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An analytical method is presented which can be used to estimate grounding effects of the shield wires, voltage transfer and distribution of ground fault currents. In the case of lines which can, as regards earthing, be treated as infinite, the method is based on relatively simple equivalent circuits obtained by applying the expression for the earthing impedance of an infinite line and summation of finite geometric series. In the case of lines which cannot be treated as infinite, use is also made of the principle of superposition and the summation of infinite geometric series. Some numerical examples are given to illustrate the practical application of the method. Finally, the method is used to derive an analytical proof of the specific property of shield wires as earthing conductors that they partially compensate for the unfavorable influence of high soil resistivity on the resistance of the earthing electrodes which they connect.  相似文献   

为了实现电力电缆的精确定位,提出了一种基于故障电流分布因子的单端故障定位方法。该方法首先根据Kirchhoff电压定理对电力系统等效模型建立表达式,然后检测线路单端三相电压、电流的正序、负序以及零序分量,接着引入故障电流分布因子,用故障类型的加权系数以及故障电流增量值替代故障电流,建立故障定位函数,最后检测出故障距离。仿真实验表明该方法鲁棒性强且具有较高的精确性。  相似文献   

In this paper, a new hybrid fault current limiter is proposed for primary distribution systems. It incorporates a high temperature superconducting element in parallel with other two branches. The first is an inductive impedance to share the fault current with. The second branch is a gate-turn-off thyristor switch controlled to work in either of two modes. For the main mode, it controls the temperature of the superconducting element and protect it against damaging excessive heating. Instead, it keeps the device applicable without that superconducting element in the auxiliary operation mode. The design, control and operation of the device is addressed. Its performance in 11 kV distribution systems with DG is investigated. The factors affecting the device behavior for different scenarios are explored.  相似文献   

徐皓远  刘波  叶开  彭楠  梁睿 《电力工程技术》2020,39(1):110-117,164
针对现有配网分布式故障定位方法复杂、可靠性差、设备要求高等问题,文中借助于低采样、低成本的故障指示器,提出了一种基于零序电流分布特性的配电网故障区段辨识方法。首先,定性分析线路不同位置、不同中性点接地方式下零序电流的组成成分及分布特征;然后,定量推导各情况下健全区段与故障区段零序电流幅值的差异,以此构造故障区段辨识判据;最后,结合零序电流分布特征与聚类过程,以最后2个类的距离之比确定故障线路,同时根据故障线路最后2类的分界编号确定故障区段,方法简单、有效。在PSCAD/EMTDC中搭建10 kV小电流接地系统进行仿真验证,结果表明,所提方法与故障初相角无关、抗干扰能力强,且不受故障电阻、故障位置的影响。  相似文献   

Power line faults create the ground potential rise (GPR) on both the neutral and shield conductors when the transmission lines (TL) and distribution lines (DL) are built on the same structures. The durations and magnitudes of resulting GPRs are unique for DL faults and TL faults because the corresponding fault currents are significantly different in terms of their magnitudes and durations. This paper analyzes and compares the safety impacts of TL faults and DL faults in the joint structures. Approximate formulas are established to describe the GPR characteristics. Computer simulation results are provided to illustrate the effects of different parameters on GPRs in various configurations.  相似文献   

随着分布式电源(DG)的接入以及主动配电网(ADN)的迅速发展,网络结构日趋复杂,断线故障频发,严重威胁设备与人身安全,影响电力系统稳定运行.由于受DG和可变拓扑的影响,ADN断线故障的识别面临较大的挑战,现有研究存在一定的空白,因此提出了一种基于负序电流的ADN单相断线故障保护方法.首先解析分析了DG上、下游发生单相...  相似文献   

Optical ground wires (OPGW) must be able to fulfil the regular functions of a ground wire, such as lighting protection and fault current path, as well as provide secure communications by way of the optical fibers embedded inside. Fault current tests were performed on a loose-tube-design OPGW to evaluate the temperature and optical performance during and after fault current pulses or hits. Optical performance was found to be affected as early as the first rated fault current hit. Temperature gradient tests revealed much higher than expected optical core temperatures, with resultant buffer tube damage. A computer program for predicting the temperature gradient was developed and independently verified the measured temperatures. A redesign of the cable will be necessary to ensure adequate optical performance for rated fault current hits  相似文献   

