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过程系统工程研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
钱宇 《化工进展》1997,(1):20-25
本文讨论了过程系统工程中值得引起注意的两个前沿研究领域的发展动态;计算机集成过程系统(CIPS)及智能过程工程。  相似文献   

生物炼制的挑战与过程系统工程的机遇   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
过程系统工程在生物炼制发展的过程中发挥着越来越重要的作用。本文介绍了过程系统工程相关技术在生物炼制工艺开发、企业生产和区域系统设计中的应用情况。针对生物炼制发展过程中的要求,讨论了过程系统工程技术在生物反应过程模拟、企业生产过程优化、生产管理优化等研究方向应用的可能性与必要性。文章认为,过程系统工程应用于生物炼制领域有两个重要的未来发展方向,一是针对包括农林业生产在内的生物炼制产业链的大系统分析,二是加强同经济学、管理学等其它学科领域的交叉融合。  相似文献   

贾小平  项曙光  韩方煜 《现代化工》2007,27(Z1):355-358
集成生命周期思想的过程系统工程是解决对环境-资源问题的有效技术科学保证.介绍了生命周期评价定义,讨论生命周期评价在过程选择、过程优化、产品和过程设计等的发展和应用,总结相应的研究方法和策略框架,并简要介绍作者的部分研究实践.  相似文献   

成思危 《化工进展》1992,(1):5-8,41
本文简要介绍了过程系统工程的意义、方法和应用。作者还从战略角度对过程系统工程的现状及今后的发展提出了个人的看法。  相似文献   

随着过程系统工程技术在中国石油化工中的大力推广应用以及国家对石油实行严格的经营规范和政策,我国石油化工产品的质量实现了大幅度提高。下面主要阐述在中国石油化工运用过程系统工程技术的意义,并分析其前景。  相似文献   

过程系统工程面临的挑战和发展趋势   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
杨友麒  成思危 《化工进展》2002,21(8):527-535
分析了21世纪过程工业的发展趋势及面临的挑战;指出了过程系统工程的研究对象正在由传统的中观向微观和宏观两个方向延伸,小到以分子模拟为手段的产品设计,大到供应链管理的优化和生态系统,均已成为研究的热点;提出了绿色过程系统工程、动态过程和批处理过程系统工程必将成为21世纪初的新增长点,系统集成是当前最受到重视的领域之一。  相似文献   

过程系统工程技术与中国石化可持续发展   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
王基铭 《化工学报》2007,58(10):2421-2426
石油化工行业是国民经济的重要基础和支柱产业,中国石化集团公司作为中国最大的油品和石化产品生产商及经销商,已步入世界大型能源化工公司行列。过程系统工程(PSE)技术在中国石化结构调整、技术创新、降本增效、节能降耗、环境保护、安全生产、科学决策等诸多方面都起到了重要的作用,有效促进了中国石化科技进步和生产发展。企业资源计划(ERP)系统成功上线;初步形成供应链体系;全面启动总部生产营运指挥系统建设;电子商务系统长周期在线运行等。中国石化积极推进可持续发展,积极调整结构,强化技术改造,大幅降低能源消耗水平;全面推进清洁生产,从源头减少污染;努力节能降耗,提高资源和能源利用效率;不断完善安全、环境、健康(HSE)管理体系。坚持不懈地开展PSE技术的研究与应用,是中国石化可持续发展的内在要求与必然选择。  相似文献   

依靠过程系统工程促进企业经营集约化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在以信息业为主导,以知识为基础,以科学技术为生产力的首要因素的“知识经济”时代即将到来之时,过程系统工程必将发挥其日益重要的作用。本文就依靠过程系统工程促进企业经营集约化的一些问题进行了有益的探讨。为进一步加强过程系统工程的研究及实践,笔者建议:①集中优秀人才,突破技术关键;②理论联系实际,搞好企业试点;③开展对外合作,努力提高水平;④加强学会建设,促进学术交流。  相似文献   

