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In this paper a neural network controller for achieving maximum power tracking as well as output voltage regulation, for a wind energy conversion system (WECS) employing a permanent magnet synchronous generator, is proposed. The permanent magnet generator (PMG) supplies a DC load via a bridge rectifier and two buck–boost converters. Adjusting the switching frequency of the first buck–boost converter achieves maximum power tracking. Adjusting the switching frequency of the second buck–boost converter allows output voltage regulation. The on-times of the switching devices of the two converters are supplied by the developed neural network (NN). The effect of sudden changes in wind speed, and/or in reference voltage on the performance of the NN controller are explored. Simulation results showed the possibility of achieving maximum power tracking and output voltage regulation simultaneously with the developed NN controller. The results proved also the fast response and robustness of the proposed control system.  相似文献   

In the present study, the application of artificial neural network (ANN) for prediction of temperature variation of food product during solar drying is investigated. The important climatic variables namely, solar radiation intensity and ambient air temperature are considered as the input parameters for ANN modeling. Experimental data on potato cylinders and slices obtained with mixed mode solar dryer for 9 typical days of different months of the year were used for training and testing the neural network. A methodology is proposed for development of optimal neural network. Results of analysis reveal that the network with 4 neurons and logsig transfer function and trainrp back propagation algorithm is the most appropriate approach for both potato cylinders and slices based on minimum measures of error. In order to test the worthiness of ANN model for prediction of food temperature variation, the analytical heat diffusion model with appropriate boundary conditions and statistical model are also proposed. Based on error analysis results, the prediction capability of ANN model is found to be the best of all the prediction models investigated, irrespective of food sample geometry.  相似文献   

In R6 and R5, the standards of integrity assessments of components containing defects established by the former Central Electricity Generating Board (CEGB) in the UK, the basic procedure in calculating the crack driving force parameters, J-integration and C*-integration is to define the reference stress, σref, on the defective section. Three methods of directly defining the reference stress, σref [multiple steady-state creep analysis (MSCA) method, creep module-modified iteration (CMMI) method and elastic module-modified iteration (EMMI) method], are suggested in this paper, differing from the common methods in which the limit loads of the components are first calculated and then the σref is convertibly determined. The basic conceptions and calculational steps of these methods are discussed and compared in the context, and the validity is demonstrated by several examples.  相似文献   

A finite-volume procedure for determining the displacement fields and elastic stress distributions within structures that have axisymmetric geometries is presented. The production of a system of linear algebraic equations from the equilibrium equations of the cells that are used to represent the structure is described in detail. An iterative technique is employed to solve these equations and provide the displacement field from which the strain and stress fields can be found. The procedure is used to model two axisymmetric test problems and the stress distribution predicted by the formulation using cell meshes of increasing refinement is compared to analytical solutions and the variations predicted by various finite element procedures.  相似文献   

Random sampling for inspection has been applied to an extra-high pressure heat-exchanger. It was found a large number of etching pits and cracks were in existence on the outside surface of the extra-high pressure inner pipe of the double-pipe heat exchanger. These threaten safety in production and constitute a hidden peril for the plant. Failure analysis and life prediction in this work provide proposals for guaranteeing safety. They have been adopted by the plant and have given a significant economic benefit.  相似文献   

When the reliability of a pressure piping needs to be assessed, every welded joint containing defects should first be analyzed. This paper describes a computational method of failure probability of a welded joint containing circumferential defects; the uncertainties of variables, relation of random variables and three possible failure modes of the pipe are considered. Then a new probability limit state model is set up, and the Monte-Carlo simulation method is employed to compute the failure probability of welded joint. In the end, a typical example of this approach is presented.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the stress concentration factors for an internally pressurized cylinder containing a radial U-notch along its length. This work studies the cases where the external to internal radius ratio (Ψ) is equal to 1.26, 1.52, 2.00, and 3.00 and the notch radius to internal radius ratio (Φ) is fixed and equal to 0.026. The U-notch depth varies from 0.1 to 0.6 of the wall thickness. Results are also presented for a fixed size semi-circular notch. Hoop stresses at the external wall are presented, showing regions where the stress matches the nominal one and the favourable places to install strain sensors. The finite element method is used to determine the stress concentration factors (Kt) for the above described situations and for a special case where a varying semi-circular notch is present with Ψ=3.00. This notch depth varies from 0.013 to 0.3 of the wall thickness. It is pointed out that even relatively small notches introduce large stress concentrations and disrupt the hoop stress distribution all over the cross section. Results are also compared to an example found in the literature for semi-circular notches and Kt curves for both cases present the same shape.  相似文献   

