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庄须欢 《当代化工》2013,(5):617-619
催化油浆是炼油企业低附加值产品,随着石油资源的日益紧张,炼油企业日益重视催化油浆的综合利用,本文重点总结了在炼油企业其他装置掺炼催化油浆,改善加工工艺及产品性质的生产情况及效益情况,从而实现催化油浆的综合利用。  相似文献   

在现阶段许多炼油企业都将催化油浆作为延迟焦化原料之一进行掺炼生产,催化油浆与传统延迟焦化原料相比有很大不同。所以在掺炼催化油浆进行延迟焦化后,可以达到提高炼油企业汽柴比及收益等目的但是还会造成一些不利的影响,比如导致生成焦炭质量的下降。本文通过对掺炼催化油浆进行延迟焦化生产的数据进行整理分析,得出掺炼催化油浆对延迟焦化工艺产生的影响并对此提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

催化油浆是催化裂化装置的塔底重质组分,其残炭高、黏度大且含有大量催化剂粉末,深加工困难.由于油浆内含有30% ~50%的饱和烃,将其处理后返回装置加工就有很好的经济效益.本文探讨了催化油浆处理的可行性,分析了加氢原料与催化油浆混合后原料油的性质,从理论上给出了加氢原料掺炼催化油浆的可行性.  相似文献   

游调义  徐斌 《广东化工》2012,39(5):274-275
利用交联催化油浆和减压渣油为原料,将交联催化油浆减压蒸馏后得到的蒸馏残油与减压渣油进行调合,加入少量增延剂和PI改进剂制备70B道路沥青,为催化油浆综合利用探索了一条新途径。  相似文献   

常渣掺炼催化油浆的工业化试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提高了常渣掺炼催化油浆工艺,介绍了该工艺的工业试验过程,试验结果表明,催化油浆进入减压分馏塔以后,不仅本身能够转化为蜡油,而且还能使蜡油收率增加,并不会引起蜡油残炭的增加。  相似文献   

探讨了在加热状态下,将流体状态的减压渣油与催化油浆直接拌合可生产符合GB/T15180—2000标准中的AH-90道路沥青的方法。实验结果表明,减压渣油与催化油浆按85∶15的比例充分混合后的沥青指标完全符合AH—90的指标。  相似文献   

陈志云  白濠  张永平  周纪军 《大氮肥》2002,25(2):141-144
详细介绍镇海炼化股份有限公司化肥厂气化炉试烧催化油浆的情况,具体分析在催化油浆试烧过程中给气化系统的稳定运行所带来的新问题,提出了控制催化油浆掺烧量的原则以及解决掺烧催化油浆所在在问题的方法和建议。  相似文献   

介绍了中国石油抚顺石油化工公司石油二厂240×104 t/a延迟焦化联合装置进行了掺炼含有催化剂固体粉末的催化分馏塔底油浆的工业试验。结果表明,在操作条件不变前提下,干气、液化气、汽油、煤油和柴油产率下降,石油焦产率上升。掺炼催化油浆后,解决了催化油浆出路,有利于全厂重质油物料平衡。对产品分布和产品质量略有影响。  相似文献   

安庆石化催化油浆分离及利用技术分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
常铮 《安徽化工》2004,30(3):9-10
论述了催化油浆分离工艺的相关技术,并提出了合理经济地利用油浆资源的想法和建议.结合安庆分公司自身的特点阐述了催化油浆从澄清到分离再到深加工的全过程.  相似文献   

王建强 《当代化工》2014,(8):1612-1615
催化油浆是催化裂化工艺过程中产生的一种副产品,由于其含有较多的催化剂粉末,进一步加工利用受到限制,一般作为燃料油出厂,利用价值较低。为了提高催化油浆的加工利用价值,需要对其中含有的催化剂粉末脱除。介绍了脱除催化油浆中催化剂粉末的技术措施,包括过滤分离法、静电分离法、旋流分离法、沉降助剂法等,分析了各种方法的优缺点,对催化油浆中催化剂粉末分离方法的研究方向及前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

