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In this paper we present a study of adjectival/adverbial modification using modern type theories (MTTs), i.e. type theories within the tradition of Martin-Löf. We present an account of various issues concerning adjectival/adverbial modification and argue that MTTs can be used as an adequate language for interpreting NL semantics. MTTs are not only expressive enough to deal with a range of modification phenomena, but are furthermore well-suited to perform reasoning tasks that can be easily implemented (e.g. in proof-assistants) given their proof-theoretic nature. In MTT-semantics, common nouns are interpreted as types rather than predicates. Therefore, in order to capture the semantics of adjectives adequately, one needs to meet the challenge of modeling CNs modified by adjectives as types. To explicate that this can be done successfully, we first look at the mainstream classification of adjectives, i.e. intersective, subsective and non-subsective adjectives. There, we show that the rich type structure available in MTTs, along with a suitable subtyping framework, offers an adequate mechanism to model these cases. In particular, this modelling naturally takes care of the characterising inferences associated with each class of adjectives. Then, more advanced issues on adjectival modification are discussed: (a) degree adjectives, (b) comparatives and (c) multidimensional adjectives. There, it is shown that the use of indexed types can be usefully applied in order to deal with these cases. In the same vein, the issue of adverbial modification is discussed. We study two general typings for sentence and VP adverbs respectively. It is shown that the rich type structure in MTTs further provides useful organisational mechanisms in giving formal semantics for adverbs. In particular, we discuss the use of \(\varSigma \)-types to capture the veridicality/non-veridicality distinction and further discuss cases of intensional adverbs using the type theoretic notion of context (i.e. without resorting to intensional typing). We also look at manner, subject and speech act adverbials and propose solutions using MTTs. Finally, we show that the current proof technology can help mechanically check the associated inferences. A number of our proposals concerning adjectival and adverbial modification have been formalised in the proof assistant Coq and many of the associated inference patterns are checked to be correctly captured.  相似文献   

We develop a formal proof of the ML type inference algorithm, within the Coq proof assistant. We are much concerned with methodology and reusability of such a mechanization. This proof is an essential step toward the certification of a complete ML compiler.In this paper we present the Coq formalization of the typing system and its inference algorithm. We establish formally the correctness and the completeness of the type inference algorithm with respect to the typing rules of the language. We describe and comment on the mechanized proofs.  相似文献   

A constraint-based data flow analysis is formalised in the specification language of the Coq proof assistant. This involves defining a dependent type of lattices together with a library of lattice functors for modular construction of complex abstract domains. Constraints are represented in a way that allows for both efficient constraint resolution and correctness proof of the analysis with respect to an operational semantics. The proof of existence of a solution to the constraints is constructive which means that the extraction mechanism of Coq provides a provably correct data flow analyser in Ocaml from the proof. The library of lattices and the representation of constraints are defined in an analysis-independent fashion that provides a basis for a generic framework for proving and extracting static analysers in Coq.  相似文献   

Mechanized Semantics for the Clight Subset of the C Language   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This article presents the formal semantics of a large subset of the C language called Clight. Clight includes pointer arithmetic, struct and union types, C loops and structured switch statements. Clight is the source language of the CompCert verified compiler. The formal semantics of Clight is a big-step operational semantics that observes both terminating and diverging executions and produces traces of input/output events. The formal semantics of Clight is mechanized using the Coq proof assistant. In addition to the semantics of Clight, this article describes its integration in the CompCert verified compiler and several ways by which the semantics was validated.  相似文献   

Using a call-by-value functional language as an example, this article illustrates the use of coinductive definitions and proofs in big-step operational semantics, enabling it to describe diverging evaluations in addition to terminating evaluations. We formalize the connections between the coinductive big-step semantics and the standard small-step semantics, proving that both semantics are equivalent. We then study the use of coinductive big-step semantics in proofs of type soundness and proofs of semantic preservation for compilers. A methodological originality of this paper is that all results have been proved using the Coq proof assistant. We explain the proof-theoretic presentation of coinductive definitions and proofs offered by Coq, and show that it facilitates the discovery and the presentation of the results.  相似文献   

We propose an effective procedure, the first one to our knowledge, for translating a proof term of the Calculus of Inductive Constructions (CIC), into a tactical expression of the high-level specification language of a CIC-based proof assistant like coq (Coq development team 2008) or matita (Asperti et al., J Autom Reason 39:109–139, 2007). This procedure, which should not be considered definitive at its present stage, is intended for translating the logical representation of a proof coming from any source, i.e. from a digital library or from another proof development system, into an equivalent proof presented in the proof assistant’s editable high-level format. To testify to effectiveness of our procedure, we report on its implementation in matita and on the translation of a significant set of proofs (Guidi, ACM Trans Comput Log 2009) from their logical representation as coq 7.3.1 (Coq development team 2002) CIC proof terms to their high-level representation as tactical expressions of matita’s user interface language.  相似文献   

