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选用2013年收获的\"农大709\"玉米籽粒,将其分别贮藏于室温和恒温恒湿培养箱(35℃,RH75%)中,并测定玉米籽粒淀粉酶活性、淀粉和可溶性糖含量的变化,分析了高温高湿(35℃,RH75%)条件下淀粉酶与可溶性糖代谢之间的关系。试验结果表明:常温条件下总淀粉酶和α-淀粉酶活性在贮藏初期仍继续上升,而后不再发生显著变化;除蔗糖含量降低外,总淀粉和直链淀粉以及果糖、葡萄糖、麦芽糖均无显著变化。高温高湿贮藏条件下,总淀粉酶和α-淀粉酶活性均显著下降;玉米总淀粉含量无明显变化而直链淀粉含量上升;葡萄糖和果糖变化一致,均先上升后下降;而麦芽糖和蔗糖含量均为先下降后上升。 相似文献
藕片的高温高湿干燥研究 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
藕片的高温高湿干燥研究表明:采用高温高湿干燥,藕片组织收缩小,干燥速度快,且能抑制氧化褐变。成品藕片颜色浅,透明度高,复水迅速,经2min复水后藕片口感脆嫩,藕香味浓。适宜的干燥条件为:预热3min,干燥温度90℃,相对湿度20%,前期干燥温度90℃,相对湿度60%,干燥20min,后期干燥温度50℃,相对湿度20%,干燥10min(风速均为2.2m/s)。 相似文献
总结本厂在1995年高温高湿季节,使用苏丹棉期间,提高可纺性,保持生产正常进行所采取的措施和经验。 相似文献
针对高温高湿地区筒仓中粮食储藏安全的问题,进行了偏高水分玉米控温的试验.结果表明:偏高水分玉米初春入仓后,应首先将粮食水分降至14.5%左右;然后启动内环流系统将内圈筒仓的粮温维持在20℃以下、外围筒仓维持在25℃左右;盛夏期间当偏高水分粮或杂质分级点引起局部发热时,可利用谷冷机进行降温散湿.另外,可将偏高水分玉米储于不受外部环境影响的内圈筒仓,配以加强入仓粮食清杂和提前进行预防性熏蒸等措施,以提高湿粮储藏的稳定性. 相似文献
在高温高湿季节,如何做好皮辊各方面的工作,始终是皮辊工作者所关注的问题。因为工作稍有不当,则会导致纺纱车间大面积断头,棉纱质量下降,随之而来的是皮辊工作陷于被动,往往会造成恶性循环。为此,在雨季前应早日在技术管理上做好预防工作。 相似文献
为分析高温高湿环境对成品卷烟含水率和质量的影响,我们使用恒温恒湿箱模拟高温高湿环境对样品卷烟进行贮存试验,根据试验结论识别高温高湿环境对成品卷烟的影响程度,为制定更科学合理的卷烟贮存条件和成品卷烟贮存周期的建立提供重要的参考依据。 相似文献
Effect of high temperature on grain filling period,yield, amylose content and activity of starch biosynthesis enzymes in endosperm of basmati rice 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4 下载免费PDF全文
Nisar Ahmed Ian J Tetlow Sehar Nawaz Ahsan Iqbal Muhammad Mubin Muhammad Shah Nawaz ul Rehman Aisha Butt David A Lightfoot Masahiko Maekawa 《Journal of the science of food and agriculture》2015,95(11):2237-2243
Functional characterisation of potato starch modified by specific in planta alteration of the amylopectin branching and phosphate substitution 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
Bente Wischmann Andreas Blennow Finn Madsen Kirsten Jrgensen Peter Poulsen Ole Bandsholm 《Food Hydrocolloids》2005,19(6):1016-1024
Potato starch was modified in planta by antisense of the starch branching enzyme I (SBE I), and the starch branching enzyme II (SBE II) both simultaneously and individually generating B group starches. Another group of starches, G group starches, was generated by over expression of the E. coli glycogen branching enzyme (E. coli glgB). The content of covalently esterified phosphate increased in the B group starches and decreased in the G group starches. The content of phosphate correlated with length of debranched amylopectin chains measured by HPAEC-PAD, and with gelatinisation mid temperature (Tm) and change in enthalpy (ΔH) measured by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Freeze/thaw stability measured by 1H pulse-NMR and cohesiveness measured by texture profile analysis (TPA) was in the same range in all starch samples, whereas gel hardness was inversely correlated to phosphate content. No correlations between the pasting properties measured by rapid visco analysis (RVA), gel strength (G′) measured by small deformation oscillation testing or any structural parameter could be revealed. The data set was mined using multivariate statistics. Based on this data starch samples could be separated into the two groups B and G, in accordance with their original transformation strategy. 相似文献
粮食安全是国家自立、经济发展和社会稳定的重要保障。粮食在储藏过程中由于粮堆结露使得粮堆局部水分含量升高,易引起粮食呼吸旺盛,微生物活动加剧,甚至引起粮堆发热、霉变,严重危害粮食安全。本研究通过分析空气中饱和水汽量与温湿度的关系曲线,获得露点温度与空气温度、湿度的数学模型t_2=t_1+lg(RH_1)/lg1. 063,并绘制露点温度预测图。通过实验室模拟结露绘制稻谷表层结露曲线,拟定义了稻谷表层结露的前期、中期与末期。此外分析季节交替对粮堆各区域的温度变化的影响,进行结露预警。为完善我国的粮情监测系统,指导储粮实践,保障粮食安全提供借鉴。 相似文献
Somchart Soponronnarit Nirachara Srisubati Tipaporn Yoovidhya 《Journal of Stored Products Research》1998,34(4):323-330
The effects of temperature and relative humidity (or water activity) in storage chambers on yellowing rate of paddy were investigated and then an empirical equation for predicting the yellowing rate was developed. Paddy was conditioned using saturated salt solutions at relative humidities ranging from 0.80 to 0.95 and temperatures of 35, 45, 55, 60 and 65°C. The yellowing rate was found to follow the zero order kinetics. The yellowing constant value (k) increased exponentially with temperature and increased linearly with water activity. The magnitude of apparent activation energy varied from 130–145 kJ/mol. A predictive equation for determining yellowing rate was ln k=−δaw−/T+(γaw)/T where aw was water activity (valid from 0.80 to 0.95), T was absolute temperature (valid from 308 to 338 K) and , δ, and γ were constants. The results of variance analysis showed that temperature, water activity and their interaction significantly influenced the yellowing rate of paddy. 相似文献
变温储藏对大米淀粉回生的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
利用差示扫描量热仪研究了变温储藏对大米淀粉回生的影响,实验结果表明,变温储藏可以改变支链淀粉的重结晶性状,但对直链淀粉和脂质复合物的结晶没有影响。25℃下放置5d后再置于4℃下储藏可以有效地抑制支链淀粉的重结晶,从而降低大米淀粉的回生速度。 相似文献
吕光磊 《郑州轻工业学院学报(自然科学版)》2007,22(2):132-134
从空调风系统、温湿度精度控制及空气处理设备3个方面对恒温恒湿空调系统的节能问题进行了研究.提出利用排风的能量对新风进行预处理、在满足规范要求的前提下适当降低换气次数、对风系统进行全年节能性运行调节等节能措施,以有效降低风系统所需能耗;对系统的温湿度控制策略进行了研究,认为考虑空气处理设备的热湿惰性,有利于降低温湿度补偿所浪费的能源及设备本身的能耗;对加湿器、加热器和表冷器3种空气处理设备的关键节能问题也进行了讨论. 相似文献