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研究了由给定的断层图像轮廓重构三维表面的问题.通过考虑两相邻断层上轮廓线的相对位置(即对中性)作为几何约束.定义了对应系数.当两条轮廓的对应系数大于给定的闽值时,表明轮廓间具有对应关系;通过引入两条边,使同一层上的多条轮廓合并为一条轮廓来解决分支问题;并在Christiansen提出的最短对角线法基础上,提出了一种改进的最短对角线法进行三角面片的构造.将该方法应用于一组牙齿的CT图片,获得满意的三维重构图.  相似文献   

根据平面点集Delaunay三角剖分的特性,将Delaunay三角剖分应用到分支问题上,改进和实现了一种分支问题处理算法。将相邻层轮廓线投影到同一个剖面上形成一个带约束边的平面点集,并将它们Delaunay三角化,根据这些三角形组来生成新的轮廓线,使轮廓线一一对应。实验结果表明该算法实现的效果较符合实际情况,能有效地处理各种不同情况。  相似文献   

研究了基于二维平行轮廓线的前列腺三维表现重建问题。采用Roberts边缘检测算子检测前列腺的边缘,提取其轮廓线。分析了BPL1算法在处理相信轮廓线无匹配部分时存在的缺陷。文章采用BPL1算法和相信轮廓线同步前进法相结合的方案被了前列腺表现的三维重建,给出了实验结果。实验表明重建的三维表面清晰、准确。  相似文献   

一种基于轮廓线的三维表面模型的快速切割算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在科学计算可视化的领域中,医学图象数据的三维重构和手术模拟是一个研究热点。该文设计并实现了一个基于轮廓线的三维表面模型的快速切割算法,称为“双面切割算法”。该算法充分利用了原始数据的几何及拓扑信息,将三维表面模型的切割操作转化到二维空间中,从而避免了一般三维物体切割算法中三角面片直接求交的大量运算。双面切割算法在进行切割运算时,同时得到切割后的模型及它们的交集模型,并维持了物体数据结构的完整性。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于等测地轮廓线的局部描述符来识别三维人脸。首先对三维人脸数据进行预处理, 得到统一的人脸区域并进行姿态归一化; 然后根据测地距离提取到鼻尖点相同距离的点组成等测地轮廓线, 对轮廓线进行重采样, 并对轮廓线上每个采样点的邻域提取局部描述符; 最后在建立测试人脸和库集人脸的点对应关系后进行局部描述符的加权融合和比较, 给出最终识别结果。算法在FRGC(face recognition grand challenge)v2. 0数据库上进行测试, 实验结果表明该方法具有较好的识别性能。  相似文献   

由一组二维轮廓线重建出物体的三维表面是医学数据可视化的一种主要绘制方式。当轮廓线比较复杂,例如当遇到非凸轮廓或相邻层轮廓线相差过大时,常用的三角化拼接方法就会失败。文章提出一种新的轮廓拼接方法能够处理任意形状的轮廓线。该方法的基本思想是对轮廓线进行凹凸性层次分析,然后将相邻轮廓线从外到内逐层拼接,从而构成一个三角化的物体表面。实验结果表明,该算法对于手动勾画和自动提取的轮廓线都可以给出较好的重建效果。  相似文献   

鲍苏苏  林斌 《计算机科学》2003,30(12):136-138
In the medical 3D Reconstruction, 3D object surface is reconstructed, by making use of the traditional slice-based reconstruction method. Due to the still existing problems, such as contour pairing, diverging surface,contour pair patching, etc. In this paper, the new methods are proposed for the problem solving. The contour pairing is carried out with overlapping. The diverging curved surface is decomposed with mathematical morphology. The boundaries generated by the morphologic operation are that of the diverging surfaces. The middle layer generated bythe lower layer and the upper layer is not to insert into the two layers but only to join in one of the two layer. The contour mosaic is patched with triangles to form the surface after the polygons are simplitied. The triangles areconstructed under the criterion of the shortest diagonal.  相似文献   

利用OpenGL实现医学图像三维表面重建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
OpenGL是目前应用比较广泛并且性能非常优越的三维图形应用程序库,本文重点了其在医学图像三维表面重建中的一些具体应用。  相似文献   

一种由二维轮廓线重建物体表面的方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文提出一种通过体数据转换实现由轮廓线重建物体表面的方法 .该方法根据“表面投影区”比较两相邻切平面上对应像素点的状态函数值 ,以确定影响等值面生成的像素点 ,从而只进行影响等值面生成的像素点的距离函数的计算 ,并可在根据需要对相邻切平面上的对应点进行插值计算后 ,生成分辨率较高的体数据 .本文采用改进的 MT算法生成等值面 ,完成物体的表面重建 .该方法缩短了体数据的构造时间 ,在保证了重建正确性的前提下提高了整个表面的重建速度  相似文献   

三维模型剖面轮廓线的实现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出一种快速实现三维模型剖面轮廓线的方法.该方法首先求出三维模型与剖切平面的交点.然后对交点按扇型区域进行归类,再在每个扇型区域内选取适当的点构成剖面轮廓线的基准点.最后对选出的基准点拟合,实现三维模型的剖面轮廓线。  相似文献   

