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对不同栅氧化物n-MOSFETs的GIDL(Gate-InducedDrainLeakage)特性在不同热载流子应力下的退化行为进行了研究.发现GIDL的漂移对栅电压十分敏感,在VG=0.5VD的应力条件下呈现最大.通过对漏极附近二维电场及载流子分布的模拟,引入“亚界面陷阱”概念,对所涉及的机理提出了新见解,认为:在应力期间,亚界面和体氧化物空穴陷阱的解陷分别相应于VG=0.5VD和VG=VD两种典型应力下GIDL的漂移.实验还观察到N2O氮化,特别是N2O退火NH3氮化的n-MOSFETs比常规热氧化n 相似文献
利用电荷泵技术研究了4nm pMOSFET的热载流子应力下氧化层陷阱电荷的产生行为.首先,对于不同沟道长度下的热载流子退化,通过直接的实验证据,发现空穴陷阱俘获特性与应力时间呈对数关系.然后对不同应力电压、不同沟道长度下氧化层陷阱电荷(包括空穴和电子陷阱俘获)的产生做了进一步的分析.发现对于pMOSFET的热载流子退化,氧化层陷阱电荷产生分两步过程:在较短的应力初期,电子陷阱俘获是主要机制;而随着应力时间增加,空穴陷阱俘获作用逐渐显著,最后主导了氧化层陷阱电荷的产生. 相似文献
应用二维器件仿真程序 PISCES- ,对槽栅结构和平面结构器件的特性进行了模拟比较 ,讨论了槽栅结构 MOSFET的沟道电场特征及其对热载流子效应的影响。槽栅结构对抑制短沟道效应和抗热载流子效应是十分有利的 ,而此种结构对热载流子的敏感 ,使器件的亚阈值特性、输出特性变化较大 相似文献
研究了 MOS器件中的热载流子效应 ,在分析了静态应力下 MOSFET寿命模型的基础上 ,提出了动态应力条件下 MOSFET的寿命模型。此外 ,还研究了沟道热载流子的产生和注入与器件偏置条件的关系 ,讨论了热载流子效应对电路性能的影响。通过对这些失效因素的研究和通过一定的再设计手段 ,可以减少热载流子效应导致的器件退化 相似文献
This article proposes two new methods for improving the performance of a synchronous-rectifier forward converter. A synchronous-rectifier converter produces a reverse current in the inductor due to the bidirectional characteristic of MOSFETs while the converter is turned off. This reverse current causes voltage spikes which may damage the power devices. This article proposes two methods to reduce the voltage spikes: method 1 and method 2. Method 1 uses the enable signal detection method. An enable signal is generated from the remote control of the system when the main power is turned off. Then, the proposed circuit of method 1 turns off the free-wheeling switch before the reverse current is produced. As a result, the voltage spike can be avoided. Method 2 uses a transformer winding to detect the turn-off time of the input power. Then, the circuit turns off the free-wheeling switch to break the resonant loop and end the reverse current. The cost analysis of method 1 and 2 is included. In addition, several experimental results are provided to validate the correctness and feasibility of the theoretical analysis. 相似文献
A physically based equation for predicting required p-emitter length of a snapback-free reverse- conducting insulated gate bipolar transistor (RC-IGBT) with field-stop structure is proposed. The n-buffer resis- tances above the p-emitter region with anode geometries of linear strip, circular and annular type are calculated, and based on this, the minimum p-emitter lengths of those three geometries are given and verified by simulation. It is found that good agreement was achieved between the numerical calculation and simulation results. Moreover, the calculation results show that the annular case needs the shortest p-emitter length for RC-IGBT to be snapback-free. 相似文献
超深亚微米部分耗尽SOI NMOSFET关态应力下前栅和背栅晶体管损伤研究 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
The hot-carrier effect charactenstic in a deep submicron partially depleted SOI NMOSFET is investigated. Obvious hot-carrier degradation is observed under off-state stress.The hot-carrier damage is supposed to be induced by the parasitic bipolar effects of a float SOI device.The back channel also suffers degradation from the hot carrier in the drain depletion region as well as the front channel.At low gate voltage,there is a hump in the sub-threshold curve of the back gate transistor,and it does not shift in the same way as the main transistor under stress.While under the same condition,there is a more severe hot-carrier effect with a shorter channel transistor. The reasons for those phenomena are discussed in detail. 相似文献
为增强器件的反向耐压能力,降低器件的漏电功耗,采用Silvaco TCAD对沟槽底部具有SiO2间隔的结势垒肖特基二极管(TSOB)的器件特性进行了仿真研究。通过优化参数来改善导通压降(VF)-反向漏电流(IR)和击穿电压的折衷关系。室温下,沟槽深度为2.2 μm时,器件的击穿电压达到1 610 V。正向导通压降为2.1 V,在VF=3 V时正向电流密度为199 A/cm2。为进一步改善器件的反向阻断特性,在P型多晶硅掺杂的有源区生成一层SiO2来优化漂移区电场分布,此时改善的器件结构在维持正向导通压降2.1 V的前提下,击穿电压达到1 821 V,增加了13%。在1 000 V反向偏置电压下,反向漏电流密度比普通结构降低了87%,有效降低了器件的漏电功耗。普通器件结构的开/关电流比为2.6×103(1 V/-500 V),而改善的结构为1.3×104(1 V/-500 V)。 相似文献
描述了用直拉单晶(CZ)硅片采取铂液态源扩散的方法控制少子寿命,以达到减小快恢复二极管的反向恢复时间的目的.通过一系列的实验对铂扩散二极管的特性进行研究,分析了铂扩散二极管的反向恢复时间TRR、正向压降VF以及漏电流IR等参数之间的关系,并分析了反向恢复时间TRR的温度特性.得到TRR与VF之间的理想折衷:TRR为80~500 ns,VF控制在0.9~1.3 V.不但使TRR与VF的折衷有了较大的改善,而且在材料上采用了成本较低的直拉单晶硅片代替成本较高的外延片.分析了铂扩散温度和时间对反向恢复时间TRR和正向压降VF的影响,理论上解释了各主要参数之间相互影响的原因. 相似文献
This paper describes the construction of new circuit configurations for some sequential circuits. These circuits are based on the microthyristor as a microelectronic bistable device that can store logic one and logic zero and on NMOS transistors that act either as pass transistors or drivers. The shift register, considered as a main type of sequential circuit, is developed from a D flip-flop that is designed basically from the microthyristor as a bistable device. Moreover, different types of counters based on the microthyristor as a storing element are developed. Microthyristor sequential circuits were found to perform well. 相似文献