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The characteristics of engineering education in Europe in general are presented and compared to engineering education in the United Kingdom. Issues relating to the type of engineers required for an integrated Europe, the comparison of the technicians and engineers in Europe, and the importance of enterprise in the initial formation and continuing education are discussed. The importance of international cooperation and industrial links for improving engineering education in an integrated Europe is outlined  相似文献   

The Japanese and American post-World-War-II educational systems are compared. The basic concepts and social customs inherent in the two educational systems are discussed. Various problems with the Japanese engineering education system are outlined, and the theory and practical implementation of meta-engineering concepts are described  相似文献   

This paper defines mechatronics, explains mechatronics philosophy, and describes characteristics of mechatronics products and systems. It reviews aspects of education and training for mechatronics and compares the two different approaches to engineering education: generalist engineering versus specialist engineering. It also examines the Japanese approach to product development strategies and mechatronics education and training. It also gives an overview of mechatronics education in higher education institutions across the world with a specific reference to a typical mechatronics engineering degree program. Finally it concludes that there will be an increasing need in the future for discipline-based mechatronics engineers  相似文献   

Education programs for engineers working in the T&M industry should cover the basics well. An engineer needs an educational foundation that he or she can build on for an entire career. Leading-edge computer technologies (hardware and software) are critical to the development of test instruments. Analog design and digital signal processing of analog signals are also key design skills required by instrument manufacturers  相似文献   

The impact of past policies and the nature of the existing system is assessed. Present demand and services are discussed. The role of international financing and participation is examined. Barriers to development are identified  相似文献   

The actual and potential role of EE history in the education of the undergraduate EE and in the continuing education of the professional EE is examined. Available written and audiovisual materials for use in courses are listed and some options for a self-study program in EE history are given. Research methods, needs and opportunities relating to electrical history are discussed.  相似文献   

Many forces contribute to the rapid changes that have taken place in engineering education; among the current forces are the continuing electronics revolution and the new energy revolution. The most dramatic of the changes since World War II has been the shift from an undergraduate enterprise to one with equal emphasis on graduate study. Of the many problems facing engineering education, it is suggested that special attention be given to the curriculum, to the graduate degrees be given, and to interdisciplinary programs.  相似文献   

The United States has benefited in the past by adopting approaches to education that were being used in countries in Europe. Engineering education, in particular, was influenced significantly by ideas initially developed in other nations. In the past few decades, however, with the tremendous advances America has achieved in science, technology, and scholarship, we have become insular as a nation with respect to outside ideas. Studies of the changes that are occurring in the educational systems in many countries, and of the results of those changes, can provide us with new insights to think imaginatively about solutions to the problems that exist within our country. This article describes the systems for engineering education in four nations: West Germany, France, the Soviet Union, and the United Kingdom. Although necessarily succinct, it provides enough information so that the reader can judge whether he or she would wish to study a particular idea or development in depth.  相似文献   

Many engineering programs have recently added courses and material on "engineering entrepreneurship". These programs represent a diverse understanding of what engineering students should receive in the way of instruction in the area of entrepreneurship. This paper examines various definitions of engineering entrepreneurship, and also examines the pedagogical justification for including entrepreneurship in engineering education. The authors use as a context the engineering programs at The University of Texas at Austin, particularly the Department of Mechanical Engineering. The paper examines educational objectives and criteria discussed in documents produced by the National Science Foundation, the American Society of Mechanical Engineering International, the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, and other sources, to develop one approach for entrepreneurship education.  相似文献   

The author observes that the social fabric of engineering, the support infrastructure of the profession, and the political and economic systems of the world are undergoing shifts that affect what engineering is, how it is accomplished, and what it should do. He asks what these changes mean in terms of the educational system and explores a few of these issues that lie between academia and the industrial environment beyond. He discusses the engineering curriculum as seen from industry, the role of continuing education, research in academia  相似文献   

This article presents the current status of the communication market in Poland sector by sector, including fixed and mobile telephony, Internet, and cable and digital television. The sectors are analyzed from different perspectives: overall growth measured in both capital invested as well as the number of subscribers connected, privatization processes, and liberalization trends  相似文献   

The current situation of land mobile radio (LMR) systems in Poland is described. This includes paging, dispatch, trunking, and cellular systems. Frequency plan and organization of LMR communication in Poland are presented. Finally, the plan for the future development of LMR systems in Poland, prepared by the Ministry of Telecommunications, is summarized  相似文献   

Engineering education has been unduly influenced by attitudes more appropriate to the natural sciences. It should instead acknowledge the ultimate concern of the engineer for design rather than analysis, for systems rather than constituent components, and for value to the community in place of mere increase of knowledge. Advocacy of an engineering education which is consistent with engineering practice is supported by suggestions concerning curriculum structure, syllabus content, and educational methods.  相似文献   

POLPAK is the commercial name for a Polish packet switched network based on X.25 protocol. The POLPAK network was built as the first public data network in Poland and has been in operation since June 1992. This paper describes the general topology of the network, the architecture of the switches, and the structure of network management and charging. The network has a capability of international calls as well as connections to internal PSTN and telex networks. The paper also describes all addressing methods used in POLPAK, especially for the international traffic  相似文献   

The current interest of college students in helping to solve society's problems is attacked in two novel programs at Dartmouth College, Hanover, N. H. Both undergraduate and graduate engineering students are involved in teaching, learning, and working at off-campus sites for a term. One group is in Jersey City, N. J., where they help to teach the ECCP developed "Man-Made World" (MMW) to inner-city high school seniors while working for the city government. Another group is at Tuskegee Institute in Alabama, where they help to teach a novel freshman engineering course based on the MMW as well as attend regular classes. Results of the programs are discussed and future plans are indicated.  相似文献   

主要对波兰B-MARK认证和B-MARK认证的管理机构及认证程序进行介绍,并以个人计算机为例介绍了B-MARK认证中波兰的安全和电磁兼容测试标准。  相似文献   

王映 《世界电信》2005,18(2):16-18
波兰是东欧主要国家,1989年前采用的主要是中央计划经济体制,虽然也进行过一些市场取向的经济改革,但是没有从根本上改变高度集中的计划经济性质。1989年,波兰采用了较为激进的“休克疗法”,经济体制改革取得一定成效,1992年后经济开始回升,增长速度平稳。电信产业作为一国的基础产业,在整个国家的经济体制改革背景下也开始了其改革进程。  相似文献   

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