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The interdisciplinary engineering knowledge genome   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Parallel to the concept of the human genome and its impact on biology and other disciplines, we revealed a similar concept in engineering sciences, termed the ??Interdisciplinary Engineering Knowledge Genome??, which is an organized collection of system and method ??genes?? that encode instructions for generating new systems and methods in diverse engineering disciplines. Resting on the firm mathematical foundation of combinatorial representations, the Interdisciplinary Engineering Knowledge Genome unifies many engineering disciplines, providing a basis for transforming knowledge between them, supporting new educational practices, promoting inventions, aiding design, and bootstrapping new discoveries in engineering and science. Given the formal underlying combinatorial representations, these merits could be automated. This paper elucidates this new concept and demonstrates its value and power in engineering design.  相似文献   

针对工程制图课程如何培养学生工程图表达能力、创新设计能力及实践能力问题,提出既要重视基本理论,又要应用基本方法,以引导学生应用投影原理正确分析问题并发现有关规律。教学与工程实践结果证明了要注重基础理论的学习。提出了工程图表达应具备的基本思维方式。通过学生学习效果的调查,确定了教学难点与重点。  相似文献   

钱静 《包装工程》2002,23(6):92-99
针对累纺类专业特点,根据实际教学过程中的经验,提出了累纺类专业工程力学教学从安排、深化教学内容、改进教学方法等方面的改革措施。  相似文献   

Interdisciplinary system development requires the integration of diverse expertise to combine different engineering technologies and—increasingly often—services, in order to provide users with expected value and desired functionality in newly developed products. Failure to achieve integration of disciplines can result in design errors posing a direct threat to the users and to the company. Function modelling is expected to provide suitable means for the integration of disciplines early in the development process. However, a plethora of function models can be found within different disciplines or even across, and their divergence has proven to hamper shared, cross-disciplinary function modelling in design teams. This article presents research on function modelling in different disciplines in practice. Conducted research comprises empirical studies in ten companies developing mechatronic systems and/or Product-Service Systems in diverse market areas. The studies provide insights into the utilisation of different function models in different disciplines and across, as well as the specific needs and preferences of practicing designers regarding interdisciplinary function modelling. Finally, the obtained insights and their implications for supporting interdisciplinary function modelling are being discussed. Indications are derived which may guide future research endeavours pertaining to the development of support for collaborative, (cross-)disciplinary function modelling.  相似文献   

"振动利用工程"学科近期的发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了“振动利用工程”学科理论框架的构建,对作者在“振动利用工程”领域的一些方面:例如,若干工艺理论的研究、新型振动机构的研究及应用、非线性振动理论的应用、动态设计方法及研制的若干新型振动机等近期所取得的一些研究结果进行叙述。  相似文献   

The synthesis of phase functions to manipulate free propagation characteristics of fields is of fundamental concern in wave-optical engineering. In optical and digital holography, two basic approaches have been proposed: the use of diffuse illumination and the application of map transformation techniques. While the first approach uses a scattering concept, the latter applies geometrical optics arguments. In today's optical engineering, both concepts constitute two extreme cases of the general phase synthesis problem which is typically solved by projection algorithms. Characteristics of diffuser-type and mapping-type approaches in phase synthesis are compared with special emphasis on bandwidth, smoothing and information distribution constraints. As a basic tool, iterative Fourier transform algorithms are developed and applied, which do not stagnate in phase vortexes.  相似文献   

针对高校飞行器制造工程专业的综合实验课程教学,论文提出了设置飞机数字化设计制造一体化技术实验、飞机钣金精密塑性热成形工艺教学实验、飞机数字化柔性装配教学实验及飞机复合材料构件设计制造一体化技术等四大实验系列共14个实验的教学设想。这些实验既涉及传统的飞机制造工艺,也包括最新的飞机研制信息化手段。完成上述实验可提高本专业学生的动手能力,加深对飞行器产品制造过程各项知识点的理解。  相似文献   