SyDPaCC is a set of libraries for the Coq proof assistant. It allows to write naive functional programs (i.e. with high complexity) that are considered as specifications, and to transform them into more efficient versions. These more efficient versions can then be automatically parallelised before being extracted from Coq into source code for the functional language OCaml together with calls to the Bulk Synchronous Parallel ML library. In this paper we present a new core version of SyDPaCC for the development of parallel programs correct-by-construction using the theory of list homomorphisms and algorithmic skeletons implemented and verified in Coq. The framework is illustrated on the maximum prefix sum problem.  相似文献   

各类安全攸关系统的可靠运行离不开软件程序的正确执行.程序的演绎验证技术为程序执行的正确性提供高度保障.程序语言种类繁多,且用途覆盖高可靠性场景的新式语言不断涌现,难以为每种语言设计支撑其程序验证任务的整套逻辑规则,并证明其相对于形式语义的可靠性和完备性.语言无关的程序验证技术提供以程序语言的语义为参数的验证过程及其可靠性结果.对每种程序语言,提供其形式语义后可直接获得面向该语言的程序验证过程.提出一种面向大步操作语义的语言无关演绎验证技术,其核心是对不同语言中循环、递归等可导致无界行为的语法结构进行可靠推理的通用方法.特别地,借助大步操作语义的一种函数式形式化提供表达程序中子结构所执行计算的能力,从而允许借助辅助信息对子结构进行推理.证明所提出验证技术的可靠性和相对完备性,通过命令式、函数式语言中的程序验证实例初步评估了该技术的有效性,并在Coq辅助证明工具中形式化了所有理论结果和验证实例,为基于辅助证明工具实现面向大步语义的语言无关程序验证工具提供了基础.  相似文献   

We study how to extend modal type systems based on intuitionistic modal logic S4 or S5 with a subtyping system based on intersection types. In the presence of four type constructors ${\!}\!\rightarrow \!{\!},\,{\!}\wedge {\!},\,\square {}$ , and $\Diamond {}$ , the traditional approach using a binary subtyping relation does not work well because of lack of orthogonality in subtyping rules and presence of a transitivity rule. We adopt the idea from the judgmental formulation of modal logic (Pfenning and Davies in Math Struct Comput Sci 11(4):511–540, 2001) and use subtyping judgments whose definitions express those notions internalized into type constructors directly at the level of judgments. The resultant judgmental subtyping systems admit cut rules similarly to a sequent calculus for intuitionistic logic and play a key role in designing and verifying the relational subtyping systems based on the binary subtyping relation. We use the proof assistant Coq to prove the admissibility of the cut rules and the equivalence between the two kinds of subtyping systems. The lesson from our study is that by using subtyping judgments instead of the binary subtyping relation, we can overcome the limitation usually associated with the syntactic approach to formulating subtyping systems.  相似文献   

Lawry's label semantics for modeling and computing with linguistic information in natural language provides a clear interpretation of linguistic expressions and thus a transparent model for real‐world applications. Meanwhile, annotated logic programs (ALPs) and its fuzzy extension AFLPs have been developed as an extension of classical logic programs offering a powerful computational framework for handling uncertain and imprecise data within logic programs. This paper proposes annotated linguistic logic programs (ALLPs) that embed Lawry's label semantics into the ALP/AFLP syntax, providing a linguistic logic programming formalism for development of automated reasoning systems involving soft data as vague and imprecise concepts occurring frequently in natural language. The syntax of ALLPs is introduced, and their declarative semantics is studied. The ALLP SLD‐style proof procedure is then defined and proved to be sound and complete with respect to the declarative semantics of ALLPs. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is an industry standard for modeling analysis and design. However, the semantics of UML is not precisely defined and the correctness of refinement relations cannot be verified. In this study, we use the theorem proof assistant Coq to formalize and mechanize the semantics of UML-Statecharts and the refinement relations between models. Based on the mechanized semantics, the desired properties of both the semantics and the refinement relations can be described and proven as predicates and lemmas. This approach provides a promising way to obtain certified fault-free modeling and refinement.  相似文献   

Hammers provide most powerful general purpose automation for proof assistants based on HOL and set theory today. Despite the gaining popularity of the more advanced versions of type theory, such as those based on the Calculus of Inductive Constructions, the construction of hammers for such foundations has been hindered so far by the lack of translation and reconstruction components. In this paper, we present an architecture of a full hammer for dependent type theory together with its implementation for the Coq proof assistant. A key component of the hammer is a proposed translation from the Calculus of Inductive Constructions, with certain extensions introduced by Coq, to untyped first-order logic. The translation is “sufficiently” sound and complete to be of practical use for automated theorem provers. We also introduce a proof reconstruction mechanism based on an eauto-type algorithm combined with limited rewriting, congruence closure and some forward reasoning. The algorithm is able to re-prove in the Coq logic most of the theorems established by the ATPs. Together with machine-learning based selection of relevant premises this constitutes a full hammer system. The performance of the whole procedure is evaluated in a bootstrapping scenario emulating the development of the Coq standard library. For each theorem in the library only the previous theorems and proofs can be used. We show that 40.8% of the theorems can be proved in a push-button mode in about 40 s of real time on a 8-CPU system.  相似文献   

