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The structure of the major human apurinic/ apyrimidinic endonuclease (HAP1) has been solved at 2.2 A resolution. The enzyme consists of two symmetrically related domains of similar topology and has significant structural similarity to both bovine DNase I and its Escherichia coli homologue exonuclease III (EXOIII). A structural comparison of these enzymes reveals three loop regions specific to HAP1 and EXOIII. These loop regions apparently act in DNA abasic site (AP) recognition and cleavage since DNase I, which lacks these loops, correspondingly lacks AP site specificity. The HAP1 structure furthermore suggests a mechanism for AP site binding which involves the recognition of the deoxyribose moiety in an extrahelical conformation, rather than a 'flipped-out' base opposite the AP site.  相似文献   

HIV-1 integrase specifically recognizes and cleaves viral end DNA during the initial step of retroviral integration. The protein and DNA determinants of the specificity of viral end DNA binding have not been clearly identified. We have used mutational analysis of the viral end LTR sequence, in vitro selection of optimal viral end sequences, and specific photocrosslinking to identify regions of integrase that interact with specific bases in the LTR termini. The results highlight the involvement of the disordered loop of the integrase core domain, specifically residues Q148 and Y143, in binding to the terminal portion of the viral DNA ends. Additionally, we have identified positions upstream in the LTR termini which interact with the C-terminal domain of integrase, providing evidence for the role of that domain in stabilization of viral DNA binding. Finally, we have located a region centered 12 bases from the viral DNA terminus which appears essential for viral end DNA binding in the presence of magnesium, but not in the presence of manganese, suggesting a differential effect of divalent cations on sequence-specific binding. These results help to define important regions of contact between integrase and viral DNA, and assist in the formulation of a molecular model of this vital interaction.  相似文献   

CCE1 is a Holliday (four-way DNA) junction-specific endonuclease which resolves mitochondrial DNA recombination intermediates in Saccharomycescerevisiae. The junction-resolving enzymes are a diverse class, widely distributed in nature from viruses to higher eukaryotes. In common with most other junction-resolving enzymes, the cleavage activity of CCE1 is nucleotide sequence-dependent. We have undertaken a systematic study of the sequence specificity of CCE1, using a single-turnover kinetic assay and a panel of synthetic four-way DNA junction substrates. A tetranucleotide consensus cleavage sequence 5'-ACT downward arrowA has been identified, with specificity residing mainly at the central CT dinucleotide. Equilibrium constants for CCE1 binding to four-way junctions are unaffected by sequence variations, suggesting that substrate discrimination occurs predominantly in the transition state complex. CCE1 cuts most efficiently at the junction center, but can also cleave the DNA backbone at positions one nucleotide 3' or 5' of the point of strand exchange, suggesting a significant degree of conformational flexibility in the CCE1:junction complex. Introduction of base analogues at single sites in four-way junctions has allowed investigation of the sequence specificity of CCE1 in finer detail. In particular, the N7 moiety of the guanine base-pairing with the cytosine of the consensus sequence appears to be crucial for catalysis. The functional significance of sequence specificity in junction-resolving enzymes is discussed.  相似文献   

The Tx1L elements constitute a family of site-specific non-LTR retrotransposons found in the genome of the frog Xenopus laevis . The elements have two open reading frames (ORFs) with homology to proteins of retroviruses and other retroelements. This study demonstrates an expected activity of one of the element-encoded proteins. The RNA binding properties of ORF1p, the product of the first ORF of Tx1L, were examined after expression from RNA injected into Xenopus oocytes. Using sucrose gradient sedimentation and non-denaturing gel electrophoresis, we show that ORF1p associates with RNA in cytoplasmic ribonucleoprotein (RNP) particles. Discrete RNPs are formed with well-defined mobilities. The ORF1p RNPs are distinct from endogenous RNPs that contain stored oocyte mRNAs and two specific endogenous mRNAs do not become associated with ORF1p. ORF1p appears to be capable of associating with its own mRNA and with other injected RNAs, independent of specific recognition sequences. Although nuclear localization of ORF1p was anticipated, based both on the supposed mechanism of transposition and on the presence of a potential nuclear localization signal, no significant fraction of the protein was found in the oocyte nucleus. Nonetheless, the RNA binding capability of ORF1p is consistent with the proposed model for transposition of non-LTR retrotransposons.  相似文献   

