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The shapes of the motor domains of kinesin and ncd, which move in opposite directions along microtubules, have been investigated. Using proteins expressed in Escherichia coli, it was found that at high salt (> 200 mM) Drosophila ncd motor domain (R335-K700) and human kinesin motor domain (M1-E349) were both sufficiently monomeric to allow an accurate determination of their radii of gyration (Rg) and their molecular weights. The measured Rg values of the ncd and kinesin motor domains in D2O were 2.06 +/- 0.06 and 2.05 +/- 0.04 nm, respectively, and the molecular weights were consistent with those computed from the amino acid compositions. Fitting of the scattering curves to approximately 3.5 nm resolution showed that the ncd and kinesin motor domains can be described adequately by triaxial ellipsoids having half-axes of 1.42 +/- 0.38, 2.24 +/- 0.44, and 3.65 +/- 0.22 nm, and half-axes of 1.52 +/- 0.23, 2.00 +/- 0.25, and 3.73 +/- 0.10 nm, respectively. Both motor domains are described adequately as somewhat flattened prolate ellipsoids with a maximum dimension of approximately 7.5 nm. Thus, it appears that the overall shapes of these motor domains are not the major determinants of the directionality of their movement along microtubules.  相似文献   

Previously, we reported that the nucleotide-free ncd motor domain exhibited a near-UV CD spectrum different from that of the ordinary ncd motor domain.ADP complex [Shimizu and Morii, (1996) J. Biochem. 120, 1176-1181]. In the present study, we exchanged the bound nucleotide ADP with N6-methylADP (MeADP) which has a UV absorption spectrum different from that of ADP. The resultant ncd motor domain. MeADP complex gave a near-UV CD spectrum different from that of the ordinary ncd motor domain with bound ADP. This result indicates that the bound nucleotide contributes to the near-UV CD spectra to a considerable extent although ADP or MeADP free in solution gives a spectrum with negligible peaks and troughs. In addition, the absorption intensity of ADP or MeADP at the peak wavelengths decreased to a considerable extent upon binding to the nucleotide-free ncd motor domain. It is suggested that interaction between adenine moiety and chromophore(s) of the protein contributed to the spectral changes of ADP. A candidate chromophore is Tyr442 which is stacked with the adenine moiety at a distance of 0.43 nm. On the other hand, we detected an intensity decrease of tryptophanyl fluorescence upon binding of a nucleotide to the nucleotide-free ncd motor domain, while at the same time tyrosyl fluorescence increased. The fluorescence changes, as well as the UV absorption change described above, gave similar rates upon addition of a nucleotide to the nucleotide-free ncd motor domain. Therefore, they are likely to originate from the same conformational change of the protein.  相似文献   

Kinesin, a plus-end-directed microtubule motor protein, functions in concert with accessory factors that have been shown to regulate enzyme activity and may also provide cargo specificity. This report identifies teh 79-kDa kinesin-associated phosphoprotein as a phosphoisoform of kinesin light chain. Increased phosphorylation of this light chain isoform is sufficient to account for the increase in kinesin-mediated microtubule-gliding activity. Additionally, it was found that the degree of phosphorylation of this isoform is regulated by a 100-kDa kinase and 150-kDa type 1 phosphatase. Both the kinesin light chain kinase and phosphatase co-purify with the kinesin heavy chain, suggesting that kinesin exists in a large complex capable of self-regulation.  相似文献   

A single kinesin molecule can move for hundreds of steps along a microtubule without dissociating. One hypothesis to account for this processive movement is that the binding of kinesin's two heads is coordinated so that at least one head is always bound to the microtubule. To test this hypothesis, the motility of a full-length single-headed kinesin heterodimer was examined in the in vitro microtubule gliding assay. As the surface density of single-headed kinesin was lowered, there was a steep fall both in the rate at which microtubules landed and moved over the surface, and in the distance that microtubules moved, indicating that individual single-headed kinesin motors are not processive and that some four to six single-headed kinesin molecules are necessary and sufficient to move a microtubule continuously. At high ATP concentration, individual single-headed kinesin molecules detached from microtubules very slowly (at a rate less than one per second), 100-fold slower than the detachment during two-headed motility. This slow detachment directly supports a coordinated, hand-over-hand model in which the rapid detachment of one head in the dimer is contingent on the binding of the second head.  相似文献   

