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用户属性是刻画用户的基础.常见用户属性指标包括:用户的性别、年龄、入网时间、在网状态、省份城市、活跃地等等.然而由于各种山寨、刷机、刷rom的存在以及手机实际使用人不是购机人等,部分数据存在异常或缺失,特别是人口学属性.而性别又是人类差异最大的特征之一,是群体行为、偏好和需求等方面的基本影响因子之一,性别识别的重要性和...  相似文献   

微博转发是微博网络中信息得以传播的基础,对用户影响力评估以及网络营销等具有重要意义。现有的方法在考虑影响用户转发行为的因素时,大多只考虑微博以及用户属性等特征,没有考虑用户兴趣和用户历史行为规律等个性化特征,本文提出了基于LDA主题模型的用户兴趣与微博相似度计算方法,将计算结果作为用户兴趣特征,还提出了基于用户转发率、与上游用户交互频率的用户历史行为特征,最后融合用户兴趣特征、用户历史行为特征、上游用户特征、微博特征,建立基于几种常见分类模型的预测方法,在真实数据集上的实验结果表明,该方法能够有效提升预测准确性,取得较好的预测效果。  相似文献   

周瑶  王晶  张涛 《电信技术》2011,(12):100-102
运用密度矩阵分析法分析新浪微博自主采集的数据,对新浪微博用户的性别以及地域属性进行研究。  相似文献   

针对协同过滤推荐中存在的数据稀疏性问题,文中提出了一种基于项目特征属性和BP神经网络相结合的协同过滤推荐算法,并通过Movielens数据集验证了该模型的有效性。此方法首先将用户评分数据映射为用户对项目特征属性的偏好,然后使用BP神经网络训练得到目标用户的特征属性偏好模型并对新项目的评分进行预测,从而降低用户项目评分矩阵的数据稀疏性,最后使用协同过滤推荐算法,形成最近邻并生成推荐建议。  相似文献   

顾秋阳  吴宝  琚春华 《电信科学》2020,36(11):47-60
近年社交网络用户数量不断增加,基于文本的用户情感分析技术得到普遍关注和应用。但数据稀疏性、精度较低等问题往往会降低情感识别方法的精度和速度,提出了用户情感Biterm主题模型(US-BTM),从特定场所的文本中发现用户偏好及情感倾向,有效利用Biterm进行主题建模,并使用聚合策略形成伪文档,为整个文本集创建词汇配对以解决数据稀疏性和短文本等问题。通过词汇共现算法对主题进行研究,推断文本集级别信息的主题,并通过分析特定场景下的评论文本集中的词汇配对集及其相应主题的情感,达到准确预测用户对特定场景的兴趣、偏好和情感的目的。结果证明,所提方法能准确地捕捉用户的情感倾向,正确地揭示用户偏好,可广泛应用于社交网络的内容描述、推荐及社交网络用户兴趣描述、语义分析等多个领域。  相似文献   

张仰森  郑佳  唐安杰 《电子学报》2017,45(11):2800-2809
微博用户权威度是评价微博信息可靠性的重要因素之一.本文针对微博用户权威度的定量计算提出了一种基于多特征融合的微博用户权威度定量评价模型.首先,提出了用户权威度的概念,将其定义为用户影响力和被信服度两部分组成;在暂不考虑用户领域影响因子的情况下,基于新浪微博数据,抽取出微博用户信息传播影响力、用户信息完整度、用户活跃度以及用户平台认证指数4项评价特征,以构建了用户权威度定量计算模型;然后,采用层次分析法对所构建模型的4项评价特征的权值进行确定,并分别给出了4项评价特征的提取算法.同时,在用户关注关系网络的基础上,提出了一种基于用户被关注价值的用户信息传播影响力模型UIRank,并通过实验验证了其比PageRank算法更加有效.实验结果表明,本文提出的微博用户权威度定量计算模型比较合理,为用户权威度的定量评价提供了一种可行的解决方案.  相似文献   

微博等社交网站吸引了全球数百万用户,在给大众带来便利的同时,也造成了许多问题,包括可能通过虚假账户向其他用户传播恶意内容。因此,虚假用户检测是追踪和缓解互联网网络威胁的一项基本而关键的任务。本文旨在解决当前虚假用户检测系统的两个主要局限性。首先,现有的虚假用户检测方法忽略了社交网络的结构信息,从而导致误检测。其次,社交网络结构一般只包含单个属性,在数据缺失时表现不佳。本文提出了一种新型的虚假用户检测方法,将细粒度网络流(如用户基本属性、文章特征)作为多属性社交图进行模型化,并将虚假用户检测问题转换为图上节点分类任务。实验结果证明,该算法对提高虚假用户检测性能有较明显的作用。  相似文献   

