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随着Internet的飞速发展,和多媒体信息技术、计算机网络技术的日益普及,现代社会正大步迈入“电子阅读时代”。在互联网上浏览网页成为人们获取信息重要渠道。网页是一种视觉媒体,是浏览者与计算机进行信息交流的接口。网页的好坏在很大程度上取决于浏览者的视觉感知--网页的界面设计。浏览者主要通过网页的界面来获得信息,良好的人机交互界面能产生强大的视觉冲击力,引发浏览者的兴趣,合理的界面设计还可以使浏览者产生愉悦的心情,更乐意去继续观看。既然网络活动中浏览者更多的是靠视觉去感知信息,那么网页界面的设计无疑是影响网页信息传播效果的重要环节。本文就此浅谈网页界面设计的优化。  相似文献   

在互联网快速发展的今天,网络已成为人们生活、工作、学习中不可缺少的一部分,网页版面设计要给浏览者创造一种氛围,使浏览者在未阅读之前便可以大概领略整个网页的设计风格。当浏览者点击打开网页的一瞬间,首先引起他们关注的是由颜色、造型、大小各不同的要素组成的一个版面式样。这样浏览者就会从一个抱着获取信息的态度的求知者转而成为一个审美期望的审美主体。并在对网页版面式样瞬间的知觉中,完成一个完全脱离网页内容。文章主要研究了心理学与视觉传达在商业网站界面设计中的应用。  相似文献   

感知风险在很大程度上影响着消费者的网上购物意愿,采取针对性的措施努力降低消费者网上购物的风险感知、吸引更多的消费者参与在线消费成为国内外企业和学者们关注的一大热点。为了探讨网络环境中降低感知风险策略的有效性,通过抽样调查对消费者降低风险策略的偏好程度进行了实证分析,并在此基础上提出相关建议。  相似文献   

Zugara开发网上即时试衣间 电子商务的发展趋势之一,就是让在互联网上购物的体验如同去商店购物一样.美国加州的Zugara网站正是基于这种理念而创建的。Zugara借助一个叫做“webcam socialshopper”(网络摄像头在线社交导购)的工具,让消费者可借助摄像头、互联网试穿服装。  相似文献   

在网络购物日益成熟和服装消费者消费需求巨大转变的情况下,在线服装定制已经成为服装业发展的一种新趋势。为了解消费者选择在线服装定制的影响因素,运用SPSS统计软件在进行信度和效度分析的基础上,对问卷调查所得的数据进行因子分析,提取出影响消费者选择在线服装定制的5个重要公因子。研究结果为在线服装定制企业的经营和发展提供了产品和服务方面的营销建议,帮助在线服装定制企业适应新的发展趋势,并提高企业市场竞争力。  相似文献   

丽水地区整体消费容量比较小,整个地区占浙江省的销售比例在25%左右,应该说是市场容量非常小的一个地区。在网络购物方面,丽水目前还比较落后,主要的销售还是集中在线下的实体店面销售。  相似文献   

正网络食品经营活动是依托网络技术发展的产物,这就要求监管要因势利导,充分依据科学的手段强化行政监管的信息技术成分,在互联网的时代下,为应对在线购物的虚拟性,信息相对的不对称,"神秘买家"是一项很有用的监管措施  相似文献   

为了顺应目前网络信息时代电子商务高速发展的趋势,北京依博瑞得电子商务有限公司汇聚了众多计算机网络方面的专业人才,经过长期精心筹备,于5月18日成功地推出了中国商业在线网站。中国商业在线网站是一个综合性的商业网络;由专业级的工作站、技术超前的网络中心以及遍布京城各个角落的物流配送系统组成。中国商业在线网站汇聚了高素质的网络专家,经验丰富的网上销售人员,可以为网上用户提供超一流的服务。与其他商业网站相比,中国商业在线网的强大优势体现在可以提供种类齐全的商品和拥有自己完善的商品配送系统。针对其他购物类网…  相似文献   

