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The aim of this study was to evaluate the health risk of arsenic exposure by consumption of rice and its products marketed in northwestern Mexico. Sixty-six national and imported rice products were purchased in markets in northwestern Mexico, an endemic arsenic region. Total and inorganic arsenic in rice samples were analysed by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy and the risk assessment was evaluated according to the hazard quotient (HQ) and carcinogenic risk (CR). Total and inorganic arsenic in rice samples ranged from 0.06 to 0.29 mg/kg and from 0.03 to 0.13 mg/kg, respectively, and 40% of the analysed samples exceeded FAO/WHO arsenic recommended levels. The inorganic/total arsenic ratio ranged from 15% to 65%. The HQ and CR values for total and inorganic arsenic did not exceed safety levels. Therefore, rice supply in the northwestern of Mexico appears to be safe for human consumption.  相似文献   

Inorganic arsenic (iAs) is a contaminant present in food, especially in rice and rice-based products. Toxicity of arsenic compounds (As) depends on species and oxidative state. iAs species, such as arsenite (As(III)) and arsenate (As(V)), are more bioactive and toxic than organic arsenic species, like methylarsonic acid (MMA(V)) and dimethylarsinic acid (DMA(V)) or arsenosugars and arsenobetaine. An ion chromatography-inductively coupled-plasma-mass spectroscopy method was developed to separate the four following arsenic anions: As(III), As(V), MMA(V) and DMA(V). Sample preparation was done in mild acidic conditions to ensure species preservation. The predominant arsenic species found in rice and rice-based products, except for rice drinks, was As(III), with 60–80% of the total As content, followed by DMA(V) and As(V). MMA(V) was measured only at low levels (<3%). Analyses of rice products (N = 105) intended for toddlers, including special products destined for infants and toddlers, such as dry form baby foods (N = 12) or ready-to-use form (N = 9), were done. It was found in this study that there is little or no margin of exposure. Risk assessment, using the occurrence data and indicated intake scenarios compared to reference BMDLs as established by EFSA, demonstrated toddlers with a high consumption of rice based cereals and rice drinks are at risk of high iAs exposure, for which a potential health risk cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

Rice is a potentially important route of human exposure to arsenic, especially in populations with rice-based diets. However, arsenic toxicity varies greatly with species. The initial purpose of the present study was to evaluate arsenic speciation in U.S. rice. Twenty-four samples containing high levels of arsenic and produced in different regions of the U.S were selected from a previous market-basket survey. Arsenite and dimethyl arsinic acid (DMA) were the major species detected. DMA increased linearly with increasing total As but arsenite remained fairly constant at approximately 0.1 mg kg(-1), showing that rice high in As was dominated by DMA. A similar result was obtained when our data was combined with other published speciation studies for U.S. rice. However, when all published speciation data for rice was analyzed a second population dominated by inorganic As and lower levels of DMA was found. We thus categorized rice into DMA and Inorganic As types. Rice from the U.S. was predominantly the DMA type, as were single samples from Australia and China, whereas rice from Asia and Europe was the Inorganic As type. We suggest that methylation of As occurs within rice and that genetic differences lead to the two rice types. Insufficient understanding of DMA toxicity precludes a firm assessment of the relative health risks associated with the two rice types but, based on current knowledge, we suggest that the DMA rice type is likely to be less of a health risk than the Inorganic As rice type and, on this basis, rice from the U.S. may be safer than rice from Asia and Europe.  相似文献   

Rice generally contains higher levels of arsenic than most terrestrial-based foods. Studies related to dietary intake of arsenic from rice must take into account arsenic speciation due to toxicity differences in arsenic species. In this study, microwave-assisted extraction with trifluoroacetic acid was used to prepare rice samples for arsenic speciation analysis by high-performance liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Fifty-three samples collected directly from the fields in four major rice-producing states in 1980 and 1981 were analysed for total and speciated arsenic and the results were compared with each other and with results for several more recently collected samples from local markets. The average content of total arsenic was 210 ± 190 ng As g?1. This study demonstrates that US rice samples with higher levels of total arsenic have higher levels of dimethylarsinic acid; however, inorganic arsenic levels, regardless of the total arsenic content, rarely exceed 150 ng As g?1 dry weight. These data are consistent with more recent findings, thus establishing trends that arsenic content in US-grown rice has been relatively constant throughout the last 30 years. To the authors’ knowledge, the presented data are unique in that they provide a historical reference point for arsenic distribution in US-produced rice. These data would be invaluable for several applications including long-term arsenic exposure studies, environmental clean-up assessments, and to establish models for future trends in arsenic contribution in total diet studies.  相似文献   

