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结合住房租赁市场的现状和特点,从租赁住房利益相关者的角度对政府、住房租赁企业和消费者之间的关系进行研究,有利于加强对租赁住房市场的监管。根据三者掌握的租赁住房信息的严重不对称性,创新性地建立了动态贝叶斯博弈模型,通过求解精炼贝叶斯均衡策略分析影响各方策略选择的因素。结果表明:政府加强检查、加大对住房租赁企业的惩罚力度和增加对低质量住房的补贴,减少消费者选择租赁住房的成本或增加其选择高质量住房的收益,降低住房租赁企业提供低质量住房的收益等措施均有利于提高租赁住房的质量。利用 Matlab 进行模拟仿真分析,为提高租赁住房的质量提出针对性建议。  相似文献   

一、完善住房保障方式对住房保障的方式,社会上有许多议论。目前的保障方式主要有两种。一种是实物保障,即向符合条件的家庭提供实物保障住房,包括廉租住房、公共租赁住房、经济适应住房、棚改安置住房,以及部分地方建设的限价商品住房。另一种是货币补贴,即向符合条件的家庭发放租赁补贴,支持其在市场上租赁适当的住房。  相似文献   

<正>对住房保障的方式,社会上有许多议论。目前的保障方式主要有两种。一种是实物保障,即向符合条件的家庭提供实物保障住房,包括廉租住房、公共租赁住房、经济适应住房、棚改安置住房以及部分地方建设的限价商品住房。另一种是货币补贴,即向符合条件的家庭发放租赁补贴,支持其在市场上  相似文献   

记者日前从内蒙古自治区住房和城乡建设厅了解到,适应建立以公共租赁住房为主的住房保障体系的需要。今后内蒙古将通过“租补分离、分类补贴”的方式,推动对各类保障性住房的并轨管理。  相似文献   

德国住房自有率低,租赁率高且租赁关系稳定,重要的原因在于其完善的住房租赁制度,促使住房租赁市场长期平稳发展。我国有着庞大的流动人口规模,租赁住房需求旺盛,中央层面多次强调要建立租购并举的住房制度。而与此同时,我国租赁市场发展尚不成熟,租赁制度有待进一步完善。在此背景下,本文通过梳理德国住房租赁的相关制度,归纳总结其主要内容和特点,以期为我国优化和完善住房租赁制度,培育和发展住房租赁市场提供思路。  相似文献   

正财政部租房补贴不得一次性发放财政部已于近日下发通知,要求各地财政部门做好公共租赁住房和廉租住房并轨运行有关财政工作,并对相关政策进行了明确。通知规定,廉租房并入公租房之后,其资金来源均整合用于公租房,原廉租房租赁补贴资金继续用于补贴在市场租赁住房的低收入住房保障家庭,但租赁补贴应当按月或按季度均衡核发,不得采取半年或一年集中一次性发放的方式。  相似文献   

卢求 《当代建筑》2021,(2):26-29
文章梳理了德国租赁住房市场相关权威数据,包括德国租赁住房的面积、户型、户均人口、所有权结构等情况,使读者对德国住房租赁市场现状能够清晰、准确地了解.文章分析了德国租赁住房政策的发展演变,详细介绍了德国租赁住房的政策法律,特别是保障租约稳定、保障租金平稳的法律条款和配套政策措施,包括向租客利益倾斜的租赁住房解约保护条款,通过出台租赁住房基准价格、限制房东任意涨价的具体操作措施,阐述了德国租赁住房市场平稳发展的原因,以及德国租赁住房政策对中国的借鉴与思考.  相似文献   

新西兰从1905年开始推行公共住房,目前已经形成了实物补贴与货币补贴双轨并行的住房保障制度——通过有效衔接的“住房连续体”保障体系、精细化管理的公共住房登记册制度,实现公共住房供给侧与需求侧的动态匹配。本文基于此并通过回顾新西兰公共住房的政策演变历程,提炼出对新西兰公共住房政策中与家庭发展周期相匹配的实物补贴、与家庭经济状况相关的货币补贴、以需定供的规划目标定位定量方法,以期在完善我国保障性租赁住房的补贴政策、制度体系、规划方法等方面提供有益的经验借鉴。  相似文献   

