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不论是企业管理、公共管理还是产品设计,甚至日常很多事情的处理与协调,我们都应该尽可能的遵循以人为本的原则,强调把人的利益和价值诉求作为问题解决的核心。然而,对于机房专用空调而言似乎是个例外。基于对机房专用空调的设计更多的把关注的核心放在了机房中所运行的设备身上。  相似文献   

于俊 《建筑施工》2011,33(12):1120-1121
通过对电信机房空调现状的调查,比较和分析舒适性空调与机房专用空调的差异,得出机房专用空调比舒适性空调更加适用于电信机房。同时,从经济效益上看,前者也优于后者。  相似文献   

本文主要从机房专用空调的选型及位置的确定、制冷剂管路的设计以及安装施工方法等方面进行简单阐述.  相似文献   

以铁路集中信息机房的可靠性、节能性为重点,结合工程实践,对机房专用空调系统形式、设备备用原则、管路系统、故障处理和检修以及水环热泵、气流组织、运行控制等设计思路进行分析.  相似文献   

为了更好的指导大型公共建筑弱电机房的空调设计,结合某工程弱电控制中心和设备机房空调设计的实例,分析了弱电机房空调的特点以及采用的空调系统形式,从而解决了弱电机房空调设计中的常见问题.  相似文献   

介绍了机房专用空调常用的两种快速除湿方法—“降风量法”和“降蒸发面积法,”并通过理论计算分析和对实际机组进行试验,详细地比较了这两种方法快速除湿时的制冷量和除湿量的差异,根据前面试验结果具体地指出了两种方法在实际快速除湿应用时的优点和缺陷。最终认为“降风量法”在各种性能方面都具有优选性,而“降蒸发面积法”应用时一定要注意蒸发器夹角以及冷凝水管管径大小的控制。  相似文献   

机房专用恒温恒湿空调机组的基础设计   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
结合制冷、传热、流体力学等基本原理,详细介绍了机房空调的制冷、气流、控制系统的关键部件的计算、选型及设计方案。  相似文献   

本文对广西商业大厦一,二期工程的空调系统进行了较全面的介绍,着重介绍在二期工程空调系统设计时,如何处理好与一期工程之间的关系。  相似文献   

耿海波 《云南建筑》2014,(4):107-109
高密度刀片服务器和高度集成化的机柜已成为主流,设备运行发热量大。机房空调对保证机柜正常运行的温湿度环境具有重要意义,应与建筑专业密切配合,以满足机房设备布局及工艺要求为基础,通过合理的气流组织及适宜的空调自动控制系统保证机房的温湿度、室内外压差等主要技术要求,并应采用节能、环保的空调系统方式。  相似文献   

机房专用恒温恒湿空调机组的优化设计   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
根据笔者的研发经验,结合制冷、供热、流体力学等基本原理,详细论述了机房空调制冷气流和控制系统关键部件的优化设计方案.  相似文献   

Solar air-conditioning can have higher application potential for buildings through the strategy of high temperature cooling. In recent years, displacement ventilation (DV), which makes use of the indoor rising plumes from the internal heat gains, provides a more effective supply air option than the traditional mixing ventilation (MV) in terms of both thermal comfort and indoor air quality. As it is possible to raise the supply air temperature to 19 °C for DV, it would enhance the competitive edge of the solar air-conditioning against the conventional vapour compression refrigeration. Through dynamic simulation, a solar-desiccant-cooling displacement ventilation system (SDC_DV) was developed for full-fresh-air provision, while a solar-hybrid-desiccant-cooling displacement ventilation system (SHDC_DV) for return air arrangement. The latter was further hybridized with absorption chiller (AB) to become SHDCAB_DV, or adsorption chiller (AD) to be SHDCAD_DV, in order to be wholly energized by the solar thermal gain. Benchmarked with the conventional system using MV, the SDC_DV had 43.3% saving in year-round primary energy consumption for a typical office in the subtropical climate; the SHDCAB_DV had 49.5% saving, and the SHDCAD_DV had 18.3% saving. Compared with their MV counterparts, the SDC_DV, the SHDCAB_DV and the SHDCAD_DV could have 42.4%, 21.9% and 30.3% saving respectively.  相似文献   

本文通过介绍一电子厂房恒温恒湿净化空调系统在过渡季节运行中出现问题,经分析其成因并进行实验调试找到了解决办法的工程实例,总结了过渡期季节恒温恒湿空调设计的注意事项,并对运行调试中常见问题的成因及解决办法进行了归纳。  相似文献   