文章以网络购物指标为研究对象,对在网络购物环境下影响消费者购买意愿的因素进行全面的探索挖掘,并分类研究。运用扎根理论,结合感知价值、满意度、忠诚度和购买意愿、购买行为等相关文献,从网站价值、店铺价值、产品价值和服务价值四个指标维度建立网络购物指标体系。运用问卷调查和层次分析法,构建网络购物指标体系对消费者购买意愿的影响层次模型,通过计算得出各个指标的权重影响。结果表明:在网络购物环境中,从消费者感知价值角度出发,对消费者购买意愿影响最大的是服务价值,产品价值、网站价值次之,店铺价值影响最小。  相似文献   

包文青 《现代家电》2011,(19):35-37,5
电子商务未来是什么样的?一种说法.线上线下互为补充,线下是体验店.线上是购物店;第二种说法是生活方式将发生彻底转变,购物在网上.娱乐服务在线下。实体购物彻底网络化,平时宅在家。周末休闲化——在线下享受网上无法实现的旅游、服务等。如果这样一种生活方式普及化以后.电子商务的市场将有多大?电子商务与以往的传统商务区别到底在哪里?就是用户体验。  相似文献   

金鑫  于巧丽 《家具》2014,(3):43-46
家具是人们日常生活中必不可少的产品,近年来电子商务逐渐成为产品销售的重要渠道,家具产品的网络化销售是必然趋势。由于传统家具的材料选择、结构复杂等设计问题和不够完善的购物体验、售后服务等销售问题,使得家具产品的网络销售量远远低于家电等其他产品。经济、实用、安全可靠的网络家具购物是消费者所期待的。为了适应电子商务的发展趋势,家具设计方法需要革新。本文从电子商务的特点出发,对比传统家具与现代定制家具的设计方法,得出模块化定制家具是家具产品开拓网络销售的重要模式,其中"模块"的设计是核心。模块化家具设计要求既能符合大众的功能需求和审美需求,又能巧妙地设计标准化连接件。此外,在销售端营造真实完美的虚拟体验以及完善的售后服务是家具网络销售得以长久发展的保障。  相似文献   

如今的各大商场及购物中心,都十分注重营造优美的购物环境,提供丰富多彩、适销对路的商品,但往往忽视导购素质及柜台接待技巧和方法。同顾客直接打交道的导购一向被看作商铺的门脸,其形象也是商场及品牌整体形象的反映。所以导购素质的高低,接待技巧如何,对商场及品牌来讲是至关重要的。以下问题应该是诸多导购在销售过程中经常遇到的问题,当你遇到这样的"刁钻"顾客,你如何应对自如?  相似文献   

网上消费者的感知风险影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
互联网交易的虚拟环境加剧了消费者对网上购物的风险认知。在消费者的购买决策过程中,感知风险贯穿于各个阶段,影响着消费者的购买决策行为,当感知风险超出消费者个体所能承受的风险范围,消费者就会放弃购买行为。网络环境中影响消费者感知风险的主要因素包括网上交易的环境因素、主体因素和客体因素。深入分析这些影响因素有助于企业采取更加有效的措施,改善网络购物环境,以降低消费者的风险感知。  相似文献   


In order to advance our knowledge about consumers’ shopping behaviour and preferences in two emerging markets (China and India), the current study was undertaken to investigate (1) apparel consumers’ shopping behaviour; (2) the effect of consumer innovativeness, and (3) the salient impact of apparel evaluative cues. An online self-administered survey consisted of shopping behavioural questions, the Domain Specific Innovativeness (DSI) scale, 12 apparel cues, and demographic questions were used for this study. In total, 266 and 236 usable data were collected from Chinese and Indian female participants respectively. The findings indicated that Chinese and Indian fashion innovators tended to spend more money on new clothes than non-innovators. Chinese fashion innovators spent significantly more time shopping online than did Indian innovators. In terms of the importance of evaluative cues, fashion innovators and non-innovators in both countries considered fit to be the most important cue; style, colour, and comfort played a relatively important role in clothing evaluation as well, but ease of care and durability were cited as relatively less important among many other cues. The two least important cues were brand name and country of origin.  相似文献   