催化裂化油浆利用的技术进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张兆前  李正  朱根权  谢朝钢 《化工进展》2007,26(11):1559-1563
概述了催化裂化油浆的组成、性质和净化技术,介绍了催化裂化油浆在石油加工、石油化工领域利用的技术进展。分析了油浆在沥青改性、与煤共处理制取沥青改进剂、溶剂脱沥青、强化蒸馏、减黏裂化和延迟焦化工艺中的应用;评述了油浆的深度分离技术及分离所得组分的利用。  相似文献   

Reaction performance of FCC slurry catalytic cracking   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The condensation of heavy hydrocarbon causes the coke formation inside the disengager vessel. Slurry oil is the heaviest component of FCC hydrocarbon products and most likely to be condensed to form coke. Converting slurry to lighter hydrocarbons can alleviate coke formation. The slurry cracking experiments were carried out in a confined fluidized bed reactor. The results showed that the crackability of slurry was lower than that of FCC feedstock, due to the difference of their properties. About 30 wt.% heavy oil remained in the product after the slurry was cracked, but its end point declined and the heavier component decreased. The comparison of slurry cracking results at different reaction temperatures and regenerated catalyst contents indicated that the appropriate operating conditions for slurry conversion were the reaction temperature of 500 °C and the regenerated catalyst content within 25–50 wt.%.  相似文献   

阐述了某催化裂化装置的设计特点。分析了装置设备结焦原因及对策 ,对提高催化裂化装置掺渣量提出了相关建议和改进措施  相似文献   

重油催化裂化装置中油浆过滤系统的改进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
广西省东油沥青有限公司于2005年10月引进了全自动油浆过滤系统板,它采用高性能烧结不锈钢丝网微孔作为材料,以FCC干气和柴油为反冲洗剂,对滤芯进行反冲洗,可连续运行,自动化操作。该重油催化裂化装置上的应用结果显示,油浆固体含量由滤前的3100~8900μg.g-1降至平均小于220μg.g-1。完全满足了油浆代替蜡油作燃料和去焦化作原料的工艺要求。  相似文献   

卢德庆  辛靖  朱元宝  苏梦军 《化工进展》2021,40(Z1):142-149
流化催化裂化(FCC)油浆外甩量通常超过5%,需要脱固处理得到澄清油再利用。本文分析得出了向延迟焦化、溶剂脱沥青、减压蒸馏、加氢等重质油加工装置直接掺炼,局限性较大;利用减压蒸馏、溶剂抽提、超临界流体萃取等工艺,对澄清油“掐头去尾”,分离组分可生产针状焦、环保橡胶填充油、沥青树脂以及碳素纤维等高附加值产品。油浆组分通过延迟焦化制备针状焦,是工业化应用主体方向,但国内产品质量与国外尚有很大差距;油浆制备环保橡胶填充油,在降低环保橡胶油多环芳烃(PCA)和8种危害性稠环芳烃(PAHs)分别至3%和10mg/kg以下的同时,必须提高芳碳率(CA)值至10%以上来保持橡胶相容性,其收率及生产成本是工业化应用推广的制约因素。  相似文献   

傅亮  杨基和  杜明育 《化工进展》2013,32(4):799-803
油浆经萃取分离得到以饱和烃为主的理想组分——抽余油。利用该油作为原料进行FCC反应,并与石蜡基重油从原料性质、反应工艺条件、产品分布及性质、再生剂性能等方面进行对比研究。结果表明:抽余油具有良好的FCC性能,其合适的反应条件为剂油比6.0、反应温度520 ℃、重时空速12.0 h?1;在各自最优工艺条件下,抽余油比重油液体收率增加1.69%,生焦率上升0.02%;在相同工艺条件即剂油比5.0、反应温度500 ℃、空速14.4 h?1,抽余油比重油液体收率增加0.19%,生焦率上升2.55%;与重油相比,抽余油FCC汽油辛烷值相当,FCC柴油十六烷值降低3.7,其再生剂失活程度较小。因此,抽余油完全可以替代重油作为FCC的原料,具有很好的工业应用前景。  相似文献   