为了克服传统配电网故障定位方法对分布式电源(Distribution Generation,DG)接入的适应性较差的问题,且需要在馈线中配置大量测量装置导致成本增加的缺点,提出了一种基于电流序分量相关系数的多源配电网故障区段定位方法。首先利用叠加法分析了多端电源配电网故障点电流特征及定位原理,然后通过电源端口测量装置获取故障前后电源输出电流幅值差,再假设不同位置发生故障并计算此时各电源输出故障电流理论值,最后利用相关分析法计算理论与实测两组数据的相关系数,并提取相关系数最大的两个相邻节点实现区段定位。通过ETAP电力系统仿真平台搭建了改进的IEEE33节点模型模拟测量值,利用MATLAB编程进行相关分析,结果验证了方法的正确性。  相似文献   

As electric power systems grow and become more interconnected, the fault current levels increase. Superconducting fault current limiters (SFCL) can limit the prospective short-circuit currents to lower levels, so that the underrated switchgears can be operated safely. In order to introduce SFCL into the electric power system, we need a way to conveniently predict the limiting characteristics in a given situation. We have developed an Electromagnetic Transient Program (EMTP) model of high temperature resistive type SFCL based on the electric field (E)–current density (J) characteristic of the superconductor. The SFCL in series with a circuit breaker could be practically used in electrical distribution systems. Case studies of EMTP simulations show that the SFCL cannot only limit the fault current to an acceptable value, but also reduce voltage decrease and the rise rate of the transient recovery voltage. In order to ensure the safe and proper usage of SFCL, some future considerations on the interaction between SFCL and power systems are presented as well.  相似文献   

继电保护与配电自动化配合的配电网故障处理   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为了实现中压配电网继电保护的协调配合,对多级保护配合的可行性以及配合方法进行了论述,对于需要依靠延时时间级差配合的情况,根据所采用的断路器操动机构、驱动技术和软件算法的不同提出两类配合方案.对继电保护与配电自动化配合的集中式故障处理模式进行了研究,分别建议了两级级差保护和三级级差保护的配置原则和多级保护与配电自动化配合的集中式故障处理策略.提出了一种多级级差保护与电压时间型馈线自动化配合的原理,可以避免在分支线故障时造成全线短暂停电.结合实例说明了所建议的故障处理过程.  相似文献   

基于故障电流幅值比较的有源配电网故障定位方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了分布式电源(DER)的短路电流特征和DER准入容量限制。通过分析有源配电网非故障区段与故障区段两侧开关短路电流的幅值关系,提出利用流过线路区段两侧的短路电流幅值比较进行有源配电网故障定位。MATLAB/Simulink仿真结果表明,该方法在DER准入容量满足公共连接点处的电压变化量要求的情况下,可以实现有源配电网故障定位。  相似文献   

由于雷击等原因,配电网单相断线故障时有发生。为了避免断线故障导致电机损坏等事故,文章基于相电流特征提出了一种断线故障区段定位新方法。首先利用序网络分析了配电网发生断线故障后的相电压、电流特征,然后根据相电压特征构造了启动判据和故障选相判据,根据相电流相关系数构造了区段定位识别判据。所提出的方法具有灵敏度高、通信量小的优点,PSCAD仿真验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

In this paper, the Fault Current Limiter (FCL) is used to restore the coordination between the protection devices in distribution systems with high-level of DG penetration. The FCL allocation may be described as an optimization problem involving multiple objective functions which are contradictory and of different dimensions. So, it is formulated as a multi-objective constrained nonlinear programming problem. The interaction among different objectives gives rise to a set of compromised solutions, largely known as the Pareto-optimal solutions. The objectives are to simultaneously minimize: the increase in fault current levels due to the penetration of DG, voltage sag, and the total cost (size) of required limiters. The optimization problem is solved using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). The method is applied to two distribution test systems. Effects of different operating factors are assessed. Comparative analysis of results is provided.  相似文献   

针对配网单相接地故障电流较小,测距困难的问题,提出了一种脉冲电流测距方法。该方法通过短时改变中性点接地方式,在故障线路上产生幅值较大的脉冲电流。合理选择连接于中性点的限流电阻,将暂态过程控制在脉冲电流前半段,采用后半段数据计算脉冲电流稳态特征。利用脉冲电流稳态特征与故障距离之间的关系,实现了脉冲电流故障测距。该方法用于测距的脉冲电流幅值较大,可有效解决单相接地故障测距问题。通过MATLAB/Simulink仿真表明该方法具有较高的精度且受接地电阻影响较小。  相似文献   