We have covalently attached an electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spin probe to Cys-670 of the motor domain of ncd (nonclaret disjunctional protein) in order to investigate conformational changes associated with the chemomechanical cycle. Spin-labeling is highly specific and does not affect ncd function as monitored by either the binding affinity to microtubules or the rate of ATP hydrolysis. The EPR spectra can be deconvoluted into two components, one that is highly mobile with respect to the protein and one that is strongly immobilized. In the absence of microtubules, the relative proportions of these two components varied with temperature, showing that the transition between them involves a large change in enthalpy (DeltaH degrees = -75 kJ/mol). This result implies that the two populations represent very different protein conformations. Binding to microtubules results in virtually all probes shifting into the immobilized component, independent of the nucleotide bound. Superposition of the structures of ncd and myosin subfragment 1 reveals that the labeled cysteine is very close to the region which is homologous to the helix containing the two reactive sulfhydryls in myosin and is approximately 10 A from the junction of the motor domain with the remainder of the molecule. We conclude that the binding of ncd to microtubules results in a conformational change in this region which may be involved in the working power stroke.  相似文献   

A frailty model for multivariate correlated life times is considered. The model both extends, in a rather straight-forward way, ordinary survival analysis with its emphasis on hazard modeling and incorporates well-known variance components models to account for the dependence between events of related individuals. Different approaches to estimation and inference are considered. An example from an ongoing study of genetic and environmental influences on premature death in adults serves to motivate and illustrate the model. Multivariate frailty models offer a conceptually simple and promising framework for analysis of correlated event times data, even if current knowledge is too sparse for such models to be tested critically.  相似文献   

Kinesin is the founding member of a superfamily of microtubule based motor proteins that perform force-generating tasks such as organelle transport and chromosome segregation. It has two identical approximately 960-amino-acid chains containing an amino-terminal globular motor domain, a central alpha-helical region that enables dimer formation through a coiled-coil, and a carboxy-terminal tail domain that binds light chains and possibly an organelle receptor. The kinesin motor domain of approximately 340 amino acids, which can produce movement in vitro, is much smaller than that of myosin (approximately 850 amino acids) and dynein (1,000 amino acids), and is the smallest known molecular motor. Here, we report the crystal structure of the human kinesin motor domain with bound ADP determined to 1.8-A resolution by X-ray crystallography. The motor consists primarily of a single alpha/beta arrowhead-shaped domain with dimensions of 70 x 45 x 45 A. Unexpectedly, it has a striking structural similarity to the core of the catalytic domain of the actin-based motor myosin. Although kinesin and myosin have virtually no amino-acid sequence++ identity, and exhibit distinct enzymatic and motile properties, our results suggest that these two classes of mechanochemical enzymes evolved from a common ancestor and share a similar force-generating strategy.  相似文献   

Kinesin motors are presumed to transport various membrane compartments within neurons, but their specific in vivo functions, cargoes, and expression patterns in the brain are unclear. We have investigated the distribution of KIF3A, a member of the heteromeric family of kinesins, in the vertebrate retina. We find KIF3A at two distinct sites within photoreceptors: at the basal body of the connecting cilium axoneme and at the synaptic ribbon. Immunoelectron microscopy of the photoreceptor ribbon synapse shows KIF3A to be concentrated both at the ribbon matrix and on vesicles docked at the ribbon, a result that is consistent with the presence of both detergent-extractable and resistant KIF3A fractions at these synapses. KIF3A is also present in the inner plexiform layer, again at presynaptic ribbons. These findings suggest that within a single cell, the photoreceptor, one kinesin polypeptide, KIF3A, can serve two distinct functions, one specific for ribbon synapses.  相似文献   

