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传统居住区的景观特质与保存价值评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
王紫雯  林晨 《城市规划》2001,25(5):56-60
通过杭州市南山路街区北端的传统居住区的环境调查与传统居区中独具个性的景观特质的分析评价 ,论述了城市景观特质保存的历史见证价值 ,地区的标志与行为识别价值 ,平民生存权利和价值取向的文化象征价值 ,城市风貌表现价值与民俗旅游价值。因而在旧城改造中应予以关注和保存。  相似文献   

上海豫园自1559年兴建,至今已有450余年的历史,近代战乱及文革对豫园造成了不同程度的破坏。本文回顾了1949年以后对豫园的历次保护修缮工程,以及豫园旅游商城的开发建设状况,参照《佛罗伦萨宪章》所确定的历史园林保护原则对其保护修缮状况进行了综合评价。  相似文献   

旧城改造中历史文化遗产保护的经济分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
李萱  赵民 《城市规划》2002,26(7):39-42
运用经济学原理和分析方法 ,讨论旧城改造中的历史文化遗产保护问题 ,以期对历史文化遗产的保护有更深的理解。  相似文献   

While the negative association between racial composition and neighborhood evaluation for white residents is fairly well established, there is less consensus on what are the precise mechanisms which produce this relationship. This paper examines three possible mechanisms in this regard: status loss, perceived decline in the quality of neighborhood services, and fears about personal safety. A survey of nine neighborhoods with different racial mixes finds evidence for the direct effect of racial composition on white residents' evaluations through status loss and its indirect effect through fears about personal safety, but no support for the notion that the racial composition effect operates through negative perceptions of neighborhood public services. Alternatively, having larger numbers of blacks in a neighborhood has a negative effect on black residents through its association with a perception of lower quality public services: at the same time, higher numbers of blacks in a neighborhood has a positive effect on black residents' evaluations of the area, once the association between racial composition and perception of quality of services is taken into account. This positive effect operates directly and also indirectly, through its association with perceptions of greater safety. The implications of these findings for the future of integrated neighborhoods are discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The study presented here is the first to apply, in the Italian context, the input-output technique to evaluate and plan economics and environmental measures for the control and reduction of industrial water pollution. A biregional I-O model (SMART), implemented by the Institute of Research into the Economic Planning of Toscany (IRPFT). has been used in order to take into account the expense and the economic impact of a recent act concerning antipollution waste standards (Merli Act). The article concerns the economic and environmental impacts of different components of the final demand, the net trade balance of the pollution, an unusual "shadow price" of pollution by using the dual version of the model, and the effects of the introduction of antipollution equipment according to different possibilities for financing them.  相似文献   

胡伟 《城市规划》2001,1(2):52-54,63
美国的社区规划注重公众参与 ,强调基层社区居民的具体利益 ,在规划的制定、实施过程中往往存在政府与具体社区的对立 ,甚至不同社区的敌对。以纽约市为例 ,对其社区规划的组织、内容、发展过程进行了介绍 ,并阐述了目前突出的几个争议性问题。吸取国外规划的经验和教训 ,对我国的社区发展规划的制定有重要的指导和借鉴意义  相似文献   

This article gives an overview of the techniques utilized by the United Stales, the Netherlands, and Belgium in the area of historic preservation. Comparisons are formulated as to the means available through the various governmental structures to implement historic preservation practices. In addition, the article cites specific examples to illustrate the similarities and differences in historic preservation practices of the three countries.  相似文献   

The rapid growth in the number of black female-headed familles during the past two decades has been widely noted in the popular press as well as in the research literature, but there has been no consensus on the cause or causes of this phenomenon. Three prominent hypotheses that attempt to explain the rapid growth and high level of female-headed families among blacks are identified and tested in this study. The first hypothesis suggests that welfare transfer payments available to female-headed families entice women to have children out of wedlock or encourage men to leave their families in order to make the families eligible for welfare thus increasing the number of female-headed families. The second hypothesis holds that the increase in black female-headed households is due to the relative scarcity of Marriageable black males, a fact which encourages black women to have children and maintain a family without the presence of a man The third potential explanation suggests that shifts in values and attitudes about marriage and childbearing in the black community have led to increased acceptance of out-of-wedlock childbearing and growth in black female-headed families. Collectively, these factors explain 41% of the variation in the growth of black female-headed families between 1970 and 1980. The decline in labor force status of black mules is the strongest single predictor, with the 1970 level of black female headship (used here as a measure of the cultural environment) being the second most powerful predictor. However, the 1970 level of black female headed did not operate in the expected manner. The level of public assistance is only marginally significant and the sex ratio of persons age 16 to 39 is statistically insignificant.  相似文献   

