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LEO-Mesh卫星光网络容量规划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用低轨卫星网格状结构光网络的空间对称性,推导了网络流量平衡特性,进而以最小丢包率为目标,采用Lagrange乘数法对各端口容量进行优化配置.在由m条轨道、每个轨道n颗卫星构成的Mesh型卫星光网络中,轨道内端口容量与m成反比,与对地接入端口速率比约为n/8;轨道间端口容量与n成反比,与对地接入速率比约为m/8.在初始配置下,丢包率在m=n时取得极小值;经优化配置之后,各端口利用率趋于平均,丢包率较优化前有明显下降,且随着卫星数量增加呈持续下降趋势.  相似文献   

Link22作为新一代链将成为未来战争中的主要装备。介绍了Link22的发展及系统组成,对Link22系统仿真的关键技术进行了讨论,包括:时分多址(TDMA)时隙分配算法、F系列消息、中断时隙接入策略和LNE流程等。利用软件OPNET平台搭建了Link22仿真系统,设计了仿真系统中的网络模型、节点模型和进程模型,并给出了Link22网络性能的仿真结果。  相似文献   

刘邈 《电讯技术》2011,51(6):25-29
设计了一种数据链网络测试系统.采用集中分布式的系统架构,利用网关接入技术、数据库技术,以及标准的基准系统,有效地支持了数据链平台以多种方式开展测试评估及训练演练.系统能够提供灵活的组织应用方式、多样化的测试手段,以及较为详尽的测试结果,为建立数据链系统级测试环境提供了思路.  相似文献   

近年来,代表人工智能(Artificial Intelligence,AI)的神经网络技术正朝着高速低功耗的方向发展.然而,由于电子器件的固有极限,传统电子神经网络功率效率与计算速度难以得到进一步提高.而光子神经网络能够把光电子技术与神经网络模型有机地结合,提供了突破这一瓶颈的有效手段.该文介绍了基于INTERCONN...  相似文献   

In this paper, we address the traffic grooming problem in WDM mesh networks when the offered traffic is characterized by a set of traffic matrices—a variant of dynamically changing traffic. We justify the need to address this problem in mesh networks and also argue for the validity of our approach to solve this problem. Our primary objective is to design the network in terms of the number of wavelengths and transceivers required to support any offered traffic matrix. We provide a simple and generic framework to minimize the number of transceivers needed in the network. Simulation results have been presented in contrast with a possible approach, to enable comparison with our solution strategy. An ILP formulation of our approach is also presented.  相似文献   

无线传感器网络中数据链路层和网络层设计   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
作为无线通信网络的一个新的研究热点,无线传感器网络正以其独有的特点和全新的应用而得到人们的广泛关注.本文简要介绍无线传感器网络的体系结构、节点构成和协议层次.分类阐述了几种典型的数据链路层和网络层的设计方案和设计思想.数据链路层中MAC协议可分为两大类:基于竞争的MAC协议和基于预约的MAC协议;网络层的路由算法也分为两大类:平面路由协议和分级路由协议.最后提出一些研究构想.  相似文献   

Dealing with the explosive increase in the amount of Internet traffic requires high-speed and huge capacity Internet protocol (IP) backbone networks. Existing IP backbone networks are constructed using point-to-point wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM) transmission systems, where all the wavelengths are terminated link-by-link, so that rather expensive optical/electrical conversions are necessary at every node. In these systems, since every IP packet is routed at each intermediate node based on the header information, a header processing bottleneck will occur when the node input traffic exceeds several hundreds of gigabits per second. In order to mitigate these problems, an optical cross-connect (OXC) function that employs wavelength routing of the optical paths (OPs) will provide an effective solution. This paper proposes a network design method where electrical and photonic multiprotocol label switching (MPLS) technologies are used; the network is referred to as a photonic IP network. We first propose new algorithms that minimize the network cost in a multilayered network comprising electrical label switched paths (LSPs) and optical LSPs (optical paths that are controlled using the MPLS mechanism). The particular point of the proposed algorithms is that they include different cost minimization scenarios appropriate for the different OLSP provisioning conditions that are chosen as the first step in the design stage. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithms and the benefits of the OLSPs are quantitatively evaluated through various simulations.  相似文献   

