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城市规划编制管理、城市规划审批管理和城市规划实施管理是城市规划管理中的重要3个部分。在城市规划管理工作中如何做好规划管理工作,以及如何创新?本文作者就这一相关问题进行了简要的阐述和分析。  相似文献   

在推动近代中国城市规划发展的新型市政学者中,沈怡是一位实践先驱及重要代表。他主持了"大上海计划"系列都市计划的编制、南京都市计划的编制,并参与了相关规划实践。从人物史的角度,分析沈怡的教育背景、工作经历,考证其参与的近代城市规划实践,剖析其规划思想的主要来源——孙中山《实业计划》、欧美城市规划理论、民族主义思想、民主主义与民权主义思想,总结其对近代城市规划的影响,将有助于更深入的理解和认识中国近代城市规划史。  相似文献   

城市规划编制管理、城市规划审批管理和城市规划实旌管理是城市规划管理中的重要三个部分。在城市规划管理工作中如何做好规划管理工作,以及如何创新?本文作者就这一相关问题进行了简要的阐述和分析。  相似文献   

贾茹  马明 《城市住宅》2021,28(4):123-126,129
包头从第一个五年计划开始被确定为我国钢铁、机械工业基地之一,"一五"时期包头城市规划编制的完成,不仅是包头现代城市规划工作的开端,也是中国城市规划学科发展演进的重要实践.通过文献研究、归纳总结的方法,对"一五"时期包头城市规划编制背景进行阐述,梳理规划编制过程和成果内容,并总结包头"一五"时期城市规划的实施及对后几版规划的影响.  相似文献   

在都江堰灾后重建实施规划中践行"全程规划"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合都江堰灾后重建实施规划平台,对现有规划编制框架进行了探索式的调整和重构,扩充了城市规划编制的外延,延伸了相关工作链条,强化了城市规划工作的民意化、政策化、法制化以及实施的市场化。  相似文献   

李智慧  宋彦  陈燕萍 《规划师》2010,26(3):25-30,36
以深圳现行法定规划为对象,采用城市发展相关规划编制成果评估和专家评估两种方法,对城市规划编制外在有效性进行客观、全面的评估,具体包括对垂直级规划的承接性评价和对平行级相关规划的协调性评价,旨在建立一套城市规划外在有效性评估框架,检验城市规划编制的科学性,促进规划编制的完善。  相似文献   

潘安  吕传廷 《城市规划》2006,30(10):49-54
城市规划编制与研究是城市规划工作的基石,随着我国城市发展和社会经济体制改革的不断深入,如何应对变化的主体和背景,需要每个城市规划工作者进行积极的思考。本文通过总结分析广州市城市规划编制研究中心成立以来的实践经验,提出了未来规划编制与研究应加强政策研究、加强与实践结合、加强学术研究的发展思路。  相似文献   

城市作为现代社会人类赖以生存的巨型机器,如何加强其抵御灾害的能力成为一个必须面对的问题,城市综合防灾减灾规划的编制成为城市规划的一项重要内容和迫切任务.针对这个极为复杂并且陌生的命题,在编制北京城市综合防灾减灾规划的过程中,突破以往城市规划领域单灾种罗列的编制方式,重点强化城市规划在城市防灾减灾中具有的前瞻性、空间统筹、综合协调等优势,力争衔接起城市总体规划与各相关专业规划,发挥恰如其分的作用.文章探讨了城市规划的事权范围,综合防灾减灾规划的编制方法和内容以及组织编制过程中的一些工作体会.  相似文献   

广州市在4年的规划编制实践中,通过对香港城市规划经验的进一步推广,探索出针对市内重点开发地区规划编制方法,特别是在概念性城市设计到规划管理图则编制之间加入了"详细蓝图"编制的环节.该文通过对详细蓝图的作用、控制要素、编制原则,如何街接地区规划管理图则编制的深入探讨,总结出一些详细蓝图对控制性详细规划的完善作用.  相似文献   

成都市双流县海绵城市建设的控制性详细规划响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,海绵城市的规划建设受到了规划界越来越多的关注,而如何将海绵城市理念融入到城市规划的各个部分是值得研究的重点。基于此,文章以成都市双流县城市拓展区为例,从编制流程、编制内容两方面梳理和总结出一套在控制性详细规划中落实海绵城市的方法,最终形成"量化海绵城市规划目标—构建海绵生态格局—规划灰色、绿色雨水传输廊道—引导灰色、绿色海绵基础设施及产流用地布局—构建海绵城市控制指标体系"的融入海绵城市理念的控制性详细规划编制流程,并从规划目标、土地使用控制、公共服务设施规划、综合交通及竖向控制规划、绿地水系景观体系规划、市政工程规划、综合防灾规划和海绵城市专章等方面完善及优化了融入海绵城市理念的控制性详细规划编制内容,以期为相关规划提供参考。  相似文献   

廖含文 《城市建筑》2014,(28):18-21
举办成功的大型城市活动能够有效地拉动城市的发展,但以举办奥运会为目标的城市建设所带来的负面效应也越来越多地引起社会的关注,特别是由奥运建设引发的城市人口迫迁现象.本文首先解读了城市人口迫迁的含义和形式,其次讨论了以奥运会为代表的大型体育活动对城市人口迫迁的影响,特别分析了如何较为理性地判读与奥运建设相关的迫迁数据,最后从规划政策的角度简要探讨了如何在大型体育事件的筹备过程中降低引发城市人口迫迁的风险.  相似文献   

