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The attributes of the various architectural alternatives are discussed. Several systems proposed for the delivery of telephone service and/or distributive video services in the local access network are described. The status of the standardization of interfaces for the broadband integrated services digital network (BISDN) based on the synchronous optical network (SONET) and asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) is examined 相似文献
光纤接入网规划探讨 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
赵国存 《电信工程技术与标准化》2011,24(1):11-15
随着全业务运营的全面开展以及光纤接入网在当前形势下所发挥的重要作用,提出了如何在光纤接入网规划过程中对目标用户密度区、OLT覆盖区、分光区以及接入光缆网进行规划的思路及方法. 相似文献
Feldman R.D. Harstead E.E. Jiang S. Wood T.H. Zirngibl M. 《Lightwave Technology, Journal of》1998,16(9):1546-1559
Wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) offers the potential to transport very high bit rates in access systems serving residential and small business customers. We describe the options for WDM access systems, and evaluate them on the basis of an international standard that is emerging for passive optical networks (PONs) that use wavelength-independent power splitting. The greatest impediment to meeting the high-bandwidth potential of WDM for downstream (i.e., from the central office to the home) transmission is the need for a moderately priced multiple-wavelength light source, implementing WDM in the upstream (home to central office) direction presents greater hurdles than in the downstream. The technical aspects of overcoming these hurdles can all be met. The real challenge will be in finding technical solutions that can meet the very stringent cost requirements of access systems. Systems that use WDM in the downstream direction only, while using wavelength-independent power-combining in a PON configuration for upstream, may prove economical before full WDM systems. WDM may also prove valuable if upgrades are needed in the future for power-splitting PON's 相似文献
In this paper, we study the problem of the design of telecommunication access networks with reliability constraints. These networks form an important part of the telecommunications infrastructure of large organizations, such as banks. Using data patterned after an actual bank network in the U.S., we formulate an optimization model for this problem which specifically takes into account the various cost, and discount structures offered by telecommunication carriers. We then develop dedicated solution procedures for obtaining solutions. Starting from a cluster solution, we then use perturbation techniques which we developed specifically for this problem within an overall simulated annealing solution algorithm. We show how to make the solution procedure more efficient by implicitly determining the values for many variables. We then report the results of our computational testing for a variety of problems. We compare our solution to a lower bound obtained using a linear programming relaxation. We show that substantial cost savings can be realized with our model, and solution procedure. Finally, we discuss which types of annealing steps in the simulated annealing algorithm are important. 相似文献
针对二维方格网络模型,对用户访问网络资源过程中呈现的幂律特性和集聚特性进行了建模,借助网络相变分析了用户访问行为的统计特性对网络性能可靠性带来的影响。研究结果表明,用户访问资源节点形成的二分网络的度分布的幂律特性对网络性能可靠性的影响较小,但这种二分网络中具有高访问量的资源节点子集的频繁衍变会改善网络的性能可靠性;用户访问行为的集聚特性中突发性访问的强度、频率和持续时间在一定程度上影响着网络性能可靠性的相变行为;随着突发性访问与正常性访问时间单元之间活动用户数量比值的增大,网络性能可靠性的相变点逐渐右移,即网络更加能够容忍高强度的突发性访问。 相似文献
Franz R. Gradischnig K.D. Huber M.N. Stiefel R. 《Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Journal on》1994,12(3):517-525
The authors consider some reliability and performance aspects of ATM-based signaling networks. They present ideas on how ATM technology, suitable system concepts, as well as simplified and enhanced protocols could maintain or even improve the reliability level of the existing Common Channel Signaling System No. 7. They also discuss possible scenarios for the interworking of ATM-based signaling networks with existing signaling networks. They also examine the aspect of performance enhancement in terms of reduced delays and increased throughput due to the ATM signaling connections with higher bit rates and protocol simplifications 相似文献
通过分析波分多址技术、码分多址技术的PON光纤接入技术和宽带无线技术相结合的混合光纤无线接入网技术的优越性和可行性,提出了基于WDM/OCDMA-PON光纤无线混合(HOWBAN)接入网技术的基本结构,给出WDM/OCDMA-PON光纤无线混合接入网系统的实现方案,提出了应用前景等. 相似文献
Micromobility protocols such as Cellular IP, Hawaii and Hierarchical Mobile IP are developed to solve problems of high handoff
latency and control overhead, which occur when Mobile IP is used in combination with frequent handoffs. Up to now, tree access
network topologies are considered to evaluate the protocol performance. However, for reasons of robustness against link failures
and load balancing, extra uplinks and mesh links in the topology are desired. This article makes a classification of several
topology types and gives a model that points out to which extent the topology influences the protocol performance in terms
of handoff latency and handoff packet loss. Simulations confirm the results calculated by the model. Performance metrics such
as load balancing, end-to-end delay and robustness against link failures are also evaluated. The study points to several shortcomings
of the existing micromobility protocols for different topology types. Several aspects of the studied handoff schemes, their
advantages and drawbacks are identified.
L. Peters is a Research Assistant of the Fund for Scientific Research – Flanders (F.W.O.-V., Belgium)
Liesbeth Peters was born in Temse, Belgium, in 1978. She received her Master of Science degree in Electrotechnical Engineering from Ghent
University, Gent, Belgium in 2001. Since August 2001, she has been working as a doctoral researcher with the Department of
Information Technology (INTEC) of the Faculty of Applied Sciences, Ghent University, where she joined the Broadband Communications
Networks Group. Since October 2002, she works there as a research assistant of the Fund for Scientific Research—Flanders (F.W.O.-V.,
Belgium). Her current research interests are in broadband wireless communication and the support of IP mobility in wired cum
wireless networks.
