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This study was aimed at correlating the yield of a three-dimensional (3D) inversion-recovery (IR) turbo spin-echo MR cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) sequence with that of ERCP and PTC in the imaging of the normal and abnormal biliopancreatic tract. Thirty patients with suspected biliary and pancreatic diseases were examined with MRCP first and then with ERCP or PTC; they were also submitted to US, CT and conventional MR studies and in 5 of them CT cholangiography was also performed. Five patients were normal and 25 had various obstructive abnormalities: 5 patients had gallbladder stones, 8 common bile duct stones, 5 a cholangiocarcinoma and 7 an adenocarcinoma of the pancreatic head or papilla. MRCP was performed with a superconductive magnet at 0.5 T, with volumetric images on coronal planes acquired using an IR turbo SE sequence (TR 2500, TE 1000, TF 89, 4 NEX) with respiratory triggering and vascular presaturation. Segmental intrahepatic bile ducts were correctly depicted in all the patients with benign or malignant obstruction of the common bile duct, but with some respiratory artifacts. Common bile duct stones were correctly depicted in 7 of 8 patients, but studying also the single coronal slices. With this method, the stones were clearly demonstrated in 22 examined gallbladders. Neoplastic obstruction and the obstruction level were correctly identified in all patients. Pancreatic ducts were shown in normal patients and in 8 of 13 patients with neoplastic or lithiasic obstruction of the common bile duct mainly on the pancreatic head. ERCP was carried out successfully in 5 patients with common bile duct stones and in 7 patients with neoplastic obstruction; in the other cancer patients, PTC was necessary. To conclude, respiratory-triggered 3D IR turbo spin-echo MRCP is a noninvasive technique to study mostly biliary conditions which yields similar information to ERCP and PTC in a large number of patients. Moreover, this sequence can be used with midfield MR units to study the obstruction of the biliary and pancreatic ducts not only when invasive techniques fail, but also routinely.  相似文献   

AIM: The purpose of the study was to compare the accuracy of M-mode echocardiography and two different two-dimensional echocardiographic approaches in the assessment of left ventricular mass and volumes in endurance-trained and strength-trained athletes, using magnetic resonance imaging as reference standard. METHODS AND RESULTS: We studied 19 athletes and 10 untrained control subjects, M-mode and two-dimensional echocardiography were compared to magnetic resonance imaging. M-mode echocardiographic left ventricular mass was calculated using the Penn cube convention. Two-dimensional echocardiographic left ventricular mass was calculated using (1) the area-length method as proposed by the American Society of Echocardiography (ASE) and (2) as proposed by Reichek. The best correlation between magnetic resonance imaging and echocardiographic left ventricular mass and volumes was observed with the ASE two-dimensional echocardiographic method. The agreement between them (-3.4 +/- 7.6 g and 18.5 +/- 19.5 ml) was better than between Reichek two-dimensional echocardiography and magnetic resonance imaging (-39.4 +/- 15.4-g and 52.8 +/- 21.7 ml), and demonstrated less random difference than M-mode echocardiography and magnetic resonance imaging (3.2 +/- 21.1 g resp. 15.1 +/- 30.0 ml). CONCLUSION: We conclude that the ASE two-dimensional echocardiographic approach, when using magnetic resonance imaging as a reference standard, was the most accurate estimator of left ventricular mass and volumes in both controls and athletes.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) the part played by flexor and extensor tenosynovitis and synovitis of the metatarsophalangeal (MTP), proximal interphalangeal (PIP) and distal interphalangeal (DIP) joints in producing the "sausage-like" aspect of spondyloarthropathy (SpA) toe dactylitis. METHODS: Twelve sausage-like toes and corresponding contralateral toes of 7 consecutive patients meeting Amor criteria for SpA were studied by MRI. RESULTS: All dactylitic toes showed fluid collections in the flexor synovial sheaths on MRI. Due to the sheath distension the plantar bone to skin distance was significantly increased (p < 0.05) in the dactylitic toes compared to normal contralateral toes. Peritendinous soft tissues were not involved since these were significantly thicker (p < 0.05) in normal toes. Extensor synovial sheaths were involved in only 4 dactylitic toes. Of the 36 joints of the 12 dactylitic toes only 2 MTP joints showed capsule distension. Considering MRI as the "gold standard", examination showed 100% sensitivity and specificity for flexor sheath involvement but lacked sensitivity for extensor synovial sheaths and showed a low specificity for joint capsule distension. CONCLUSION: Like finger dactylitis, toe dactylitis may also be due to flexor tenosynovitis and synovitis of MTP, PIP, and DIP joints may not be a required condition for sausage-shaped appearance. Extensor tenosynovitis may be present in addition to flexor tenosynovitis. Physical examination is a sufficient method for diagnosing toe dactylitis.  相似文献   

