of the "progress along the reaction coordinate" phi-values using an empirical equation based on a linear response method. The pathway of unfolding defined in this fashion agrees well with the experimental results of site-directed mutagenesis in terms of secondary structure content of the transition state and the intermediate and reproduces the relative stability of the different elements of secondary structure. The results of the simulations in urea suggest a mechanism at the molecular level for its well-known enhancement of the denaturation of proteins. The analysis of radial distribution functions shows that the first solvation shell of the protein is enriched in urea relative to the bulk solvent. The displacement of water molecules allows greater exposure of hydrophobic side chains, as witnessed particularly in the analysis of solvent-accessible surface areas at the higher temperature. Almost all urea molecules in the first shell form at least one hydrogen bond with the protein. They provide a more favorable environment for accommodation of the remaining water molecules, and they facilitate the separation of secondary structure elements by acting as a bridge between groups previously forming intraprotein hydrogen bonds.  相似文献   

The guanidine-induced unfolding of firefly (Photinus pyralis) luciferase involves two inactive equilibrium intermediates and is freely reversible at low protein concentration and low temperature. However, reactivation is exceedingly slow so that the equilibrium is attained only after several days of incubation and reactivation yields decrease strongly with increasing protein concentration, suggesting that aggregation is a competing side reaction [Herbst et al. (1997) J. Biol. Chem. 272, 7099-7105]. We investigated the role of the equilibrium intermediates in the aggregation process using size-exclusion chromatography and dynamic light scattering to monitor their association state. Although the more unfolded intermediate aggregated much more rapidly, both intermediates associated irreversibly without a conformational change visible by fluorescence or circular dichroism, forming small oligomers which remained soluble in the presence of the denaturant. The association kinetics are compatible with a nucleated polymerization mechanism. Unfolding kinetics at 1 M denaturant indicated the presence of a further inactive intermediate capable to reactivate rapidly with kinetics similar to those observed for luciferase reactivation in the presence of cell extracts. The data suggest a kinetic trap in luciferase refolding that is accessible from both equilibrium intermediate conformations and is avoided in the presence of molecular chaperones.  相似文献   

Using a novel phosphorylated spin trap, 5-diethoxy-phosphoryl-5-methyl-1-pyrroline N-oxide (DEPMPO), an analog of the commonly used trap 5,5'-dimethyl-1-pyrroline N-oxide (DMPO), we have investigated the reactions of sulfur-centered radicals produced from the oxidation of thiols and sulfite by peroxynitrite. The predominant species trapped in all cases are the corresponding sulfur-centered radicals, i.e. glutathionyl radical (GS) from glutathione (GSH), N-acetyl-DL-penicillamine thiyl radical (S-NAP) from N-acetyl-DL-penicillamine (NAP) and sulfate anion radical (SO3-) from sulfite. These radicals consume molecular oxygen forming either peroxyl or superoxide anion radicals. GS, S-NAP, and (SO3-)-derived radicals react with ammonium formate to form the carbon dioxide anion radical (CO2-). Further support of spin adduct assignments and radical reactions are obtained from photolysis of S-nitrosoglutathione and S-nitroso-N-acetyl-DL-penicillamine. We conclude that the direct reaction of peroxynitrite with thiols and sulfate forms thiyl and sulfate anion radicals, respectively, by a hydroxyl radical-independent mechanism. Pathological implications of thiyl radical formation and subsequent oxyradical-mediated chain reactions are discussed. Oxygen activation by thiyl radicals formed during peroxynitrite-mediated oxidation of glutathione may limit the effectiveness of GSH against peroxynitrite-mediated toxicity in cellular systems.  相似文献   

Precursor proteins made in the cytoplasm must be in an unfolded conformation during import into mitochondria. Some precursor proteins have tightly folded domains but are imported faster than they unfold spontaneously, implying that mitochondria can unfold proteins. We measured the import rates of artificial precursors containing presequences of varying length fused to either mouse dihydrofolate reductase or bacterial barnase, and found that unfolding of a precursor at the mitochondrial surface is dramatically accelerated when its presequence is long enough to span both membranes and to interact with mhsp70 in the mitochondrial matrix. If the presequence is too short, import is slow but can be strongly accelerated by urea-induced unfolding, suggesting that import of these 'short' precursors is limited by spontaneous unfolding at the mitochondrial surface. With precursors that have sufficiently long presequences, unfolding by the inner membrane import machinery can be orders of magnitude faster than spontaneous unfolding, suggesting that mhsp70 can act as an ATP-driven force-generating motor during protein import.  相似文献   

The chemical unfolding transition of a protein was simulated, including the presence of an intermediate (I) in equilibrium with the native (N) and unfolded (U) states. The calculations included free energies of unfolding, DeltaGuw, in the range of 1.4 kcal/mol to 10 kcal/mol and three different global m-values. The simulations included a broad range of equilibrium constants for the N left arrow over right arrow I process. The dependence of the N <--> I equilibrium on the concentration of denaturant was also included in the simulations. Apparent DeltaGuw and m-values were obtained from the simulated unfolding transitions by fitting the data to a two-state unfolding process. The potential errors were calculated for two typical experimental situations: 1) the unfolding is monitored by a physical property that does not distinguish between native and intermediate states (case I), and 2) the physical property does not distinguish between intermediate and unfolded states (case II). The results obtained indicated that in the presence of an intermediate, and in both experimental situations, the free energy of unfolding and the m-values could be largely underestimated. The errors in DeltaGuw and m-values do not depend on the m-values that characterize the global N <--> U transition. They are dependent on the equilibrium constant for the N <--> I transition and its characteristic m1-value. The extent of the underestimation increases for higher energies of unfolding. Including no random error in the simulations, it was estimated that the underestimation in DeltaGuw could range between 25% and 35% for unfolding transitions of 3-10 kcal/mol (case I). In case II, the underestimation in DeltaGuw could be even larger than in case I. In the same energy range, a 50% error in the m-value could also take place. The fact that most of the mutant proteins are characterized by both a lower m-value and a lower stability than the wild-type protein suggests that in some cases the results could have been underestimated due to the application of the two-state assumption.  相似文献   