段德罡  高莉  黄晶 《城市规划》2019,43(5):73-86
当前政府主导的大量运动式村庄规划与建设虽具有规模广、见效快的特征,但着眼短期成效的政治诉求为村庄持续健康发展带来诸多负面影响,而村庄规划评价的缺失导致许多问题得不到纠正,使村庄规划与建设水平裹足不前。临潭县生态文明示范村建设规划具有我国运动式村庄规划建设的普遍特征,本文以其为研究对象,开展村庄建设规划实施效果评价研究,基于综合评价方法框架从评价主体、评价目的、评价内容、评价标准和评价方法5个方面界定村庄规划实施评价理论范式,构建包含执行评价、实效评价和社会评价3个领域的综合评价体系;并选取长川乡敏家咀村作为案例村开展实证研究,详细探究该村庄建设规划的实施成效及其原因,为增强规划效用提供建议,同时也为目前快节奏的村庄规划与建设的优化与改进提供参考。  相似文献   

城市形态的理论与方法——探索全面与理性的研究框架   总被引:26,自引:3,他引:26  
谷凯 《城市规划》2001,25(12):36-41
城市形态 (urbanmor phology)作为一门跨学科课题 ,虽然与城市规划和城市设计的密切关系已得到广泛的认识 ,但城市形态的定义 ,研究内容及其方法长期以来在学术领域还未有共识。通过对相关文献的回顾 ,尝试建立新的理论研究框架。在强调以政治经济学 (politicalecono my)为基础的“城市化过程”理论的体系内 ,“形态分析”(morphologicalanalysis)与“环境行为研究” (environmentalbe havior)被强调作为主要的城市形态的分析方法。这一动态与开放的研究框架 ,将抽象的政治与社会经济因素与实体的物质环境、局部的建筑环境与整体的城市联系在一起 ,从而使城市形态研究更趋于理性与客观。同时阐述了建立系统与全面的城市形态研究框架对充实城市规划方法及建立和完善城市设计基础理论有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Housing mobility programs intend to improve the well‐being of low‐income families by changing the neighborhood environment in which they live, and thereby creating access to a new set of opportunities and resources. Using data collected in a study of the Gautreaux Two (G2) Housing Mobility program, which offered housing vouchers to public housing residents in Chicago to move to lower‐poverty and less segregated “opportunity” neighborhoods, this article explores families’ access to programs and services for their children in the neighborhoods where they move. The analysis is based on a sample of 46 families who moved through the G2 program. Qualitative in‐depth interviews were conducted with mothers in four waves, which started when the family still lived in public housing. The results show that almost three‐quarters of the families utilized activities for their children in the baseline neighborhoods, but mothers also expressed concerns about the safety and lack of program variety available in these disadvantaged neighborhoods. After moving through the G2 program, only one‐third of the children in these families are using activities. The decline in activity participation is especially steep for children in families that move to areas outside of the city. Although few mothers are concerned with safety or the variety of programs available, several report barriers to activities for children in the new neighborhood, including fewer programs for low‐income children, high cost, transportation difficulties, and issues finding daycare or preschool for younger children. Some children continue to use activities in the old neighborhood and some families end up making subsequent moves to nonqualifying neighborhoods. These findings suggest that activity participation is important for many low‐income families, and losing access to these activities upon moving through the G2 program may limit children's exposure to the new neighborhood and contribute to subsequent moves.  相似文献   

历史城市保护优先权的确立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阮仪三  陈婷 《城市规划》2002,26(7):31-34
我国的历史城市众多 ,但保护资金相对缺乏 ,为了引导保护资金和资源的有效分配 ,有必要建立一个历史城市保护优先权的评估和排序体系。本文结合巴西的实践 ,阐述了运用多级分析方法建立历史城市保护优先权评估模型的过程以及这一方法对我国历史城市保护的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