This paper studies air flow in an air-conditioned room containing a distributed heat source and a localised heat source, into which cool air is supplied at low momentum through openings at a low level, and from which old air is extracted from a high level. This situation may be analogous to an auditorium containing a distributed audience and a localised group of actors and lighting on a stage, into which cool air is distributed from underneath the seating, and from which old air is removed through a ceiling, for example. Using a combination of a theoretical model and laboratory experiments, the paper shows that, in such conditions, if the localised heating is sufficiently strong compared to the distributed heating, the room will become stratified into two layers at steady state. A layer of warm air lies atop a cooler layer that attains a temperature above that of the supply air. This temperature structure depends primarily on the supply air flow rate and the ratio of the distributed heating to the total heat flux. For a room with fixed heating, increasing the supply air flow rate raises the interface between the upper and lower layers, while cooling both layers. The temperature in the upper layer depends on the total heat flux, but the temperature in the lower layer depends on the flux of distributed heating. For a room with a fixed supply air flow rate and a fixed total heat flux, increasing the strength of distributed heating warms the lower layer, but does not affect the temperature in the upper layer. Such increase in the strength of distributed heating also raises the interface. To achieve sufficient ventilation and thermal comfort in an occupied lower zone while keeping any pocket of uncomfortably warm air well above it, cool air needs to be supplied within an appropriate range of flow rates, which depends on the ratio of the distributed heating to the total heat flux. The paper shows how to determine such appropriate ranges of flow rates for different heating ratios, using the model.  相似文献   

In this study, the effect of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) on nucleate boiling heat transfer is investigated. Two halocarbon refrigerants of R123 and R134a for building chillers were used as working fluids and 1.0 vol.% of CNTs was added to them to examine the heat transfer enhancement with CNTs. The experimental apparatus was composed of a stainless steel vessel and a 152.0 mm long plain horizontal tube of 19.0 mm outside diameter heated by a cartridge heater. All data were obtained at the pool temperature of 7 °C in the heat flux range of 10–80 kW m−2. Test results showed that CNTs increase nucleate boiling heat transfer coefficients for these refrigerants. Especially, large enhancement up to 36.6% was observed at low heat fluxes of less than 30 kW m−2. With increasing heat flux, however, the enhancement was suppressed due to vigorous bubble generation. Fouling on the heat transfer surface was not observed during the course of this study. Optimum dispersion of CNTs should be examined for their commercial application to enhance nucleate boiling heat transfer in building air-conditioning applications.  相似文献   

谈大型公共建筑地下室变配电房通风空调设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑明权 《山西建筑》2011,37(22):148-149
提出了消除室内余热所采用的两种方案,以同一变配电房处于两个不同地区为研究对象,根据不同室外气象参数计算出相应的通风换气量,分析了在实际设计安装过程中土建条件对两种方案的影响,选择了合理的通风空调设计方案,并对通风空调运行能耗的控制提出可行性方法,最后介绍了变配电房通风换热与变配电房消防气体灭火系统相结合的设计和运行方式。  相似文献   

宋剑波 《山西建筑》2013,(34):161-163
介绍了山西大剧院的空调系统,并以主剧场为例着重阐述了观众厅座椅送风方案,通过对置换通风和空调系统下送风的方式进行分析,总结了该工程观众厅气流组织的设计和计算方法,对同类工程具有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

韩卫珍 《山西建筑》2007,33(9):182-183
介绍了空调冷源方案设计的基础条件及一般规定,并对目前空气调节系统冷热源及设备选择常用的组合方案及选择冷水机组过程中应考虑的问题进行了分析,最终达到提高能源利用率、节省投资的目的。  相似文献   

张雪东 《山西建筑》2008,34(15):165-166
分析了采用变风量空调系统空调房间的特性,推导出变风量送风方式下空调房间的数学模型,利用Matlab软件中的Simulink工具箱建立了空调房间的仿真模型,为更好地设计VAV空调系统控制方案奠定了基础。  相似文献   

常用水源热泵空调系统分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
对常用水源热泵空调系统的特点、设计要点及应注意的问题进行了综述分析,尤其是对土壤耦合式地源热泵空调系统,结合工程实例进行了着重探讨。结论表明:在条件允许的情况下,使用地源热泵、水源热泵和水环路热泵空调,无疑是一种利国利民的选择。  相似文献   

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