杨友麒 《化工进展》2018,37(3):803-814
针对我国化学工业的转型升级问题,本文首先介绍了此次转型升级的时代背景,即国际上第四次工业革命正在迅猛展开,而国内正面临经济结构的第二次转型,由传统的工业化社会向现代服务型社会转变。其次,文中简要介绍了我国化学工业"大而不强"的问题,在此基础上论证转型的主要方向,即未来十年我国化学工业应具备的主要特征。最后从过程系统工程(process systems engineering,PSE)学科角度,说明可以在以下一些方面为化学工业转型升级做出贡献:以客户为中心的新产品开发;新工艺过程的多尺度开发放大;为化工制造的智能化转型升级提供理论指导;为化工企业的节能、节水和生态文明建设提供理论指导等。  相似文献   

绿色过程系统工程进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
杨友麒  石磊 《化工进展》2004,23(1):17-23
介绍了由于可持续发展的要求、绿色壁垒的出现及企业形象认证等因素促使绿色过程系统工程作为一门学科分枝应运而生。与传统过程系统工程集中研究人为系统而把环境要求作为约束条件不同,绿色过程系统工程强调过程系统和自然系统之间关系,目的在于把人为系统放回到自然系统中去以形成经济一技术一社会和谐发展的统一体。评述了近20年来在该领域的工作进展。提出了绿色过程系统应成为一门大学教育课程。  相似文献   

介绍了采用流化床技术,利用焦炉烟道气为热源,将煤调湿和风动选择粉碎技术有机地结合于一体的炼焦煤风选调湿工艺的流程及特点。结合国内外现状及试验结果,围绕现有焦炉的炼焦生产,说明风选调湿技术在备煤工艺中采用是可行的,技术是可靠的。该工艺是提高焦炭质量、综合利用煤炭资源、节能降耗、增加企业经济效益的有效措施之一。  相似文献   

This article and this issue of the AIChE Journal, is a tribute to Professor Roger Sargent who, as pioneer and intellectual leader of process systems engineering, has had a profound impact on the discipline of chemical engineering. Spanning more than five decades, his work has provided a strong mathematical foundation to process systems engineering through the development of sophisticated mathematical and computational tools for the simulation, design, control, operation and optimization of chemical processes. In this article we first give a brief overview of his career that included several leadership positions and the establishment of the Centre for Process Systems Engineering (CPSE) at Imperial College London. We next review his research contributions in the areas of process modeling, differential algebraic systems, process dynamics and control, nonlinear optimization and optimal control, design under uncertainty, and process scheduling. We highlight the tremendous impact that he has had through his students, students' students, and his entire academic family tree, which at present contains over 2000 names, probably one of the largest among the academic leaders of chemical engineering. Finally, we provide a brief overview of him as a modest and charming individual with a wonderful sense of humor. He is without doubt a true intellectual giant who has helped to expand the scope of chemical engineering by providing a strong systems component to it, and by establishing strong multidisciplinary links with other fields. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 62: 2951–2958, 2016  相似文献   

针对大型高炉的发展趋势,进行了40kg捣固小焦炉试验和4.3m捣固焦炉生产试验,结果表明,在发挥捣固炼焦工艺优越性的前提下,通过合理配煤,严格控制进厂煤质,捣固工艺生产焦炭完全可以满足大高炉的生产需求。  相似文献   

We propose a novel computational framework for the robust optimization of highly nonlinear, non-convex models that possess uncertainty in their parameter data. The proposed method is a generalization of the robust cutting-set algorithm that can handle models containing irremovable equality constraints, as is often the case with models in the process systems engineering domain. Additionally, we accommodate general forms of decision rules to facilitate recourse in second-stage (control) variables. In particular, we compare and contrast the use of various types of decision rules, including quadratic ones, which we show in certain examples to be able to decrease the overall price of robustness. Our proposed approach is demonstrated on three process flow sheet models, including a relatively complex model for amine-based CO2 capture. We thus verify that the generalization of the robust cutting-set algorithm allows for the facile identification of robust feasible designs for process systems of practical relevance.  相似文献   