In restriction-modification systems, cleavage of substrate sites in cellular DNA by the restriction endonuclease is prevented by the action of a cognate methyltransferase that acts on the same substrate sites. The PvuII restriction endonuclease (R.PvuII) has been structurally characterized in a complex with substrate DNA (Cheng et al., 1994) and as an apoenzyme (Athanasiadis et al., 1994). We report here a structure, determined to 1.9 A resolution by crystallography, of a complex between R.PvuII and iodinated DNA. The presence of an iodine at the 5-carbon of the methylatable cytosine results in the following changes in the protein: His84 moved away from the modified base; this movement was amplified in His85 and disrupts an intersubunit hydrogen bond; and the base modification disturbs the distribution of water molecules that associate with these histidine residues and the area of the scissile bond. Considering these observations, hypotheses are given as to why a similar oligonucleotide, where a methyl group resides on the 5-carbon of the methylatable cytosine, is slowly cleaved by R.PvuII (Rice et al., 1995).  相似文献   

Previous experiments using human teratocarcinoma cells indicated that p40, the protein encoded by the first open reading frame (ORF) of the human LINE-1 (L1Hs) retrotransposon, occurs in a large cytoplasmic ribonucleoprotein complex in direct association with L1Hs RNA(s), the p40 RNP complex. We have now investigated the interaction between partially purified p40 and L1Hs RNA in vitro using an RNA binding assay dependent on co-immunoprecipitation of p40 and bound RNA. These experiments identified two p40 binding sites on the full-length sense strand L1Hs RNA. Both sites are in the second ORF of the 6000 nt RNA: site A between residues 1999 and 2039 and site B between residues 4839 and 4875. The two RNA segments share homologous regions. Experiments involving UV cross-linking followed by immunoprecipitation indicate that p40 in the in vitro complex is directly associated with L1Hs RNA, as it is in the p40 RNP complex found in teratocarcinoma cells. Binding and competition experiments demonstrate that p40 binds to single-stranded RNA containing a p40 binding site, but not to single-stranded or double-stranded DNA, double-stranded RNA or a DNA-RNA hybrid containing a binding site sequence. Thus, p40 appears to be a sequence-specific, single-strand RNA binding protein.  相似文献   

We investigated the interaction dynamics of human abasic endonuclease, the Ape1 protein (also called Ref1, Hap1, or Apex), with its DNA substrate and incised product using electrophoretic assays and site-specific amino acid substitutions. Changing aspartate 283 to alanine (D283A) left 10% residual activity, contrary to a previous report, but complementation of repair-deficient bacteria by the D283A Ape1 protein was consistent with its activity in vitro. The D308A, D283/D308A double mutant, and histidine 309 to asparagine proteins had 22, 1, and approximately 0. 02% of wild-type Ape1 activity, respectively. Despite this range of enzymatic activities, all the mutant proteins had near-wild-type binding affinity specific for DNA containing a synthetic abasic site. Thus, substrate recognition and cleavage are genetically separable steps. Both the wild-type and mutant Ape1 proteins bound strongly to the enzyme incision product, an incised abasic site, which suggested that Ape1 might exhibit product inhibition. The use of human DNA polymerase beta to increase Ape1 activity by eliminating the incision product supports this conclusion. Notably, the complexes of the D283A, D308A, and D283A/D308A double mutant proteins with both intact and incised abasic DNA were significantly more stable than complexes containing wild-type Ape1, which may contribute to the lower turnover numbers of the mutant enzymes. Wild-type Ape1 protein bound tightly to DNA containing a one-nucleotide gap but not to DNA with a nick, consistent with the proposal that substrate recognition by Ape1 involves a space bracketed by duplex DNA, rather than mere flexibility of the DNA.  相似文献   