图森市位于美国亚利桑那州南部,具有百余年的悠久历史,城市中建筑风格体现了当时西班牙、墨西哥及维多利亚等多种风格。图森市市中心在上世纪城市更新中几乎被推倒后重建,但其历史性居民区得以幸免因而成为历史保护的重点。自国民信托成立以来,历史保护法案逐步建立起完善的开发标准和建筑审查制度来平衡历史保护和更新。立足于这一案例,从历史街区风貌的整体保护,到历史建筑的节能改造,再到区域环境的三个层次系统地分析了图森市历史保护的发展脉络;对保护体系、保护对象选择的标准、保护视野三个方面的特点进行剖析。最后总结出图森市历史保护对我国相关实践提供的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Neighborhood organizations have been active partners with cities in service provision for many years, providing an institutional structure for coordinated action to improve their neighborhood environments through coordinated resident action. Cities' needs to relieve fiscal distress are now generating even more interest in direct service delivery by community-based organizations (CBOs). Before these efforts can be substantially expanded, however, much more needs to be learned about the kinds of services amenable to CBO delivery, the kinds of CBOs willing and able to participate, and the most effective administrative arrangements for delivering the service. This paper draws on information obtained from applications for a Federal demonstration program to address these and other empirical questions regarding city and CBO arrangements for service coproduction. The analysis indicates that cities are most likely to rely on advocacy-type organizations to deliver peripheral or supplementary services which are amenable to volunteer labor rather than those which are viewed as essential public services. Cities have yet to demonstrate, on a large scale, a willingness to enter into partnerships which would give CBOs significant responsibilities for core services. For this to occur it will be necessary to support prototype demonstrations of the feasibility of the approach and to expand significantly the capacity of CBOs through technical assistance.  相似文献   

The street is a type of important urban public space with multiple social values, one of which is the restorative potential. Based on the “beingaway,” “extent,” “fascination,” and “compatibility” constructs of restorative environments proposed by the Attention Recovery Theory, this study elaborated the significance of restorativeness provided by street environments to people living in high-density cities. It used the traditional restorativeness scale with mobile eye trackers to explore the restorative experience provided by an urban street, and identified the specific streetscape elements related to restorativeness and the degree of their influences. The results show that “greenery,” “people,” and “cars” perform significant influences, and different streetscape elements have different degrees of influences on the 4 constructs of the restorative environment. For example, for the“being-away,” “extent,” and “fascination” constructs, the influence of “greenery” is the most important, while “people” plays the core role in “compatibility.” The findings can help professionals develop targeted design strategies to improve diverse street environments for a better restorativeness.  相似文献   

随着城镇化进程的不断推进,我国近年来产生了大量弃置村庄,这其中不少村庄建成年代久远,具有丰厚的历史积淀与利用价值,如何评价这些弃置型古村落的保护与利用价值逐渐成为学界密切关注的问题。本文基于详实的田野调查,以陕南地区弃置型古村落为研究对象,采用定性与定量相结合的层次分析法,从"历史文化、自然环境、建筑遗产、利用条件"四方面构建了评判弃置型古村落保护价值及利用可能性的评价模型,并以陕西省商洛市洛南县鞑子梁村为案例,基于评价分析得出弃置型古村落保护和利用的可行性及相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT In this paper an evaluation of the Regional Development Incentives Policy in Greece is presented for the 1972-87 period. The main argument in this evaluation is that the incentives polity had limited impact on private investment decisions and, instead, facilitated existing trends in the sectoral composition and spatial distribution of private investment. The empirical evidence in support of tins argument indicates that subsidised investment did not prefer the sectors and regions where the incentives were stronger, while its sectoral and spatial distribution was similar to nonsubsidised investment. A case study for one of the problem regions confirmed these results and gave rise to questions about the appropriateness of the incentives policy for the Greek regional problem.  相似文献   

本文对《钢铁工业建(构)筑物可靠性鉴定规程》(YBJ219-89)中的鉴定程序和应用做了介绍,同时阐述了本程序的特点。  相似文献   

It is the author's contention that community control movements of the 1960s were unable to fulfill their militant objectives due to their lack of politically critical resources. As a result, these organizations were forced to moderate their objectives or incur the wrath of their donors. This article provides a brief history of the movement and an analysis of the consequences of resource dependency (i.e., the need of these groups to seek resources from government, corporations, and the philanthropic sector). The author concludes that the participants, if they are to have any hope of becoming successful, must maximize their own resources. Such maximization might make community control organizations less dependent on outside donors (whose interests may conflict with those of the group), giving them greater freedom to realize their objectives.  相似文献   

In this paper, the effects of neighborhood racial composition and wealth are compared to the effects of police expenditures per capita and crime rate upon assessments of neighborhood police services in Boston. The results indicate that: (1) there is little correspondence between the level of police expenditures per capita and the level of citizen satisfaction; (2) higher neighborhood crime rates are associated with negative perceptions of neighborhood police performance; and (3) some aspects of neighborhood context even may be more important than crime rates in determining the level of citizen satisfaction with neighborhood police services.  相似文献   

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