Mass lesions located in the ventricular system can be surgically challenging. These tumors are often slow growing and reach considerable size before they are diagnosed. These lesions commonly cause multiple obstructions to the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid with subsequent hydrocephalus. They are deeply located in the brain, surrounded by vital neurological and vascular structures, and often have irregular configurations. All these characteristics may pose real problems during surgery in terms of orientation and a optimal resection. For the surgical approach to such intraventricular lesions we are currently using an infrared-based system implemented at Wayne State University that allows intraoperative real-time localization. Three infrared cameras continuously track the position of multiple light-emitting diodes in relation to a predetermined "rigid body". This system can be used with different surgical instruments, and does not interfere with standard neurosurgical techniques. We present our preliminary experience in 18 patients with intraventricular tumors that were operated on between December 1992 and March 1995. Their lesions were located in the lateral ventricles, third ventricle, and pineal region with extension into the posterior aspect of the third ventricle. The use of the interactive infrared-based localizing unit allowed a total resection in 15 cases and a subtotal resection in 3 cases. We report 3 complications, but only one of them was related to the surgical procedure. The postoperative follow-up period ranged from 2 to 24 months. All patients were followed clinically and with postoperative magnetic resonance imaging scans. This interactive infrared system has proven to be a very useful tool, flexible, safe and reliable, increasing surgical efficiency, without a significant increase in the length of resection.  相似文献   

The slow reduction of microsomal cytochrome P-450 by dithionite consists of an initial fast and then a slow phase. During reduction of aniline and azide complexes with cytochrome P-450, an intermediate spectrum developed in the fast phase and changed to that of the reduced form in the slow phase. Only the spectra in the slow phase had an isosbestic point. No intermediate spectrum detectable during reduction of the cyanide complex and native-cytochrome P-450. Carbon monoxide accelerated the reaction, causing complete reduction in the initial phase. The electron spin resonance spectrum of cytochrome P450 was greatly reduced in the initial phase of reduction with dithionite. These results indicate that reduction of the aniline and azide complexes of cytochrome P-450 involves two steps: first reduction of cytochrome P-450 and then some changes in reduced state. The aniline and cyanide difference spectra of reduced cytochrome P-450 showed peaks at 423 nm and 429 nm, respectively, while that of azide had a peak at 445 nm and a trough at 404 nm. An essay method to obtain the difference spectrum of reduced minus oxidized cytochrome P-450 using a spectral data processor is reported. The effects of other NADH-nonreducible pigments on the spectrum is eliminated by this procedure, provided these pigments are rapidly reduced by dithionite. Therefore, the spectrum obtained was slightly differed from that measured by the usual method, especially in the region of 425 nm.  相似文献   

C. J. Gelso and J. A. Carter (see record 1986-09708-001) suggested that all counseling and psychotherapy relationships, regardless of theoretical orientation, consist of 3 components: a working alliance, a transference configuration (including therapist countertransference), and a real relationship. Drawing on theoretical and research literature and using clinical examples, this article offers 19 propositions about how these 3 relationship components interact with one another, how each operates across the course of psychotherapy, and how they affect the treatment in both brief and longer term therapies. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The formation and growth of intermetallic phases during hot dipping of low carbon steel in a Galfan bath (5 wt pct Al-Zn plus 0.05 pct mischmetal) at 450 °C have been studied by using scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). The first intermetallic phase to appear was in the form of local outbursts at the substrate/melt interface; intermetallic phases subsequently developed a breakaway morphology. Both the inter- metallic outbursts and the breakaway were found to be mixtures of Fe2Al5-Znx and FeAl3-Znx, the latter being in each case further away from the intermetallic/substrate interface. The initial outbursts were determined to be mainly Fe2Al5-Znx; this phase grew into the substrate with a (001) preferred growth direction. The breakaway was mainly FeAl3-Znx with Fe2Al5-Znx found only close to the interface. Both intermetallic growth morphologies can be characterized by a reaction path of Fe (substrate)/Fe2Al5-Znx/FeAl3-Znx/galfan (melt).  相似文献   

Summary An investigation was made of the effect of current density and electrolyte temperature on sludge formation during the electrolytic production of copper powder. With increase in current density, the relative amount of sludge formation increases and its dispersivity decreases. As the temperature rises from 25 to 55° C, the sludge formation rate changes, passing through a maximum.It is shown that, for normal industrial production of copper powder, the sludge does not significantly influence the chemical composition, dispersity or structure of the finished product particles.  相似文献   

Tension tests were performed on metastable austenitic Fe-Ni-C alloys to study the influence of martensite formed during straining on mechanical behavior. Although both stressassisted, plate martensite and fine, lathlike strain-induced martensite were formed, only stress-assisted martensite occurred in sufficient amounts to influence mechanical behavior. The formation of stress-assisted, plate martensite raised the flow stress and the strain-hardening rate, but only after 25 to 40 pct martensite had formed. A TRIP effect was obtained,i.e., ductility was enhanced by concurrent martensite formation, but this occurred over only a narrow temperature range because of the strong temperature dependence of the austenite-to-plate martensite reaction. This is in contrast to the behavior of high-Cr austenitic steels, which exhibit a TRIP effect over a wide temperature range because of the formation of large amounts of fine strain-induced martensite, whose formation is less temperature-sensitive than that of plate martensite. Formerly a graduate student at Stanford University  相似文献   

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