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The mechanical and mechanochemical properties of soda lime silica (SLS) glass surfaces can vary with the sodium ion (Na+) concentration in the subsurface region. Changes in these properties were studied upon modification of Na+ concentrations in the SLS glass by thermal poling. In Part‐1, it is found that the Na+‐depleted and Na+‐gradient layers could be formed at the anode and cathode sides, respectively. Here in Part‐2, we show that Na+ ions play a pivotal role in the mechanochemical wear property upon lateral shear stress. The Na+‐depleted glass wear more readily as relative humidity (RH) increases, while Na+‐gradient glass becomes resistant to wear at high RH. It is also found that the Na+‐gradient glass surface has a higher elastic modulus and hardness with very little change in fracture toughness compared to the pristine surface. The Na+‐depleted glass surface shows a lower elastic modulus and hardness; but its fracture toughness is significantly improved, which might be due to a larger densification capacity of Na+‐depleted layer.  相似文献   

This study presents a simple method for retrieving the effective thermal conductivity of semitransparent glassmelts from measured temperature profiles. Effective thermal conductivity of molten glass at high temperature is an important thermophysical property that affects the glassmelting and forming processes and thus the quality of the final glass products. In semitransparent glassmelts, heat is transferred by both conduction and radiation. In the limiting case of optically thick glassmelts, typically featuring high iron content, thermal radiation can be treated as a diffusion process. The total heat flux can be expressed as the sum of a phononic and a radiative heat fluxes based on Fourier's law. For weakly absorbing glassmelts, the temperature profile may be strongly nonlinear particularly neat container walls due to the contribution from emission and absorption. Steady‐state measurement techniques, such as the linear heat flux method, have been developed to measure glassmelt effective thermal conductivity at high temperatures. However, they typically use only three temperatures measurements and assume linear temperature profile in the glassmelt. The new retrieval method addresses these drawbacks particularly for weakly absorbing glassmelts featuring nonlinear temperature profiles. It is demonstrated with experimental data collected for soda‐lime silicate glasses with iron content ranging from 0.008 to 1.1 wt% and temperatures between 1100°C and 1550°C.  相似文献   

The authors are developing a thermal jet dryer (TJD), with a vertical disc-shaped drying tank, for the purpose of weight and volume reduction of solid wastes with high water content, such as organic sludges. In order to obtain the drying performance of TJD, drying experiments using three kinds of solid wastes were carried out. The following results were obtained: (1) Drying performance depended most on the disintegration characteristics of sample. (2) There was little influence of the samples' properties on the gas-solid multiphase flow in the tank. (3) There was a critical feed rate at which the drying performance changed drastically.  相似文献   

It is possible to concentrate metal ion against the gradient of its concentration through a cation exchange membrane. The membrane has a high ion exchange capacity and is hydrophilic, therefore a rapid transfer rate of ions is expected. Ion exchange equilibrium data between cupric and hydrogen ions for sulfuric and nitric acid systems are obtained and analyzed quantitatively for concentrations of dissociated cupric and hydrogen ions.  相似文献   

To identify each glass melting reaction in a multicomponent system, one-component and two-component reaction processes were studied using DTA, TGA, and XRD. Two-component mixtures were prepared by choosing pairs in the same ratio as in a commercial container glass batch composition (sand-soda ash-calcite-dolomite-feldspar). The presence of silica in the silica-calcite system decreased the termination temperature of the decomposition of calcite, but did not alter the onset of decomposition. Similar behavior was found in the dolomite-silica system. A double carbonate (Na2Ca(CO3)2) formed via solid-state reaction in the calcite-soda ash system, and metasilicate/disilicate phases were detected during the fusion process in the soda ash-silica system. The effects of reaction accelerant additions in the soda ash-silica system were investigated using 1 wt% additions of sodium sulfate, sodium nitrate, and sodium chloride. Sodium chloride was the most effective melting accelerant, lowering the termination temperature of CO2 release by ∼80°C compared with the soda ash-silica system with no additives. NaCl additions caused complete reaction and/or fusion of Na2CO3 prior to its melting temperature. Sodium sulfate additions acted to suppress metasilicate/ disilicate formation by coating quartz grains and shifted consequent CO2 release to higher temperature.  相似文献   