Restriction endonucleases such as EcoRI bind and cleave DNA with great specificity and represent a paradigm for protein-DNA interactions and molecular recognition. Using osmotic pressure to induce water release, we demonstrate the participation of bound waters in the sequence discrimination of substrate DNA by EcoRI. Changes in solvation can play a critical role in directing sequence-specific DNA binding by EcoRI and are also crucial in assisting site discrimination during catalysis. By measuring the volume change for complex formation, we show that at the cognate sequence (GAATTC) EcoRI binding releases about 70 fewer water molecules than binding at an alternate DNA sequence (TAATTC), which differs by a single base pair. EcoRI complexation with nonspecific DNA releases substantially less water than either of these specific complexes. In cognate substrates (GAATTC) kcat decreases as osmotic pressure is increased, indicating the binding of about 30 water molecules accompanies the cleavage reaction. For the alternate substrate (TAATTC), release of about 40 water molecules accompanies the reaction, indicated by a dramatic acceleration of the rate when osmotic pressure is raised. These large differences in solvation effects demonstrate that water molecules can be key players in the molecular recognition process during both association and catalytic phases of the EcoRI reaction, acting to change the specificity of the enzyme. For both the protein-DNA complex and the transition state, there may be substantial conformational differences between cognate and alternate sites, accompanied by significant alterations in hydration and solvent accessibility.  相似文献   

We have identified a Mg(2+)-dependent endonuclease activity from human B lymphoblastic IM9 cell lysates and nuclei using autodigestion method and DNA-native-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (DNA-native-PAGE) nuclease assay system. The level of the endonuclease activity in cell lysates was significantly decreased at certain stage by treatment of the cells with cycloheximide. However, the enzyme activity consistently remained for over 12 hours in the isolated nuclei of the apoptotic IM9 cells. The Mg(2+)-dependent endonuclease isolated from the nuclei by native-PAGE elution was able to catalyze the conversion of supercoiled plasmid DNA into linear form. This particular endonuclease activity was not detected in cycloheximide treated-U937 cells. Several lines of experimental evidence suggest that the Mg(2+)-dependent endonuclease localized in the nucleus may be responsible for the DNA fragmentation of apoptotic IM9 cells.  相似文献   

Oxidative damage to DNA deoxyribose generates oxidized abasic sites (OAS) that may constitute one-third of ionizing radiation damage. The antitumor drug bleomycin produces exclusively OAS in the form of C-4-keto-C-1-aldehydes in unbroken DNA strands and 3'-phosphoglycolate esters terminating strand breaks. We investigated whether two human DNA repair enzymes can mediate OAS excision in vitro: Ape1 protein (the main human abasic endonuclease (also called Hap1, Apex, or Ref1)) and DNA polymerase beta, which carries out both the abasic excision and the resynthesis steps. We used a duplex oligonucleotide substrate with one main target for bleomycin-induced damage. Ape1 catalyzed effective incision at the C-4-keto-C-1-aldehyde sites at a rate that may be only a few-fold lower than incision of hydrolytic abasic sites at the same location. Consistent with several previous studies, Ape1 hydrolyzed 3'-phosphoglycolates 25-fold more slowly than C-4-keto-C-1-aldehydes. DNA polymerase beta excised the 5'-terminal OAS formed by Ape1 incision at a rate similar to its removal of unmodified abasic residues. Polymerase beta-mediated excision of 5'-terminal OAS was stimulated by Ape1 as it is for unmodified abasic sites. Escherichia coli Fpg (MutM) protein also excised 5'-terminal OAS, but in our hands, the RecJ protein did not. These observations help define mammalian pathways of OAS repair, point to interactions that might coordinate functional steps, and suggest that still unknown factors may contribute to removal of 3'-phosphoglycolate esters.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of EcoRV endonuclease has been determined at 2. 1 A resolution complexed to two five-base-pair DNA duplexes each containing the cognate recognition half-site. The highly localized 50 degrees bend into the major groove seen at the center TA-step of the continuous GATATC site is preserved in this discontinuous DNA complex lacking the scissile phosphates. Thus, this crystal structure provides evidence that covalent constraints associated with a continuous target site are not essential to enzyme-induced DNA bending, even when these constraints are removed directly at the locus of the bend. The scissile phosphates are also absent in the crystal structure of EcoRV bound to the non-specific site TCGCGA, which shows a straight B-like conformation. We conclude that DNA bending by EcoRV is governed only by the sequence and is not influenced by the continuity of the phosphodiester backbone. Together with other data showing that cleavable non-cognate sites are bent, these results indicate that EcoRV bends non-cognate sites differing by one or two base-pairs from GATATC, but does not bend non-specific sites that are less similar. Structural and thermodynamic considerations suggest that the sequence-dependent energy cost of DNA bending is likely to play an important role in determining the specificity of EcoRV. This differential cost is manifested at the binding step for bent non-cognate sequences and at the catalytic step for unbent non-specific sequences.  相似文献   