Insulinomas are the most common endocrine tumors of the pancreas. Although their clinical and biochemical diagnosis is extremely accurate, these lesions must be correctly located preoperatively to plan the best possible treatment. Many different noninvasive diagnostic techniques have been proposed, with only partially satisfying results. For many years such non-invasive modalities as arteriography have been considered the most reliable and accurate diagnostic tools. Recently, however, MRI has been proposed for best pancreas imaging, especially for tumor detection, and its results have been excellent especially thanks to its optimal contrast resolution. Fat-suppressed and turbo-spin-echo (TSE) sequences now yield even better results. In our study we examined 21 patients, whose symptoms were typical of insulinoma, using two different 0.5T magnets, one of which with 15 mT/m gradients. We used T1-weighted spin-echo (SE) sequences with and without respiratory compensation, SE ad TSE T2-weighted and fat-suppressed T1-weighted SE sequences. In 16 patients the lesions were correctly diagnosed and located, as confirmed at surgery. In the other 5 patients, MRI failed to locate the insulinomas. Three of these 5 patients were submitted to surgery, during which palpation and intraoperative US findings were also negative for a solid mass. The remaining 2 patients underwent clinical follow-up. Our study demonstrated that MRI, especially with fat-suppressed and T2-weighted TSE sequences, is a very accurate modality to detect pancreatic insulinomas and can therefore be proposed as the only preoperative technique.  相似文献   

The microsporidian Encephalitozoon hellem is being reported with increasing frequency in HIV-positive subjects, as an agent of disseminated microsporidiosis without involving the gastrointestinal tract. We describe a case of pulmonary microsporidiosis in a 27-year-old Italian man with AIDS who developed fever, cough, and dyspnea. A chest X-ray showed multiple bilateral pulmonary opacities and mediastinal lymph-node enlargement. Stained smears of bronchoalveolar lavage sediment showed oval structures consistent with microsporidian spores. Viral, bacterial and fungal cultures were repeatedly negative, whereas microsporidia were successfully cultured in human and bovine fibroblast cell lines. Analysis of electron micrographs indicated that the isolate belonged to the genus Encephalitozoon. Based on further immunological, biochemical and molecular studies it was characterized as E. hellem. Even though a temporary improvement with albendazole therapy was noticed, the patient deteriorated clinically and died of severe respiratory distress.  相似文献   