Forschung im Ingenieurwesen - Roller element bearings present in the intermediate and high-speed stages of wind turbine gearboxes operate in dynamic working conditions and in some cases may fail...  相似文献   

A corn silo made from corrugated sheet was the subject of a complete structural failure during standard operation. The main goals of the investigations performed were to identify possible causes for the accident (i.e., list of hypotheses), to choose the most probable one and to provide evidence by experimental and theoretical analysis. Metallographic analysis of the cracked sheet showed significant thickness reduction due to corrosion. The standard strength analysis resulted in a generally high stress level and a high likelihood of cracking in the corroded area. However, the bursting of the silo could not be explained alone based on this calculation. Therefore, with help of fracture mechanics it was assessed whether an unstable propagation of the initial crack was realistic. The general results of this study led to the conclusion that the bursting of the silo was most probably due to unstable propagation of a crack originated in the corroded area of the sheet metal near the inspection window.  相似文献   

Analysis of the impact of interaction and experience on quality components such as “usability”, “producibility”, “reliability”, “sustainability” and “aesthetics” is presented using the case of engineering design, a discipline that traditionally has an image of being a strictly calculated, rigid framework. It has been widely recognised that engineering design encompasses two ways of thinking—creative and critical. A central argument that the synergy of creativity and criticality is significantly enhanced by connecting true interdisciplinary augmentation with the fine arts is discussed along with reflecting on the importance of such an approach in higher education.  相似文献   

A critical strain at a small distance from a crack tip is proposed as a ductile fracture criterion. Surface strain in double edge cracked specimen made of 2024-0 aluminum alloy was measured using the moiré method. The strain along the crack line and near a crack tip is proportional to the cracked-section-elongation, the latter is used as a measurable quantity to characterize ductile fractures. The effect of specimen size on fracture strength and energy absorption by the specimen were analyzed. The proposed ductile fracture analysis agrees qualitatively with fracture tests on fully annealed 4340 steel and 2024-T351 aluminum.
Zusammenfassung Als Kriterium für das Verformungsverhalten wird die kritische Debuting in der Nähe einer Rissspitze vorgeschlagen. An einer mit zwei seitlichen Kerben gerissenen Probe aus einer Aluminium 2024-0 Legierung wurde die Oberflächen-dehnung nach dem moire Interferenzverfahren gemessen.Die Verformung entlang des Risslinie and in der näheren Umgebung der Rissspitze ist der Verlängerung des gerissenen Querschnitts proportional. Letztere wird als messbare Grösse zur Beschreibung des Verformungsbruchverhaltens herangezogen. Es wurde der Einfluss der Probenabmessungen auf die Zugfestigkeit and die absorbierte Energie ermittelt.

Résumé Comme critère pour la rupture ductile, on suggère d'adopter une déformation critique à une courte distance de la pointe d'une fissure. Les déformations en surface ont été mesurées, à l'aide de la méthode du moiré, sur des éprouvettes fissurées d'alliage d'Aluminium 2024-0 comportant deux entailles latérales.La déformation le long de la ligne de fissuration, et au voisinage de la pointe de la fissure, est proportionnelle á l'allongement de la section droite fissurée, quantité mesurable pour caractériser les ruptures ductiles.On a analysé l'influence des dimensions de l'éprouvette sur la résistance à la rupture et sur l'énergie qu'elle absorbe. L'analyse proposée dans cc mémoire est qualitativement en accord avec résultats d'essais de rupture sur tin acier 4340 normalisé et sur l'alliage d'Aluminium 2024-T351.