含分布式电源的配电网是新型电力系统的重要组成部分,但分布式电源接入导致配电网的故障形态变得复杂,特别是使得中性点经消弧线圈接地的配电网单相故障特征进一步被弱化,配电网单相故障定位变得愈加困难。现有方法存在灵敏度不足或特征量提取与处理困难的问题,通过解析有源配电网单相故障暂态过程中零模电流的分布特点,发现故障点上游和非故障区段的暂态零模电流始终呈振荡衰减且极性相反的特征。进而引入偏态系数刻画暂态零模电流的振荡衰减特征,构造了基于特征暂态零模电流偏态系数的单相故障定位判据,并提出了有源配电网单相故障区段的灵敏定位方法。理论分析和仿真结果表明,该方法在显著降低故障特征量提取及处理难度的基础上,仍能可靠实现有源配电网单相故障区段定位,具有整定计算简单和抗通信干扰能力强等优点,为新一代配电网单相故障快速定位提供理论依据。  相似文献   

For the large volume of data in power systems, existing approaches to rough sets reduction either run on a single machine, or are paralleledly achieved in an approximate manner. They also seldom consider rough sets based value reduction. These problems restrict them in applications of power systems. In order to accelerate attribute reduction and value reduction, and improve the efficiency of fault diagnosis analysis in power systems, in this paper, we present a parallel heuristic approach to exact attribute reduction and value reduction for fault diagnosis in distribution network. We obtain the diagnosis rules and diagnose and locate the faults in the distribution network. Our parallel algorithms have been implemented on the MapReduce platform. The experimental results show that our method can effectively improve reduction process and improve the accuracy of reduction results in dealing with a large volume of data sets.  相似文献   

The authors consider the problem of the most cost-effective power supply to the villages and communities of developing countries located along the route of HV lines which are up to 100 km from HV/MV transformer stations. A novel solution is presented which consists of: insulation of the shield wire(s) of an HV line and wire(s) energization at MV (10 to 34.5 kV) from the closest transformer station: and supply of villages along the line route by means of standard MV/LV distribution transformers connected between the shield wire(s) and ground. Four different schemes are presented, two of them suitable for single-phase distribution, the others for three-phase supply. Results of 33 months of successful operation of an experimental scheme tested in Ghana for supply of single-phase and three-phase loads from the two insulated shield wires of a 161 kV line are presented. The authors describe the distribution schemes along 407 km of new 161 kV lines in northern Ghana, where the novel solution is applied to supply power to both domestic and industrial loads in 12 small towns with a design aggregate load of 5000 kW  相似文献   

主动配电网中分布式电源渗透率的提高和运行方式的复杂性可能引起保护拒动、误动或重合闸失败等问题,为此提出了一种适用于主动配电网的保护方案。该方案基于故障电流正序分量和参考相量的相位比较构造了故障方向判据,可快速准确地定位故障区段,并由此实现故障点上、下游保护有选择性地配合动作。考虑到实际应用中系统误差的存在,通过引入泛化角提高了故障方向判据的鲁棒性。该方案只需要故障后电流信号,可减少电压互感器的装设,且保护配合只需要传输闭锁信号和跳闸信号,可降低对通信的要求。最后通过对不同类型故障的仿真,验证了该方案的有效性。  相似文献   

高压输电线路故障产生的电流行波信号含有大量的噪声信号,在行波保护和行波故障测距中需要对其进行预处理,去除噪声并提取真实信号。利用小波变换能敏感地检测到奇异点和形态学滤波器能有效地滤除脉冲噪声且能保留原信号的全局和局部特征的优点,提出了一种基于形态小波的输电线路行波信号消噪新算法。MATLAB仿真结果表明形态小波在滤除脉冲干扰和白噪声方面具有良好的消噪能力。  相似文献   

随着分布式电源(DG)的大规模接入和用电需求的提高,具有主动控制、协调、管理能力的主动配电网(ADN)成为电力系统的发展趋势.然而,断线故障大大降低了ADN的效益价值,严重威胁设备与人身安全.由于受DG及灵活可调拓扑影响,目前针对ADN断线故障的保护技术较为欠缺.为此,分析了 ADN的特征及其对断线故障保护的影响;解析...  相似文献   

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