卫星网动态拓扑、长变时延等特性及其所处的复杂空间环境带来的通信干扰是影响网络通信稳定的重要因素。综合考虑这些影响因素,提出了一种衡量星间链路稳定性的模型,并基于此模型给出了LEO/MEO双层卫星网的星间链路设计方案。结合具体的星座实例对该方案进行了仿真分析,结果表明通过适当的参数调整该模型可以适应不同的网络性能要求。  相似文献   

This article describes a new methodology for network topology design considering the problems of single link-failure and single node-failure tolerances.  相似文献   

讨论一种基于E1链路的总线式组网方式,以及在此E1链路上直接采用时隙复用技术的远程企业内部网网络设计方案。针对具体应用讨论了E1链路的动态时隙分配策略。  相似文献   

为了降低Pyxos嵌入式网络的成本、占用空间和使用的复杂性,介绍了链路电源技术在Pyxos嵌入式网络中的应用。利用电源变压器、整流滤波电路、稳压电路和直流电源滤波器所设计的链路直流供给电源模块向网络供给24V直流电;利用交流滤波电路和电源变压器所设计的链路交流供给电源模块向网络供给24V交流电。链路节点电源模块采用低通滤波器将同一电缆同时传输电源信号和数据信号的电源信号输入Pyxos节点并通过线性电源电路向Pyxos芯片提供3.3V的工作电压。为保证网络性能可靠,还提出了确定Pyxos节点与链路供给电源模块的距离的方法。实际应用表明链路电源技术降低了设备的安装时间和成本。  相似文献   

介绍了CC-Link现场总线技术在工业蒸汽锅炉的给水系统的成功实现。阐述了CC-Link现场总线结构特点及其通讯原理,并结合工业燃煤蒸汽锅炉给水系统的特点介绍系统中基于CC-Link总线构建的锅炉给水系统的监控网络,及其基本硬件配置和软件结构。详细介绍了利用变频器控制给水电机工作原理和采用触摸屏作为监控系统控制界面设计方案实现。  相似文献   

陈艳格  马慧 《电视技术》2011,35(19):86-88,92
结合NAT-PT和IVI技术实现了纯IPv4网络和纯IPv6网络的互通,同时为了实现IPv4/IPv6混合网络与IPv6网络间快速通信,提出了一种BRT立体交叉网系统模式。该模式在IPv6网络和双栈网络间搭建高架BRT快速IPv6通道,使IPv6通过BRT高架专用IPv6通道进行通信。实现了在实验网络中混合网络和IPv6网络快速通信,解决了由于IPv6在双栈网络中占用IPv4的通信通道,增加网络负担,影响网络通信问题。  相似文献   

In this paper, a 60-GHz photonic millimeter-wave link system for short- to medium-range broadband wireless data transmission is investigated. The system employs advanced mm-wave photonic components and radio-over-fiber (RoF) techniques for the generation of a DSB-SC optical mm-wave carrier and its subsequent on-off-keying modulation and transmission. For short-range applications, we have constructed a compact wireless RoF transmitter consisting of a high-frequency photodiode and a mm-wave antenna only. This system achieved error-free ($hbox {BER}=10^{-9}$, $2^{31}-1$ PRBS, NRZ) in-door transmission of 12.5-Gb/s signals over wireless distances up to 3.1 m with a receiver sensitivity as low as $-$ 45.4 dBm . For fixed wireless access (FWA) requiring a bit error rate of $10^{-4}$, the maximum transmission distance for 12.5 Gb/s is increased up to 5.8 m. For medium-range broadband wireless transmission an electrical radio-frequency (RF) amplifier was employed in the RoF transmitter. Here we achieved 7.5-Gb/s error-free transmission in out-door line-of-sight experiments over wireless distances of up to 36 m. Based upon the experimental results, we expect that the maximum wireless distance the system could accommodate for 12.5 Gb/s is in the kilometer range when using high-gain antennas and an RF transmitter amplifier with a sufficient bandwidth.   相似文献   