王伟  张效尉  任国恒  秦东霞  刘琳琳 《电子学报》2017,45(12):2987-2996
微博用户转发行为预测是微博社交网络消息扩散模型构建的基础,在舆情监控、市场营销与政治选举等领域有着广泛的应用.为了提高用户转发行为预测的精度,本文在MRF(Markov Random Field)能量优化框架下综合分析了用户属性与微博内容特征、用户转发行为约束、群体转发先验等因素对用户转发行为的影响,并在逻辑回归模型的基础上构造了相应的能量函数对用户转发行为进行了全局性的预测.实验结果表明,微博用户转发行为不仅取决于用户属性、微博内容等特征,而且也受到用户转发行为约束、群体转发先验等因素不同程度的影响.相对于传统算法,本文算法可以更准确地对用户转发行为进行建模,因而可获得更好的预测结果.  相似文献   

为更直观掌握用户行为,基于运营商的海量用户业务日志为实验数据构建用户画像,分析研究用户基本属性、操作行为、偏好特征等维度。根据实际业务场景,结合改进的TF-IDF(词频-逆文档频率)标签权重算法开发不同维度用户画像标签体系,对用户操作日志中的潜在高风险信息进行数据挖掘,并输出可视化画像结果。实际应用表明通过用户画像能识别风险用户行为信息,同时也能为日志安全审计提供参考价值,帮助企业实现数据安全运营动态监测。  相似文献   

通过网络爬虫从新浪微博站点上爬取人气百强用户信息数据,利用Clementine软件的C5.0决策树模型对这些数据进行分析。结果表明:人气用户中,娱乐明星占据着大部分,并且微博中的名人具有关注数小,被关注数大的特征。名人效应非常显著,"非著名话唠"想要引起大家的观注依然困难。  相似文献   

基于用户偏好的电视节目个性化推荐是一种内容的推荐算法。其中用户偏好的不确定性和描述上的模糊性是用户模型建立的难点。在此首先通过对样本用户过往观看记录数据进行分析,发现用户偏好存在一定的时不变性。把偏好在一定时间内不发生变化的用户称作置信用户,在这个基础上,建立基于节目特征向量空间的用户偏好模型,并提出基于用户偏好度模型的推荐算法。该算法通过用户观看视频的历史记录得到用户的偏好模型,并基于该偏好模型向用户推荐节目。仿真实验证明了算法的收敛性和有效性。  相似文献   

协同过滤推荐算法通过研究用户的喜好,实现从海量数据资源中为用户推荐其感兴趣的内容,在电子商务中得到了广泛的应用。然而,当此类算法应用到社交网络时,传统的评价指标与相似度计算的重点发生了变化,从而出现推荐算法效率偏低,推荐准确度下降问题,导致社交网络中用户交友推荐满意度偏低。针对这一问题,引入用户相似度概念,定义社交网络中属性相似度,相似度构成与计算方法,提出一种改进的协同过滤推荐算法,并给出推荐质量与用户满意度评价方法。实验结果表明:改进算法能有效改善社交网络中的推荐准确性并提高推荐效率,全面提高用户满意度。  相似文献   

With the rapid proliferation of information and communication technology (ICT), the vast amount of available data creates information overload. The Websites and e‐commerce applications employ several information filtering methods such as personalized recommender system to manage the information overload. The recommender system assists the users in obtaining the desired list of products based on their interest. Several existing research works focus on the novelty or unexpectedness in the recommendation list while ensuring the quality to enhance the recommendation mechanism. It is essential to balance the unexpected and useful products or services to generate the satisfactory personalized recommendations with novelty. Thus, this paper proposes a novelty‐driven movie suggestion using integrated matrix factorization and temporal‐aware clustering optimization (NOMINATE). The proposed approach determines the personalized preferences through probabilistic matrix factorization (PMF) and contextually updates the rules and extracts the user preferences based on the inherent features of both the users and movies with temporal information. The NOMINATE approach also suggests the novelty‐driven, and desired top‐N movies to the users through the K‐means, and particle swarm optimization (PSO)‐based clustering algorithm with the help of LOD source. To identify the expert users, the NOMINATE approach applies the K‐means and PSO‐based clustering algorithm to enrich the personalized features of the users. Moreover, it integrates the relevant features with the preferred set of features for each user using the LOD source and decides a set of optimal preferences of the users. Finally, the NOMINATE approach generates the top‐N recommendation list for the corresponding user through ranking method. The experiment results stipulate that the NOMINATE approach personalize the top‐N movie recommendations with high performance regarding accuracy and novelty when compared with the existing recommendation method.  相似文献   

