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The influence of sinapine on the nutritional value of rapeseed meal and white mustard meal, as well as the influence of p-hydroxybenzylglucosinolate on the nutritional value of white mustard meal, was evaluated by feeding experiments with mice. The effect of sinapine was small, whereas p-hydroxybenzylglucosinolate caused a highly detrimental effect on the nutritional value of white mustard meal. Preparations of sinapine and of p-hydroxybenzylglucosinolate are described.  相似文献   

This study attempted to find out whether the low content of glucosinolates in the seed of the rapeseed cultivar Bronowski significantly affects the nutritional value of the seed meal. Glucosinolates were extracted from unheated meal with cold acetone, a process giving rise to only a slight inactivation of enzymes. Mice fed with a diet containing this meal as the protein source showed similar growth, feed intake and protein efficiency ratio to mice fed with heat-treated meal. When glucosinolates were added to the acetone-extracted meal, bringing them to about the same amount as before the acetone extraction, the growth response of the mice was as poor as that of mice fed with unheated, unextracted meal. Thus, even such low amounts of glucosinolates as found in Bronowski seed meal significantly affect the nutritional value of the diet as long as the appropriate enzymes are present. Besides myrosinase, other enzymes influencing the hydrolysis of glucosinolates appear to exist in the meal.  相似文献   

The inclusion of Candle (low glucosinolate) and Yellow Sarson (high glucosinolate) rapeseed meals in the diet of laying hens (100 g kg?1 for 14 days) depressed the oxidation of trimethylamine (TMA) by about 34% and 77% respectively and raised the mean TMA content of their eggs to 0.56 and 1.47 μg g?1. A dehulled, extracted Yellow Sarson meal had only a slight effect. A high glucosinolate B. napus meal suppressed TMA oxidation almost completely when fed for only 4 days. Differences in the tainting potential of the meals were related to their progoitrin contents. When fed alone this substance had a comparable effect on TMA oxidation which was due to the formation of goitrin in the gastrointestinal tract and its inhibition of TMA oxidase. Potassium thiocyanate (250 and 1000 mg kg?1 diet for 14 days) had no effect on TMA oxidation. It is concluded that neither the breeding of low glucosinolate cultivars of rapeseed nor treatment of the meal is likely to provide a practicable solution to the taint problem and that the elimination of the tainting defect from commercial stock by selective breeding would be more effective.  相似文献   

采用双水相法对油菜籽粕中原花青素进行提取。在单因素实验基础上,选取乙醇体积分数、硫酸铵质量分数、p H和提取温度为自变量,以原花青素得率为响应值,利用Box-Benhnken中心组合设计原理和响应面分析法,研究各自变量的交互作用对原花青素得率的影响,建立油菜籽粕原花青素提取得率的二次回归方程。结果表明,双水相法提取油菜籽粕原花青素的最佳工艺条件:乙醇体积分数26%,硫酸铵质量分数18%,p H2.40,提取温度39℃,在此最优条件下原花青素得率为7.78 mg/g。该研究为油菜籽粕中原花青素合理开发利用提供一定的数据基础。   相似文献   

With regard to studies on production process variants designed to improve the nutritive value of rapeseed meal, the authors describe the principles underlying the modified diffusion extraction procedures used (with and without rapeseed husking). Furthermore, they briefly outline the chemical methods applied to the determination of the nutrient composition and glucosinolate content of rapeseed meal variants as well as the methodology of their feeding and nitrogen balance experiments on growing albino rats and broilers. The results obtained with 13 analytical variants and 8 biological variants confirm once more the beneficial nutritive effects obtained with the reduction of the glucosinolate content of rapeseed meal in monogastric animal species. However, these results do not permit to appraise unequivocally the repercussion of rapeseed husking on the diminution of the content of paraplastic substances in rapeseed meal. The diffusion techniques used for reducing the glucosinolate content in rapeseed meal have been found to be effective.  相似文献   