分析了AS6802标准中支持的多种业务消息的传输特性,设计了一种时间触发以太网多种业务消息发送的混合业务调度器。采用发送计划表和允许发送帧长控制,实现了时间触发数据的按时发送。基于允许发送帧长控制和非抢占优先级调度的非时间触发业务发送,保证了带宽利用率,实现了PCF业务的事件触发特性、RC业务的速率限制特性和BE业务的尽力而为特性。混合业务调度器满足了时间触发以太网多业务传输要求。  相似文献   

In this paper we study an alternate network architecture, called translucent network, to the fully transparent and fully opaque network architectures. In a translucent wavelength-routed optical network, a technique called sparse regeneration is used to overcome the severe lightpath blocking due to signal quality degradation and wavelength contention in a fully transparent network while using much less regenerators than in a fully opaque network. In this paper, we present a node model and a network model that perform sparse regeneration. We address the problem of translucent network design by proposing several regenerator placement algorithms based on different knowledge of future network traffic patterns. We also address the problem of wavelength routing under sparse regeneration by incorporating two regenerator allocation strategies with heuristic wavelength routing algorithms. We compare the performance of different regenerator placement algorithms and wavelength routing schemes through simulation experiments. The benefit of sparse regeneration is quantitatively measured under different network settings.This work was supported by NSF grants (ANI-0074121 and EPS-0091900).Portions of this work have appeared in the Proceedings of the OSA Optical Fiber Communications (OFC 1999) Conference [6] and the Proceedings of the IEEE Global Telecommunications (GLOBECOM 2001) Conference [12].  相似文献   

高宗敏 《有线电视技术》2003,10(14):18-21,86
模拟广播电视的光链路在中国十年前已开始使用,在设计、施工和调试中积累了丰富的经验。 但在当前包括数据传输和交换的有线电视宽带网中,光链路的某些设计原则与以前有所不同,甚至存在一些误区,需要加以澄清,以免走弯路,造成人力和财力的浪费。  相似文献   

以往的有线电视HFC光链路设计中,一般的步骤是由下而上,这种设计可以让光发射机的光功率得到最大利用,但缺点也很明显.而采用新型的由上而下的设计:先选定光发射机和光分路器,再计算出各光分路器的传输距离,再将距离相近且地理位置相近的光点接到同一个光分路器,有利于维护和管理,扩展更容易,可组成N 1冗余备份.  相似文献   

介绍了基于51单片机的网络连接控制器的软硬件设计方案,主要采用Atmel公司的8b单片机AT89C51作为核心处理器,采用RealTek公司的RTL8019AS芯片接入以太网。同时讨论了精简的TCP/IP协议栈的分层次实现,实现了可靠的UDP数据通信。  相似文献   

随着医疗资源日益匮乏以及人口老龄化日趋严重,心血管疾病已对人类健康造成了极大的威胁。具有心电(ECG)检测的便携式设备能有效降低心血管疾病对患者的威胁,因此该文设计了一种面向心电检测的混合多模卷积神经网络加速器。该文首先介绍了一种用于心电信号分类的1维卷积神经网络(1D-CNN)模型,随后针对该模型设计了一种高效的卷积神经网络(CNN)加速器,该加速器采用了一种多并行展开策略和多数据流的运算模式完成了卷积循环的加速和优化,能在时间上和空间上高度复用数据,同时提高了硬件资源利用率,从而提升了硬件加速器的硬件效率。最后基于Xilinx ZC706硬件平台完成了原型验证,结果显示,所设计卷积神经网络加速器消耗的资源为2247 LUTs, 80 DSPs。在200 MHz的工作频率下,该设计的整体性能可达到28.1 GOPS,并且硬件效率达到了12.82 GOPS/kLUT。  相似文献   

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