ATR‐IR spectroscopy is a useful and convenient method for evaluation of local structure and concentration of water and hydroxyl species in glass because it can be more surface sensitive than reflection or transmission IR analysis. In this work, a semiquantitative analysis of the ATR spectra of OH groups and interstitial molecular water species in glass surfaces after various surface treatments is presented. Both hydroxyl groups and interstitial molecular water exist in the hydrated surfaces but the relative water speciation varies with surface treatment. The SiOH and H2O species in the glass surface showed a wide range of hydrogen bonding interactions and their distributions varied with the SO2, polishing, acid leaching, thermal tempering, and chemical strengthening treatments. SIMS analysis of the hydrogen concentration — depth profiles for the acid‐leached samples was used to provide independent information to validate and quantify the ATR signal.  相似文献   

The present paper describes the synthesis and evaluation of surface properties of a novel series of anionic surfactant, namely sodium 3‐(3‐alkyloxy‐3‐oxopropoxy)‐3‐oxopropane‐1‐sulfonate with varying alkyl chain length (C8–C16). Synthesis involves initial formation of the 3‐alkyloxy‐3‐oxopropyl acrylate along with fatty acrylate during the direct esterification of fatty alcohol with acrylic acid in the presence of 0.5 % NaHSO4 at 110 °C followed by sulfonation of the terminal double bond of the 3‐alkyloxy‐3‐oxopropyl acrylate. Synthesized compounds were evaluated for surface and thermodynamic properties such as critical micelle concentration (CMC), surface tension at CMC (γcmc), efficiency of surface adsorption (pC20), surface excess (Γmax), minimum area per molecule at the air–water interface (Amin), free energy of adsorption (?G°ads), free energy of micellization (?G°mic), wetting time, emulsifying properties, foaming power and calcium tolerance. Effect of chain length on CMC follows the classic trend, i.e. decrease in CMC with the increase in alkyl chain length. High pC20 (>3) value indicates higher hydrophobic character of the surfactant. These surfactants showed very poor wetting time and calcium tolerance, but exhibited good emulsion stability and excellent foamability. Foaming power and foam stability of C14‐sulfonate were found to be the best among the studied compounds. Foam stability of C14‐sulfonate was also studied at different concentrations over time and excellent foam stability was obtained at a concentration of 0.075 %. Thus this novel class of surfactant may find applications as foam boosters in combination with other suitable surfactants.  相似文献   

High‐voltage and high‐capacity cathode‐active materials are required to increase the energy density of rechargeable lithium‐ion batteries for hybrid vehicles. The olivine‐type LiMnPO4 is considered as a good candidate for the next‐generation lithium‐ion battery due to its high voltage (4.1 V vs Li+/Li), low cost, and lower toxicity compared with the currently used layered materials. However, recent research has demonstrated that the thermal stability of delithiated phase of Li1?xMnPO4 (0 ≤ x <1) was less than that of Li1?xFePO4. These reports verified that the delithiated MnPO4 decomposed and changed into Mn2P2O7 with O2 release at high temperature. In this study, we focused on the particle and crystal changes in LiMnP O4/MnPO4 at high temperature on a nanoscale. As a result, we have succeeded to observe directly the particle and crystal changes using transmission electron microscope (TEM) with heating. It revealed that MnPO4 was a thermally unstable phase because dendrites of Mn2P2O7 began to generate around 200°C.  相似文献   

The authors are developing a thermal jet dryer (TJD) with a vertical disc-shaped drying tank for the purpose of reducing the volume of solid wastes with high water content, such as organic sludges. In order to obtain the characteristics of air-particle multiphase flow in a TJD, cold model experiments and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations were conducted. The following results were obtained: (1) A combined eddy was generated in the tank, such as in a cyclone separator. (2) “Cascading” phenomena occurred in the particle discharging mechanism. (3) In the TJD, particles maintained consistent drying conditions throughout the drying process.  相似文献   