Members of the kinesin superfamily share a similar motor catalytic domain yet move either toward the plus end (e.g., conventional kinesin) or the minus end (e.g., Ncd) of microtubules. The structural features that determine the polarity of movement have remained enigmatic. Here, we show that kinesin's catalytic domain (316 residues) in a dimeric construct (560 residues) can be replaced with the catalytic domain of Ncd and that the resultant motor moves in the kinesin direction. We also demonstrate that this chimera does not move processively over many tubulin subunits, which is similar to Ncd but differs from the highly processive motion of conventional kinesin. These findings reveal that the catalytic domain contributes to motor processivity but does not control the polarity of movement. We propose that a region adjacent to the catalytic domain serves as a mechanical transducer that determines directionality.  相似文献   

We have examined the formation of hydroxyphenols, nitrophenols, and the minor products 4-nitrosophenol, benzoquinone, 2,2'-biphenol, and 4,4'-biphenol from the reaction of peroxynitrite with phenol in the presence and absence of added carbonate. In the absence of added carbonate, the product yields of nitrophenols and hydroxyphenols have different pH profiles. The rates of nitration and hydroxylation also have different pH profiles and match the trends observed for the product yields. At a given pH, the sum of the rate constants for nitration and hydroxylation is nearly identical to the rate constant for the spontaneous decomposition of peroxynitrite. The reaction of peroxynitrite with phenol is zero-order in phenol, both in the presence and absence of added carbonate. In the presence of added carbonate, hydroxylation is inhibited, whereas the rate of formation and yield of nitrophenols increase. The combined maximum yield of o- and p-nitrophenols is 20 mol% (based on the initial concentration of peroxynitrite) and is about fourfold higher than the maximal yield obtained in the absence of added carbonate. The o/p ratio of nitrophenols is the same in the presence and absence of added carbonate. These results demonstrate that hydroxylation and nitration occur via two different intermediates. We suggest that the activated intermediate formed in the isomerization of peroxynitrous acid to nitrate, ONOOH*, is the hydroxylating species. We propose that intermediate 1, O=N-OO-CO2-, or secondary products derived from it, is (are) responsible for the nitration of phenol. The possible mechanisms responsible for nitration are discussed.  相似文献   

Kinesin is a microtubule-dependent motor protein. We have recently determined the X-ray structure of monomeric and dimeric kinesin from rat brain. The dimer consists of two motor domains, held together by their alpha-helical neck domains forming a coiled coil. Here we analyze the nature of the interactions in the neck domain (residues 339-370). Overall, the neck helix shows a heptad repeat (abcdefg)n typical of coiled coils, with mostly nonpolar residues in positions a and d. However, the first segment (339-355) contains several nonclassical residues in the a and d positions which tend to weaken the hydrophobic interaction along the common interface. Instead, stabilization is achieved by a hydrophobic "coat" formed by the a and d residues and the long aliphatic moieties of lysines and glutamates, extending away from the coiled-coil core. By contrast, the second segment of the kinesin neck (356-370) shows a classical leucine zipper pattern in which most of the hydrophobic residues are buried at the highly symmetrical dimer interface. The end of the neck reveals the structure of a potential coiled-coil "trigger" sequence.  相似文献   

To probe for a lever arm action in the kinesin stepping mechanism, we engineered a rodlike extension piece into the tail of rat kinesin at various points close to the head-tail junction and measured its effects on the temperature dependence of velocity in microtubule gliding assays. The insert comprised two contiguous alpha-actinin triple-coil repeats and was predicted to fold into a stiff rodlike module about 11 nm long. The effects of this module were greater the closer it was placed to the head-tail junction. When inserted distal to the head-tail junction, at Asn401 in the dimeric K partial differential401GST, the insert had no effect. When inserted closer to the heads at Val376 into K partial differential376GST, the insert slowed progress below 22 degreesC but accelerated progress to approximately 125% of wild type above 22 degreesC. The most dramatic effect of the synthetic lever occurred when it was inserted very close to the head-neck junction, at Glu340 into the single-headed construct K partial differential340GST. This construct was immotile without the insert, but motile with it, at about 30% of the velocity of the dimeric control. The alpha-actinin module thus confers some gain-of-function when inserted close to the head-neck junction but not when placed distal to it. The data exclude the presence of a lever arm C-terminal to Val376 in the kinesin tail but suggest that a short-throw lever arm may be present, N-terminal to Val376 and contiguous with the head-neck junction at Ala339.  相似文献   