An efficient purification protocol for infectivity causing a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) is described. From fractions purified by this protocol about 3 x 10(8) LD50 but only 3 ng of nucleic acids per gram of brain material can be isolated from all TSE-affected brains (hamster, human, sheep, cattle). By PAGE such fractions from brains of infected and control hamsters contained only one distinct nucleic acid band of 1.5 kg together with some broader smear of nucleic acid material. Although distilled water was used for such purifications, quite often a similar nucleic acid band was isolated from blanks containing no brain material. In all instances this material proved to be DNA. The result challenges the potentially important claim that purified infectious preparations of TSE-specific amyloid are free of nucleic acids of viral size. Nucleic acids isolated by other groups from diseased brain were not detected in preparations isolated by the new protocol. The application of this purification protocol in future studies will be helpful to decide whether TSEs are caused by agents containing nucleic acid or by protein only.  相似文献   

LIM-containing protein kinase 1 (LIMK1) is a serine/threonine kinase with a structure composed of two LIM domains, a PDZ domain, and a protein kinase domain. We examined the subcellular localization of LIMK1 and its variously deleted mutants in HeLa cells by transfection with these cDNAs. Immunofluorescence analysis revealed that the full-length LIMK1 and its mutants deleted with LIM domain or protein kinase domain preferentially localized in the cytoplasm, while the mutants deleted with the PDZ domain or a 52 amino acid region (B region) within the PDZ domain localized mainly in the nucleus. When the normally nuclear cyclin A was fused with the PDZ domain or the B region of LIMK1, it was localized in the cytoplasm of transfected cells. The corresponding region of the PDZ domain of postsynaptic density protein (PSD)-95 had no such function. Additionally, the PDZ domain of LIMK1 had no potential to bind to the C-terminal S/TXV peptides, to which the PSD-95 PDZ domain can bind. Taken together these results suggest that the PDZ domain, particularly the B region, of LIMK1 has a specific function to localize the protein in the cytoplasm. When glutathione S-transferase (GST) fused with the PDZ domain of LIMK1 (GST-PDZ) or GST-PDZ deleted with the B region (GST-PDZ delta B) was microinjected into the nucleus of COS cells, GST-PDZ was almost completely excluded from the nucleus within 30 min, whereas GST-PDZ delta B remained in the nucleus. These findings suggest that the B region of LIMK1 probably has nuclear export signal activity.  相似文献   

The deduced amino acid sequence of the open reading frame 1 (ORF1) of the L1Tc non-site-specific non-long terminal repeat retrotransposon of Trypanosoma cruzi exhibits a significant homology with the consensus sequence of the class II family of the endonuclease apurinic-apyrimidinic (AP) proteins. The analysis of the activity of the 40-kDa recombinant protein, named NL1Tc, obtained from the expression of the L1Tc ORF1 in an Escherichia coli "in vitro" expression system revealed that the sequence codes for a protein with endonuclease activity specific for apurinic-apyrimidinic (AP) sites. Data are also presented showing that in vivo expression of the NL1Tc protein conferred viability by complementation to E. coli exonuclease III deletion mutants (BW286 strain). We propose that the biological function of the AP endonuclease activity of the NL1Tc protein may be connected with the introduction into the DNA of free 3' ends that could be used as primers for the integration, along the T. cruzi genome, of the L1Tc element and that the nicking could be a general mechanism for the retrotransposition of non-site-specific non-long terminal repeat retrotransposons.  相似文献   