Entropy generation due to natural convection has been calculated for three radii and a wide range of Rayleigh numbers for an isothermal cylinder. It was predominantly caused by conduction. The viscous contribution was negligible. Locations of high local entropy generation were identified for different configurations. The total entropy generation decreased with increasing cylinder size for a given value of the Rayleigh number.  相似文献   

In this study, the unknown wall temperature profile of a cylinder was predicted by applying the inverse method. The temperature profile of the cylinder wall was predicted from the given temperature data at measurement points near the cylinder wall. The cylinder was assumed to represent a typical pipe in a bundle of heat exchange tubes operating in a high temperature system. Radiative heat transfer was incorporated as one of major heat transfer modes to consider a hot gas flow passing over the cylinder. The corresponding inverse problem was solved by minimizing an objective function by applying the iterative conjugate gradient method. A multi-block grid composed of three different blocks was used for better computational accuracy and convenience in locating the measurement points. A new method, which could be applicable to non-symmetric geometry, was adopted to solve the adjoint equation. In this study, the effects of number and location of the measurement points were numerically investigated. When the measurement points were too close to the cylinder, the predicted temperature profile exhibited larger fluctuations. The results have also shown that an appropriate number of measurement points were required to improve the prediction of the boundary temperature profile.  相似文献   

质子交换膜燃料电池膜电极组件表面的温度分布会影响质子交换膜燃料电池的性能、寿命和可靠性.为探究质子交换膜燃料电池传热规律,本文提出了一种基于神经网络的质子交换膜燃料电池膜电极组件温度分布的预测模型.本研究选取径向基函数神经网络(RBF)和广义回归神经网络(GRNN)两种神经网络,以电流密度、温度点的位置作为网络输入,不同位置的温度作为网络输出,对平行流道质子交换膜燃料电池、蛇形流道质子交换膜燃料电池分别建立了神经网络预测模型.结果显示,RBF神经网络预测的均方根误差平均为0.464、平均绝对百分误差为1.179%,GRNN神经网络预测的均方根误差平均为0.7155、平均绝对百分误差为2.27%;相较于GRNN神经网络,RBF神经网络精度更高;基于RBF神经网络的平行流道质子交换膜燃料电池膜电极组件温度分布预测模型预测值与96%的实验值的相对误差在5%以内.基于RBF神经网络的蛇形流道质子交换膜燃料电池膜电极组件温度分布预测模型预测值与95%的实验值的相对误差在5%以内.  相似文献   

Weight functions for the surface and the deepest point of an internal semielliptical crack in a thick-wall cylinder were derived from a general weight function and two reference stress intensity factors. For several linear and nonlinear crack face stress fields, the weight functions were validated against finite element data. Stress intensity factors were also calculated for the Lamé through the thickness stress distribution induced by internal pressure. The weight functions appear to be particularly suitable for fatigue and fracture analysis of surface semielliptical cracks in complex stress fields. All stress intensity factor expressions given in the paper are valid for cylinders with an inner radius to wall thickness ratio, Ri/t = 4.  相似文献   

The evaluation of stress intensity factors in internally pressurized cylinders, with both surface and sub-surface flaws, is examined. The method of analysis is based on the equivalent linear representation of the circumferential stress distribution in accordance with ASME rules, the non-linear hoop stress distribution then being conservatively approximated by the membrane and bending stresses. The stress intensity factor for an elliptical crack embedded in an elastic solid and subjected to internal pressure is considered for two conditions of load (tension and bending) and the effects are added.The results are presented in non-dimensional form to evaluate the effect on stress intensity factor of the various parameters (outside and inside radius, crack position, cylinder thickness, form of ellipse).  相似文献   

Transient thermal stress intensity factors are calculated at the deepest and the surface points of an internal axial semi-elliptical surface crack in a thick-walled cylinder under thermal shock. The method of calculation is based on the weight function and an effective procedure of integrating of the weight integrals. Time-dependent thermal boundary conditions are assumed to act on the inner surface of the pressurized cylinder. Exact analytical solutions are derived for the weight function, and then integrated to compute transient thermal stress intensity factors. In the special case of a steady state problem and also the pressurized cylinder, the results show to be in accordance with those cited in the literature.  相似文献   

A new method for predicting the failure pressure of corrosion defects in pipelines has been developed. The failure pressure of a plain pipe represents an upper limit for the failure pressure of a pipe with a corrosion defect. The failure pressure of a uniform depth, infinitely long groove, where the depth is equal to the maximum depth of the corrosion defect, represents a lower limit for the failure pressure of a pipe with a natural corrosion defect. The predicted failure pressure can be calculated from these limits using the weighted depth difference (WDD) method, which accounts for the defect geometry and any interaction with adjacent defects. The WDD method has been validated using the results of 40 burst tests of pipe sections containing real corrosion defects. The results indicate that this method provides more accurate burst pressure predictions than the currently accepted corrosion defect assessment procedures.  相似文献   