The motor protein kinesin is a heterotetramer composed of two heavy chains of approximately 120 kDa and two light chains of approximately 65 kDa protein. Kinesin motor activity is dependent on the presence of ATP and microtubules. The kinesin light chain-binding site in human kinesin heavy chain was determined by reconstituting in vitro a complex of recombinant heavy and light chains. The proteins expressed in bacteria included oligohistidine-tagged fragments of human ubiquitous kinesin heavy chain, spanning most of the stalk and all of the tail domain (amino acids 555-963); and untagged, essentially full-length human kinesin light chain (4-569) along with N-terminal (4-363) and C-terminal (364-569) light chain fragments. Heavy chain fragments were attached to Ni2+-charged beads and incubated with untagged light chain fragments. Analysis of eluted complexes by SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting mapped the light chain-binding site in heavy chain to amino acids 771-813, a region close to the C-terminal end of the heavy chain stalk domain. In addition, only the full-length and N-terminal kinesin light chain fragments bound to this heavy chain region. Within this heavy chain region are four highly conserved contiguous heptad repeats (775-802) which are predicted to form a tight alpha-helical coiled-coil interaction with the heptad repeat-containing N-terminus of the light chain, in particular region 106-152 of human light chain. This predicted hydrophobic, alpha-helical coiled-coil interaction is supported by both circular dichroism spectroscopy of the recombinant kinesin heavy chain fragment 771-963, which displays an alpha-helical content of 70%, and the resistance of the heavy/light chain interaction to high salt (0.5 M).  相似文献   

Nervous system assembly requires the directed migrations of cells and axon growth cones along the dorsoventral and anteroposterior axes. Although guidance mechanisms for dorsoventral migrations are conserved from nematodes to mammals, mechanisms for anteroposterior migrations are unknown. In C. elegans, the gene vab-8, which specifically functions in posteriorly directed migrations, encodes two isoforms of a novel intracellular protein that act cell-autonomously in different migrations. VAB-8L, which contains a domain similar to kinesin-like motors, functions in all vab-8-dependent axon growth cone migrations. VAB-8S, which lacks this N-terminal domain, functions in a subset of vab-8-dependent cell migrations. Continuous expression of VAB-8L in the ALM mechanosensory neuron, which normally requires vab-8 early in its development for posteriorly directed cell migration, redirects its anteriorly projecting axon posteriorly. We propose that regulation of vab-8 activity is a mechanism for controlling the direction of cell and axon growth cone migrations.  相似文献   

Two motor areas are known to exist in the medial frontal lobe of the cerebral cortex of primates, the supplementary motor area (SMA) and the presupplementary motor area (pre-SMA). We report here on an aspect of cellular activity that characterizes the pre-SMA. Monkeys were trained to perform three different movements sequentially in a temporal order. The correct order was planned on the basis of visual information before its execution. A group of pre-SMA cells (n = 64, 25%) were active during a process when monkeys were required to discard a current motor plan and develop a plan appropriate for the next orderly movements. Such activity was not common in the SMA and not found in the primary motor cortex. Our data suggest a role of pre-SMA cells in updating motor plans for subsequent temporally ordered movements.  相似文献   