A number of agonists increase intracellular Ca2+ activity, [Ca2+]i, in pancreatic ducts, but the influx/efflux pathways and intracellular Ca2+ stores in this epithelium are unknown. The aim of the present study was to characterise the Ca2+ influx pathways, especially their pH sensitivity, in native pancreatic ducts stimulated by ATP and carbachol, CCH. Under control conditions both agonists led to similar changes in [Ca2+]i. However, these Ca2+ transients, consisting of peak and plateau phases, showed different sensitivities to various experimental manoeuvres. In extracellular Ca2+-free solutions, the ATP-induced [Ca2+]i peak decreased by 25%, but the CCH-induced peak was unaffected; both plateaus were inhibited by 90%. Flufenamate inhibited the ATP-induced peak by 35%, but not the CCH-evoked peak; the plateaus were inhibited by 75-80%. La3+ inhibited the ATP-induced plateau fully, but that induced by CCH by 55%. In resting ducts, an increase in extracellular pH, pHe, by means of HEPES and HCO3-/CO2 buffers, increased [Ca2+]i; a decrease in pHe had the opposite effect. In stimulated ducts the pH-evoked effects on Ca2+ influx were more pronounced and depended on the agonist used. At pHe 6.5 both ATP- and CCH-evoked plateaus were inhibited by about 50%. At pH 8.0 the ATP-stimulated plateau was inhibited by 27%, but that stimulated by CCH was increased by 72%. Taken together, we show that CCH stimulates Ca2+ release followed by Ca2+ influx that is moderately sensitive to flufenamate, La3+, depolarisation, it is inhibited by low pH, but stimulated by high pH. ATP stimulates Ca2+ release and probably an early Ca2+ influx, which is more markedly sensitive to flufenamate and La3+, and is both inhibited by low and high pH. Thus our study indicates that there are at least two separate Ca2+ influx pathways in pancreatic ducts cells.  相似文献   

Venous ulcers are common in clinical practice. They are due to end stage skin and subcutaneous damage from sustained venous hypertension. The common cause may be post thrombotic syndrome or primary superficial venous insufficiency. This case illustrates the need to think of inherited thrombophilia as a primary cause.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance techniques have a significant role in the evaluation of intracranial vascular diseases; however, to achieve an appropriate diagnosis, a combination of both magnetic resonance imaging and angiography are needed. It is extremely important for the interpreting physician to be aware of the potential limitations of the techniques being used. With this knowledge, magnetic resonance techniques can eliminate the need for more invasive procedures. An overview of the current methods and their applications and limitations is provided.  相似文献   

Osteoporosis is a common metabolic disorder with considerable associated morbidity and mortality. The loss of bone mineral integrity and the resultant occurrence of atraumatic fractures are typically symptomatic of the disease. Currently skeletal status is commonly assessed using non-invasive conventional radiography and scintigraphy as well as densitometric techniques such as quantitative computed tomography and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. But, apart from gross bone mineral density, the fine structure of trabecular bone also plays an important role in defining the biomechanical competence of the skeleton. Recently attention has been focused on deriving measures that provide information about not only trabecular bone density but also microstructure. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is one such new technique which potentially may provide information pertaining to bone density and structure as well as to occult fracture detection. Cortical bone produces a signal void in MR images, due to the fact that it contains very few mobile protons that give rise to a signal in MRI; also the MR relaxation time T2 of these protons is very short which produces a very fast decay of the MR signal during image acquisition. However, the trabecular bone network affects the MR properties of bone marrow. The difference in the magnetic properties of trabecular bone and bone marrow generates local imperfections in the magnetic field. The MR signal from bone marrow is modified due to these imperfections and the MR relaxation time T2 of marrow is shortened. The extent of relaxation time shortening and hence loss of signal intensity is proportional to the density of trabecular bone and marrow interfaces and their spatial architecture. Recent investigation in this area include studies aimed at quantifying marrow relaxation times and establishing their relationship to trabecular bone density and structure. In addition, with advances in imaging software and hardware, MR images at in-plane resolutions of 78-200 microns may be obtained. The trabecular bone structure is clearly revealed in such images and studies aimed at the development of high-resolution MRI techniques combined with quantitative image analysis techniques are currently under way. These potentially useful techniques for assessing osteoporosis and predicting fracture risk are reviewed in this paper.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the correlation between cognitive dysfunction and disease burden in multiple sclerosis (MS) during a 1-year period. DESIGN: The Brief, Repeatable Battery of Neuropsychological Tests in Multiple Sclerosis was performed at entrance and 1 year. Patients underwent at least 20 proton density (range, 20-24) and T2-weighted axial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) brain scans except for stable patients who were scanned monthly. Magnetic resonance imaging was evaluated using computer-automated, 3-dimensional volumetric analysis. SETTING: A research clinic of a university hospital. PATIENTS: Forty-four patients with MS of the following disease categories: relapsing-remitting (14), relapsing-remitting progressive (12), chronic progressive (13), and stable (5). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The relationships between scores on the Brief, Repeatable Battery of Neuropsychological Tests in Multiple Sclerosis and 2 MRI measures (total lesion volume and brain to intracranial cavity volume ratio) were assessed using linear regression. These MRI measures were also compared with cognitive status at 1 year using analysis of variance. RESULTS: Overall, there was no decline in mean cognitive test performance during 1 year. Significant correlations were found between baseline neuropsychological test scores of nonverbal memory, information-processing speed, and attention and both MRI measures. Patients with chronic progressive MS demonstrated the strongest correlations. At 1 year, change in information-processing speed and attention correlated with change in total lesion volume. The mean increase in total lesion volume was 5.7 mL for 4 patients whose cognitive status worsened compared with 0.4 mL for 19 patients who improved and 0.5 mL for 21 patients who remained stable. CONCLUSIONS: During a 1-year period mean cognitive performance did not worsen. Automated volumetric MRI measures of total lesion volume and brain to intracranial cavity volume ratio correlated with neuropsychological performance, especially in patients with chronic progressive MS. Worsening MRI lesion burden correlated with cognitive decline.  相似文献   