公共租赁住房已成为我国保障性住房体系的中坚力量,因其资金需求量大,融资渠道狭窄,面临着资金短缺问题。从国内外成熟的REITs 经验出发,重点探讨了以REITs 基金组织为主体的公共租赁住房REITs 融资模式运作流程,同时,通过内部收益率的计算,分析公共租赁住房采用REITs 融资的经济可行性,并以大连市为例,进行了实证分析,突出了政府补贴在公共租赁住房REITs 融资中的重要性,最后提出了税收优惠、政府补贴等实行REITs 融资的政府激励措施。  相似文献   

近年来,莱芜市从解决城市低收入家庭住房问题入手,创新了廉租住房和经济适用住房运作方式,探索建立了集救助机制、联动机制、退出机制为一体的城市低收入家庭住房保障货币直补制度,实现了"市场建、政府补、百姓选"的和谐局面.初步达到了"三个满意":即住房困难户满意、政府满意和社会满意.截至2007年底,通过申请、审核和公示,全市共有1402户城市低收入住房困难家庭取得了住房补贴资格,其中1132户领到了租赁住房补贴,270户取得了经济适用房补贴资格,对提出申请的168户低保住房困难家庭实现了应保尽保.  相似文献   

公共租赁住房供给是现阶段我国住房保障体系建设的重点,在解决特定群体住房困难的同时,公共租赁住房供给对房地产要素市场也产生作用。从公共租赁住房供给的预期目标出发,分析公共租赁住房供给在不同时期、不同市场条件下对土地市场和商品住房市场供需的作用路径,从而从宏观层面对公共租赁住房供给的市场效应进行评估,纠正公共租赁住房供给的非理性预期,为公共租赁住房供给制度的目标设计提供参考。  相似文献   

“商改租”政策的提出不仅有利于扩大租赁住房供给来源,也为我国商办市场去库存提供了一个解决思路。但目前“商改租”的实践效果并不理想,针对企业积极性不高的问题,在相关文献研究和案例分析的基础上,从法律与政策、市场、企业和存量商办房自身4个方面,系统归纳出影响企业参与意愿的26个因素。运用系统工程方法,建立了影响因素间的6级多层递阶解释结构模型,明确各因素之间的相互影响关系和作用路径,找出了影响企业参与意愿的10个根源性因素。并针对法律与政策、政府激励措施、商办与住房租赁市场需求、改造市场经验、存量状况与满足转化条件程度等根源性影响因素,提出“商改租”工作推进政策建议。  相似文献   

The comparatively low homeownership rate in Germany is often referred to as a weakness of the German housing market. As it turns out, the situation in Germany is primarily due to four factors. First, rental housing makes up a larger share of the market because of an extensive social housing sector. The high quality standard of social housing and the fact that private investors were included in the subsidisation scheme from the beginning laid the foundation for a large private rental housing market. Second, homeowners in Germany did not benefit from the same high subsidies as in countries such as Spain or the Netherlands. Third, the German rental housing market was not rendered inoperative by excessive interventions in rents, as was the case in countries such as Spain and the UK. Finally, German house prices remained stable over a long period of time. Therefore, in view of these results, judgements on Germany's housing market should be revised.  相似文献   

China has recently experienced a massive growth in second home ownership. This paper argues that second home ownership in Chinese cities is not only a result of an increasingly mature housing market but, more importantly, an unintended consequence of socialist housing policies and institutions, such as the subsidized sale of public rental housing and associated partial property rights, the continued provision of subsidized housing by work units, the continuing household registration system and the lack of property tax. Using the 2005 China General Social Survey, this paper empirically studies the patterns and dynamics of second home ownership in urban China. While households' socio-economic status contributes to conventional second home ownership, the persisting socialist housing policies and institutions have led to the unique phenomena of owing one home with partial property rights and owning a second home, and renting the primary home even in the public sector and owning a second home.  相似文献   