Native kinesin consists of two light chains and two heavy chains in a 1:1 stoichiometric ratio. To date, only one gene for kinesin light chain has been characterized, while a second gene was identified in a genomic sequencing study but not analyzed biochemically. Here we describe new genes encoding kinesin light chains in mouse. One of these light chains is neuronally enriched, while another shows ubiquitous expression. The presence of multiple kinesin light chain genes in mice is especially interesting, since there are two kinesin heavy chain genes in humans (Niclas, J., Navone, F., Hom-Booher, N., and Vale, R. D. (1994) Neuron 12, 1059-1072). To assess the selectivity of kinesin light chain interaction with the heavy chains, we performed immunoprecipitation experiments. The data suggested that the light chains form homodimers with no specificity in their interaction with the two heavy chains. Immunofluorescence and biochemical subfractionation suggested differences in the subcellular localization of the two kinesin light chain gene products. Although both kinesin light chains are distributed throughout the central and peripheral nervous systems, there is enrichment of one in sciatic nerve axons, while the other shows elevated levels in olfactory bulb glomeruli. These results indicate that the mammalian nervous system contains multiple kinesin light chain gene products with potentially distinct functions.  相似文献   

Central motor conduction time (CMCT) to abductor digiti minimi (ADM) and tibialis anterior (TA) was measured in 21 patients of motor neuron disease (MND). In the upper limb, the motor pathways were inexcitable in 13 and central motor conduction time (CMCT-ADM) was prolonged in 7 sides. In the lower limbs the motor pathways were inexcitable in 10 and CMCT-TA was prolonged in 14 sides. The CMCT abnormalities did not follow a constant pattern but were randomly distributed and were asymmetric in the upper limbs in 7 and lower limbs in 3 patients. Asymmetric and randomly focal abnormalities in central motor conduction in our patients are consistent with asymmetric and focal neuronopathy in MND.  相似文献   

Myelin basic protein (MBP) mRNA is localized to the myelin membranes of oligodendrocytes. When exogenous MBP mRNA is microinjected into oligodendrocytes in culture, it is transported along the processes and localized to the myelin compartment in a multistep intracellular RNA trafficking pathway. In the work described here, oligodendrocytes were treated with agents that affect the cytoskeleton including: nocodazole, to disrupt microtubules; taxol, to stabilize microtubules; cytochalasin, to disrupt microfilaments; and kinesin anti-sense oligonucleotide, to suppress kinesin expression. Digoxigenin-labeled MBP mRNA was microinjected into the treated cells and the extent of translocation of the microinjected RNA was determined by confocal microscopy. Nocodazole, taxol, and kinesin anti-sense oligonucleotide inhibited translocation of microinjected MBP mRNA, while cytochalasin B and kinesin sense oligonucleotide did not. These results indicate that translocation of MBP mRNA in oligodendrocytes requires intact microtubules and kinesin but does not require intact microfilaments. The results are discussed in relation to the current multistep model for intracellular RNA trafficking in oligodendrocytes.  相似文献   

High-resolution two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) and database analysis was used to establish protein expression patterns for cultured normal human mammary epithelial cells and thirteen breast cancer cell lines. The Human Breast Epithelial Cell database contains the 2-DE protein patterns, including relative protein abundances, for each cell line, plus a composite pattern that contains all the common and specifically expressed proteins from all the cell lines. Significant differences in protein expression, both qualitative and quantitative, were observed not only between normal cells and tumor cells, but also among the tumor cell lines. Eight percent (56/727) of the consistently detected proteins were found in significantly (P< 0.001) variable levels among the cell lines. Eight proteins present in normal cultured breast epithelial cells were not detected in any of the tumor cell lines. We identified a subset of the differentially expressed proteins using a combination of immunostaining, protein sequencing, comigration, and subcellular fractionation. These identified proteins include the intermediate filament components vimentin and cytokeratins. The cell lines can be classified into four distinct groups based on their intermediate filament protein profile. We also identified heat shock proteins; hsp27 and hsp60 varied in abundance and in some cases in the relative phosphorylation levels among the cell lines. Many of the differentially expressed proteins we identified have roles in cellular proliferation and differentiation, including annexin V, elongation initiation factor 5A, Rho GDP dissociation inhibitor, and prohibitin. We identified inosine-5-monophosphate dehydrogenase in each of the cell lines, and found the levels of this enzyme in the tumor cell lines elevated 2- to 20-fold relative to the levels in normal cells. These results expand the human breast epithelial cell protein database (http:// www.anl.gov/CMB/PMG) which is being built to assist researchers with the identification of abnormal patterns of expression and pathways associated with malignancy.  相似文献   

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