创造性构形设计教学已成为现代工程图学课程培养学生创新能力的重要手段。论文在浅析了构形设计的教学目标与设计评价的基础上,深入探讨了创造性构形设计在工程图学课程中的基本教学方法和实际效果。  相似文献   

In this paper a new concept for development of algorithms for optimal design of engineering systems is presented. The basic idea is to use upper and lower bounds on optimum cost to develop iterative search strategies. The main feature of the concept is that it does not rely on one-dimensional search to compute a step size at any design iteration. Implication of the feature is that the algorithms based on this concept require evaluation of constraint functions only once at any design iteration. This is highly desirable for optimal design of engineering systems because evaluation of functions for such systems is very expensive due to their implicit dependence on design variables. An algorithm based on the new concept is derived in the paper. Several new step sizes are introduced and their relation to proper reduced optimal design problems are presented. A new step size based on the constant cost requirement at some design iterations is introduced. Numerical aspects for the algorithm are also presented. Based on the new algorithm, a general-purpose computer code GRP2 is developed. The code is used to solve several problems to gain experience and insight for the algorithm. Numerical experience with examples is discussed. It is concluded that algorithms based on bounding optimum cost have substantial potential for applications in optimal design of engineering systems.  相似文献   

In this paper, a formal engineering design synthesis methodology based on evolutionary computation is presented, with special emphasis on the design and optimization of distributed independent systems. A case study concerned with design of a sensory system for traffic monitoring purposes is presented, along with simulations of traffic scenarios at several levels of abstraction. It is shown how the methodology introduced is able to deal with the engineering design challenges present in the case study, and effectively synthesize novel design solutions of good quality. Moreover, when the fitness function is formulated as an aggregation of design preferences with different weights and trade-off strategies, the complete Pareto optimal frontier can be determined by the evolutionary synthesis methodology. The results of this study suggest that the approach can be useful for designers to solve challenging engineering design synthesis problems.  相似文献   

Graphene is a fascinating material of recent origin whose first isolation was being made possible through micromechanical cleavage of a graphite crystal. Owing to its fascinating properties, graphene has garnered significant attention in the research community for multiple applications. A number of methods have been employed for the synthesis of single-layer and multi-layer graphene. The extraordinary properties of graphene such as its Hall effect at room temperature, high surface area, tunable bandgap, high charge mobility and excellent electrical, conducting and thermal properties allow for the development of sensors of various types and also opened the doors for its use in nanoelectronics, supercapacitors and batteries. Biological aspects of graphene have also been investigated with particular emphasis on its toxicity and drug delivery. In this review, many of the salient aspects of graphene, such as from synthesis to its applications, primarily focusing on sensor applications which are of current interest, are covered.  相似文献   

Citation delay in interdisciplinary knowledge exchange   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
As part of a larger project to investigate knowledge flows between fields of science, westudied the differences in speed of knowledge transfer within and across disciplines. The agedistribution of references in three selections of articles was analysed, including almost 800.000references in journal publications of the United Kingdom in 1992, 700.000 references inpublications of Germany in 1992, and more than 11 million references in the world total ofpublications in 1998.The rate of citing documented knowledge from other disciplines appears to differ sharplyamong disciplines. For most of the disciplines the same ratio's are found in the three data sets.Exceptions show interesting differences in the interdisciplinary nature of a field in a country. Wefind a general tendency of a citation delay in case of knowledge transfer between different fieldsof science: citations to work of the own discipline show less of a time lag than citations to work ina foreign discipline. Between disciplines typical differences in the speed of incorporatingknowledge from other disciplines are observed, which appear to be relatively independent of timeand place: for each discipline the same pattern is found in the three data sets. The disciplinespecific characteristics found in the speed of interdisciplinary knowledge transfer may be point ofdeparture for further investigations. Results may contribute to explanations of differences incitation rates of interdisciplinary research.  相似文献   


A successfully developed design system which provides an on‐line interactive facility for the application of engineering drawings is described. A set of processing questions as well as a set of control functions are supplied to support man‐machine interactive construction and maintainence of picture data. A vector‐valued parametric form together with the basic operations of translation, rotation, and scaling are integrated into a standard form for generating picture primitives. Also, a B‐tree structure is used to minimize disk access times so that data base file organization of the design system can handle huge amount of picture records.  相似文献   

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