Levels of arsenic in Australian and imported rice (n = 36) were evaluated using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) for total arsenic and a hyphenated high-performance liquid chromatography ICP-MS system for arsenic species. The study also assessed the daily intake of total As from diets of healthy children (n = 15), collected over three consecutive days. A wide variation of total As levels (range: <0.05–0.42 mg/kg) in Australian and imported rice was found. The mean level of total As (0.24 ± 0.09 mg/kg, n = 10) in the Australian rice was relatively higher than imported rice from other countries (0.09 ± 0.04 mg/kg, n = 26). The mean level (0.25 ± 0.08 mg/kg, n = 7) of dimethylarsenic acid was considerably higher than that of inorganic As (III) (0.07 ± 0.03 mg/kg, n = 7) in the Australian rice. Children’s daily intakes of total As varied widely, ranging from 1.7 to 31.2 (11.5 ± 8.9 µg/day), which was comparable to other countries.  相似文献   

对蚌埠市水稻籽粒重金属质量比进行测试,并采用单因子污染指数法、内梅罗综合污染指数法以及健康风险指数法对其污染程度和健康风险性进行了评价。结果表明,蚌埠市水稻籽粒中重金属Pb、Cu、Zn、Cr、Cd、As和Hg质量比的平均值分别为0.2073、4.5061、22.7308、0.2104、0.3057、0.0802、0.0096mg·kg-1。单因子污染指数法评价结果表明,蚌埠市水稻籽粒中重金属Cd、Pb为轻污染,其他5种元素均为清洁水平。综合污染指数范围为0.231.84,平均值为1.18,表明水稻籽粒中重金属污染总体情况为轻污染程度。健康风险指数评价结果表明,蚌埠市水稻籽粒中重金属的摄入对儿童造成的健康风险高于成人,Cd对成人和儿童健康风险都较高,As、Cu、Zn、Cr等对儿童健康风险较高。   相似文献   

广州市售海产品中砷质量安全与健康风险评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的对广州市售海产品进行砷质量安全评价与健康风险评估。方法采用等离子体质谱仪和高效液相色谱-原子荧光联用仪分别对广州10种市售海产品中总砷和5种砷形态化合物:亚砷酸(arsenictrioxide,As(III))、砷酸(arsenicacid,As(V))、一甲基砷(monomethylarsenic,MMA)、二甲基砷(dimethylarsenic,DMA)和砷甜菜碱(arsenobetaine, AsB)的含量进行测量,根据GB 2762-2017《食品安全国家标准食品中污染物限量》海产品中砷含量的要求对海产品质量安全进行评价,利用危险熵数(hazardquotient,HQ)和致癌风险概率(carcinogenicrisk,CR)对其进行健康风险评估。结果海产品中总砷含量为1.45~42.54mg/kg,所有海产品中均能检测到5种砷化合物,其中无毒的AsB比例最高(93.45~99.96%)。在所有海产品中,贝类总砷含量最高,无毒的AsB所占比例较高;鱼类总砷含量低于贝类, AsB含量和比例较高,无机砷含量和比例较低。海产品中无机砷的含量均低于限量值,在国标要求的允许摄入范围内。海产品中无机砷的HQ均1, CR1×10~(-4)。结论广州市售海产品中砷含量处于安全水平,日常消费对人类不会造成致癌风险以及健康威胁。  相似文献   

目的研究风险评估在大米中无机砷健康风险防控的应用。方法以评估中国东南沿海A县县域大米中的无机砷及其干预或控制措施对当地人群的致癌风险的影响为例,将大米中无机砷的检测数据、消费量调查数据、生物利用率和剂量-反应关系模型相结合,使用@RISK 7.5对不同情景下样品来源地一般人群的膀胱癌和肺癌风险进行概率评估。结果国标限量和正常消费情景下大米来源的无机砷暴露导致的25年后膀胱癌和肺癌年新发病例数约为0.045例/10万人,在25年后一切原因导致的年新发病例数(约209.2例/10万人)中几乎可以忽略不计(约占0.021 5%),由此造成的平均预期寿命损失约为0.000 529岁/0.193 1 d。改变国标限量和/或消费结构的再干预或控制措施对风险的影响很小,即使假设无机砷限量和大米消费量均降为原来的1/2,肺癌的发病率也仅下降2.16%。结论研究显示改变消费结构和/或国标限量对降低大米中无机砷的风险意义不大,当前的假设情景也存在较大的局限性和不确定性,但本研究为整合、评价和应用新的公共卫生科学信息提供了一个方法框架。  相似文献   