In order to ascertain the reason for the prominent growth-inhibiting effect of unheated low-glucosinolate rapeseed meal, the nutritional value of various fractions of the meal was evaluated in growth experiments using mice. A meal containing myrosinase activity was not growth-inhibiting after the low-molecular compounds had been removed by dialysis. A hydrolysis of glucosinolates to isothiocyanates and oxazolidinethiones would probably not explain the marked antinutritional properties of the low-molecular fraction. Heat treatment after autolysis did not improve the nutritional value of the meal. The harmful factors present in an autolysed meal could be extracted with methylene chloride. This extract contained nitriles, but no isothiocyanates or oxazolidinethiones. Thus, together with other information, the results suggest that the growth-inhibiting effect of unheated, low-glucosinolate rapeseed meal is mainly due to the presence of factors that direct the hydrolysis of glucosinolates towards nitrile production.  相似文献   

The nutritional value of rapeseed meal, prepared from the low-glucosinolate cultivar Bronowski, as affected by heat treatments of the seed at various temperatures and times and at various moisture contents was evaluated by feeding experiments with mice. The optimum temperature and time intervals appeared to be 100–1100 C and 15–60 min, respectively, at a moisture content of 8%.  相似文献   

The chemical composition (moisture, ash, protein, amino acids, ether extract, crude fibre, Ca, P, Fe, thioglucosides, isothiocyanates and oxazolidinethiones) and biological quality (net protein utilisation, available lysine and digestibility) were investigated in 12 samples of presscake meal of rapeseed (Brassica napus) collected from local factories. Crude fibre and mineral contents were comparatively high. Thioglucosides and their hydrolysis products (isothiocyanates and oxazolidinethiones, which are toxic) were found in high concentrations. All samples showed a high protein content and their amino acid patterns corresponded to a good-quality protein with a score of 80, and an adequate level of available lysine. Nevertheless, the biological quality measured as net protein utilisation and digestibility gave low values, which could be explained on the basis of the presence of the toxic factors and the high level of crude fibre, respectively.  相似文献   

目的 优化菜籽粕硫甙降解工艺,并研究生物发酵过程中优势菌株对硫甙的降解动力学。方法 以菜籽粕为原料,以实验室自筛菌种B38(鉴定为短小芽孢杆菌Bacillus pumilus)与商业菌株(植物乳杆菌LP21825、枯草芽孢杆菌BS20445)进行复配,确定最佳硫甙降解菌株组合,进一步优化硫甙降解工艺,并对降解率进行拟合,选用Logistic方程来适配发酵过程中硫甙浓度的变化。结果 结果表明B38+BS20445为最佳菌株组合,确定最佳硫甙降解工艺为料液比1:1.5(g:mL),发酵时间48h,接种量10%,此时硫甙降解率为56.66%,并且菜籽粕经发酵后蛋白含量与酸度均有所增加。硫甙生物降解过程符合Logistic动力学方程,其R2大于0.99,表明拟合性良好,进一步说明模型能够很好地描述和预测菜籽粕硫甙的降解过程。结论 菌种复配发酵能提高菜籽粕硫甙降解率,降低菜籽粕毒性,为菜籽粕的应用提供重要理论基础。  相似文献   

Feeding experiments with mice suggest that high-molecular weight compounds in rapeseed meal without direct relationship to glucosinolates have a detrimental effect on the nutritional value of the meal. This effect is precluded by treatment with ethanol or upon heating. Ethanol extraction improves the nutritional value of the residue as a result of the removal of non-essential nitrogenous compounds. The nutritional value of the seed meal of the cultivar Bronowski was superior to that of the high-glucosinolate meal. A freeze-dried ethanol extract of the high-glucosinolate cultivar Sv Rigo was toxic to mice, especially when fed in combination with myrosinase, in contrast to ethanol extract from the low-glucosinolate cultivar Bronowski. A decrease of the glucosinolate content to a level below that of Bronowski did not effect the growth response of mice.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To investigate Edmonton Meals on Wheels (MOW) recipients' food preferences and meal satisfaction. METHODS: A preliminary study of 13 lunch club participants divided into two focus groups was conducted to determine overall themes in clients' menu preferences and suggestions. A questionnaire was developed, based on previous MOW client comments, and delivered to all clients (n=271) receiving hot meal service from the Edmonton MOW program; 140 surveys (52% response rate) were returned. RESULTS: The majority (72% to 88%) of hot meal clients were satisfied with the taste, texture, value, variety, and portion size of their meals. Popular menu items were barbecued chicken, perogies, and desserts. Up to 25% of participants indicated that meats were too tough and vegetables were too firm. Vegetables such as broccoli and Brussels sprouts were the most commonly disliked items. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, clients find the Edmonton MOW menu foods appealing and enjoyable. MOW programs should advertise the availability of texture-modified foods and offer a variety of vegetables. Meal services for the elderly must continue to monitor meal acceptance as client needs change with our aging population.  相似文献   