This article presents the formal verification, using the Coq proof assistant, of a memory model for low-level imperative languages such as C and compiler intermediate languages. Beyond giving semantics to pointer-based programs, this model supports reasoning over transformations of such programs. We show how the properties of the memory model are used to prove semantic preservation for three passes of the Compcert verified compiler.  相似文献   

We compare several reduction and conversion strategies for the Calculus of (co)Inductive Constructions by running benchmarks from the library of the Coq proof assistant. All the strategies have been implemented in an independent verifier for the proof objects of Coq that is part of the Matita proof assistant.  相似文献   

航母舰载机弹药保障作业的智能规划作为一种高效能航保作业调度方法,是助推航母工程先进技术建设发展的重要途径之一.高安全攸关属性下作业规划方案的正确性保证已经逐渐成为制约其实际应用部署安全的关键技术瓶颈.针对方案正确性验证中存在的弹药保障系统难建模、作业执行行为难描述、形式验证工具难实现等挑战,基于分离逻辑的思想,提出一种弹药保障系统的行为模型,并利用定理证明器Coq对作业规划方案进行形式化验证.首先提出一个符合弹药保障作业特征的序列化双层资源堆模型;基于该模型,构造一套可用于描述作业执行行为的建模语言及其操作语义;最后在Coq中实现一种证明辅助工具.通过几个典型弹药保障作业规划方案的交互式证明实例,验证工具的可用性与工程实用性.  相似文献   

Randomized algorithms are widely used for finding efficiently approximated solutions to complex problems, for instance primality testing and for obtaining good average behavior. Proving properties of such algorithms requires subtle reasoning both on algorithmic and probabilistic aspects of programs. Thus, providing tools for the mechanization of reasoning is an important issue. This paper presents a new method for proving properties of randomized algorithms in a proof assistant based on higher-order logic. It is based on the monadic interpretation of randomized programs as probabilistic distributions (Giry, Ramsey and Pfeffer). It does not require the definition of an operational semantics for the language nor the development of a complex formalization of measure theory. Instead it uses functional and algebraic properties of unit interval. Using this model, we show the validity of general rules for estimating the probability for a randomized algorithm to satisfy specified properties. This approach addresses only discrete distributions and gives rules for analyzing general recursive functions.We apply this theory to the formal proof of a program implementing a Bernoulli distribution from a coin flip and to the (partial) termination of several programs. All the theories and results presented in this paper have been fully formalized and proved in the Coq proof assistant.  相似文献   

This report surveys techniques for implementing the programming language Prolog. It focuses on explaining the procedural semantics of the language in terms of functional programming constructs. The techniquessuccess continuations andproof streams are introduced, and it is shown how Horn clause interpreters can be built upon them. Continuations are well known from denotational semantics theory, in this paper it is shown that they are viable constructs in actual programs. Other issues include implementation of logical variables, structure sharing vs. structure copying, determinacy, builtin predicates, andcut.  相似文献   

We present the language CRStL (Control Rule Strategy Language, pronounce “crystal”) to formulate mathematical reasoning techniques as proof strategies in the context of the proof assistant Ωmega. The language is arranged in two levels, a query language to access mathematical knowledge maintained in development graphs, and a strategy language to annotate the results of these queries with further control information. The two-leveled structure of the language allows the specification of proof techniques in a declarative way. We present the syntax and semantics of CRStL and illustrate its use by examples.  相似文献   

Intensional negative adjectives alleged , artificial , fake , false , former , and toy are unusual adjectives that depending on context may or may not be restricting functions. A formal theory of their semantics, pragmatics, and context that uniformly accounts for their complex mathematical and computational characteristics and captures some peculiarities of individual adjectives is presented.
Such adjectives are formalized as new concept builders, negation‐like functions that operate on the values of intensional properties of the concepts denoted by their arguments and yield new concepts whose intensional properties have values consistent with the negation of the old values. Understanding these new concepts involves semantics, pragmatics and context‐dependency of natural language. It is argued that intensional negative adjectives can be viewed as a special‐purpose, weaker, conntext‐dependent negationin natural language. The theory explains and predicts many inferences licensed by expressions involving such adjectives. Implementation of sample examples demonstrates its computational feasibility. Computation of context‐dependent interpretation is discussed.
The theory allows one to enhance a knowledge representation system with similar concept building, negation‐like, context‐dependent functions, the availability of which appears to be a distinct characteristic of natural languages.  相似文献   

The PoplMark challenge proposes a set of benchmarks intended to assess the usability of proof assistants in the context of research on programming languages. It is based on the metatheory of System F $_{\mathtt{<:}}$ . We present a solution to the challenge using de Bruijn indices, developed with the Coq proof assistant.  相似文献   

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