The non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic risk of arsenic and lead to adults and children via daily dietary intake of food composites in Bangladesh was estimated. The target hazard quotients (THQs), hazard index (HI) and target carcinogenic risk (TR) were calculated to evaluate the non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic health risk from arsenic and lead. Most of the individual food composites contain a considerable amount of arsenic and lead. The highest mean concentrations of arsenic were found in cereals (0.254 mg kg–1 fw) and vegetables (0.250 mg kg–1 fw), and lead in vegetables (0.714 mg kg–1 fw) and fish (0.326 mg kg–1 fw). The results showed the highest THQs of arsenic in cereals and lead in vegetables for both adults and children which exceeded the safe limit (> 1) indicating that cereals and vegetables are the main food items contributing to the potential health risk. The estimated TR from ingesting dietary arsenic and lead from most of the foods exceeded 10?6, indicating carcinogenic risks for all adult people of the study area.  相似文献   

本研究以九种青岛市售贝类样品为研究对象,并且通过高效液相色谱-碰撞/反应池-电感耦合等离子体质谱(HPLC-CRC-ICP-MS)测定总砷及砷形态化合物的含量,并对其食用安全性做出客观评价。样品采用超声提取(0.15 mol/L HNO3),优化后的色谱条件(50 mmol/L(NH4)2CO3,pH=9.5)进行色谱分离,并采用碰撞/反应池中O2反应模式进行检测。6种砷形态化合物的线性回归方程相关系数均在0.999以上,检出限为0.009~0.028 μg/L,相对标准偏差在3.6%~8.3%之间,加标回收率在91.2%~106.2%。实验表明,青岛市售贝类样品中的砷元素主要以无毒性的AsB的形式存在,无机砷含量符合国标限量要求。  相似文献   

本研究选择L-半胱氨酸作为提取剂,超声破碎作为提取方式,通过优化L-半胱氨酸浓度和超声破碎参数,建立了 L-半胱氨酸超声破碎快速绿色提取稻米中无机汞和甲基汞的前处理方法.结果表明,在确保前处理过程中不同汞形态间不发生相互转化的前提下,超声破碎功率150W,1%L-半胱氨酸15 min即可完成稻米中2种汞形态的提取.本方...  相似文献   

目的 评估我国居民经大米摄入无机砷的暴露水平及其健康风险.方法 系统检索PubMed、CNK1等数据库中2001-2020年发表文献中关于我国大米无机砷含量数据,结合2012年中国居民营养与健康状况监测数据,采用半参数蒙特卡罗模拟法估计我国居民经大米的无机砷摄入量水平;采用 目标风险系数法、终生癌症风险法对居民经大米摄...  相似文献   

目的 评估辽宁地区大米中无机砷残留量暴露对我省居民健康的潜在危险。方法 辽宁省随机选择在大型商场和小型农贸市场共采集样品300份, 采用液相色谱-电感耦合等离子体质谱法测定大米中亚砷酸盐As(Ⅲ), 砷酸盐As(Ⅴ)的含量。基于点评估和概率评估两种评估方式,对大米中无机砷膳食暴露进行风险评估。结果 经检测的大米中亚砷酸盐As(Ⅲ), 砷酸盐As(Ⅴ)的慢性膳食摄入风险(%ADI)值均远小于100%,急性膳食摄入风险(%ARfD)值均远小于100%。运用风险评估软件@risk7.6概率评估中,在50%,75%,90%,99%暴露量位点下,大米中亚砷酸盐As(Ⅲ), 砷酸盐As(Ⅴ)的风险商(Hazard Quotient,HQ)值均远小于1。表明辽宁地区大米中亚砷酸盐As(Ⅲ), 砷酸盐As(Ⅴ)残留量在人体可接受范围内,无明显膳食风险。结论 辽宁地区大米中无机砷含量的暴露对人体健康处于安全水平。  相似文献   