Rapeseed meals derived from heat-treated seed samples representing a large variation in glucosinolate content, which was principally due to genetic differences, were fed to mice as the only protein source. A glucosinolate content corresponding to a level of more than 1 mg potential isothiocyanates and oxazolidinethiones per g of diet depressed the 11-day growth of mice as well as feed consumption and protein efficiency ratios.  相似文献   

研究了从菜籽粕中水提菜籽多糖的工艺。在单因素试验的基础上,以提取温度、提取时间与料液比为因素,以菜籽多糖得率为指标,采用响应面法优化菜籽多糖的提取工艺。结果表明:在提取温度80℃、提取时间3.4 h、料液比1∶34、提取1次的条件下,菜籽多糖得率为2.09%。  相似文献   

Acceptability and nitrogen utilisation studies were made with diets containing barley and either extracted soy bean meal (SBM) or one of the two low glucosinolate extracted rapeseed meals Tower (TRSM) and Erglu (ERSM). In acceptability studies SBM, TRSM and ERSM were substituted isometrically at 20% in diets which were offered ad libitum for 8 weeks to pigs of 23 kg initial liveweight. There were four groups of four castrate male pigs, and four groups of four gilt pigs, per group, per diet. For the first 2 weeks intake per unit metabolic weight (W0.75) was greatest, but thereafter was least, for the SBM diet. In metabolism studies three diets were computed and fed so that 54.5 % of the daily intake of 170 g of crude protein was derived from SBM, TRSM or ERSM. Twelve caged castrate male pigs of 25 kg liveweight were fed on each diet. Apparent digestibility of crude protein was higher for the SBM diet compared with the TRSM (P<0.05) and ERSM (P>0.05) diets. Nitrogen retention decreased significantly from the SBM to the ERSM to the TRSM diets. In an individual feeding growth experiment, using 12 castrate male and 12 gilt pigs per diet, isonitrogenous diets based on SBM, TRSM and ERSM were fed, on a liveweight related basis, between 23 and 67 kg liveweight. The SBM fed pigs grew significantly faster and required significantly less crude protein per unit of gain than those fed TRSM and ERSM, between which there were no significant differences.  相似文献   

The composition of fatty acids of duck spare fats has been determined by gas-liquid chromatography. The ducks have been fed for 8 weeks with feed containing rapeseed meal after various steam-thermic treatment. The control group feed did not contain any rapeseed meal and that of group II, III and IV was after optimal, hard and mild steam-thermic treatment, respectively. The composition of fatty acids of periintestinal, subcutaneous and suet fat tissue has been evaluated. The results of the experiment became the evidence that addition of rapeseed meal in ducks feed influenced the composition of fatty acids of spare fats, especially in the group of unsaturated fatty acids. No significant differences appeared in the fatty acid composition between the various kinds of spare fats. The univocal influence of various steam-thermic treatment of rapeseed meal on changes of fatty acids composition of duck spare fats has not been revealed.  相似文献   

A method is described for the hydraulic pressing of dehusked rapeseeds, resulting in a meal with comparatively low oil and crude fibre contents. This process was followed by repeated washings with water in order to remove the thioglucosides. The weight gain and the protein efficiency ratio in the rat was equal to that obtained with a reference diet based on methionine-enriched casein. The value of using hydraulic processing in order to prepare a protein concentrate from oilseeds for human consumption is discussed.  相似文献   

考察了经不同加热条件处理的菜籽粕蛋白质溶解度(PS)、中性洗涤纤维(NDF)含量以及体外消化率(PDIV)3项品质指标变化规律,同时建立了PS、NDF含量与PDIV之间的回归预测模型.结果表明:①100 ℃对PS及NDF含量没有影响,2 h内的热处理PDIV逐渐升高;140 ℃下处理5 h,PS、NDF含量均降到标准以下,即菜籽粕品质遭到破坏;160 ℃处理1 h就会对菜籽粕品质产生破坏性作用.②温度、时间均对3项指标产生影响,但温度的影响程度要远大于时间.③菜籽粕的PS、NDF含量与其PDIV之间具有很强的相关性.  相似文献   

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