Closed‐loop stability of nonlinear systems under real‐time Lyapunov‐based economic model predictive control (LEMPC) with potentially unknown and time‐varying computational delay is considered. To address guaranteed closed‐loop stability (in the sense of boundedness of the closed‐loop state in a compact state‐space set), an implementation strategy is proposed which features a triggered evaluation of the LEMPC optimization problem to compute an input trajectory over a finite‐time prediction horizon in advance. At each sampling period, stability conditions must be satisfied for the precomputed LEMPC control action to be applied to the closed‐loop system. If the stability conditions are not satisfied, a backup explicit stabilizing controller is applied over the sampling period. Closed‐loop stability under the real‐time LEMPC strategy is analyzed and specific stability conditions are derived. The real‐time LEMPC scheme is applied to a chemical process network example to demonstrate closed‐loop stability and closed‐loop economic performance improvement over that achieved for operation at the economically optimal steady state. © 2014 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 61: 555–571, 2015  相似文献   

对贫煤和瘦煤混合煤料的捣固炼焦进行了试验研究,结果表明,对混合煤料进行捣固处理,可以增大煤料的最大胶质层厚度和堆密度,降低煤料的最终收缩度;对于贫煤配加量不超过10%的混合煤料,捣固炼焦后可以生产出合格的冶金焦。  相似文献   

In this work, we focus on distributed model predictive control of large scale nonlinear process systems in which several distinct sets of manipulated inputs are used to regulate the process. For each set of manipulated inputs, a different model predictive controller is used to compute the control actions, which is able to communicate with the rest of the controllers in making its decisions. Under the assumption that feedback of the state of the process is available to all the distributed controllers at each sampling time and a model of the plant is available, we propose two different distributed model predictive control architectures. In the first architecture, the distributed controllers use a one‐directional communication strategy, are evaluated in sequence and each controller is evaluated only once at each sampling time; in the second architecture, the distributed controllers utilize a bi‐directional communication strategy, are evaluated in parallel and iterate to improve closed‐loop performance. In the design of the distributed model predictive controllers, Lyapunov‐based model predictive control techniques are used. To ensure the stability of the closed‐loop system, each model predictive controller in both architectures incorporates a stability constraint which is based on a suitable Lyapunov‐based controller. We prove that the proposed distributed model predictive control architectures enforce practical stability in the closed‐loop system and optimal performance. The theoretical results are illustrated through a catalytic alkylation of benzene process example. © 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2010  相似文献   

工业园区生态化发展的挑战与过程系统工程的机遇   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
贾小平  石磊  杨友麒 《化工学报》2021,72(5):2373-2391
生态化成为过程工业园区可持续发展的必然选择。基于多要素、跨介质、多过程和多目标协同的园区内在特征,其生态化过程有赖于过程系统工程的研究范式和方法。在介绍过程工业园区生态化历程及特点的基础上,提出园区生态化趋势与研究需求;重点综述了在工业园区尺度上应用过程系统工程方法驱动其生态化发展的研究现状;分别就可持续性分析评价、节能、节水、碳管理、物质集成、多重网络集成优化及园区信息化等展开系统化评述。提出工业园区生态化给过程系统工程发展带来的挑战和机遇。  相似文献   

The effects of interactions between nonlinear subprocesses on the stabilizability of plantwide systems via the concept of dissipative systems are studied. Conditions for which controlled variables of each interconnected subprocess can be driven to and maintained at their desired values are established through the application of interconnection decoupling techniques. The resulting decoupling feedback law encodes the interaction effects between subprocesses and determines the required information structure for achieving desired control performance using distributed control laws. The proposed constructive approach leads to new criteria for the selection of manipulated and controlled variables that guarantee plantwide stability. © 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 59: 2795–2809, 2013  相似文献   

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