The imaging of regional ventilation in the lungs is essential for the evaluation of a variety of pathological conditions, such as emphysema, pneumonia and pulmonary embolism. We propose a novel approach for ventilation scanning, using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and inhaled molecular oxygen as a contrast agent, that directly depicts transfer of oxygen across the alveolus into the pulmonary vasculature. Molecular oxygen is only weakly paramagnetic but produces substantial signal changes in the lungs because of their large surface area. Ventilation defects were shown in a patient with bullous emphysema, and ventilation-perfusion mismatches were shown in two patients with pulmonary embolism.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to measure the accumulation of labeled albumin and to visualize its distribution pattern in reperfused infarcted myocardium as a function of time between onset of reperfusion and administration of the tracer. BACKGROUND: Myocardial microvascular injury leads to leakage of albumin from the intravascular space. Quantitative measurements of GdDTPA-albumin with inversion recovery echoplanar imaging (IR-EPI) may allow noninvasive monitoring of microvascular injury. METHODS: After 1 h of coronary artery occlusion, 56 rats were injected with GdDTPA-albumin or 123I-GdDTPA-albumin either immediately before reperfusion or 1/2, 1 or 24 h after reperfusion. GdDTPA-albumin in blood, normal myocardium and reperfused infarction was dynamically measured with IR-EPI during 1 h postinjection (PI). Autoradiograms were obtained at 15 min PI. Accumulation of labeled albumin in myocardium was expressed as the ratio of myocardial to blood content. RESULTS: In normal myocardium, the ratio of changes of relaxation rate-ratio (deltaR1-ratio) was 0.12+/-0.01 and did not change over 1 h. In reperfused infarction, however, the deltaR1-ratio increased after administration. Animals given GdDTPA-albumin before reperfusion exhibited fastest accumulation (deltaR1-ratio 15 min PI: 0.56+/-0.03) and essentially homogeneous distribution. The accumulation was slower when administered at 1/2, 1 and 24 h after reperfusion (deltaR1-ratios 15 min PI: 0.39+/-0.03; 0.31+/-0.04; 0.16+/-0.01; p < 0.001 compared to administration before reperfusion). Moreover, the tracer accumulated predominantly in the periphery of the injury zone. CONCLUSIONS: Amount and distribution pattern of labeled albumin in reperfused infarction are modulated by duration of reperfusion. The accumulation of GdDTPA-albumin can be quantified by IR-EPI. Thus, IR-EPI may be useful to noninvasively monitor myocardial microvascular injury in reperfused infarction.  相似文献   