This study analyzes retailer attitude towards animal welfare in Spain, and how this attitude has changed over recent years (2006–2011). Retailers were concerned about animal welfare issues but a declining trend is observed recently, probably due to the financial crisis. The concern about animal welfare was affected by sex, with women retailers expressing a more positive attitude towards animal welfare issues than men. Retailers, based on their experience, perceive a low level of willingness to pay more for welfare friendly products (WFP) on behalf of their customers. This fact is reflected in the sales of the WFP, which declined from 2006 to 2011. The main reason for consumers to buy WFP, according to retailer perception, is organoleptic quality, with improved welfare being second. The results obtained provide a pessimistic picture in relation to the current market positioning of WFP, which is probably a consequence of market contraction.  相似文献   


This article uses the household account book of Giles Moore, rector of Horsted Keynes in Sussex from 1656 to 1679, to explore clothing production, supply and consumption in rural England in the second half of the seventeenth century. Moore’s detailed record-keeping provides an insight into the supply and acquisition of textiles and clothing, as well as the clothing choices of a well-to-do country parson. A careful analysis of this underused source reveals Moore’s attitudes to shopping and clothing through his selection of shops, trade and craftsmen, his concerns about excessive prices, and his cloth, clothing and accessory choices. The article examines the range of shopping opportunities that were available to Moore and which ones he made use of, arguing that he exercised a high degree of consumer choice, made possible by a well-developed shopping culture. As well as the costs of his own clothing, Moore’s book records expenditure on that of his teenage niece, Martha Mayhew. In contrast to Moore’s shopping choices, we can see that Martha’s were considerably more circumscribed. This is consistent with recent studies of seventeenth-century consumption which have identified men rather than women as primary shoppers.  相似文献   

介绍了各国对塑料袋使用的规定以及各国环保纺织品购物袋的应用,并对环保纺织品购物袋与传统塑料袋的机械拉伸、撕裂和顶破强力进行数据测试,通过试验结果分析,对环保纺织品购物袋的机械性能进行了讨论、总结。  相似文献   

网上购物正成为一种新型的购物方式,逐渐被消费者所接受。但是,网上购物的风险一直是消费者担心的焦点问题,也是影响消费者网络购买决策的重要因素。目前我国网上购物中存在诸多问题,控制和防范消费者网上购物风险成为当务之急。  相似文献   

The feasibility of using a retailer fidelity card scheme to estimate food additive intake was investigated using the Swiss retailer MIGROS's Cumulus Card and the example of the food colour Sunset Yellow (E 110). Information held within the card scheme was used to identify a sample of households purchasing foods containing Sunset Yellow over a 15 day period. A sample of 1204 households was selected for interview, of which 830 households were retained in the study following interview. Interviews were conducted to establish household structure, patterns of consumption by different individuals within the household, and the proportion of foods containing Sunset Yellow habitually purchased at the retailer and/or consumed outside the home. Information provided by the retailer on levels of Sunset Yellow in the foods was combined with the information obtained at interview to calculate the per-capita intake of Sunset Yellow by members of participating households. More than 99% of consumers (n = 1902) of foods containing Sunset Yellow were estimated to consume less than 1 mg Sunset Yellow kg?1 body weight day?1. The method proved to be a simple and resource-efficient approach to estimate food additive intake on the basis of actual consumer behaviour and thus reports results more closely related to the actual consumption of foods by individuals  相似文献   

Pei Li  Chao Yu 《纺织学会志》2013,104(11):1538-1544
With the development of mobile technology, customer-centered co-design modularization (CCCM) has been studied by researchers and brand operators. In contrast, in the field of skirt design, CCCM on mobile application has been largely ignored. The purpose of this study is to develop a customer-centered co-design modularization on skirt that enables customers to co-design skirt on mobile application. On the basis of analytic hierarchy theory and interactive genetic algorithm, CCCM is consisted of two categories, such as skirt parts (design attributes) and communicating parts (behavior attributes). Skirt parts are determined by knowledge classification. Communicating parts are supported by recommending, consulting, evaluating among customers, consultant, and expert. The customer-centered co-design modularization was conducted and proved by a mathematical model. Compared to online shopping, the proposed CCCM is a good approach to involve stakeholders (customer, consultant, and expert) to design together who can communicate on mobile application.  相似文献   

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