认知无线电网络中用户行为建模综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
颜志  张兴  王文博 《数字通信》2009,36(4):16-19
综述了近年来在认知无线电网络中用户行为建模的相关研究成果,第1部分主要论述了认知无线电网络中授权用户行为建模的相关方法及其模型,第2部分论述了认知无线电网络中认知用户行为建模的相关方法及其模型。提出未来的主要研究方向是研究授权用户行为、频谱空隙模式、认知用户行为、用户流特性这四者之间的内在联系及其相互之间的约束关系,揭示它们之间的本质联系。  相似文献   

王立才  孟祥武  张玉洁 《电子学报》2011,39(11):2547-2553
 迅速增长的移动网络服务给人们带来沉重的移动信息负担.移动用户偏好提取方法是缓解"移动信息过载"问题的有效手段.受加工水平模型和分布式认知理论的启发,提出一种基于认知心理学的移动用户偏好提取方法.在移动用户偏好信息结构建模的基础上,引入服务加工水平认知、有效上下文认知的概念,并计算其对用户偏好提取的影响,然后分别提取基于服务加工水平认知和基于有效上下文认知的用户偏好,最终提取综合的用户偏好.实验结果表明,该方法能有效提高移动用户偏好提取精确度,为用户提供满足个性化需求的移动网络服务.  相似文献   

针对现有方法与模型未能准确体现不同距离用户之间真实交互行为的问题,提出了一种基于用户区域交互模型的用户影响力评估方法。区域交互模型利用影响力传递的不同方式,刻画不同距离之间用户的交互行为模式,能更为真实准确地反映在线社会网络用户之间的交互行为。通过计算用户对相邻用户的显性影响力与非相邻用户的隐性影响力,可有效识别在线社会网络中大影响力用户、僵尸粉用户等不同类型用户。基于新浪微博与人人网真实数据开展用户影响力评估以及相应的用户角色识别实验,结果显示,与现有方法相比,基于区域交互模型的识别方法可以准确有效地识别出在线社会网络中的大影响力用户、僵尸粉用户等各类型用户。  相似文献   

Based on user’s in-degree distribution, traditional ranking algorithms of user’s weight usually neglect the considerations of the differences among user’s followers and the features of user’s tweets. In order to analyze the factors which impact on user’s weight, under the analysis of the data collected from SINA Microblog network, this paper discovers that user influence and active degrees are the dominant factors for this issue. The proposed algorithm evaluates user influence by user’s follower number, the influence of user’s followers and the reciprocity between users. User’s active degree is modeled by user’s participation and the quality of user’s tweets. The models are tested by different data groups to confirm the parameters for the final calculation. Eventually, this paper compares the computational results with the user’s ranking order given by the SINA official application. The performance of this algorithm presents a stronger stability on the fluctuant range of the value of user’s weight.  相似文献   

Smartphones are being used and relied on by people more than ever before. The open connectivity brings with it great convenience and leads to a variety of risks that cannot be overlooked. Smartphone vendors, security policy designers, and security application providers have put a variety of practical efforts to secure smartphones, and researchers have conducted extensive research on threat sources, security techniques, and user security behaviors. Regrettably, smartphone users do not pay enough attention to mobile security, making many efforts futile. This study identifies this gap between technology affordance and user requirements, and attempts to investigate the asymmetric perceptions toward security features between developers and users, between users and users, as well as between different security features. These asymmetric perceptions include perceptions of quality, perceptions of importance, and perceptions of satisfaction. After scoping the range of smartphone security features, this study conducts an improved Kano-based method and exhaustively analyzes the 245 collected samples using correspondence analysis and importance satisfaction analysis. The 14 security features of the smartphone are divided into four Kano quality types and the perceived quality differences between developers and users are compared. Correspondence analysis is utilized to capture the relationship between the perceived importance of security features across different groups of respondents, and results of importance-satisfaction analysis provide the basis for the developmental path and resource reallocation strategy of security features. This article offers new insights for researchers as well as practitioners of smartphone security.  相似文献   

This paper examines the correlations between user characteristics and their preferences for two selected features of Web-based OPAC systems. User characteristics identified in this study were age, gender, educational status, computer skills and OPAC experience. Usability features included interaction styles, character and image on screen, browsing and navigating style, screen layout, and ease of learning, whereas availability features attended to availability of information, quality of information and up-to-date information. Individual variables and features are described, and the correlation between the variables and the features are explored using Pearson's correlation coefficient (r). Although based on a small-scale sample survey, a considerably large number of statistically significant correlations were found between the users’ characteristics and the selected evaluation features of interactive Web-based OPACs. From these observations, it seems to be suitable to recommend that system designers should make a more considered appraisal of the users’ demographic characteristics in the design of the new generation of OPAC such as in user-tailored interactive Web-based OPAC systems.  相似文献   

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