"Ethibloc" is a zeine-alcohol suspension which polymerizes in an aqueous medium after approximately 15 minutes. The product was injected in the pancreatic duct of 20 dogs. The procedure was free from complications, apart from the development of edematous pancreatitis without clinical manifestations. Healthy pancreases were transformed into fibrous organs within ten days or so, as is found in advanced stages of chronic pancreatitis. No effect occurred on the islets of Langerhans and a diabetes of the experimental type did'nt develop. "Ethibloc" would therefore appear to be of value in humans for the treatment of chronic pancreatitis, in order to reduce the period for transformation of the lesions without increasing the incidence of complications, and also for pancreatic fistulae of various origins, as a result of the rapid sclerosis of exocrine tissue that it provokes.  相似文献   

Spatial maps of the percentage cellularity in pelvic bone marrow were calculated at a resolution of 15.6 mm3 from six volunteers and 10 patients treated for documented hematologic disease using a three-point Dixon MRI pulse sequence. The percentage cellularity calculation was aided by analyzing a two-dimensional feature space consisting of the apparent water fraction (Wa), and the T2 relaxation time of water (T2w). An extracellular water fraction was assigned to each voxel on the basis of a two-component T2w algorithm. In six cases, the method was compared to results obtained from core biopsies or aspirates of the posterior iliac crest. The results indicate that segmentation schemes that combine high-quality phase-contrast imaging with nuclear relaxation time measurements can potentially identify the true fractional marrow volume occupied by hematopoietic elements in a variety of clinical situations.  相似文献   

Portal vein flow was recorded by color Doppler sonography in 31 patients with chronic heart failure and 18 control subjects. Compared with patients showing a forward flow (Group A), those with reversed portal vein flow (Group B) had higher prevalence of tricuspid regurgitation (75% vs. 43%), hepatic congestion (100% vs. 30%) and ascites (50% vs. 18%), and showed higher right atrial pressure (25.3 +/- 3.01 mmHg vs. 11.8 +/- 5.75 mmHg, p < 0.01). In controls, portal vein pulsatility ratio was 0.66 +/- 0.08, in Group A it was 0.46 +/- 0.28 (p < 0.01), in Group B -0.60 +/- 0.19 (p < 0.01). Portal vein pulsatility ratio negatively correlated with right atrial pressure (r = -0.87; p < 0.01). In Group A, hepatic congestion, ascites and tricuspid regurgitation were associated with a higher portal vein pulsatility. This study indicates that portal vein pulsatility ratio reflects the level of impairment of the right heart.  相似文献   

STUDY DESIGN: Prospective comparative study of pain drawings with findings on lumbar spine magnetic resonance imaging. OBJECTIVES: To assess the ability of the pain drawing to predict the presence of nerve root compression. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: Most research work has concentrated on the ability of the pain drawing to act as a screening method for psychological distress with less work directed at the influence the anatomic abnormality has on the pain drawing. METHODS: One hundred thirty-four consecutive outpatients attending for lumbar magnetic resonance imaging in the investigation of back and leg pain completed pain drawings and psychological testing immediately before the examination. The pain drawing was analyzed by previously reported criteria, and the magnetic resonance imaging was assessed independently for the presence of nerve compression by three radiologists. Multivariate stepwise discriminant analysis was used to identify patients with nerve compression on the basis of their pain drawing. RESULTS: Nerve compression was predicted by numbness in the anterolateral aspect of the foot. There was considerable overlap in the appearances of the pain drawings between patients with and without nerve compression, and the pain drawing correctly classified only 58% of patients with nerve compression. CONCLUSIONS: The pain drawing is not a good predictor of nerve compression on magnetic resonance imaging in a group of patients investigated for back and leg pain. It should be interpreted with caution and in light of the full clinical picture.  相似文献   