Buoyancy-induced flow regimes are investigated numerically for the basic case of a horizontal cylinder centred into a long co-axial square-sectioned cavity. In the frame of the 2D assumption, the threshold for the occurrence of time-dependent behaviour is explored. Stable symmetric and non-symmetric steady-state solutions, as well as unsteady regimes are observed, depending on the Rayleigh number, Ra, and the aspect ratio of the cavity, d. Four d-values are considered (d = 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, and 0.8). Heat transfer results are correlated by a single equation covering the full subcritical region.  相似文献   

Performance prediction of a commercial proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell system by using artificial neural networks (ANNs) is investigated. Two artificial neural networks including the back-propagation (BP) and radial basis function (RBF) networks are constructed, tested and compared. Experimental data as well as preprocess data are utilized to determine the accuracy and speed of several prediction algorithms. The performance of the BP network is investigated by varying error goals, number of neurons, number of layers and training algorithms. The prediction performance of RBF network is also presented. The simulation results have shown that both the BP and RBF networks can successfully predict the stack voltage and current of a commercial PEM fuel cell system. Speed and accuracy of the prediction algorithms are quite satisfactory for the real-time control of this particular application.  相似文献   

A generalized neural network analysis for natural convection heat transfer from a horizontal cylinder is developed in this paper. Cylinder diameter, cylinder surface temperature and ambient temperature are selected as the input parameters, while the Nusselt number as the output. A three-layer network is used for predicting the Nusselt number. The number of the neurons in the hidden layer was determined by a trial and error process together with cross-validation of the experimental data evaluating the performance of the network and standard sensitivity analysis. The trained network gives the best values over the correlations with less than 2.5% mean relative error. The experimental data of the average Nusselt number over the horizontal cylinders having different diameters of 4.8 mm–9.45 mm are from Atay?lmaz and Teke [1]. The results from the trained network were compared with the proposed correlation for the average Nusselt number over the cylinder and it is shown that the results are in satisfactory agreement. The Nusselt numbers obtained from the experimental study were seen to be consistent by ± 20% with the well known correlations for natural convection heat transfer from horizontal cylinder developed by Morgan [2], Fand and Brucker [3], and Churchill and Chu [4]. Moreover it is seen that that results from the trained network show absolute agreement with the experimental data in ± 5% deviation band better than the correlations given by Morgan [2], Fand and Brucker [3], and Churchill and Chu [4].  相似文献   

In this paper, a numerical investigation of laminar convective flows in a differentially heated, square enclosure with a heat-conducting cylinder at its center, is carried out. The flow and the temperature are computed using respectively the lattice Boltzmann equation and finite-difference with suitable coupling to take natural convection into account. The investigation is performed for Pr=0.71, Rayleigh numbers of Ra=103106 and temperature-difference ratio of ΔT1=050. The average hot and cold walls Nusselt numbers, the flow and temperature fields are presented and discussed. For a constant Ra, the average Nusselt number at the hot and cold walls (Nuh and Nuc) vary linearly with ΔT1: Nuh decreases with ΔT1 while Nuc increases with ΔT1.  相似文献   

Higher refueling rate leads to higher temperature rise within the cylinder. Excessive temperature should be avoided during the refueling progress. In this paper, we studied the effective methods to control the temperature rise by simulations based on the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). Cylinders of different length to diameter ratios and different inlet diameters were simulated. We found that smaller radio of length to diameter can boost for temperature control and temperature distribution. Larger inlet diameter can restrain temperature rise. Comparing the simulation results with constant, increasing and decreasing mass flow rate, the refueling with increasing flow rate obtains the lowest temperature rise.  相似文献   

To investigate the relevance of the definition of the reference stress to estimate J and C* for surface crack problems, this paper compares finite element (FE) J and C* results for surface cracked pipes with those estimated according to the reference stress approach using various definitions of the reference stress. Pipes with part circumferential inner surface cracks and finite internal axial cracks are considered, subject to internal pressure and global bending. The crack depth and aspect ratio are systematically varied. The reference stress is defined in four different ways using (i) a local limit load, (ii) a global limit load, (iii) a global limit load determined from the FE limit analysis, and (iv) the optimised reference load. It is found that the reference stress based on a local limit load gives overall excessively conservative estimates of J and C*. Use of a global limit load clearly reduces the conservatism, compared to that of a local limit load, although it can sometimes provide non-conservative estimates of J and C*. The use of the FE global limit load gives overall non-conservative estimates of J and C*. The reference stress based on the optimised reference load gives overall accurate estimates of J and C*, compared to other definitions of the reference stress. Based on the present findings, general guidance on the choice of the reference stress for surface crack problems is given.  相似文献   

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