王萍 《山西建筑》2010,36(34):42-43
针对目前我国农村建设现状及其问题,结合国家关于建设社会主义新农村的相关政策,探讨了如何搞好村庄规划建设,结合太原市实际情况和相关政策要求,阐述了太原市新农村规划编制工作方案,以期促进太原市城乡统筹发展。  相似文献   

As the oldest city of the New World, Santo Domingo has undergone major institutional, political, economic and urban restructuring in five centuries of urban history. This city profile article investigates first the historical urban development of the city and then scrutinizes contemporary urban policies and projects that respond to challenges of rapid growth, inequality, and vulnerability to climate change. The article highlights how centralized policies initiated by divergent political regimes have resulted in a segregated city where Presidents used urban space to leave their legacies without adhering to planning mechanisms. The article also uncovers how rapid growth and absence of urban planning have produced two city making approaches, the “formal” and the “informal” cities converging parallel to each other. Furthermore, as the capital city of a Small Island Developing State, Santo Domingo's recent urban policies are embedded in global frameworks such as the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement; in this line, inequality and climate change vulnerabilities continue to be the city's main challenges in the 21rst century.  相似文献   

詹雪红 《城市规划》2011,35(Z1):161-164
一直以来,城市规划行业的发展随国家宏观政策、经济形势的变化而变化。本文通过回顾我国在2008年国际金融危机爆发形势下采取货币从紧、宏观调控以及4万亿元投资救市等一系列政策措施,从而保障国内经济平稳增长的过程,分析国际金融危机爆发以来我国城市规划行业发生的变化以及规划咨询市场发展的特点,以更深刻地理解国家宏观经济走势与城市规划行业发展的密切关系。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Urban time policies are public policies that intervene in the time schedules and time organization that regulate human relationships at the urban level. Urban time policies were launched in Italy at the end of the 1980s. Within a span of 10 to 15 years, 170 municipalities have been involved in time-oriented projects or timetable plans, or in studies of urban social time. There has also been a diffusion into several countries of the European Union, especially in Germany and France. Now the diffusion is starting in Spain, the Netherlands and Belgium. In this article, the development of urban time policies in Italy is reviewed up to the new national law of 2000. The article examines how urban and social time emerged as a new theme of public policy, and the way it has been translated into public actions. In Italy, 15 years of experience and a new national law brought urban planners, sociologists and policy makers to think over the role of these city actions and over the nature of innovation in these policies. In conclusion, the article underlines the innovative aspects of Italian urban time policies (urban and social time became a new way to examine urban transformations and a new stake for urban policies; it offered an integrated approach to planning management; experimentation has been the driver of innovation) and how urban time policies can be considered an enrichment of traditional town planning (they offered a wider problem solving articulation acting also on timetables; they provided a new concept, chronotopes, to study and design urban transformation and, finally, they encouraged social, political and institutional capacity-building in urban action and planning).  相似文献   

The Catalan experience between 2005 and 2010 constitutes an interesting example of urban & regional planning policies responding to the dramatic changes that took place at the turn of the real estate crisis of 2008: there is probably no other European case study where such a quantity of planning and legislative initiatives addressing urban growth were approved in such a short period. The article frames them in the Spanish framework and provides an integrative understanding of how the Catalan territory was planned in a period of critical changing conditions, from regional to local scale as well as from urban to rural land.  相似文献   

本文阐述了城市规划政策与城市公共政策之间的关系,并在揭示了城市公共政策特征的基础上,对城市规划政策的组成及其实施的保障机制等方面进行了探讨.  相似文献   

李鑫  张琰 《中国园林》2020,36(4):73
长期气候变化和极端天气事件给中国城乡可持续发展带来考验,而城乡地区自身的适应性规划体系不完善及生态环境恶化让城市适应性提升面临压力。因此,以"无悔"设计和可持续发展为基础的生态适应性(Ecological-based Adaptation,EbA)理念和措施逐渐引起国内学者的研究和关注。在收集和总结相关国际案例及应用的基础上,对Eb A理论、理念及研究进展进行深入分析和探讨。以生态适应性规划为着眼点,对分析的成果进行归纳,从研究和决策2个方面提出新的本地化解读、未来研究趋势及应用特点。同时结合中国开放空间规划体系的改革现状,提出适用于中国城乡可持续发展及韧性体系构建的本土化理念框架和相关建议。  相似文献   

This paper sets forth a set of four principles that define and operationalise the concept of urban resilience. Using these four principles, 105 registered planners with the Ghana Institute of Planners were interviewed and five most recent and relevant national planning documents (four legislation, and one policy) were evaluated to determine how well planning practice advances resilience planning. Findings indicate limited appreciation of the concept amongst planners, despite the national planning documents stating an intention to integrate urban resilience. In addition, these national planning documents do not provide balanced support for all four urban resilience principles, as they advance some principles significantly more than others. More importantly, there is a disconnect between these national planning documents on the one hand, and planning practice on the other, as planning actions are not consistent with the legislation and policies. This paper recommends education of planners on urban resilience issues, credentialing of the concept in the local context, and reconsideration of international agencies' role in resilience planning in Ghanaian cities.  相似文献   

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