To compare the diagnostic capabilities of Computed Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) in differentiating benign from malignant pleural disease, we examined with MRI at 0.5 T forty-five patients with pleural lesions identified on CT scans. For 34 patients, a final diagnosis of malignant (n = 18) or benign (n = 16) disease was made. T1, proton density/T2 and enhanced T1-weighted spin-echo images were acquired. CT and MR images were independently studied by two observers, who were unaware of the final diagnosis. Various morphological features suggesting benign or malignant pleural disease were evaluated. On the basis of the morphological CT features, a final diagnosis of benignity of malignancy was expressed in terms of two different levels of confidence-probable or definitive. The MR signal intensity of pleural lesions was compared with that of intercostal muscles (isohypointense or hyperintense). No significant differences were observed between CT and MR morphological findings. High signal intensity on proton density/T2-weighted images was observed in all malignant lesions and in 2 benign lesions (100% sensitivity, 87% specificity). In the absence of this sign (i.e., isointense or hypointense signal), the lesions were always benign (100% negative predictive value). All the definitive CT diagnoses were correct, while 6 of 17 probable CT diagnoses were incorrect. In the subgroup of lesions misinterpreted with CT, MR signal intensity on long-TR images always allowed the correct differentiation of benign from malignant conditions. To conclude, MR signal intensity is a valuable additional feature to differentiate benign from malignant pleural disease. We suggest the use of MRI in the pleural lesions where the level of confidence of CT diagnosis is low.  相似文献   

In guinea pigs, an acute acoustic trauma was created by 6 consecutive gunshots. The sound pressure at the ear drum was 156 +/- 4 dB, the frequency maximum was between 4 and 6 kHz. Sixty hours after the noise trauma, the animals were decapitated, and the cochleae were prepared for microscopic analysis of the resulting trauma to the organ of Corti. During the process of fixation, the potassium-pyroantimonate precipitation reaction was performed to localize calcium-binding sites. The pattern of cell morphology and the distribution of calcium-binding sites was compared to that of normal control animals. Morphologic changes of the cells in the organ of Corti correlated with changes of the cellular calcium distribution, indicating the crucial role of calcium in cell damage and necrosis after acute noise trauma.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In contrast to endorectal surface coils used to assess pelvic tumors, the magnetic resonance endoscope (MR) has all the features of a standard endoscope. In ex-vivo imaging of the porcine gastrointestinal tract, endoscopic MR demonstrates distinct histological layers of the gastrointestinal wall. The aim of this study was to assess the feasibility and the accuracy of endoscopic MR in local staging of patients with esophageal and rectal cancer. METHODS: From April to August 1996, 12 patients (5 female and 7 male, mean age 63 [range 44-84] years) with histologically proven esophageal (n = 6) and rectal (n = 6) cancer prospectively underwent endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) followed by endoscopic MR. The two radiologists reviewing the endoscopic MR images were blinded to the EUS results. Assessment of T and N stages was compared to EUS and histology. RESULTS: Endoscopic MR was well tolerated in all patients and there were no complications. Image quality was sufficient in 75%. Endoscopic MR T-staging correlated with EUS and histology in 7/12 and 5/7 patients respectively. Discordance was due to overstaging by endoscopic MR. N-staging correlated with EUS and histology in 10/12 and 6/8 cases respectively. Non-correlation was due to a number of false negative results at endoscopic MR. CONCLUSION: These early results demonstrate endoscopic MR to be feasible and to produce comparable local staging to EUS in patients with esophageal and rectal cancer. The ultimate goal will be to combine endoscopic MR with body coil MR imaging (for the assessment of distant metastases) in order to provide "one-step staging" for the entire evaluation of gastrointestinal tumors.  相似文献   

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