针对轮廓线重建过程中的轮廓分叉问题,提出了一种改进的多轮廓线三维重建算法,通过构造辅助轮廓线将多轮廓线的连接转换为单轮廓线的连接,改进了利用多轮廓线进行三维重建的不足,利用可接受表面实现特征点的三角化,并根据曲率的变化拟合重建过程中的不光滑表面,进而实现断层医学图像的三维重建。实验结果证明,运用本算法在保证重建物体正确的同时,缩短了体数据的构造时间,加快了整个表面的重建速度。  相似文献   

基于三维表面模型的任意切割算法*   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对三维表面模型进行切割,人们可以方便地观察物体的内部结构。针对三维表面模型,提出了一种任意切割算法。任意切割过程首先是交互生成切割曲线,生成切割面;然后通过切割面对表面模型进行切割,在切割面上生成交线序列;再由交线序列与切割面边界生成封闭的边界轮廓,确定各边界轮廓间的包含关系;最后对边界轮廓包围的截面区域进行Delaunay三角剖分并着色,得到完整的剖面。实验结果证明了该算法的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   

为便于钻井人员直观地观察、分析及有效地控制井眼轨迹,该文从基于切片建立三维几何模型的思路出发,根据不规则三角网(TIN)构网和三维几何变换提出了一个新的筒状井眼轨迹的三维可视化建模方法。该方法不需要对井眼轨迹弯曲处进行插值圆滑处理,高效快捷地实现了筒状井眼轨迹的无缝连接。详细描述了井眼轨迹的建模方法,为临境观察、控制石油钻采的三维可视化打下了基础。  相似文献   

B-spline surfaces, extracted from scanned sensor data, are usually required to represent objects in inspection, surveying technology, metrology and reverse engineering tasks. In order to express a large object with a satisfactory accuracy, multiple scans, which generally lead to overlapping patches, are always needed due to, inter-alia, practical limitations and accuracy of measurements, uncertainties in measurement devices, calibration problems as well as skills of the experimenter. In this paper, we propose an action sequence consisting of division and merging. While the former divides a B-spline surface into many patches with corresponding scanned data, the latter merges the scanned data and its overlapping B-spline surface patch. Firstly, all possible overlapping cases of two B-spline surfaces are enumerated and analyzed from a view of the locations of the projection points of four corners of one surface in the interior of its overlapping surface. Next, the general division and merging methods are developed to deal with all overlapping cases, and a simulated example is used to illustrate aforementioned detailed procedures. In the sequel, two scans obtained from a three-dimensional laser scanner are simulated to express a large house with B-spline surfaces. The simulation results show the efficiency and efficacy of the proposed method. In this whole process, storage space of data points is not increased with new obtained overlapping scans, and none of the overlapping points are discarded which increases the representation accuracy. We believe the proposed method has a number of potential applications in the representation and expression of large objects with three-dimensional laser scanner data.  相似文献   

针对现有3D轮廓提取方法计算量大、图像立体匹配难、图片中含有大量噪音的问题,提出了一种利用早期认知视觉系统提取图像3D轮廓的方法.早期认知视觉是连接早期视觉和认知视觉的中间平台,通过早期认知视觉系统提取出图像的2D基元,2D基元是图片小块,有丰富的语义信息包括位置,方向,相位和三色值;再由两个立体图像的相一致的2D基元...  相似文献   

A new 3D surface contouring and ranging system based on digital fringe projection and phase shifting technique is presented. Using the phase-shift technique, points cloud with high spatial resolution and limited accuracy can be generated. Stereo-pair images obtained from two cameras can be used to compute 3D world coordinates of a point using traditional active triangulation approach, yet the camera calibration is crucial. Neural network is a well-known approach to approximate a nonlinear system without an ...  相似文献   

针对传统三维重建中点特征匹配算法的局限性,提出了基于相关系数的图像点特征匹配方法,实现了对图像点特征匹配与三维重建同步进行的目的。基于同一物体的两幅图像,给出了其特征匹配和三维重建的算法,并通过实验数据分析了此算法的有效性。  相似文献   

3D modeling and codec of real objects are hot issues in the field of virtual reality. In this paper, we propose an automatic registration two range images method and a cycle based automatic global registration algorithm for rapidly and automatically registering all range images and constructing a realistic 3D model. Besides, to meet the requirement of huge data transmission over Internet, we present a 3D mesh encoding/decoding method for encoding geometry, topology and attribute data with high compression ratio and supporting progressive transmission. The research results have already been applied successfully in digital museum. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 60533070, 60773153), the Key Grant Project of Chinese Ministry of Education (Grant No. 308004), the Project of Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology (Grant No. 2006BAK12B09), and the Project of Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission (Grant No. Z07000100560714)  相似文献   

为了利用隐式曲面构造出光滑拼接的3维树木枝条模型,同时义能避免3维树木建模中枝条曲面的单一性,以增强树木模型局部细节的真实感描述.提出了一种基于隐式曲面的3维树木建模方法,该方法首先将基于骨架的隐式曲面与具有多项式密度分布的直线骨架卷积曲面结合起来进行3维树木建模;然后采用BlobTree结构来组合隐式曲面原型,并用优化融合来消除树木枝条的融合突起;最后用PCM等隐式曲面建模技术来模拟3维树木表面的局部细节,并采用实际树木图片中的颜色概率分布进行纹理填充.实验结果表明,该方法不仅可以重构出具有多样性的光滑3维树木枝条,并能够逼真地生成树权脊梁、树木突起等局部细节特征.  相似文献   

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