The sequence of crystallization in a recrystallizable lithium silicate sealing glass‐ceramic Li2O–SiO2–Al2O3–K2O–B2O3–P2O5–ZnO was analyzed by in situ high‐temperature X‐ray diffraction (HTXRD). Glass‐ceramic specimens have been subjected to a two‐stage heat‐treatment schedule, including rapid cooling from sealing temperature to a first hold temperature 650°C, followed by heating to a second hold temperature of 810°C. Notable growth and saturation of Quartz was observed at 650°C (first hold). Cristobalite crystallized at the second hold temperature of 810°C, growing from the residual glass rather than converting from the Quartz. The coexistence of quartz and cristobalite resulted in a glass‐ceramic having a near‐linear thermal strain, as opposed to the highly nonlinear glass‐ceramic where the cristobalite is the dominant silica crystalline phase. HTXRD was also performed to analyze the inversion and phase stability of the two types of fully crystallized glass‐ceramics. While the inversion in cristobalite resembles the character of a first‐order displacive phase transformation, i.e., step changes in lattice parameters and thermal hysteresis in the transition temperature, the inversion in quartz appears more diffuse and occurs over a much broader temperature range. Localized tensile stresses on quartz and possible solid‐solution effects have been attributed to the transition behavior of quartz crystals embedded in the glass‐ceramics.  相似文献   

The thermal decomposition of organophosphorus fire‐retardant (OP1311) and/ or organonanoclay (Cloisite 30B) is hereby investigated employing thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), to give an insight into their intrinsic behaviour and interaction in polymer nanocomposites for fire safety applications, because the addition of OP1311 and Cloisite 30B in Polyamide 6 (PA6) seems to have a synergistic effect on the thermal decomposition of PA6 (part 2 of the paper). An important objective of this research was to determine to what extent phosphorus components escape in the gaseous phase, which will affect the heat of combustion of the fire‐retarded polymer. The decomposition products arising from pyrolysis and combustion are investigated by means of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Under pyrolytic conditions, the inclusion of Cloisite 30B into OP1311 (FR) shows a synergistic effect on the initial mass loss at low temperature of ~280–420°C and leads to the acceleration of the thermal degradation process. While the DTG curve of Cloisite 30B shows two distinct degradation peaks (steps) that of OP1311 and OP1311 plus Cloisite 30B show four degradation steps. TGA measurements of OP1311 in nitrogen show more mass loss than in air, whereas Cloisite 30B gives similar amounts of mass loss in air and nitrogen. In nitrogen, the major evolved gaseous species from Cloisite 30B alone are hydrocarbons, 2‐(diethylamino)ethanol and water, whereas the evolved gases from that of OP1311 at ~320°C are mainly water, at ~420°C, carbon dioxide, water and ammonia and at 480–570°C diethylphosphinic acid. Under thermo‐oxidative conditions, the gases evolved are mainly carbon dioxide and water from both Cloisite 30B and OP1311. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The effect of structure, composition, and cure on the water absorption and Tg of amine-cured epoxies was investigated. Water absorption is considered to depend on the polar group concentration and type, and on the amount of free volume in the polymer network. The contribution of polar groups in terms of their hydrogen bonding capabilities is reflected by the effect of meta (with respect to the diglycidylamino group) chloro, bromo, and methyl substituents on the water absorption of bis[N,N-bis(2,3-epoxypropyl)-4-aminophenyl]methane cured with 4,4′-diaminodiphenylsulphone. The observed water absorptions are in line with the expected electronic effects of the substituents on the basicity of the amine group. Substituents in the ortho position adversely affect the hydrogen bonding capability of the amine group and limit the extent of reaction by steric interference. Examination of four O-glycidyl systems (Epon 825, Epon 1153/114, Epon 1031, and Dow XD-7342) cured with 4,4′-diaminodiphenylsulphone has revealed quite a good linear relationship between the equilibrium water absorption and Tg for a particular hardener concentration irrespective of the epoxy compound employed. Networks ranged from those of low Tg (110°C) and water absorption (1.3%) to those of high values (300°C and 6.1%) for these parameters. Differences in slope for low (50-65%) and high (100%) stoichiometric amounts of hardener are attributed to differences in the relative importance of OH/epoxy and NH2 or NH/epoxy reactions. The theoretical polar group concentrations and polar group type are much the same for these different systems and thus, free volume is considered to be a function of Tg and to play an important part in determining the level of water absorption.  相似文献   

Bis‐ and tris(1H‐indol‐3‐yl)methanes are synthesized in high yields by an electrophilic substitution reaction of indoles with carbonyl compounds under mild reaction conditions using two efficient heterogeneous catalysts, silica supported sodium hydrogen sulfate (NaHSO4⋅SiO2) and amberlyst‐15. The second catalyst can be reused.  相似文献   