研究目前市售食用菌的砷污染情况,评价通过食用菌摄入暴露的砷对人体的健康风险。采用高效液相色谱-电感耦合等离子体质谱联用技术(HPLC-ICP-MS)分析食用菌中的6种砷形态化合物;采用美国环保署(USEPA)的健康风险评估模型,分别基于非致癌风险和癌症风险临界值计算食用菌的安全消费水平(SCL)和安全摄入量(SIR)。结果表明:本批次新鲜食用菌和食用菌干制品中的总砷含量分别为0.0013~0.1240 mg/kg(以鲜重计)和0.0170~3.8488 mg/kg(以干重计),均未超过GB 2762-2017规定的总砷限量。除姬松茸干制品外,其它食用菌均为一级产品。不同品种的食用菌中存在的主要形态砷化合物存在差异。本批次新鲜食用菌和食用菌干制品的安全消费水平分别为5.33~104.38 g/(d·BW kg)(以鲜重计)和0.06~5.28 g/(d·BW·kg)(以干重计),除姬松茸干制品外均高于实际人均食用菌摄入量,对人体不存在非致癌的风险和癌症风险。  相似文献   

旨在探讨经口暴露的大米砷形态引起的砷毒性以及其生物转化。实验以四个砷含量剂量组(C、S:0.91 mg/kg、M:9.1 mg/kg和H:30 mg/kg)喂养模拟大米砷形态饲料30 d,通过ICP-MS和HPLC-ICP-MS测定小鼠肠、血、肝脏和肾脏中的砷含量及砷形态(iAsⅢ、iAsⅤ、MMA、DMA和AsB)分布;H&E染色后光学显微镜下观察小鼠肠组织、肝脏和肾脏的组织学变化。结果显示,在C、S、M和H中,血的总砷浓度分别为5.33、8.24、55.75和196.49μg/kg;肝的总砷浓度分别为14.34、32.70、237.10和708.74μg/kg;肠中五种砷形态浓度之和分别为27.97、163.12、892.78、3085.325μg/kg;肾中五种砷形态浓度之和分别10.38、25.79、245.85、1656.14μg/kg。肠中主要的砷形态为iAsⅢ和DMA,血液中有机砷与无机砷的比值随暴露剂量升高而增加,肝脏和肾脏中主要的砷形态为DMA。与对照组比较,各实验组小鼠肠组织、肝脏和肾脏出现的病理损伤程度随砷暴露剂量的增加而深化,在H组中最明显。本研究表明,短期的大米砷暴露对机体代谢组织无明显损伤,且砷在组织中的累积较少;而高剂量的大米砷暴露将对机体病理结构造成严重损伤;提示长期低剂量的大米砷暴露也可能对机体产生损害。  相似文献   

目的评估云南省大米中重金属镉所引起的健康风险。方法 2014年在云南省全省区域采集了1950份大米样品,采用电感耦合等离子体质谱法(inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry,ICP-MS)检测大米中的镉含量,应用单因子污染指数法进行稻米镉超标评价,并用非参数概率法对稻米中镉的膳食风险进行评估。结果云南省大米中镉超标率为2.5%,大米样品检测镉含量均低于我国食品安全卫生标准(0.2 mg/kg);但是大米中镉的风险熵(HQ)在97.5%和99.5%高暴露位点均大于1。结论云南省部分地区居民可能存在通过食用大米途径发生镉超量积累的风险,应引起有关部门注意,并对云南大米中镉污染情况进行长期跟踪检测。  相似文献   

姚丽萍  朱松 《中国粮油学报》2022,37(12):219-226
本文建立了一种同时测定大米中26种元素的ICP-MS方法,对市售的52批次富硒大米和52批次普通大米中硒的潜在伴随元素情况进行了多元素分析研究,旨在为明确大米中硒的伴生元素机制和减少富硒大米膳食风险提供研究参考。结果表明,富硒大米和普通大米中的各元素含量水平存在较大差异,市售富硒大米的硒含量水平整体不高,存在总硒含量不符的情况,市售普通大米存在一定水平的硒,但总硒含量的整体水平较低,有部分大米总硒含量达到了富硒大米硒含量标准。相较于普通大米,发现富硒大米的Cr、Pb、Cd、Sr、Sb、As、Hg和V这8种元素含量排序有所变化,其中,Cr、Pb、Cd和Hg 4种元素含量与Se同步正增长,且差异化程度较高,可初步确定为Se的潜在伴生元素。经进一步显著性分析,可确定在富硒大米中,Se的主要伴生元素为Cd。经对富硒大米中的Cd含量进行判断,均符合国家限量标准。  相似文献   