With the expansion of institutional investors into urban rental markets, many cities have witnessed a rise in Build-to-Rent (BtR). This article reviews the financialization of rental housing literature and identifies opportunities for urban housing scholars to progress understandings of BtR through future empirical and theoretical efforts. In particular, it proposes a broadening of the housing research agenda around three analytical entry points. These entry points relate to relatively understudied structural transformations of our urban housing systems implicated in the rise of BtR, namely: (1) the diversification of build-to-sell development models; (2) the evolution of the private rental sector; and (3) labour market–housing market realignments. Comparative inquiry promises to enrich understandings of BtR by revealing how city rental accommodation and tenancies are recalibrated by the investment imperatives of institutional investors and BtR asset shareholders, and with what benefits and at what costs to whom. Such contributions will also provide rich data to progress conceptual efforts to locate BtR within broader processes of housing financialization.  相似文献   

为研究广州市住房租赁新政对房地产市场的影响,结合广州市实际政策与理论做出假设,认为在这些政策的影响下,广州市住房租赁市场扩大从而影响住房买卖市场,同时,房价对租金的影响会减小,租金对房价的影响会增大。通过建立租金与房价的VECM 模型进一步研究,发现实际研究结论与假设相符合,即新政前后租金与房价的关系发生了变化,据此可以从统计学的角度说明新政推动了住房租赁市场与住房买卖市场的互动和融合,这对于住房租赁市场的发展具有重大意义。并提出了继续扩大政策实施、增大租赁住房供给的同时也要保障租户权益、保量也要保质的政策建议。  相似文献   

我国城镇化进程中的城市住房租赁体系建设研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要分析我国城市住房租赁消费的特点;从供应主体、供应对象、管理与运行三个方面探讨租赁住房供应体系存在的问题;提出引入非营利组织及住房租赁公司,与政府、私人住房所有者共同形成全覆盖、多次性、高效率的租赁住房供应体系;有条件地将非户籍人口与户籍人口合并考虑租赁住房的供应;完善土地、金融、税收等相关制度,为租赁住房发展提供良好的外部环境。  相似文献   

The aim of the study is to investigate if more competition leads to lower rents on the housing market. Data about the rent level for similar apartments in 30 cities in Sweden were available. Three hypotheses were formulated: (H1) Increased ‘internal’ competition, measured by the market share of the municipal housing company (that dominates the market and is price-leader according to the Swedish system of rent regulation), leads to lower rents. (H2) Increased ‘external’ competition measured by the price level on the market for single-family owner occupied housing, leads to lower rents. (H3) Lower capital expenditure in the municipal housing company leads to lower rents. The statistical analysis showed a strong correlation between the rent level and the level of external competition, but no relation was found for the level of internal competition and the level of capital expenditure. A possible conclusion is that policies that make it easier for households to leave the rental market are important for increasing the pressure on the firms in the rental sector and reducing rents.  相似文献   

公共租赁住房是我国住房保障制度的重大创新,是解决城市"夹心层"和流动人员住房困难的主要途径。目前,各地针对公租房建设和运营的公共政策干预一定程度上推进了公租房制度,但也不无问题。本文采用L省D市的房地产开发项目案例、技术经济指标和市场数据,运用现金流模型和项目经济评价方法,分析不同公共政策对公租房项目经济可行性的影响,并做出相应的结论和展望。  相似文献   

In liberal market Anglophone nations, where private rental housing is typically lightly regulated, little is known about the household-level drivers of recent private rental sector growth. In Australia, where long-term private renting (10 years plus) has doubled since the 1990s, growing numbers are thus exposed to risks of landlord-initiated moves and unpredictable rent rises for lengthy periods. Our research suggests that although long-term renting mainly reflects adaptation to increasingly unaffordable home ownership, lifestyle choices are also significant—at least in Australia’s major cities where renting in a ‘desirable’ area may be preferred to owning elsewhere. While many tenants appear sanguine about their housing security, this is highly problematic for lower income residents lacking other choices, many of whom appear likely to remain lifelong renters. The paper contributes an additional perspective to debates about the interplay between changing housing market dynamics, lifestyles and housing choices/constraints.  相似文献   

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