选取聚丙烯及其废料为原料,系统地探讨了温度和催化剂等因素对塑料裂解制汽油和柴油的影响。使用自制改性的ZSM-5型分子筛催化剂,在优化条件下制得了占原料质量分数为70%~80%的燃料油,其中汽油含量达燃料油质量分数的40%~50%。  相似文献   

Biofuel production from vegetable oil is potentially a good alternative to conventional fossil derived fuels. Moreover, liquid biofuel offers many environmental benefits since it is free from nitrogen and sulfur compounds. Biofuel can be obtained from biomass (e.g. pyrolysis, gasification) and agricultural sources such as vegetable oil, vegetable oil sludge, rubber seed oil, and soybean oil. One of the most promising sources of biofuel is vegetable oil sludge. This waste is a major byproduct of vegetable oil factories. It consists of triglycerides (61%), free fatty acid (37%) and impurities (2%). The hydrocarbon chains of triglycerides and free fatty acid are mainly made up of C16 (30%) and C18 (36%) hydrocarbons. The others consist of C12-C17 hydrocarbon chains. Transesterification can help in converting vegetable oil sludge into biofuel. The disadvantage of this method is that a large amount of methanol is required. The alternative method for this conversion is catalytic cracking. The objective of this research is to evaluate and compare the pyrolysis process with cracking catalytic reaction of vegetable oil sludge by Micro-activity test MAT 5000 of Zeton-Canada.A ZSM-5/MCM-41 multiporous composite (MC-ZSM-5/MCM-41), was successfully synthesized using silica source extracted from rice husk. The material has the MCM-41 mesoporous structure, and its wall is constructed by ZSM-5 nanozeolite crystals. The porous system of the material includes pores of the following sizes: 5 Å (ZSM-5 zeolite), 40 Å (MCM-41 mesoporous material), and another porous system whose diameter is in the range of 100-500 Å (mesoporous system) formed by the burning of organic compounds that remain in the material during the calcination process. This pore system contributes to an increase in the catalytic performance of synthesized material.The results of vegetable oil sludge cracking reaction show that the product consists of fractions such as dry gas, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), gasoline, light cycle oil (LCO), and (heavy cycle oil) HCO, which are similar to those of petroleum cracking process.MC-ZSM-5/MCM-41 catalyst is efficient in the catalytic cracking reaction of vegetable oil sludge as it has higher conversion and selectivity for LPG and gasoline products in comparison to the pyrolysis process. Product distribution (% of oil feed) of cracking reaction over MC-ZSM-5/MCM-41 is coke (3.4), total dry gas (7.0), LPG (31.1), gasoline (42.4), LCO (8.9), HCO (7.2); and that of pyrolysis are coke (19.0), total dry gas (9.3), LPG (16.9), gasoline (28.8), LCO (13.7), and HCO (12.3).These results have indicated a new way to use agricultural waste such as rice husk for the production of promising catalysts and the processing of vegetable oil sludge to obtain biofuel.  相似文献   

催化裂化吸附转化加工焦化蜡油工艺   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了焦化蜡油(CGO)与直馏蜡油(VGO)的性质,焦化蜡油与直馏蜡油性质相差较大,主要表现在焦化蜡油残炭、碱氮化合物、胶质、沥青质及金属含量较直馏蜡油高,催化裂化(FCC)直接掺炼焦化蜡油,会造成转化率降低,产物分布恶化,运转周期缩短。通过常规催化裂化加工焦化蜡油工艺与FCC通过吸附转化工艺加工焦化蜡油比较,得出催化裂化吸附转化加工焦化蜡油工艺可以明显改善产物分布,提高转化率,降低碱氮化合物对催化剂的毒害作用,提高装置的整体经济效益。  相似文献   

This work presents a comprehensive approach to estimate kinetic parameters when the involved reactions contain lumped chemical species. This approach is based on representing rate constants with a continuous probability distribution function. In particular, the beta function is used to estimate kinetic parameters in catalytic cracking reactions. Thus, several kinetic models for the catalytic process containing different number of lumps are selected and a discretization procedure is carried out to estimate the corresponding kinetic parameters. The kinetic representation based on the probability distribution substantially reduces the computational and experimental effort involved in the numerical evaluation of kinetic parameters.  相似文献   

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