浙江沿海海产品无机砷污染调查及食用风险分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梅光明  严国  常家琪  孟春英  顾捷 《食品工业科技》2019,40(12):218-223,229
采用电感耦合等离子体质谱技术对浙江沿海地区采集的38个品种共679个海产品样本中的总砷及砷形态污染情况进行了检测。在掌握浙江省主要海产品砷污染状况的基础上,结合居民水产品消费数据对因海产品或总膳食消费带来的无机砷摄入风险进行分析。结果表明:各类海产品中总砷平均含量为0.36~35.91 mg/kg,但主要以低毒或无毒的砷甜菜碱或砷糖等有机砷形态存在,有机砷占总砷含量的90%以上;66.4%的样品有无机砷检出,检出值范围为0.012~0.380 mg/kg,中位值为0.024 mg/kg,第95百分位数值为0.14 mg/kg,均低于GB 2762-2017中对水产品的无机砷限量值要求;风险分析结果显示浙江沿海居民食用一般海产品引起的无机砷安全风险较低,每周因水产品或总膳食消费引起的无机砷摄入值均低于JECFA推荐的人体无机砷每周可摄入值,但长期过多食用无机砷相对含量较高的海产品(如海藻、贝类)时,存在一定的健康风险。  相似文献   

Total mercury (THg) levels in 440 pairs of milled rice samples and brown rice samples from 15 major rice grain-producing provinces of China were measured and the associated health risk via rice consumption for different age categories of Chinese population was also assessed. THg contents were measured by a direct mercury analyser and the limit of detection (LOD) was 1.5 μg kg?1. The THg levels for milled rice samples and brown rice samples varied from non-detected to 17.8 μg kg?1 and 1.5 to 25.4 μg kg?1, respectively, with a mean level of 3.4 μg kg?1 and 4.9 μg kg?1, respectively. The THg levels in all milled and brown rice samples were generally low, except three brown rice samples having concentrations above the legally set value for cereals (20 μg kg?1 Hg). THg intakes for different age categories were estimated according to THg content and corresponding rice consumption and the associated health risk was evaluated by the corresponding provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI) for THg (5.0 μg kg?1 bw week?1), which was established by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA). The 50th percentile of the THg intakes via milled rice and brown rice consumption for different age categories was in the range 0.09–0.19 μg kg?1 bw week?1 and 0.14–0.27 μg kg?1 bw week?1, respectively, well below the PTWI, suggesting that the associated health risk is relatively low. However, the 99.9th percentile of the THg intakes for 2–4-year-old children amounted up to 20.6% of the PTWI (milled rice) and 29.5% of the PTWI (brown rice), which deserves attention.  相似文献   

目的 研究络合型含铁材料对土壤中砷的固化效果及其对稻米质量安全的影响。方法 选取云南省不同砷背景值土壤, 设置添加不同浓度络合型含铁材料的盆栽试验, 采用土壤砷形态分级连续浸提法测定水稻生长不同时期的土壤中砷形态的变化, 并监测水稻成熟后籽粒中砷的含量。结果 高砷风险组土壤酸可提取态砷、可还原态砷和可氧化态砷, 随着水稻的生长含量出现变化, 其中酸可提取态砷和可还原态砷的变化呈先降低后升高的趋势, 一般在抽穗期和灌浆期达到峰值, 但高砷风险试验组中土壤残渣态砷没有明显的变化规律。低砷风险组土壤酸可提取态砷、可还原态砷和可氧化态砷呈先升高后降低的趋势, 在孕穗期或抽穗期时含量最高; 且土壤残渣态砷的含量随含铁材料浓度的增加呈逐渐降低的趋势。结论 添加络合型含铁材料浓度为0.10 g?kg?1可以控制低砷风险土壤有效态砷在水稻生育期内的变化, 且有降低的趋势, 同时可以有效增加残渣态砷的含量, 对砷的固化效果明显。且稻米籽粒中砷含量最低, 但单独使用含铁材料对稻米籽粒砷含量的降低作用不显著(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

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