Antisense RNA-mediated regulation in bacterial systems is related to the kinetics of RNA-RNA annealing in vitro. Here, we investigated the secondary structure of alphaY69, an effective HIV-directed antisense RNA in human cells. Purified RNA preparations contain a single conformer. The global structure was identified by a cleavage experiment under native conditions using a short complementary oligonucleotide and RNase H. Structural analyses indicate a three-domain structure of alphaY69 consisting of two stem-loop elements connected by a seven-nucleotide single-stranded hinge region. Kinetic data suggest that the formation of base pairs between a CGC triplet of alphaY69 and its target RNA is essential for fast annealing. The complementary sequence stretch of the target folds into a high-energy secondary structure. The relationship between modifications in structural elements of alphaY69 and the annealing kinetics suggested that rate-limiting steps of the annealing involve a single site of alphaY69 and do not involve its 5' or 3'-end. Further, the data indicate that both initial base-specific interactions and duplex formation are dependent on the CGC triplet of the central region of alphaY69. This mechanism represents a specific and efficient way of RNA-RNA annealing that is initiated by the interaction of unstructured RNA regions.  相似文献   

Vaccinia virus vectors were used to express the major (L1) and minor (L2) capsid proteins of human papillomavirus type 1 (HPV-1) with the vaccinia virus early (p7.5K) or late (pSynth, p11K) promoters. All constructs expressed the appropriate-sized HPV proteins, and both L1 and L2, singly or in combination, localized to the nucleus. Capsids were purified by cesium chloride density gradient centrifugation from nuclei of cells infected with a vaccinia virus-L1 (vac-L1) recombinant or a vac-L1-L2 recombinant but not from vac-L2-infected cells. Electron microscopy showed that the particles were 55 nm in diameter and had icosahedral symmetry. Immunogold-labeled antibodies confirmed the presence of the L1 and L2 proteins in the HPV-1 capsids. Capsids containing L1 alone were fewer and more variable in size and shape than capsids containing the L1 and L2 proteins. The L1-plus-L2 capsids were indistinguishable in appearance from HPV-1 virions obtained from plantar warts. The ability to produce HPV capsids in vitro will be useful in many studies of HPV pathogenicity.  相似文献   

The major human apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonuclease (class II) is known to cleave DNA 5' adjacent to an AP site, which is probably the most common DNA damage produced hydrolytically or by glycosylase-mediated removal of modified bases. p-Benzoquinone (pBQ), one of the major benzene metabolites, reacts with DNA to form bulky exocyclic adducts. Herein we report that the human AP endonuclease directly catalyzes incision in a defined oligonucleotide containing 3,N4-benzetheno-2'-deoxycytidine (pBQ-dC) without prior generation of an AP site. The enzyme incises the oligonucleotide 5' to the adduct and generates 3'-hydroxyl and 5'-phosphoryl termini but leaves the pBQ-dC on the 5' terminus of the cleavage fragment. The AP function of the enzyme is not involved in this action, as no preexisting AP site is present nor is a DNA glycosylase activity involved. Nicking of the pBQ-dC adduct also leads to the same "dangling base" cleavage when two Escherichia coli enzymes, exonuclease III and endonuclease IV, are used. Our finding of this unusual mode of action used by both human and bacterial AP endonucleases raises important questions regarding the requirements for substrate recognition and catalytic active site(s) for this essential cellular repair enzyme. We believe this to be the first instance of the presence of a bulky carcinogen adduct leading to this unusual mode of action.  相似文献   

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