Ingrid Moerman was born in Gent, Belgium, in 1965. She received the degree in Electro-technical Engineering and the Ph.D degree from the
Ghent University, Gent, Belgium in 1987 and 1992, respectively. Since 1987, she has been with the Interuniversity Micro-Electronics
Centre (IMEC) at the Department of Information Technology (INTEC) of the Ghent University, where she conducted research in
the field of optoelectronics. In 1997, she became a permanent member of the Research Staff at IMEC. Since 2000 she is part-time
professor at the Ghent University. Since 2001 she has switched her research domain to broadband communication networks. She
is currently involved in the research and education on broadband mobile & wireless communication networks and on multimedia
over IP. Her main research interests related to mobile & wireless communication networks are: adaptive QoS routing in wireless
ad hoc networks, personal networks, body area networks, wireless access to vehicles (high bandwidth & driving speed), protocol
boosting on wireless links, design of fixed access/metro part, traffic engineering and QoS support in the wireless access
network. Ingrid Moerman is author or co-author of more than 300 publications in the field of optoelectronics and communication
Bart Dhoedt received a degree in Engineering from the Ghent University in 1990. In September 1990, he joined the Department of Information
Technology of the Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of Ghent. His research, addressing the use of micro-optics to realize
parallel free space optical interconnects, resulted in a PhD degree in 1995. After a 2 year post-doc in opto-electronics,
he became professor at the Faculty of Applied Sciences, Department of Information Technology. Since then, he is responsible
for several courses on algorithms, programming and software development. His research interests are software engineering and
mobile & wireless communications. Bart Dhoedt is author or co-author of more than 100 papers published in international journals
or in the proceedings of international conferences. His current research addresses software technologies for communication
networks, peer-to-peer networks, mobile networks and active networks.
Piet Demeester finished his PhD thesis at the Department of Information Technology (INTEC) at the Ghent University in 1988. At the same
department he became group leader of the activities on Metal Organic Vapour Phase Epitaxial growth for optoelectronic components.
In 1992 he started a new research group on Broadband Communication Networks. The research in this field resulted in already
more than 300 publications. In this research domain he was and is a member of several programme committees of international
conferences, such as: ICCCN, the International Conference on Telecommunication Systems, OFC, ICC, and ECOC. He was Chairman
of DRCN’98. In 2001 he was chairman of the Technical Programme Committee ECOC’01. He was Guest Editor of three special issues
of the IEEE Communications Magazine. He is also a member of the Editorial Board of the Journals “Optical Networks Magazine”
and “Photonic Network Communications”. He was a member of several national and international PhD thesis commissions. Piet
Demeester is a member of IEEE (Senior Member), ACM and KVIV. His current research interests include: multilayer networks,
Quality of Service (QoS) in IP-networks, mobile networks, access networks, grid computing, distributed software, network and
service management and applications (supported by FWO-Vlaanderen, the BOF of the Ghent University, the IWT and the European
Commission). Piet Demeester is currently full-time professor at the Ghent University, where he is teaching courses in Communication
Networks. He has also been teaching in different international courses. 相似文献
随着WLAN无线的发展,其覆盖区域、用户量、网络容量不断增加,使其接入网络规划的问题逐渐成为建设公共无线局域网的重要问题.同时,对WLAN无线接入网络性能优化是满足用户需求的关重要手段,网络性能优化主要有覆盖优化、容量优化、设备优化. 相似文献
分布式电源接入对配电网供电可靠性的影响是目前供电企业研究的主要问题,分布式电源技术在我国起步较晚,仍旧属于新型技术。在发挥着重要作用的同时,也存在一些问题。本文对分布式发电技术进行了分析,并研究了对配电网供电可靠性的影响,同时对接入优化展开了相关的研究。 相似文献
The article presents a performance comparison of two random access protocols for wireless mobile signaling in which a single channel is dedicated to the signaling function, enhanced beacon assisted multiple access (E-BAMA) and resource auction multiple access (RAMA). Data traffic is transported separately on a set of orthogonal channels. The beacon assisted multiple access (BAMA) protocol was first presented as a method of providing mobility management functions, e.g., handover, while minimizing the processing burden placed on the mobile. In BAMA, throughout the duration of its call, an active user repeatedly and quasi-periodically broadcasts a beacon containing its ID using the Aloha protocol. Quasi-periodicity prevents a pair of users from repeatedly colliding with each other. When a base successfully receives the beacon and assigns a channel, it uses a separate downstream channel to send to the mobile an acknowledgement that contains the number of the assigned channel. The BAMA protocol includes a scheme to maintain lists of active mobiles in nearby cells and to exchange periodically these lists among the base-stations. The authors evaluate the capacity and delay performance of E-BAMA and RAMA. Then, they present a numerical comparison of the parameters. Finally, the results are summarized qualitatively. Some additional derivation is included in the appendix 相似文献
针对上行带宽资源有限,反向通道噪声大造成上行速率低、运行不稳定问题,利用神经网络理论、小波理论和遗传算法实现宽带接入网的上行带宽智能控制和噪声闪断技术,从而提高宽带接入网的上行频带利用率和抗干扰能力。 相似文献