Interpretations are made of experimental and practical aspects of glass structures in terms of a postulated distribution of anionic structures in glass. The existence of effects determined by the "melting history" of a glass is demonstrated by specially programmed experiments on viscosity and tensile strength. The viscosity curve of glass melted at a relatively low temperature lies above that for the same glass which had been previously melted at high temperatures. The two curves merge in the high-temperature region. It also is found that the tensile strength of glass fibers increases as the maximum melting temperature increases.  相似文献   

The objective of this work is to investigate the effects of boundary conditions on the combustion characteristic of combustible items in a room. A series of full‐scale experiments were carried out in the ISO 9705 fire test room with an upholstered chair at four typical locations, i.e. at the middle of side wall, at the center of the room with the seat toward the door, at the center of the room with the seat toward inside of the room, at the room corner, respectively. Ignition was achieved through a BS No.7 wooden crib at the geometric center of the seat surface for each test. Besides the heat release rate (HRR), four thermocouple trees were placed around the chair to monitor detailed temperature distributions during the combustion process of an upholstered chair. The results indicated that the boundary conditions had some effects on the combustion behavior of a chair in a room. It was shown that there were clearly two main peak HRRs for the cases of a chair being clung to the side wall or at the corner. However, there was only one main peak HRR when the chair was placed at the center of the room, either outwards or inwards. In addition, the results of the two cases of chairs being at the center indicate that the maximum HRR (about 829 kW) for the chair seat toward the door was relatively larger than the maximum HRR (about 641 kW) for the chair seat toward inside of the room. It was suggested that the special complex structure of a chair was also a considerable factor for the effect of boundary conditions on the combustion behavior of a chair in an enclosure. Furthermore, the measured temperature distributions around the chair also illustrated the effects of boundary condition on the combustion behavior of a chair in a room. It was suggested that although HRR was one of the most important fire parameters, HRR mainly represented the comprehensive fire behavior of a combustible item. In order to develop more suitable room fire dynamic models, more detailed information such as the surrounding temperature distributions measured by the thermocouple trees are useful. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The effect of the holding temperature and time in the melt state of poly(L ‐lactide) (PLLA) samples on the nonisothermal melt crystallization process and on the structure have been investigated by means of DSC, polarized optical microscopy and wide angle X‐ray scattering. As standard starting material, single crystals grown from dilute solution were used. In the mild melting condition, the survived athermal nuclei favor high temperature polymer crystallization, while the more severe treatment leads the PLLA to crystallize at higher supercooling with a sporadic nucleation. At the intermediate melting temperature a distinct double nucleation mechanism was observed while at the lower nuclei concentration, a double crystallization rate was also found. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2011  相似文献   

The surface-modified dental barium glass with silane coupling reagent KH-570 was studied. The prepared samples before and after modification were characterized by static precipitation, angle of contact, transmission electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared ray, and thermo-gravimetric analysis. Research showed that the KH-570 was bound on the surface of barium glass, a firm chemical bonding of KH-570 to barium glass and an organic layer was formed, and the maximum mass fraction of KH-570 coated on the barium glass surface measured was about 2.86%. The surface performance of modified barium glass changed from hydrophilic to hydrophobic. Mechanical tests revealed that the mechanical properties of composite resin filled by KH-570 modified barium glass improved simultaneously.  相似文献   

The effect of binary hydrophilic polymers on a pair of representative bio‐macromolecules in a living cell has been examined. The results showed that these bio‐macromolecules exhibited specific localization in cell‐sized droplets that were spontaneously formed through water/water microphase segregation under crowding conditions with coexisting polymers. In these experiments, a simple binary polymer system with poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) and dextran (DEX) was used. Under the conditions of microphase segregation, DNA was entrapped within cell‐sized droplets rich in DEX. Similarly, F‐actin, linearly polymerized actin, was entrapped specifically within microdroplets rich in DEX, whereas G‐actin, a monomeric actin, was distributed evenly inside and outside these droplets. This study has been extended to a system with both F‐actin and DNA, and it was found that DNA molecules were localized separately from aligned F‐actin proteins to create microdomains inside microdroplets, reflecting the self‐emergence of a cellular morphology similar to a stage of cell division.  相似文献   

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